Vuo  2.2.0
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VuoText.h File Reference


VuoText C type definition.

Definition in file VuoText.h.

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struct  VuoList_VuoText_struct
 List type. More...


typedef const char * VuoText
 A Unicode (UTF-8) text string. More...
typedef const struct VuoList_VuoText_structVuoList_VuoText
 List type. More...


enum  VuoTextTruncation { VuoTextTruncation_Beginning, VuoTextTruncation_End }
 Where to truncate text. More...


VuoText VuoText_makeFromJson (json_object *js)
 Decodes the JSON object js, expected to contain a UTF-8 string, to create a new value. More...
json_objectVuoText_getJson (const VuoText value)
 Encodes value as a JSON object. More...
char * VuoText_getSummary (const VuoText value)
 Creates a new UTF-8 C string from value, or, if it's more than 50 Unicode characters long, creates an aposiopesis. More...
VuoText VuoText_make (const char *unquotedString)
 Creates a VuoText value from an unquoted string (unlike VuoText_makeFromString(), which expects a quoted string). More...
VuoText VuoText_makeWithMaxLength (const void *data, const size_t maxLength)
 Creates a VuoText value from an untrusted source (one that might not contain a NULL terminator within its memory page). More...
VuoText VuoText_makeFromCFString (const void *cfString)
 Creates a VuoText value from a CFStringRef. More...
VuoText VuoText_makeFromData (const unsigned char *data, const unsigned long size)
 Attempts to interpret data as UTF-8 text. More...
VuoText VuoText_makeFromUtf32 (const uint32_t *data, size_t length)
 Create a new VuoText string from an array of UTF-32 values. More...
VuoText VuoText_makeFromMacRoman (const char *string)
 Creates a new VuoText from a MacRoman-encoded string. More...
size_t VuoText_length (const VuoText text)
 Returns the number of Unicode characters in the text. More...
size_t VuoText_byteCount (const VuoText text)
 Returns the number of bytes in the text, not including the null terminator. More...
bool VuoText_isEmpty (const VuoText text)
 Returns true if text is empty (is NULL or is non-NULL with zero length). More...
bool VuoText_isPopulated (const VuoText text)
 Returns true if text is not empty. More...
bool VuoText_areEqual (const VuoText text1, const VuoText text2)
 Returns true if the two texts represent the same Unicode string (even if they use different UTF-8 encodings or Unicode character decompositions). More...
bool VuoText_isLessThan (const VuoText text1, const VuoText text2)
 Returns true if text1 is ordered before text2 in a case-sensitive lexicographic ordering (which treats different UTF-8 encodings and Unicode character decompositions as equivalent). More...
bool VuoText_isLessThanCaseInsensitive (const VuoText text1, const VuoText text2)
 Returns true if text1 is ordered before text2 in a case-insensitive lexicographic ordering (which treats different UTF-8 encodings and Unicode character decompositions as equivalent). More...
bool VuoText_isLessThanNumeric (const VuoText text1, const VuoText text2)
 Returns true if the number in text1 is less than the number in text2. More...
bool VuoText_compare (VuoText text1, VuoTextComparison comparison, VuoText text2)
 Returns true if text1 matches text2 based on comparison. More...
size_t VuoText_findFirstOccurrence (const VuoText string, const VuoText substring, const size_t startIndex)
 Returns the index (starting at 1) of the first instance of substring in string at index >= startIndex. More...
size_t VuoText_findLastOccurrence (const VuoText string, const VuoText substring)
 Returns the index (starting at 1) of the last instance of substring in string. More...
VuoList_VuoInteger VuoText_findOccurrences (const VuoText string, const VuoText substring)
 Returns a list containing all occurrences of substring in string. More...
VuoText VuoText_substring (const VuoText string, int startIndex, int length)
 Returns the substring of string starting at index startIndex and spanning length Unicode characters. More...
VuoText VuoText_insert (const VuoText string, int startIndex, const VuoText newText)
 Returns a new string with newText inserted at the startIndex. More...
VuoText VuoText_removeAt (const VuoText string, int startIndex, int length)
 Returns a new string where characters from startIndex to startIndex + length are removed. More...
VuoText VuoText_append (VuoText *texts, size_t textsCount)
 Returns a string consisting of the elements in the texts array concatenated together. More...
VuoText VuoText_appendWithSeparator (VuoList_VuoText texts, VuoText separator, bool includeEmptyParts)
 Returns a string consisting of the elements in texts array concatenated together, with separator between them. More...
VuoTextVuoText_split (VuoText text, VuoText separator, bool includeEmptyParts, size_t *partsCount)
 Splits text into parts (basically the inverse of VuoText_append()). More...
VuoText VuoText_replace (VuoText subject, VuoText stringToFind, VuoText replacement)
 Returns a new string in which each occurrence of stringToFind in subject has been replaced with replacement. More...
VuoText VuoText_truncateWithEllipsis (const VuoText subject, int maxLength, VuoTextTruncation where)
 If subject is less than or equal to maxLength Unicode characters long, returns subject. More...
VuoText VuoText_trim (const VuoText text)
 Returns a new string consisting of text without the whitespace at the beginning and end. More...
VuoText VuoText_changeCase (const VuoText text, VuoTextCase textCase)
 Returns a new string with the text characters cased in the textCase style. More...
uint32_t * VuoText_getUtf32Values (const VuoText text, size_t *length)
 Returns an array of unicode 32 bit decimal values for each character in a string. More...
char * VuoText_format (const char *format,...) VUOTEXT_FORMAT_ATTRIBUTE
 Returns a new string formatted using the printf-style format string. More...
VuoText VuoText_makeFromString (const char *str)
 Automatically generated function. More...
char * VuoText_getString (const VuoText value)
 Automatically generated function. More...
void VuoText_retain (VuoText value)
 Automatically generated function. More...
void VuoText_release (VuoText value)
 Automatically generated function. More...