Vuo 2.4.4
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VuoLog.h File Reference


Logging functions.

Definition in file VuoLog.h.

Go to the source code of this file.


#define VuoLog_status(format, ...)
 Stores status information so it can be included in crash reports.
#define VL()
 Prints the name of the file and function to the system log and to stderr (and implicitly flushes the output buffer).
#define VLog(format, ...)
 Prints the name of the file and function, and printf()-style format/arguments, to the system log and to stderr (and implicitly flushes the output buffer).
#define VUserLog(format, ...)
 Same as VLog, but for messages intended for end users.
#define VDebugLog(format, ...)
 Same as VLog, but for debug messages intended for end users.
#define VLogHeap(heapPointer)
 Prints the name of the current file and function, and the address and description of the specified heapPointer, to the system log and to stderr (and implicitly flushes the output buffer).
#define VUOLOG_PROFILE_BEGIN(object)
 Starts a profiler time sample.
#define VUOLOG_PROFILE_END(object)
 Ends a profiler time sample.
#define VuoDefer
 Defers execution of the specified block until the end of scope.


double VuoLogGetTime (void)
 Returns the number of seconds (including fractional seconds) since an arbitrary start time.
double VuoLogGetElapsedTime (void)
 Returns the number of seconds (including fractional seconds) since this module was loaded.
bool VuoIsDebugEnabled (void)
 Returns true if debug mode is enabled.
void VuoLog_backtrace (void)
 Prints the stack backtrace to stderr.
bool VuoLog_isDebuggerAttached (void)
 Returns true if the current process is being debugged (either launched by LLDB/Instruments, or LLDB/Instruments attached after the process launched).
void VuoLog_statusF (const char *moduleName, const char *file, const unsigned int linenumber, const char *function, const char *format,...)
 Helper for VuoLog_status.
void VuoLog (const char *moduleName, const char *file, const unsigned int linenumber, const char *function, const char *format,...)
 Outputs a message to the system log and to stderr.
void VuoLog_recordTime (const char *name, double time)
 Adds time to the specified profile name.


static char * VuoLog_moduleName = 0
 The name of the current dylib (as opposed to the process's main executable), set by VuoLog_initModuleName.