Vuo  2.1.1
Classes | Functions
VuoLeapPointable.h File Reference


VuoLeapPointable C type definition.

Definition in file VuoLeapPointable.h.

Go to the source code of this file.


struct  VuoLeapPointable
 Coordinates of a single Leap "pointable" (a finger or tool). More...


VuoLeapPointable VuoLeapPointable_makeFromJson (json_object *js)
json_objectVuoLeapPointable_getJson (const VuoLeapPointable value)
char * VuoLeapPointable_getSummary (const VuoLeapPointable value)
VuoLeapPointable VuoLeapPointable_make (VuoInteger id, VuoLeapPointableType type, VuoReal length, VuoReal width, VuoPoint3d direction, VuoPoint3d tipPosition, VuoPoint3d tipVelocity, VuoReal timeVisible, VuoReal touchDistance, VuoLeapTouchZone touchZone, VuoBoolean isExtended)
VuoLeapPointable VuoLeapPointable_makeFromString (const char *initializer)
 Automatically generated function. More...
char * VuoLeapPointable_getString (const VuoLeapPointable value)
 Automatically generated function. More...