Vuo 2.4.4
No Matches


In a node, each data-and-event port has a data type. Vuo comes with many built-in data types, such as VuoInteger, VuoReal, VuoText, and other Built-in Types.

Occasionally when developing a node class you may find that the built-in types are not enough, and you need to create your own custom type. This type would allow you to pass structured data from an output port on one node to an input port on another. The data structure would likely be specific to your node set. For example, a node set that interfaced with an internet-enabled coffee maker might need a data type for the coffee maker device.

(If you don't need to pass structured data between nodes, but just need an input port to show a menu of options, then you don't have to define a custom type. You can just specify menuItems in the port's VuoInputData.)

This documentation assumes that you're already familiar with Developing a Node Class.

Getting started

The easiest way to start developing a data type is with the example project provided in the Vuo SDK.

  1. Copy /Library/Developer/Vuo/example/node/customType to your Desktop.
  2. Rename ExampleLanguage.h and ExampleLanguage.c to MyLanguage.h and MyLanguage.c.
  3. In CMakeLists.txt, change ExampleLanguage.h and ExampleLanguage.c to MyLanguage.h and MyLanguage.c.
  4. In example.customType.greet.c, replace all occurrences of ExampleLanguage with MyLanguage.
  5. In ExampleLanguage.c, in the VuoModuleMetadata call, change "Language" to "My Language". Save the file.
  6. Build the project using Qt Creator or the command line.

The example.customType.greet node class should now be listed in Vuo's Node Library. When you drag the node onto the canvas and click on its input port, the port popover should show the port's data type as "My Language".

Writing a data type

To implement a data type, you need to:

The file name

Every data type has two names: a human-readable title and a machine name. The title appears in the port popover, for example Integer or My Language. The machine name is how the type is referred to in the source code, for example VuoInteger or MyLanguage. When you create a data type, the file names consist of the machine name plus a file extension.

Like node classes, types can be implemented in C/C++/Objective-C, and the file extension for the implementation file should reflect the language. The file extension for the header file should always be .h.

The metadata

Here's an example of metadata for a data type:

"title" : "Audio Samples",
"version" : "1.0.0",
"dependencies" : [

Like node classes, types must pass the VuoModuleMetadata macro a JSON-formatted argument with certain keys. For more information, see the documentation for VuoModuleMetadata.

The underlying data structure

In the simplest case, your data type may just store data of an existing C/C++/Objective-C type or Vuo type. For example:

// VuoInteger.h
typedef int64_t VuoInteger;
// VuoUrl.h
typedef VuoText VuoUrl;

Or your data type may consist of a data structure composed from multiple types. For example:

// VuoColor.h
typedef struct
float r,g,b,a;
// VuoAudioSamples.h
typedef struct
VuoInteger sampleCount;
VuoReal *samples;
VuoReal samplesPerSecond;

If your type refers to other Vuo types, then you need to list those as dependencies in the VuoModuleMetadata. For more information, see Managing Dependencies.

The functions

To implement a data type, there are certain Vuo API functions that you need to declare and implement.

Unlike in a node class, in a type you need to prefix Vuo API function names with your type name. In the following documentation, you would substitute your type's machine name (e.g. MyLanguage) in place of MyType.

There are 3 functions that you must implement:

In addition to these required functions, there are several that you can optionally implement. There are also some functions that you can declare but don't have to implement because Vuo generates them automatically. For more information, see Type Methods.

If you're writing the data type in C++, you should wrap your Vuo API function declarations and VuoModuleMetadata call in extern "C".

See the source code for Vuo's built-in data types — in the core types directory and in node set directories — which can serve as examples to help you write your own.

Compiling and installing a data type

To be able to use your data type within Vuo, you'll need to:

The example project in /Library/Developer/Vuo/example/node/customType performs all of these steps. You can use that example's CMakeLists.txt as a starting point when creating your own type.

When you build the customType example project, it places the node set in the User Modules folder. For more information about node sets, see Packaging a Node Set.

Naming data types

Please do not begin your type's name with "Vuo". This is reserved for types distributed by Team Vuo / Kosada. Please use your own company or personal name for your types so that Vuo users can appreciate your work (and not be confused).

Built-in Vuo types follow a set of naming conventions. If you develop types to share with other Vuo developers, we encourage you to follow these conventions, too, to make your types easier to use.


 Type Methods
 Functions to serialize, unserialize, and summarize values of the type.