Vuo 2.4.2
No Matches
VuoColor.c File Reference


VuoColor implementation.

Definition in file VuoColor.c.

Go to the source code of this file.


VuoColor VuoColor_makeFromJson (json_object *js)
 Decodes the JSON object js to create a new value. More...
json_objectVuoColor_getJson (const VuoColor value)
 Encodes value as a JSON object. More...
char * VuoColor_getShortSummary (const VuoColor value)
 Returns a short HTML representation of value. More...
char * VuoColor_getSummary (const VuoColor value)
 Returns a detailed HTML representation of value. More...
VuoText VuoColor_getHex (VuoColor color, VuoBoolean includeAlpha)
 Returns a hex string (like #445566ff) representing the color. More...
VuoColor VuoColor_makeWithHSLA (VuoReal hue, VuoReal saturation, VuoReal luminosity, VuoReal alpha)
 Returns a VuoColor with the given hue, saturation, lightness, alpha. More...
void VuoColor_getHSLA (VuoColor color, VuoReal *h, VuoReal *s, VuoReal *l, VuoReal *a)
 Gets the hue, saturation, lightness, hue, alpha of a color. More...
VuoReal VuoColor_getLightness (VuoColor color)
 Returns the HSL lightness of the color, in the range [0,1]. More...
VuoColor VuoColor_average (VuoList_VuoColor colors)
 Returns the weighted (by alpha) average of colors. More...
bool VuoColor_areAllOpaque (VuoList_VuoColor colors)
 Returns true if all colors are fully opaque. More...
VuoReal VuoColor_brightness (VuoColor color, int32_t type)
 Returns a measure of the brightness of color. More...
bool VuoColor_areEqual (const VuoColor value1, const VuoColor value2)
 Returns true if both colors have the same intensity and alpha values. More...
bool VuoColor_areEqualWithinTolerance (const VuoColor a, const VuoColor b, const float tolerance)
 Like VuoColor_areEqual(), but permits color channel values to differ by up to tolerance. More...
bool VuoColor_isLessThan (const VuoColor a, const VuoColor b)
 Returns true if a < b. More...