Vuo 2.4.2
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Classes | Functions
VuoLeapHand.h File Reference


VuoLeapHand C type definition.

Definition in file VuoLeapHand.h.

Go to the source code of this file.


struct  VuoLeapHand
 The Hand class reports the physical characteristics of a detected hand. More...


VuoLeapHand VuoLeapHand_makeFromJson (json_object *js)
 Decodes the JSON object js to create a new value. More...
json_objectVuoLeapHand_getJson (const VuoLeapHand value)
 Encodes value as a JSON object. More...
char * VuoLeapHand_getSummary (const VuoLeapHand value)
 Returns a compact string representation of value. More...
VuoLeapHand VuoLeapHand_make (VuoInteger id, VuoPoint4d rotation, VuoPoint3d palmPosition, VuoPoint3d palmVelocity, VuoReal sphereRadius, VuoPoint3d sphereCenter, VuoReal palmWidth, VuoPoint3d wristPosition, VuoReal pinchAmount, VuoReal grabAmount, VuoReal timeVisible, VuoBoolean isLeftHand, VuoReal confidence, VuoList_VuoLeapPointable fingers)
 Creates a new pointable from the specified values. More...
char * VuoLeapHand_getString (const VuoLeapHand value)
 Automatically generated function. More...
void VuoLeapHand_retain (VuoLeapHand value)
 Automatically generated function. More...
void VuoLeapHand_release (VuoLeapHand value)
 Automatically generated function. More...