Vuo  2.4.1
Classes | Macros | Enumerations | Functions
VuoMesh.h File Reference


VuoMesh C type definition.

Definition in file VuoMesh.h.

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struct  VuoMesh
 A 3D mesh, consisting of CPU and/or GPU data describing a list of elements (positions; and optionally normals, texture coordinates, and colors) which represent points or are assembled into lines or triangles. More...


 This type has a _getInterprocessJson() function. More...


enum  VuoMesh_ElementAssemblyMethod {
  VuoMesh_IndividualTriangles , VuoMesh_TriangleStrip , VuoMesh_TriangleFan , VuoMesh_IndividualLines ,
  VuoMesh_LineStrip , VuoMesh_Points
 The way in which an elements array should be interpreted during rasterization. More...
enum  VuoMesh_FaceCulling { VuoMesh_CullNone , VuoMesh_CullBackfaces , VuoMesh_CullFrontfaces }
 Which triangles to render. More...


VuoMesh VuoMesh_makeQuad (void)
 Returns a quad with dimensions 1x1, on the XY plane, centered at the origin. More...
VuoMesh VuoMesh_makeQuadWithoutNormals (void)
 Returns a quad with dimensions 1x1, on the XY plane, centered at the origin. More...
VuoMesh VuoMesh_makeEquilateralTriangle (void)
 Returns an equilateral triangle with bottom edge length 1, pointing upward on the XY plane, centered at the origin. More...
VuoMesh VuoMesh_makeCube (void)
 Returns a cube of size 1x1. More...
VuoMesh VuoMesh_makePlane (VuoInteger columns, VuoInteger rows)
 Creates a flat mesh subdivided into rows and columns. More...
VuoMesh VuoMesh_make_VuoPoint2d (VuoList_VuoPoint2d positions, VuoList_VuoColor colors, VuoMesh_ElementAssemblyMethod elementAssemblyMethod, VuoReal primitiveSize)
 Returns a VuoMesh consisting of the given positions and element assembly method. More...
VuoMesh VuoMesh_make_VuoPoint3d (VuoList_VuoPoint3d positions, VuoList_VuoColor colors, VuoMesh_ElementAssemblyMethod elementAssemblyMethod, VuoReal primitiveSize)
 Returns a VuoMesh consisting of the given positions and element assembly method. More...
void VuoMesh_allocateCPUBuffers (unsigned int vertexCount, float **positions, float **normals, float **textureCoordinates, float **colors, unsigned int elementCount, unsigned int **elements)
 Allocates: More...
VuoMesh VuoMesh_makeFromCPUBuffers (unsigned int vertexCount, float *positions, float *normals, float *textureCoordinates, float *colors, unsigned int elementCount, unsigned int *elements, VuoMesh_ElementAssemblyMethod elementAssemblyMethod)
 Creates a mesh consisting of data that already exists in CPU RAM, and uploads it to the GPU. More...
VuoMesh VuoMesh_makeFromGPUBuffers (unsigned int vertexCount, unsigned int combinedBuffer, unsigned int combinedBufferSize, void *normalOffset, void *textureCoordinateOffset, void *colorOffset, unsigned int elementCount, unsigned int elementBuffer, unsigned int elementBufferSize, VuoMesh_ElementAssemblyMethod elementAssemblyMethod)
 Creates a VuoSubmesh consisting of data that's already been uploaded to the GPU. More...
VuoMesh VuoMesh_copy (const VuoMesh mesh)
 Duplicates the mesh's CPU data, and retains the mesh's GPU data. More...
VuoMesh VuoMesh_copyShallow (const VuoMesh mesh)
 Makes a shallow copy of the mesh and its submeshes. More...
void VuoMesh_removeTextureCoordinates (VuoMesh mesh)
 Deallocates and clears the texture coordinate arrays associated with this mesh. More...
void VuoMesh_getCPUBuffers (const VuoMesh mesh, unsigned int *vertexCount, float **positions, float **normals, float **textureCoordinates, float **colors, unsigned int *elementCount, unsigned int **elements)
 Outputs vertex and element information, downloading the data from the GPU if needed. More...
void VuoMesh_getGPUBuffers (const VuoMesh mesh, unsigned int *vertexCount, unsigned int *combinedBuffer, void **normalOffset, void **textureCoordinateOffset, void **colorOffset, unsigned int *elementCount, unsigned int *elementBuffer)
 Outputs OpenGL vertex and element buffer information, uploading the data to the GPU if needed. More...
VuoMesh_ElementAssemblyMethod VuoMesh_getElementAssemblyMethod (const VuoMesh mesh)
 Returns the mesh's element assembly method. More...
VuoMesh_FaceCulling VuoMesh_getFaceCulling (const VuoMesh mesh)
 Returns the mesh's face culling mode. More...
unsigned int VuoMesh_getFaceCullingGL (const VuoMesh mesh)
 Returns the OpenGL enum value for the mesh's face culling mode. More...
VuoReal VuoMesh_getPrimitiveSize (const VuoMesh mesh)
 Returns the size, in Vuo Coordinates, at which lines and points should be rendered. More...
unsigned long VuoMesh_getGlMode (const VuoMesh mesh)
 Returns the GL mode (e.g., GL_TRIANGLES) that the mesh should be interpreted as. More...
unsigned long VuoMesh_getSplitPrimitiveCount (const VuoMesh mesh)
 Returns the number of split primitives in the mesh. More...
unsigned long VuoMesh_getSplitVertexCount (const VuoMesh mesh)
 Returns the number of split vertices in the mesh. More...
unsigned long VuoMesh_getCompleteElementCount (const VuoMesh mesh)
 Returns the number of complete elements in the mesh. More...
unsigned int VuoMesh_getElementBufferSize (const VuoMesh mesh)
 Returns the size, in bytes, of the GPU element buffer. More...
void VuoMesh_setCPUBuffers (VuoMesh mesh, unsigned int vertexCount, float *positions, float *normals, float *textureCoordinates, float *colors, unsigned int elementCount, unsigned int *elements)
 Changes the mesh's CPU buffers, and uploads them to the GPU. More...
void VuoMesh_setFaceCulling (VuoMesh mesh, VuoMesh_FaceCulling faceCulling)
 Changes the mesh's face culling mode. More...
void VuoMesh_setPrimitiveSize (VuoMesh mesh, VuoReal primitiveSize)
 Changes the size, in Vuo Coordinates, at which lines and points should be rendered. More...
const char * VuoMesh_cStringForElementAssemblyMethod (VuoMesh_ElementAssemblyMethod elementAssemblyMethod)
 Returns a string constant representing elementAssemblyMethod. More...
VuoBox VuoMesh_bounds (const VuoMesh mesh, float matrix[16])
 Finds the mesh's center and axis-aligned extents, taking into account the passed transform. More...
bool VuoMesh_isPopulated (const VuoMesh mesh)
 Returns true if the mesh has any vertices. More...
VuoMesh VuoMesh_makeFromJson (json_object *js)
 Decodes the JSON object js to create a new value. More...
json_objectVuoMesh_getJson (const VuoMesh value)
 Encodes value as a JSON object. More...
json_objectVuoMesh_getInterprocessJson (const VuoMesh value)
 Calls VuoMesh_getJson(). More...
char * VuoMesh_getSummary (const VuoMesh mesh)
 Returns a brief summary of the contents of this mesh. More...
static VuoMesh_ElementAssemblyMethod VuoMesh_getExpandedPrimitiveMode (const VuoMesh_ElementAssemblyMethod inputMode)
 For a given element assembly method, returns the equivalent assembly method for individual elements (i.e., after they've been expanded from strips/fans). More...
char * VuoMesh_getString (const VuoMesh value)
 Automatically generated function. More...
void VuoMesh_retain (const VuoMesh v)
 Automatically generated function. More...
void VuoMesh_release (const VuoMesh v)
 Automatically generated function. More...