Vuo 2.4.2
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VuoPoint3d.h File Reference


VuoPoint3d C type definition.

Definition in file VuoPoint3d.h.

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struct  VuoList_VuoPoint3d_struct
 List type. More...
struct  VuoBox
 Defines a bounding box. More...


VuoPoint3d VuoPoint3d_makeFromJson (json_object *js)
 Decodes the JSON object js to create a new value. More...
struct json_objectVuoPoint3d_getJson (const VuoPoint3d value)
 Encodes value as a JSON object. More...
char * VuoPoint3d_getSummary (const VuoPoint3d value)
 Returns a compact string representation of value (comma-separated coordinates). More...
bool VuoPoint3d_areEqual (const VuoPoint3d value1, const VuoPoint3d value2)
 Returns true if the two points are equal (within tolerance). More...
bool VuoPoint3d_areEqualListWithinTolerance (VuoList_VuoPoint3d values, VuoPoint3d tolerance)
 Returns true if the two values are equal within component-wise tolerance. More...
bool VuoPoint3d_isLessThan (const VuoPoint3d a, const VuoPoint3d b)
 Compares a to b primarily by x-value, secondarily by y-value, and finally by z-value, returning true if a is less than b. More...
bool VuoPoint3d_isWithinRange (VuoPoint3d value, VuoPoint3d minimum, VuoPoint3d maximum)
 Returns true if each component of value is between minimum and maximum. More...
VuoPoint3d VuoPoint3d_minList (VuoList_VuoPoint3d values, VuoInteger *outputPosition)
 Returns the minimum of a list of terms, or 0 if the array is empty. More...
VuoPoint3d VuoPoint3d_maxList (VuoList_VuoPoint3d values, VuoInteger *outputPosition)
 Returns the maximum of a list of terms, or 0 if the array is empty. More...
VuoPoint3d VuoPoint3d_average (VuoList_VuoPoint3d values)
 Returns the average of the values in the list, or 0 if the list is empty. More...
VuoPoint3d VuoPoint3d_random (const VuoPoint3d minimum, const VuoPoint3d maximum)
 Returns a pseudorandom value where each component is between minimum and maximum. More...
VuoPoint3d VuoPoint3d_randomWithState (unsigned short state[3], const VuoPoint3d minimum, const VuoPoint3d maximum)
 Returns a pseudorandom value where each component is between minimum and maximum. More...
static VuoPoint3d VuoPoint3d_make (float x, float y, float z) __attribute__((const))
 Returns a point with the specified coordinates. More...
static VuoPoint3d VuoPoint3d_makeFromArray (float *f)
 Returns a point using the first 3 elements in the specified array. More...
static void VuoPoint3d_setArray (float *f, VuoPoint3d p)
 Sets the first 3 elements in the specified array to the specified point. More...
static VuoBox VuoBox_make (VuoPoint3d center, VuoPoint3d size) __attribute__((const))
 Returns a box with the specified center and size. More...
static VuoBox VuoBox_makeWithPoints (float xmin, float xmax, float ymin, float ymax, float zmin, float zmax) __attribute__((const))
 Returns an axis aligned bounding box with the specified min and max coordinates. More...
static VuoPoint3d VuoPoint3d_crossProduct (VuoPoint3d u, VuoPoint3d v) __attribute__((const))
 Returns the cross-product of u and v. More...
static float VuoPoint3d_dotProduct (VuoPoint3d u, VuoPoint3d v) __attribute__((const))
 Returns the dot product of u, v. More...
static float VuoPoint3d_magnitude (VuoPoint3d a) __attribute__((const))
 Returns the magnitude of the vector. More...
static VuoPoint3d VuoPoint3d_normalize (VuoPoint3d a) __attribute__((const))
 Returns the normalization of a. More...
static VuoPoint3d VuoPoint3d_add (VuoPoint3d a, VuoPoint3d b) __attribute__((const))
 a + b. More...
static VuoPoint3d VuoPoint3d_subtract (VuoPoint3d a, VuoPoint3d b) __attribute__((const))
 a - b. More...
static float VuoPoint3d_squaredMagnitude (VuoPoint3d a) __attribute__((const))
 Returns the magnitude of the vector. More...
static VuoPoint3d VuoPoint3d_divide (VuoPoint3d a, VuoPoint3d b) __attribute__((const))
 Component-wise division. More...
static VuoPoint3d VuoPoint3d_multiply (VuoPoint3d a, float b) __attribute__((const))
 a * b More...
static VuoPoint3d VuoPoint3d_min (const VuoPoint3d l, const VuoPoint3d r) __attribute__((const))
 Returns component-wise min. More...
static VuoPoint3d VuoPoint3d_max (const VuoPoint3d l, const VuoPoint3d r) __attribute__((const))
 Returns component-wise max. More...
static VuoPoint3d VuoPoint3d_makeNonzero (VuoPoint3d a) __attribute__((const))
 If any component of the value is zero or very close to zero, moves it further from zero (either 0.000001 or -0.000001). More...
static float VuoPoint3d_distance (VuoPoint3d a, VuoPoint3d b) __attribute__((const))
 Distance between a and b. More...
static VuoPoint3d VuoPoint3d_lerp (VuoPoint3d a, VuoPoint3d b, float t) __attribute__((const))
 Returns a linearly interpolated value between a and b using time t. More...
static VuoPoint3d VuoPoint3d_scale (VuoPoint3d a, VuoPoint3d b) __attribute__((const))
 Returns component-wise multiplication of two VuoPoint3d vectors. More...
static VuoPoint3d VuoPoint3d_mod (VuoPoint3d a, VuoPoint3d b) __attribute__((const))
 Returns the component-wise modulus of two VuoPoint3d vectors. More...
static VuoPoint3d VuoPoint3d_spring (VuoReal timeSinceDrop, VuoPoint3d dropPosition, VuoPoint3d restingPosition, VuoReal period, VuoReal damping)
 Calculates a position along the path of an oscillating spring. More...
static VuoPoint3d VuoPoint3d_clamp (VuoPoint3d point, VuoReal limitA, VuoReal limitB)
 Limits point to values between limitA and limitB, inclusive. More...
static VuoPoint3d VuoPoint3d_clampn (VuoPoint3d point, VuoPoint3d limitA, VuoPoint3d limitB)
 Limits point to values between limitA and limitB, inclusive. More...
static VuoPoint3d VuoPoint3d_bezier3 (VuoPoint3d p0, VuoPoint3d p1, VuoPoint3d p2, VuoPoint3d p3, VuoReal time)
 Calculates a position along a cubic bezier curve. More...
static VuoPoint3d VuoPoint3d_snap (VuoPoint3d a, VuoPoint3d center, VuoPoint3d snap)
 Snap value a to the nearest increment of value snap. More...
static VuoBox VuoBox_encapsulate (VuoBox a, VuoBox b)
 Grow the VuoBox to encapsulate b. More...
static VuoBoolean VuoBox_contains (VuoBox aabb, VuoPoint3d point)
 Check if a point is contained within a bounding box. More...
static VuoBoolean VuoBox_intersects (VuoBox a, VuoBox b)
 Check if two boxes interesect with one another. More...
char * VuoPoint3d_getString (const VuoPoint3d value)
 Automatically generated function. More...
void VuoPoint3d_retain (VuoPoint3d value)
 Automatically generated function. More...
void VuoPoint3d_release (VuoPoint3d value)
 Automatically generated function. More...
#define VuoList_VuoPoint3d_TYPE_DEFINED
 List type. More...
typedef const struct VuoList_VuoPoint3d_structVuoList_VuoPoint3d
 List type. More...