Vuo  0.4.7
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node.h File Reference


Prototypes for node class implementations.


#define VuoInstanceData(type)
 Use this to decorate parameters referring to a stateful node's instance data structure.
#define VuoInputData(type,...)
 Use this to decorate parameters acting as data input ports.
#define VuoInputConductor(conductivity, name)
 Use this to decorate parameters acting as event input ports.
#define VuoOutputData(type)
 Use this to decorate parameters acting as data output ports.
#define VuoOutputConductor(name)   __attribute__((annotate("vuoOutputConductor:" #name))) bool * const
 Use this to decorate parameters acting as event output ports.
#define VuoOutputTrigger(name, type)
 Use this to decorate parameters acting as event triggers.
#define VL()   fprintf(stderr, "\033[38;5;%dm# pid=%d\t%s:%d :: %s()\033[0m\n", getpid()%212+19, getpid(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __func__);
 Prints the name of the file and function to stderr (and implicitly flushes the output buffer).
#define VLog(format,...)   fprintf(stderr, "\033[38;5;%dm# pid=%d\t%s:%d :: %s()\t" format "\033[0m\n", getpid()%212+19, getpid(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __func__, ##__VA_ARGS__);
 Prints the name of the file and function, and printf()-style format/arguments, to stderr (and implicitly flushes the output buffer).
#define VLogCF(coreFoundationRef)   { CFStringRef d = CFCopyDescription(coreFoundationRef); CFIndex len = CFStringGetLength(d)+1; char *z = (char *)malloc(len); CFStringGetCString(d, z, len, kCFStringEncodingUTF8); VLog("%s = %s", #coreFoundationRef, z); free(z); CFRelease(d); }
 Prints the specified Core Foundation object.
#define MIN(a, b)   (((a)<(b))?(a):(b))
 Returns the smaller of a and b.
#define MAX(a, b)   (((a)>(b))?(a):(b))
 Returns the larger of a and b.


enum  VuoPortConductivity { VuoPortAlwaysConducts, VuoPortMayConduct, VuoPortNeverConducts }
 Conductivity options for input ports. More...


void nodeEvent (...)
 Called for every push this node class receives.
struct nodeInstanceDatanodeInstanceInit (...)
 Called when a new instance of the node class is created.
void nodeInstanceCallbackStart (...)
 Called just after nodeInstanceInit() and each time the composition is updated during live coding.
void nodeInstanceEvent (...)
 Called each time this node instance receives an event.
void nodeInstanceCallbackUpdate (...)
 Called each time an input port constant on this node instance is updated during live coding.
void nodeInstanceCallbackStop (struct nodeInstanceData *const context)
 Called each time the composition is updated during live coding and just before nodeInstanceFini().
void nodeInstanceFini (struct nodeInstanceData *const context)
 Called when the specified node instance is no longer needed.


const char * moduleName
 Default display name.
const char * moduleDescription
 A succinct summary of this node class's purpose.
const char * moduleKeywords []
 A list of synonyms for this node class's name.
const char * moduleDependencies []
 A list of libraries or other modules this module depends upon.
const unsigned int moduleVersion
 Version, represented as an integer.
const bool nodeIsInterface
 If true, this node class sends data to or receives data from somewhere external to the composition (e.g., input device, file, network).