Vuo 2.4.4
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Classes | Macros | Functions
VuoTree.h File Reference


VuoTree C type definition.

Definition in file VuoTree.h.

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struct  VuoTree
 Hierarchically structured information. More...


 This type implements _getInterprocessJson().


VuoTree VuoTree_makeFromJson (struct json_object *js)
 Decodes the JSON object js to create a new value.
struct json_object * VuoTree_getJson (const VuoTree value)
 Encodes value as a JSON object that can only be decoded in the same process.
struct json_object * VuoTree_getInterprocessJson (const VuoTree value)
 Encodes value as a JSON object that can be decoded in a separate process.
char * VuoTree_getSummary (const VuoTree value)
 Returns a human-readable description of value.
VuoTree VuoTree_makeEmpty (void)
 Returns a tree with nothing in it.
VuoTree VuoTree_make (VuoText name, VuoDictionary_VuoText_VuoText attributes, VuoText content, VuoList_VuoTree children)
 Returns a tree that consists of the given components.
VuoTree VuoTree_makeFromJsonText (VuoText json)
 Returns a tree parsed from json.
VuoTree VuoTree_makeFromXmlText (VuoText xml, bool includeWhitespace)
 Returns a tree parsed from xml.
VuoText VuoTree_serializeAsXml (VuoTree tree, bool indent)
 Returns an XML-formatted string representation of a tree.
VuoText VuoTree_serializeAsJson (VuoTree tree, bool indent)
 Returns an JSON-formatted string representation of a tree.
void VuoTree_retain (VuoTree value)
 Replaces the auto-generated function.
void VuoTree_release (VuoTree value)
 Replaces the auto-generated function.
VuoText VuoTree_getName (VuoTree tree)
 Returns the name of the tree's root item.
VuoDictionary_VuoText_VuoText VuoTree_getAttributes (VuoTree tree)
 Returns the attributes of the tree's root item.
VuoText VuoTree_getAttribute (VuoTree tree, VuoText attribute)
 Returns the value of the attribute with the given name in the tree's root item, or an empty text if not found.
VuoText VuoTree_getContent (VuoTree tree, bool includeDescendants)
 Returns the content of the tree's root item and, optionally, of its descendants.
VuoList_VuoTree VuoTree_getChildren (VuoTree tree)
 Returns a list of the subtrees that are direct descendants of the tree's root item.
struct json_object * VuoTree_getContainedValue (VuoTree tree)
 Interprets the content and children of the tree as a JSON representation of a Vuo data type value.
VuoList_VuoTree VuoTree_findItemsUsingXpath (VuoTree tree, VuoText xpath)
 Returns the subtrees found by searching tree with XPath expression xpath, or an empty list if there's an error.
VuoList_VuoTree VuoTree_findItemsWithName (VuoTree tree, VuoText name, VuoTextComparison comparison, bool includeDescendants)
 Searches tree for subtrees whose name matches name.
VuoList_VuoTree VuoTree_findItemsWithAttribute (VuoTree tree, VuoText attribute, VuoText value, VuoTextComparison valueComparison, bool includeDescendants)
 Searches tree for subtrees that have an attribute called attribute (exact match) and its value matches value (based on valueComparison).
VuoList_VuoTree VuoTree_findItemsWithContent (VuoTree tree, VuoText content, VuoTextComparison comparison, bool includeDescendants)
 Searches tree for subtrees whose content matches name.
char * VuoTree_getString (const VuoTree value)
 Automatically generated function.
char * VuoTree_getInterprocessString (const VuoTree value)
 Automatically generated function.