Vuo  0.6.1
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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
oC_VuoImageAn image residing in GPU memory (GL Texture Object)
oC_VuoLeapInternalInternal data for listening to a Leap controller
oC_VuoOscMessageAn OSC message
oC_VuoShaderA graphics shader program, specifying how to render a 3D object
oCVuoBaseThis class is intended to be inherited by a base class that can have compiler and/or renderer detail classes
oCVuoBaseDetailThis class is intended to be inherited by a detail class attached to a base class
oCVuoCableRepresents a connection from a node's output port to a node's input port
oCVuoColorA color, with component values specifying red, green, blue, and alpha (opacity)
oCVuoCompilerThis class compiles node classes, types, and library modules
oCVuoCompilerBitcodeGeneratorGenerates code for a composition
oCVuoCompilerBitcodeParserA parser to extract code elements from an LLVM module
oCVuoCompilerCableRepresents a connection from a node's output port to a node's input port
oCVuoCompilerChainA linear sequence of nodes along which an event may be transmitted
oCVuoCompilerCodeGenUtilitiesHandy methods for generating code
oCVuoCompilerCompositionA collection of nodes and the cables connecting them
oCVuoCompilerDataThe data for a data-and-event port
oCVuoCompilerDataClassThe data type for a data-and-event port
oCVuoCompilerDebugMethods for compile-time debugging and for generating code for run-time debugging
oCVuoCompilerEdgeThis class represents one or more cables connecting a pair of nodes (or one node in a feedback loop)
oCVuoCompilerEventPortA passive (non-trigger) port, optionally with data
oCVuoCompilerEventPortClassA passive (non-trigger) port type, optionally with data
oCVuoCompilerGenericTypeThe compiler detail class for VuoGenericType
oCVuoCompilerGraphvizParserParses nodes and edges from a .vuo composition file
oCVuoCompilerInputDataThe data for a data-and-event input port
oCVuoCompilerInputDataClassThe data type for a data-and-event input port
oCVuoCompilerInputEventPortAn input port, optionally with data
oCVuoCompilerInputEventPortClassAn input port type, optionally with data
oCVuoCompilerInstanceDataThe instance data for a node
oCVuoCompilerInstanceDataClassA type of node instance data
oCVuoCompilerLeafProvides a semaphore for waiting on a leaf node
oCVuoCompilerMakeListNodeClassA "Make List" node class
oCVuoCompilerModuleA node class or type defined in an LLVM module
oCVuoCompilerNodeThe compiler detail class for VuoNode
oCVuoCompilerNodeArgumentAn argument to a node's event and/or init function
oCVuoCompilerNodeArgumentClassA parameter to a node's event and/or init function
oCVuoCompilerNodeClassThe compiler detail class for VuoNodeClass
oCVuoCompilerOutputDataThe data for a data-and-event output port
oCVuoCompilerOutputDataClassThe data type for a data-and-event output port
oCVuoCompilerOutputEventPortA passive (non-trigger) output port, optionally with data
oCVuoCompilerOutputEventPortClassA passive (non-trigger) output port type, optionally with data
oCVuoCompilerPassiveEdgeThis class represents one or more cables connecting one node's output ports to another (or the same) node's input ports
oCVuoCompilerPortA port
oCVuoCompilerPortClassA port type
oCVuoCompilerPublishedInputNodeClassA node class used by the compiler to provide trigger ports corresponding to published input ports
oCVuoCompilerPublishedInputPortA published input port
oCVuoCompilerPublishedOutputPortA published output port
oCVuoCompilerPublishedPortThe compiler detail class for VuoPublishedPort
oCVuoCompilerSpecializedNodeClassA specialization of a generic node class
oCVuoCompilerTargetSetStores a set of targets (operating system versions) and can be used to check compatibility
oCVuoCompilerTriggerActionThe callback that executes when a trigger port on a node generates an event
oCVuoCompilerTriggerEdgeThis class represents one or more cables connecting one node's trigger port to another (or the same) node's input ports
oCVuoCompilerTriggerPortA trigger output port
oCVuoCompilerTriggerPortClassA trigger output port type
oCVuoCompilerTypeThe compiler detail class for VuoType
oCVuoCompositionA collection of nodes and the cables connecting them
oCVuoDialogForInputEditorA dialog that closes when the Enter key is pressed
oCVuoDisplayRefreshInternalContext data for VuoDisplayRefresh_displayLinkCallback
oCVuoDoubleSpinBoxA spin box where the buttons can have a different minimum and maximum than the line edit
oCVuoFileUtilitiesFunctions for dealing with files
oCVuoFontA font description: family, style, point size, underline
oCVuoGenericTypeA generic port type
oCVuoGlContextPoolA process-wide set of mutually-shared OpenGL contexts
oCVuoImageRendererInternalInternal state data for a VuoImageRenderer instance
oCVuoInputEditorThis class implements the input editor widget displayed by the Vuo Editor when editing an input port value of a certain type
oCVuoInputEditorBlendModeAn input editor that displays a menu of VuoBlendMode values
oCVuoInputEditorBlendModeFactoryA VuoInputEditorBlendMode factory
oCVuoInputEditorBooleanAn input editor that displays a menu of VuoBoolean values
oCVuoInputEditorBooleanFactoryA VuoInputEditorBoolean factory
oCVuoInputEditorColorAn input editor that displays a color-picker dialog
oCVuoInputEditorColorFactoryA VuoInputEditorColor factory
oCVuoInputEditorCurveAn input editor that displays a menu of VuoCurve values
oCVuoInputEditorCurveDomainAn input editor that displays a menu of VuoCurveDomain values
oCVuoInputEditorCurveDomainFactoryA VuoInputEditorCurveDomain factory
oCVuoInputEditorCurveFactoryA VuoInputEditorCurve factory
oCVuoInputEditorFactoryPlugin interface for input editors
oCVuoInputEditorFontAn input editor that displays a Font-picker dialog
oCVuoInputEditorFontAccessoryDelegateReceives events changing the font's alignment and spacing
oCVuoInputEditorFontFactoryA VuoInputEditorFont factory
oCVuoInputEditorFontPanelDelegateIntercepts events from NSFontPanel and passes them to the parent QDialog
oCVuoInputEditorFontTextEditProvides a text edit widget to be used as a proxy for receiving NSFontPanel's changes
oCVuoInputEditorGradientNoiseAn input editor that displays a menu of VuoInputEditorGradientNoise values
oCVuoInputEditorGradientNoiseFactoryA VuoInputEditorGradientNoise factory
oCVuoInputEditorImageWrapModeAn input editor that displays a menu of VuoImageWrapMode values
oCVuoInputEditorImageWrapModeFactoryA VuoInputEditorImageWrapMode factory
oCVuoInputEditorIntegerAn input editor that displays widgets for editing a VuoInteger value, allowing the user either to select the value with a mouse (using a spin box or slider) or to type the value into a text box (line edit)
oCVuoInputEditorIntegerFactoryA VuoInputEditorInteger factory
oCVuoInputEditorLoopTypeAn input editor that displays a menu of VuoLoopType values
oCVuoInputEditorLoopTypeFactoryA VuoInputEditorLoopType factory
oCVuoInputEditorMenuItemInterface of VuoInputEditorMenuItem
oCVuoInputEditorModifierKeyAn input editor that displays a menu of VuoModifierKey values
oCVuoInputEditorModifierKeyFactoryA VuoInputEditorModifierKey factory
oCVuoInputEditorMouseButtonAn input editor that displays a menu of VuoMouseButton values
oCVuoInputEditorMouseButtonFactoryA VuoInputEditorMouseButton factory
oCVuoInputEditorNoiseAn input editor that displays a menu of VuoNoise values
oCVuoInputEditorNoiseFactoryA VuoInputEditorNoise factory
oCVuoInputEditorPoint2dAn input editor that displays widgets for editing a VuoPoint2d value, allowing the user either to select the value with a mouse (using a spin box or slider) or to type the value into a text box (line edit)
oCVuoInputEditorPoint2dFactoryA VuoInputEditorPoint2d factory
oCVuoInputEditorPoint3dAn input editor that displays widgets for editing a VuoPoint3d value, allowing the user either to select the value with a mouse (using a spin box or slider) or to type the value into a text box (line edit)
oCVuoInputEditorPoint3dFactoryA VuoInputEditorPoint3d factory
oCVuoInputEditorPoint4dAn input editor that displays widgets for editing a VuoPoint4d value, allowing the user either to select the value with a mouse (using a spin box or slider) or to type the value into a text box (line edit)
oCVuoInputEditorPoint4dFactoryA VuoInputEditorPoint4d factory
oCVuoInputEditorPointableTypeAn input editor that displays a menu of VuoLeapPointableType values
oCVuoInputEditorPointableTypeFactoryA VuoInputEditorPointableType factory
oCVuoInputEditorRealAn input editor that displays widgets for editing a VuoReal value, allowing the user either to select the value with a mouse (using a spin box or slider) or to type the value into a text box (line edit)
oCVuoInputEditorRealFactoryA VuoInputEditorReal factory
oCVuoInputEditorSizingModeAn input editor that displays a menu of VuoWrapMode values
oCVuoInputEditorSizingModeFactoryA VuoInputEditorSizingMode factory
oCVuoInputEditorTextAn input editor that displays a line edit and, if the text is outside the bounds of its suggested minimum and maximum length, a warning message
oCVuoInputEditorTextFactoryA VuoInputEditorText factory
oCVuoInputEditorThresholdTypeAn input editor that displays a menu of VuoThresholdType values
oCVuoInputEditorThresholdTypeFactoryA VuoInputEditorThresholdType factory
oCVuoInputEditorTouchZoneAn input editor that displays a menu of VuoLeapPointableType values
oCVuoInputEditorTouchZoneFactoryA VuoInputEditorTouchZone factory
oCVuoInputEditorWaveAn input editor that displays a menu of VuoWave values
oCVuoInputEditorWaveFactoryA VuoInputEditorWave factory
oCVuoInputEditorWithDialogA base class for input editors that display a frameless dialog
oCVuoInputEditorWithLineEditA base class for input editors that display a line edit (text field)
oCVuoInputEditorWithMenuA base class for input editors that display a menu
oCVuoInputEditorWrapModeAn input editor that displays a menu of VuoWrapMode values
oCVuoInputEditorWrapModeFactoryA VuoInputEditorWrapMode factory
oCVuoIoSurfacePoolEntryTypeAn entry in the IOSurface pool
oCVuoLayerA 2D Object: visible (image), or virtual (group)
oCVuoLeapFrameA frame of Leap Motion data
oCVuoLeapHandThe Hand class reports the physical characteristics of a detected hand
oCVuoLeapListenerListens for Leap events, and passes them along to the specified trigger port
oCVuoLeapPointableCoordinates of a single Leap "pointable" (a finger or tool)
oCVuoMenuDisgusting hack
oCVuoMidiControllerA music note event sent via MIDI
oCVuoMidiDeviceA set of specifications for choosing a MIDI device
oCVuoMidiIn_internalPrivate data for a VuoMidiIn instance
oCVuoMidiNoteA music note event sent via MIDI
oCVuoModuleA modular component (i.e., node class or type) that is an add-on to the core Vuo framework
oCVuoMouseContextHandle for starting and stopping event listeners
oCVuoMovieDecoderInstance class used to control the playback of video
oCVuoNodeThis class represents an instance of a VuoNodeClass
oCVuoNodeClassThis base class represents the metadata and implementation of one node class — i.e., for each node implementation file, there is one instance of VuoNodeClass
oCVuoNodeSetThis class represents a node set, which is a set of node classes and supporting files grouped together in an archive
oCVuoOscIn_internalPrivate data for a VuoOscIn instance
oCVuoOscInPacketListenerThis class maintains a list of trigger functions to be called when an OSC message is received
oCVuoOscInSocketOpens a reusable UDP socket, attaches the specified listener to it (on a separate thread), and starts it receiving messages
oCVuoPoint2dA floating-point 2-dimensional Cartesian spatial location
oCVuoPoint3dA floating-point 3-dimensional Cartesian spatial location
oCVuoPoint4dA floating-point 4-dimensional point
oCVuoPortA port instance on a VuoNode instance
oCVuoPortClassA port type on a VuoNodeClass
oCVuoPublishedPortThis class represents a published port in a composition
oCVuoRectangleA rectangular area
oCVuoRendererCableRenders a cable in a VuoRendererComposition
oCVuoRendererColorsProvides colors for rendered items in a composition
oCVuoRendererCompositionProvides a canvas upon which nodes and cables can be rendered
oCVuoRendererFontsProvides fonts for rendered items in a composition
oCVuoRendererItemSubclass of QGraphicsItem, which can show bounding rects for debugging
oCVuoRendererMakeListNodeRepresents the compact form of a "Make List" node
oCVuoRendererNodeRenders a node in a VuoRendererComposition
oCVuoRendererPortRenders a node's port in a QGraphicsScene
oCVuoRendererPortListA QGraphicsItemGroup containing only instances of VuoRendererPort
oCVuoRendererPublishedPortA published input or output port
oCVuoRendererSignalerSends signals on behalf of VuoRenderer objects that don't inherit from QObject
oCVuoRendererTypecastPortRenders a typecast port
oCVuoRunnerThis class runs and controls a composition that has been compiled and linked by VuoCompiler
oCVuoRunner3232-bit version of VuoRunner
oCVuoRunnerDelegateAn abstract class to be implemented by a client that will receive telemetry messages from the composition
oCVuoRunnerDelegateAdapterA class provided for convenience when inheriting from VuoRunnerDelegate
oCVuoSceneObjectA 3D Object: visible (mesh), or virtual (group, light, camera)
oCVuoSceneRendererInternalInternal state data for a VuoSceneRenderer instance
oCVuoSceneRendererInternal_objectGL Objects corresponding with a VuoSceneObject instance
oCVuoSceneRendererInternal_verticesGL Objects corresponding with a VuoVertices instance
oCVuoSpinBoxA spin box where the buttons can have a different minimum and maximum than the line edit
oCVuoStringUtilitiesFunctions for dealing with strings
oCVuoSyphonListenerThis class handles connecting to and receiving frames from a Syphon server
oCVuoSyphonSenderThis class handles creating a Syphon server and publishing frames from it
oCVuoSyphonServerDescriptionA struct containing the dictionary values of a Syphon Server Description
oCVuoSyphonServerNotifierInternalInternal implementation of VuoSyphonServerNotifier
oCVuoTimeUtilitiesFunctions for measuring times at microsecond precision
oCVuoTransformA 3D transformation (scale, rotation, translation)
oCVuoTransform2dA 2D transformation (scale, rotation, translation)
oCVuoTypeThis base class represents the metadata of one type
oCVuoUrl_curlBufferA memory buffer, filled by VuoUrl_curlCallback()
oCVuoVerticesA 3d mesh
oCVuoWindowApplicationAn application that runs its own event loop
oCVuoWindowApplicationDelegateDelegate for VuoWindowApplication
oCVuoWindowOpenGLInternalA graphics window for use by Vuo node classes
oCVuoWindowOpenGLViewHelper for VuoWindowOpenGLInternal
\CVuoWindowTextInternalA console window for use by Vuo node classes