Vuo  1.2.8
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VuoRunnerCocoa(Conversion) Category Reference


Methods for converting between Cocoa types and Vuo types.

Class Methods

(id) + cocoaObjectWithVuoValue:ofType:
 Given the specified vuoValue (serialized as JSON), returns a Cocoa object. More...
(json_object *) + vuoValueWithCocoaObject:
 Given the specified Cocoa object, returns a Vuo value (serialized as JSON). More...
(NSImage *) + nsImageWithVuoImage:
 Converts the provided VuoImage to an NSImage. More...

Method Documentation

◆ cocoaObjectWithVuoValue:ofType:()

+ (id) cocoaObjectWithVuoValue: (json_object *)  vuoValue
ofType: (string)  type 

Given the specified vuoValue (serialized as JSON), returns a Cocoa object.

See also

Extends class VuoRunnerCocoa.

◆ nsImageWithVuoImage:()

+ (NSImage *) nsImageWithVuoImage: (VuoImage vi

Converts the provided VuoImage to an NSImage.

Extends class VuoRunnerCocoa.

◆ vuoValueWithCocoaObject:()

+ (json_object *) vuoValueWithCocoaObject: (id)  value

Given the specified Cocoa object, returns a Vuo value (serialized as JSON).

See also

Extends class VuoRunnerCocoa.

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