Vuo  2.0.0
Go to the documentation of this file.
10 #include "type.h"
11 #include "VuoUrl.h"
12 #include "VuoOsStatus.h"
14 #include <regex.h>
15 #include <mach-o/dyld.h> // for _NSGetExecutablePath()
16 #include <libgen.h> // for dirname()
17 #include <CoreServices/CoreServices.h>
18 #include "VuoUrlParser.h"
22 #ifdef VUO_COMPILER
24  "title" : "URL",
25  "description" : "Uniform Resource Locator.",
26  "keywords" : [ "link" ],
27  "version" : "1.0.0",
28  "dependencies" : [
29  "CoreServices.framework",
30  "VuoInteger",
31  "VuoOsStatus",
32  "VuoText",
33  "VuoUrlParser"
34  ]
35  });
36 #endif
43 {
44  const char *textString = "";
45  if (json_object_get_type(js) == json_type_string)
46  textString = json_object_get_string(js);
48  VuoUrl url;
49  if (textString)
50  url = strdup(textString);
51  else
52  url = strdup("");
53  VuoRegister(url, free);
55  return url;
56 }
62 {
63  if (!value)
64  return json_object_new_string("");
66  return json_object_new_string(value);
67 }
72 char *VuoUrl_getSummary(const VuoUrl value)
73 {
74  VuoText t = VuoText_truncateWithEllipsis(value, 1024, VuoTextTruncation_End);
75  VuoRetain(t);
76  char *summary = strdup(t);
77  VuoRelease(t);
78  return summary;
79 }
86 bool VuoUrl_getParts(const VuoUrl url, VuoText *scheme, VuoText *user, VuoText *host, VuoInteger *port, VuoText *path, VuoText *query, VuoText *fragment)
87 {
88  if (VuoText_isEmpty(url))
89  return false;
91  struct http_parser_url parsedUrl;
92  if (http_parser_parse_url(url, strlen(url), false, &parsedUrl))
93  {
94  // Maybe this is a "data:" URI (which http_parser_parse_url can't parse).
95  if (strncmp(url, "data:", 5) == 0)
96  {
97  if (scheme)
98  *scheme = VuoText_make("data");
99  if (user)
100  *user = NULL;
101  if (host)
102  *host = NULL;
103  if (port)
104  *port = 0;
105  if (path)
106  *path = NULL;
107  if (query)
108  *query = NULL;
109  if (fragment)
110  *fragment = NULL;
111  return true;
112  }
114  return false;
115  }
117  if (scheme)
118  {
119  if (parsedUrl.field_set & (1 << UF_SCHEMA))
120  *scheme = VuoText_makeWithMaxLength(url + parsedUrl.field_data[UF_SCHEMA ].off, parsedUrl.field_data[UF_SCHEMA ].len);
121  else
122  *scheme = NULL;
123  }
125  if (user)
126  {
127  if (parsedUrl.field_set & (1 << UF_USERINFO))
128  *user = VuoText_makeWithMaxLength(url + parsedUrl.field_data[UF_USERINFO].off, parsedUrl.field_data[UF_USERINFO].len);
129  else
130  *user = NULL;
131  }
133  if (host)
134  {
135  if (parsedUrl.field_set & (1 << UF_HOST))
136  *host = VuoText_makeWithMaxLength(url + parsedUrl.field_data[UF_HOST ].off, parsedUrl.field_data[UF_HOST ].len);
137  else
138  *host = NULL;
139  }
141  if (port)
142  {
143  if (parsedUrl.field_set & (1 << UF_PORT))
144  // Explicitly-specified port
145  *port = parsedUrl.port;
146  else
147  {
148  // Guess the port from the scheme
149  *port = 0;
150  if (strcmp(*scheme, "http") == 0)
151  *port = 80;
152  else if (strcmp(*scheme, "https") == 0)
153  *port = 443;
154  }
155  }
157  if (path)
158  {
159  if (parsedUrl.field_set & (1 << UF_PATH))
160  *path = VuoText_makeWithMaxLength(url + parsedUrl.field_data[UF_PATH ].off, parsedUrl.field_data[UF_PATH ].len);
161  else
162  *path = NULL;
163  }
165  if (query)
166  {
167  if (parsedUrl.field_set & (1 << UF_QUERY))
168  *query = VuoText_makeWithMaxLength(url + parsedUrl.field_data[UF_QUERY ].off, parsedUrl.field_data[UF_QUERY ].len);
169  else
170  *query = NULL;
171  }
173  if (fragment)
174  {
175  if (parsedUrl.field_set & (1 << UF_FRAGMENT))
176  *fragment = VuoText_makeWithMaxLength(url + parsedUrl.field_data[UF_FRAGMENT].off, parsedUrl.field_data[UF_FRAGMENT].len);
177  else
178  *fragment = NULL;
179  }
181  return true;
182 }
191 bool VuoUrl_getFileParts(const VuoUrl url, VuoText *path, VuoText *folder, VuoText *filename, VuoText *extension)
192 {
193  if (VuoText_isEmpty(url))
194  return false;
196  *path = VuoUrl_getPosixPath(url);
197  if (!*path)
198  return false;
200  size_t separatorIndex = VuoText_findLastOccurrence(*path, "/");
201  VuoText fileAndExtension;
202  if (separatorIndex)
203  {
204  *folder = VuoText_substring(*path, 1, separatorIndex);
205  size_t length = VuoText_length(*path);
206  if (separatorIndex < length)
207  fileAndExtension = VuoText_substring(*path, separatorIndex + 1, length);
208  else
209  fileAndExtension = NULL;
210  }
211  else
212  {
213  *folder = NULL;
214  fileAndExtension = VuoText_make(*path);
215  }
216  VuoRetain(fileAndExtension);
218  size_t dotIndex = VuoText_findLastOccurrence(fileAndExtension, ".");
219  if (dotIndex)
220  {
221  *filename = VuoText_substring(fileAndExtension, 1, dotIndex - 1);
222  *extension = VuoText_substring(fileAndExtension, dotIndex + 1, VuoText_length(fileAndExtension));
223  }
224  else
225  {
226  *filename = VuoText_make(fileAndExtension);
227  *extension = NULL;
228  }
230  VuoRelease(fileAndExtension);
232  return true;
233 }
238 bool VuoUrl_areEqual(const VuoText a, const VuoText b)
239 {
240  return VuoText_areEqual(a,b);
241 }
246 bool VuoUrl_isLessThan(const VuoText a, const VuoText b)
247 {
248  return VuoText_isLessThan(a,b);
249 }
254 static bool VuoUrl_urlContainsScheme(const char *url)
255 {
256  const char *urlWithSchemePattern = "^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9+-\\.]+:";
257  regex_t urlWithSchemeRegExp;
258  size_t nmatch = 0;
259  regmatch_t pmatch[0];
261  regcomp(&urlWithSchemeRegExp, urlWithSchemePattern, REG_EXTENDED);
262  bool matchFound = !regexec(&urlWithSchemeRegExp, url, nmatch, pmatch, 0);
263  regfree(&urlWithSchemeRegExp);
265  return matchFound;
266 }
271 static bool VuoUrl_urlIsAbsoluteFilePath(const char *url)
272 {
273  return ((strlen(url) >= 1) && (url[0] == '/'));
274 }
279 static bool VuoUrl_urlIsUserRelativeFilePath(const char *url)
280 {
281  return ((strlen(url) >= 1) && (url[0] == '~'));
282 }
288 {
289  return !((VuoText_length(url)==0) ||
293 }
298 static const char VuoUrl_reservedCharacters[] =
299 {
300  0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f,
301  0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x17, 0x18, 0x19, 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x1c, 0x1d, 0x1e, 0x1f,
302  '"', '$', '&', '+', ',', ':', ';', '=', '?', '@', '#', ' ',
303  // Percent must be last, so we don't escape the escapes.
304  '%'
305 };
311 {
312  // Figure out how many characters we need to allocate for the escaped string.
313  unsigned long inLength = strlen(path);
314  unsigned long escapedLength = 0;
315  for (unsigned long i = 0; i < inLength; ++i)
316  {
317  char c = path[i];
318  for (int j = 0; j < sizeof(VuoUrl_reservedCharacters); ++j)
319  if (c == VuoUrl_reservedCharacters[j])
320  {
321  escapedLength += 2; // Expanding 1 character to "%xx"
322  break;
323  }
324  ++escapedLength;
325  }
327  // Escape the string.
328  char *escapedUrl = (char *)malloc(escapedLength + 1);
329  unsigned long outIndex = 0;
330  const char *hexCharSet = "0123456789ABCDEF"; // Uppercase per
331  for (unsigned long inIndex = 0; inIndex < inLength; ++inIndex)
332  {
333  unsigned char c = path[inIndex];
334  bool foundEscape = false;
335  for (int j = 0; j < sizeof(VuoUrl_reservedCharacters); ++j)
336  if (c == VuoUrl_reservedCharacters[j])
337  {
338  escapedUrl[outIndex++] = '%';
339  escapedUrl[outIndex++] = hexCharSet[c >> 4];
340  escapedUrl[outIndex++] = hexCharSet[c & 0x0f];
341  foundEscape = true;
342  break;
343  }
345  //
346  // If it's a UTF-8 "Modifier Letter Colon", translate it back into an escaped ASCII-7 colon
347  // (since URLs can handle colons, unlike POSIX paths on macOS).
348  if (inIndex+2 < inLength)
349  if (c == 0xea && (unsigned char)path[inIndex+1] == 0x9e && (unsigned char)path[inIndex+2] == 0x89)
350  {
351  escapedUrl[outIndex++] = '%';
352  escapedUrl[outIndex++] = hexCharSet[':' >> 4];
353  escapedUrl[outIndex++] = hexCharSet[':' & 0x0f];
354  foundEscape = true;
355  inIndex += 2;
356  }
358  if (!foundEscape)
359  escapedUrl[outIndex++] = c;
360  }
361  escapedUrl[outIndex] = 0;
363  VuoText escapedUrlVT = VuoText_make(escapedUrl);
364  free(escapedUrl);
366  return escapedUrlVT;
367 }
373 {
374  // Figure out how many characters we need to allocate for the escaped string.
375  unsigned long inLength = strlen(url);
376  unsigned long escapedLength = 0;
377  for (unsigned long i = 0; i < inLength; ++i)
378  {
379  if ((unsigned char)url[i] > 0x7f)
380  escapedLength += 2; // Expanding 1 character to "%xx"
381  ++escapedLength;
382  }
384  // Escape the string.
385  char *escapedUrl = (char *)malloc(escapedLength + 1);
386  unsigned long outIndex = 0;
387  const char *hexCharSet = "0123456789ABCDEF"; // Uppercase per
388  for (unsigned long inIndex = 0; inIndex < inLength; ++inIndex)
389  {
390  unsigned char c = url[inIndex];
391  if (c > 0x7f)
392  {
393  escapedUrl[outIndex++] = '%';
394  escapedUrl[outIndex++] = hexCharSet[c >> 4];
395  escapedUrl[outIndex++] = hexCharSet[c & 0x0f];
396  }
397  else
398  escapedUrl[outIndex++] = c;
399  }
400  escapedUrl[outIndex] = 0;
402  VuoText escapedUrlVT = VuoText_make(escapedUrl);
403  free(escapedUrl);
405  return escapedUrlVT;
406 }
408 static const char *VuoUrl_fileScheme = "file://";
409 static const char *VuoUrl_httpScheme = "http://";
431 {
432  if (!url)
433  return NULL;
435  char *resolvedUrl;
437  // Case: The url contains a scheme.
438  if (VuoUrl_urlContainsScheme(url))
439  {
440  // Some URLs have literal spaces, which we need to transform into '%20' before passing to cURL.
441  size_t urlLen = strlen(url);
442  size_t spaceCount = 0;
443  for (size_t i = 0; i < urlLen; ++i)
444  if (url[i] == ' ')
445  ++spaceCount;
446  if (spaceCount)
447  {
448  resolvedUrl = (char *)malloc(strlen(url) + spaceCount*2);
449  size_t p = 0;
450  for (size_t i = 0; i < urlLen; ++i)
451  if (url[i] == ' ')
452  {
453  resolvedUrl[p++] = '%';
454  resolvedUrl[p++] = '2';
455  resolvedUrl[p++] = '0';
456  }
457  else
458  resolvedUrl[p++] = url[i];
459  resolvedUrl[p] = 0;
460  }
461  else
462  resolvedUrl = strdup(url);
463  }
465  // Case: The url contains an absolute file path.
466  else if (VuoUrl_urlIsAbsoluteFilePath(url))
467  {
468  char *filePath = (char *)url;
470  if (!(flags & VuoUrlNormalize_forSaving) && strncmp(filePath, "/tmp/", 5) == 0)
471  {
472  // We're trying to read a file from `/tmp`.
473  // If it doesn't exist there, also check the user's private temporary directory.
474  // Enables protocol driver compositions to find their default images.
475  if (access(filePath, 0) != 0)
476  {
477  char userTempDir[PATH_MAX];
478  size_t userTempDirLen;
479  if ((userTempDirLen = confstr(_CS_DARWIN_USER_TEMP_DIR, userTempDir, PATH_MAX)) > 0)
480  {
481  size_t filePathLen = strlen(filePath);
482  size_t mallocSize = userTempDirLen + filePathLen + 1;
483  char *privateFilePath = (char *)malloc(mallocSize);
484  strlcpy(privateFilePath, userTempDir, mallocSize);
485  strlcat(privateFilePath, filePath + 4, mallocSize);
486  filePath = privateFilePath;
487  }
488  }
489  }
491  char *realPath = realpath(filePath, NULL);
492  // If realpath() fails, it's probably because the path doesn't exist, so just use the non-realpath()ed path.
493  VuoText escapedPath = VuoUrl_escapePosixPath(realPath ? realPath : filePath);
494  VuoRetain(escapedPath);
495  if (realPath)
496  free(realPath);
497  if (filePath != url)
498  free(filePath);
500  size_t mallocSize = strlen(VuoUrl_fileScheme) + strlen(escapedPath) + 1;
501  resolvedUrl = (char *)malloc(mallocSize);
502  strlcpy(resolvedUrl, VuoUrl_fileScheme, mallocSize);
503  strlcat(resolvedUrl, escapedPath, mallocSize);
505  VuoRelease(escapedPath);
506  }
508  // Case: The url contains a user-relative (`~/…`) file path.
509  else if (VuoUrl_urlIsUserRelativeFilePath(url))
510  {
511  // 1. Expand the tilde into an absolute path.
512  VuoText absolutePath;
513  {
514  char *homeDir = getenv("HOME");
515  VuoText paths[2] = { homeDir, url+1 };
516  absolutePath = VuoText_append(paths, 2);
517  }
518  VuoLocal(absolutePath);
520  // 2. Try to canonicalize the absolute path, and URL-escape it.
521  char *realPath = realpath(absolutePath, NULL);
522  // If realpath() fails, it's probably because the path doesn't exist, so just use the non-realpath()ed path.
523  VuoText escapedPath = VuoUrl_escapePosixPath(realPath ? realPath : absolutePath);
524  VuoLocal(escapedPath);
525  if (realPath)
526  free(realPath);
528  // 3. Prepend the URL scheme.
529  size_t mallocSize = strlen(VuoUrl_fileScheme) + strlen(escapedPath) + 1;
530  resolvedUrl = (char *)malloc(mallocSize);
531  strlcpy(resolvedUrl, VuoUrl_fileScheme, mallocSize);
532  strlcat(resolvedUrl, escapedPath, mallocSize);
533  }
535  // Case: The url contains a web link without a protocol/scheme.
536  else if (flags & VuoUrlNormalize_assumeHttp)
537  {
538  // Prepend the URL scheme.
539  size_t mallocSize = strlen(VuoUrl_httpScheme) + strlen(url) + 1;
540  resolvedUrl = (char *)malloc(mallocSize);
541  strlcpy(resolvedUrl, VuoUrl_httpScheme, mallocSize);
542  strlcat(resolvedUrl, url, mallocSize);
543  }
545  // Case: The url contains a relative file path.
546  else
547  {
548  const char *currentWorkingDir = VuoGetWorkingDirectory();
550  bool compositionIsExportedApp = false;
552  // If the current working directory is "/", assume that we are working with an exported app;
553  // resolve loaded resources relative to the app bundle's "Resources" directory, and
554  // resolve saved resources relative to the user's Desktop.
555  char *absolutePath;
556  if (!strcmp(currentWorkingDir, "/"))
557  {
558  // Get the exported executable path.
559  char rawExecutablePath[PATH_MAX+1];
560  uint32_t size = sizeof(rawExecutablePath);
561  _NSGetExecutablePath(rawExecutablePath, &size);
563  char cleanedExecutablePath[PATH_MAX+1];
564  realpath(rawExecutablePath, cleanedExecutablePath);
566  // Derive the path of the app bundle's "Resources" directory from its executable path.
567  size_t pathSize = PATH_MAX + 1;
568  char executableDir[pathSize];
569  strlcpy(executableDir, dirname(cleanedExecutablePath), pathSize);
571  const char *resourcesPathFromExecutable = "/../Resources";
572  pathSize = strlen(executableDir) + strlen(resourcesPathFromExecutable) + 1;
573  char rawResourcesPath[pathSize];
574  strlcpy(rawResourcesPath, executableDir, pathSize);
575  strlcat(rawResourcesPath, resourcesPathFromExecutable, pathSize);
577  char cleanedResourcesPath[PATH_MAX+1];
578  realpath(rawResourcesPath, cleanedResourcesPath);
580  // If the "Resources" directory does not exist, we must not be dealing with an exported app after all.
581  // If it does, proceed under the assumption that we are.
582  if (access(cleanedResourcesPath, 0) == 0)
583  {
584  compositionIsExportedApp = true;
586  if (flags & VuoUrlNormalize_forSaving)
587  {
588  char *homeDir = getenv("HOME");
589  const char *desktop = "/Desktop/";
590  size_t mallocSize = strlen(homeDir) + strlen(desktop) + strlen(url) + 1;
591  absolutePath = (char *)malloc(mallocSize);
592  strlcpy(absolutePath, homeDir, mallocSize);
593  strlcat(absolutePath, desktop, mallocSize);
594  strlcat(absolutePath, url, mallocSize);
595  }
596  else
597  {
598  size_t mallocSize = strlen(cleanedResourcesPath) + strlen("/") + strlen(url) + 1;
599  absolutePath = (char *)malloc(mallocSize);
600  strlcpy(absolutePath, cleanedResourcesPath, mallocSize);
601  strlcat(absolutePath, "/", mallocSize);
602  strlcat(absolutePath, url, mallocSize);
603  }
604  }
605  }
607  // If we are not working with an exported app, resolve resources relative to the current working directory.
608  if (!compositionIsExportedApp)
609  {
610  size_t mallocSize = strlen(currentWorkingDir) + strlen("/") + strlen(url) + 1;
611  absolutePath = (char *)malloc(mallocSize);
612  strlcpy(absolutePath, currentWorkingDir, mallocSize);
613  strlcat(absolutePath, "/", mallocSize);
614  strlcat(absolutePath, url, mallocSize);
615  }
617  char *realPath = realpath(absolutePath, NULL);
618  // If realpath() fails, it's probably because the path doesn't exist, so just use the non-realpath()ed path.
619  VuoText escapedPath = VuoUrl_escapePosixPath(realPath ? realPath : absolutePath);
620  VuoLocal(escapedPath);
621  if (realPath)
622  free(realPath);
623  free(absolutePath);
625  // Prepend the URL scheme.
626  size_t mallocSize = strlen(VuoUrl_fileScheme) + strlen(escapedPath) + 1;
627  resolvedUrl = (char *)malloc(mallocSize);
628  strlcpy(resolvedUrl, VuoUrl_fileScheme, mallocSize);
629  strlcat(resolvedUrl, escapedPath, mallocSize);
630  }
632  // Remove trailing slash, if any.
633  size_t lastIndex = strlen(resolvedUrl) - 1;
634  if (resolvedUrl[lastIndex] == '/')
635  resolvedUrl[lastIndex] = 0;
637  VuoText resolvedUrlVT = VuoText_make(resolvedUrl);
638  VuoRetain(resolvedUrlVT);
639  free(resolvedUrl);
641  VuoText escapedUrl = VuoUrl_escapeUTF8(resolvedUrlVT);
642  VuoRelease(resolvedUrlVT);
643  return escapedUrl;
644 }
652 {
653  unsigned long inLength = strlen(url);
654  char *unescapedUrl = (char *)malloc(inLength + 1);
655  unsigned long outIndex = 0;
656  for (unsigned long inIndex = 0; inIndex < inLength; ++inIndex, ++outIndex)
657  {
658  char c = url[inIndex];
659  if (c == '%')
660  {
661  if (inIndex + 2 >= inLength)
662  break;
663  char highNibbleASCII = url[++inIndex];
664  char lowNibbleASCII = url[++inIndex];
665  unescapedUrl[outIndex] = (VuoInteger_makeFromHexByte(highNibbleASCII) << 4) + VuoInteger_makeFromHexByte(lowNibbleASCII);
666  }
667  else
668  unescapedUrl[outIndex] = c;
669  }
670  unescapedUrl[outIndex] = 0;
672  VuoText unescapedUrlVT = VuoText_make(unescapedUrl);
673  free(unescapedUrl);
674  return unescapedUrlVT;
675 }
683 {
684  if (!url)
685  return NULL;
687  unsigned long fileSchemeLength = strlen(VuoUrl_fileScheme);
688  if (strncmp(url, VuoUrl_fileScheme, fileSchemeLength) != 0)
689  return NULL;
691  // Unescape the string.
692  unsigned long inLength = strlen(url);
693  // Make room for Unicode colons.
694  char *unescapedUrl = (char *)malloc(inLength*3 + 1);
695  unsigned long outIndex = 0;
696  for (unsigned long inIndex = fileSchemeLength; inIndex < inLength; ++inIndex, ++outIndex)
697  {
698  char c = url[inIndex];
699  if (c == '%')
700  {
701  char highNibbleASCII = url[++inIndex];
702  char lowNibbleASCII = url[++inIndex];
703  unescapedUrl[outIndex] = (VuoInteger_makeFromHexByte(highNibbleASCII) << 4) + VuoInteger_makeFromHexByte(lowNibbleASCII);
704  }
705  else
706  unescapedUrl[outIndex] = c;
708  //
709  // macOS presents colons as forward-slashes (
710  // To avoid confusion with dates, change ASCII-7 colon to UTF-8 "Modifier Letter Colon"
711  // (which looks visually identical to ASCII-7 colon).
712  if (unescapedUrl[outIndex] == ':')
713  {
714  unescapedUrl[outIndex++] = 0xea;
715  unescapedUrl[outIndex++] = 0x9e;
716  unescapedUrl[outIndex] = 0x89;
717  }
718  }
719  unescapedUrl[outIndex] = 0;
721  VuoText unescapedUrlVT = VuoText_make(unescapedUrl);
722  free(unescapedUrl);
724  return unescapedUrlVT;
725 }
736 bool VuoUrl_isBundle(const VuoUrl url)
737 {
738  if (VuoText_isEmpty(url))
739  return false;
741  {
742  VuoText path = VuoUrl_getPosixPath(url);
743  if (!path)
744  return false;
745  VuoRetain(path);
746  VuoRelease(path);
747  }
749  CFStringRef urlCFS = CFStringCreateWithCString(NULL, url, kCFStringEncodingUTF8);
750  CFURLRef cfurl = CFURLCreateWithString(NULL, urlCFS, NULL);
751  CFRelease(urlCFS);
752  if (!cfurl)
753  {
754  VUserLog("Error: Couldn't check '%s': Invalid URL.", url);
755  return false;
756  }
758  LSItemInfoRecord outItemInfo;
759  OSStatus ret = LSCopyItemInfoForURL(cfurl, kLSRequestAllFlags, &outItemInfo);
760  CFRelease(cfurl);
761  if (ret)
762  {
763  char *errorString = VuoOsStatus_getText(ret);
764  VUserLog("Error: Couldn't check '%s': %s", url, errorString);
765  free(errorString);
766  return false;
767  }
768  return outItemInfo.flags & kLSItemInfoIsPackage;
769 }
774 VuoUrl VuoUrl_appendFileExtension(const char *filename, struct json_object *validExtensions)
775 {
776  char* fileSuffix = strrchr(filename, '.');
777  char* curExtension = fileSuffix != NULL ? strdup(fileSuffix+1) : NULL;
779  if(curExtension != NULL)
780  for(char *p = &curExtension[0]; *p; p++) *p = tolower(*p);
782  // if the string already has one of the valid file extension suffixes, return.
783  for (int i = 0; i < json_object_array_length(validExtensions); ++i)
784  {
785  if (curExtension != NULL && strcmp(curExtension, json_object_get_string(json_object_array_get_idx(validExtensions, i))) == 0)
786  {
787  free(curExtension);
788  return VuoText_make(filename);
789  }
790  }
792  free(curExtension);
794  const char *chosenExtension = json_object_get_string(json_object_array_get_idx(validExtensions, 0));
795  size_t buf_size = strlen(filename) + strlen(chosenExtension) + 2;
796  char* newfilepath = (char*)malloc(buf_size * sizeof(char));
797  snprintf(newfilepath, buf_size, "%s.%s", filename, chosenExtension);
799  VuoText text = VuoText_make(newfilepath);
800  free(newfilepath);
802  return text;
803 }