Vuo  2.1.1
Classes | Functions
VuoLayer.h File Reference


VuoLayer C type definition.

Definition in file VuoLayer.h.

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struct  VuoLayer
 A 2D Object: visible (image), or virtual (group). More...


VuoLayer VuoLayer_makeEmpty (void)
 Creates a new, empty layer. More...
VuoLayer VuoLayer_makeGroup (VuoList_VuoLayer childLayers, VuoTransform2d transform)
 Creates a layer with a group of child layers. More...
VuoLayer VuoLayer_makeGroup2 (VuoLayer layer1, VuoLayer layer2, VuoTransform2d transform)
 Creates a layer by combining two layers (layer1, then layer2). More...
VuoLayer VuoLayer_makeGroup3 (VuoLayer layer1, VuoLayer layer2, VuoLayer layer3, VuoTransform2d transform)
 Creates a layer by combining three layers. More...
VuoList_VuoLayer VuoLayer_getChildLayers (VuoLayer layer)
 Returns a list of this layer's child layers. More...
VuoLayer VuoLayer_make (VuoText name, VuoImage image, VuoPoint2d center, VuoReal rotation, VuoReal size, VuoOrientation fixed, VuoReal alpha)
 Creates a visible layer that shows an image. More...
VuoLayer VuoLayer_makeWithTransform (VuoText name, VuoImage image, VuoTransform2d transform, VuoReal alpha)
 Creates a visible layer that shows an image. More...
VuoLayer VuoLayer_makeWithShadow (VuoText name, VuoImage image, VuoPoint2d center, VuoReal rotation, VuoReal width, VuoReal alpha, VuoColor shadowColor, VuoReal shadowBlur, VuoReal shadowAngle, VuoReal shadowDistance)
 Creates a visible layer with a shadow. More...
VuoLayer VuoLayer_makeRealSize (VuoText name, VuoImage image, VuoPoint2d center, VuoReal alpha, VuoBoolean preservePhysicalSize)
 Creates a visible layer that shows an image. More...
VuoLayer VuoLayer_makeRealSizeWithShadow (VuoText name, VuoImage image, VuoPoint2d center, VuoReal alpha, VuoBoolean preservePhysicalSize, VuoColor shadowColor, VuoReal shadowBlur, VuoReal shadowAngle, VuoReal shadowDistance)
 Creates a visible layer with a shadow. More...
VuoLayer VuoLayer_makeColor (VuoText name, VuoColor color, VuoPoint2d center, VuoReal rotation, VuoReal width, VuoReal height)
 Creates a rectangular layer with the specified color. More...
VuoLayer VuoLayer_makeOval (VuoText name, VuoColor color, VuoPoint2d center, VuoReal rotation, VuoReal width, VuoReal height, VuoReal sharpness)
 Creates an oval layer with the specified color. More...
VuoLayer VuoLayer_makeRoundedRectangle (VuoText name, VuoColor color, VuoPoint2d center, VuoReal rotation, VuoReal width, VuoReal height, VuoReal sharpness, VuoReal roundness)
 Creates a rounded rectangle layer with the specified color. More...
VuoLayer VuoLayer_makeCheckmark (VuoText name, VuoColor fillColor, VuoColor outlineColor, VuoReal outlineThickness, VuoPoint2d center, VuoReal rotation, VuoReal width, VuoReal height)
 Creates a layer with a checkmark of the specified color. More...
VuoLayer VuoLayer_makeLinearGradient (VuoText name, VuoList_VuoColor colors, VuoPoint2d start, VuoPoint2d end, VuoPoint2d center, VuoReal rotation, VuoReal width, VuoReal height, VuoReal noiseAmount)
 Creates a visible layer with a linear gradient. More...
VuoLayer VuoLayer_makeRadialGradient (VuoText name, VuoList_VuoColor colors, VuoPoint2d gradientCenter, VuoReal radius, VuoPoint2d center, VuoReal rotation, VuoReal width, VuoReal height, VuoReal noiseAmount)
 Creates a visible layer with a radial gradient. More...
uint64_t VuoLayer_getId (const VuoLayer layer)
 Returns the layer's identification number (unique among objects in the currently-running composition). More...
void VuoLayer_setId (VuoLayer layer, uint64_t id)
 Sets the layer's identification number (should be unique among objects in the currently-running composition). More...
VuoRectangle VuoLayer_getBoundingRectangle (VuoLayer layer, VuoInteger viewportWidth, VuoInteger viewportHeight, float backingScaleFactor)
 Returns the minimal rectangle enclosing the layer and its child layers. More...
VuoLayer VuoLayer_setAnchor (VuoLayer child, VuoAnchor anchor, VuoInteger viewportWidth, VuoInteger viewportHeight, float backingScaleFactor)
 Moves the pivot point of child by creating a parent layer and assigning child with an offset. More...
bool VuoLayer_isPopulated (VuoLayer layer)
 Returns true if the layer or any of its children have a non-empty type. More...
VuoLayer VuoLayer_makeFromJson (json_object *js)
json_objectVuoLayer_getJson (const VuoLayer value)
char * VuoLayer_getSummary (const VuoLayer value)
VuoLayer VuoLayer_makeFromString (const char *str)
 Automatically generated function. More...
char * VuoLayer_getString (const VuoLayer value)
 Automatically generated function. More...
void VuoLayer_retain (VuoLayer value)
 Automatically generated function. More...
void VuoLayer_release (VuoLayer value)
 Automatically generated function. More...