Vuo  2.0.0
Instance Methods | Properties | List of all members
VuoGraphicsWindow Class Reference


A window containing a VuoGraphicsLayer.

Definition at line 37 of file VuoGraphicsWindow.h.

Instance Methods

(instancetype) - initWithInitCallback:updateBackingCallback:resizeCallback:drawCallback:userData:
 Creates a window with the default size and position. More...
(void) - draw
 Schedules the OpenGL view to be repainted. More...
(bool) - isFullScreen
 Returns YES if this window is currently fullscreen. More...
(void) - finishFullScreenTransition
 Ends the programmatic-resizing event-block, and explicitly fires the resize handler once. More...
(void) - enableUpdatedWindowTrigger:
 Sets up the window to call trigger functions. More...
(void) - enableShowedWindowTrigger:requestedFrameTrigger:
 Sets up the window to call trigger functions. More...
(void) - disableTriggers
 Stops the window from calling trigger functions. More...
(void) - setProperties:
 Applies a list of properties to this window. More...
(void) - setAspectRatioToWidth:height:
 Constrains the window's aspect ratio to pixelsWide/pixelsHigh. More...
(void) - unlockAspectRatio
 Removes the aspect ratio constraint set by VuoWindowOpenGl_setAspectRatio. More...
(void) - initDrag
 Helper for VuoGraphicsWindow's init method. More...
(void) - addDragEnteredCallback:dragMovedToCallback:dragCompletedCallback:dragExitedCallback:
 Adds callbacks to be invoked when files are dragged from Finder. More...
(void) - removeDragEnteredCallback:dragMovedToCallback:dragCompletedCallback:dragExitedCallback:
 Removes callbacks that would have been invoked when files were dragged from Finder. More...


NSRect contentRectCached
 The window's content area. More...
float backingScaleFactorCached
 The number of pixels per point in the window's content area. More...
NSMenu * oldMenu
 The host app's menu, before the window was activated. More...
BOOL isClosed
 Has the window been closed? More...
 nil if recording is inactive. More...
NSURL * temporaryMovieURL
 The temporary file to which the movie is being saved. More...
bool programmaticallyResizingWindow
 True if a programmatic resize of the window is in progress. More...
bool programmaticallyTransitioningFullScreen
 True if a programmatic Mac-fullscreen transition is in progress. More...
bool userResizedWindow
 True if the user has manually resized the window. More...
BOOL isInMacFullScreenMode
 Is Mac OS X's fullscreen mode (green arrow button in titlebar) currently active? More...
VuoCursor cursor
 The current mouse cursor for this window. More...
BOOL maintainsPixelSizeWhenBackingChanges
 When the window is dragged between a retina and non-retina screen, should it maintain its size in points or pixels? More...
NSString * titleBackup
 The window's title (stored since it gets cleared when switching to fullscreen mode). More...
NSUInteger styleMaskWhenWindowed
 The window's style mask, prior to switching to full-screen. More...
NSRect contentRectWhenWindowed
 The position and size of the window's content area, prior to switching to full-screen. In points (not pixels). More...
uint64_t compositionUid
 The composition that contains this window. More...
void * dragEntered
 A VuoTriggerSet of callbacks invoked when a Finder drag first moves into the window. More...
void * dragMovedTo
 A VuoTriggerSet of callbacks invoked when a Finder drag moves around within the window. More...
void * dragCompleted
 A VuoTriggerSet of callbacks invoked when a Finder drag is released over the window. More...
void * dragExited
 A VuoTriggerSet of callbacks invoked when a Finder drag leaves the window without being released. More...
VuoGraphicsWindowUpdatedWindowCallback updatedWindow
 Callback to invoke when the window is shown, moved, and resized. More...
VuoGraphicsWindowShowedWindowCallback showedWindow
 Deprecated. See updatedWindow. More...
VuoGraphicsWindowRequestedFrameCallback requestedFrame
 Callback to invoke when the display is ready for the next frame. More...

Method Documentation

◆ addDragEnteredCallback:dragMovedToCallback:dragCompletedCallback:dragExitedCallback:()

- (void) addDragEnteredCallback: (VuoGraphicsWindowDragCallback dragEnteredCallback
dragMovedToCallback: (VuoGraphicsWindowDragCallback dragMovedCallback
dragCompletedCallback: (VuoGraphicsWindowDragCallback dragCompletedCallback
dragExitedCallback: (VuoGraphicsWindowDragCallback dragExitedCallback 

Adds callbacks to be invoked when files are dragged from Finder.

Provided by category VuoGraphicsWindow(Drag).

Definition at line 41 of file

◆ disableTriggers()

- (void) disableTriggers

Stops the window from calling trigger functions.

This function may be called from any thread.

Definition at line 307 of file VuoGraphicsWindow.m.

◆ draw()

- (void) draw

Schedules the OpenGL view to be repainted.

This can be used in both windowed and full-screen mode.

This function may be called from any thread.

Definition at line 139 of file VuoGraphicsWindow.m.

◆ enableShowedWindowTrigger:requestedFrameTrigger:()

- (void) enableShowedWindowTrigger: (VuoGraphicsWindowShowedWindowCallback showedWindow
requestedFrameTrigger: (VuoGraphicsWindowRequestedFrameCallback requestedFrame 

Sets up the window to call trigger functions.

This function may be called from any thread.


Definition at line 287 of file VuoGraphicsWindow.m.

◆ enableUpdatedWindowTrigger:()

- (void) enableUpdatedWindowTrigger: (VuoGraphicsWindowUpdatedWindowCallback updatedWindow

Sets up the window to call trigger functions.

This function may be called from any thread.

Definition at line 265 of file VuoGraphicsWindow.m.

◆ finishFullScreenTransition()

- (void) finishFullScreenTransition

Ends the programmatic-resizing event-block, and explicitly fires the resize handler once.

To be called when the delegate receives -windowDidEnter/ExitFullScreen:.

Definition at line 750 of file VuoGraphicsWindow.m.

◆ initDrag()

- (void) initDrag

Helper for VuoGraphicsWindow's init method.

Provided by category VuoGraphicsWindow(Drag).

Definition at line 30 of file

◆ initWithInitCallback:updateBackingCallback:resizeCallback:drawCallback:userData:()

- (instancetype) initWithInitCallback: (VuoGraphicsWindowInitCallback initCallback
updateBackingCallback: (VuoGraphicsWindowUpdateBackingCallback updateBackingCallback
resizeCallback: (VuoGraphicsWindowResizeCallback resizeCallback
drawCallback: (VuoGraphicsWindowDrawCallback drawCallback
userData: (void *)  userData 

Creates a window with the default size and position.

Definition at line 70 of file VuoGraphicsWindow.m.

◆ isFullScreen()

- (bool) isFullScreen

Returns YES if this window is currently fullscreen.

This function may be called from any thread.

Definition at line 326 of file VuoGraphicsWindow.m.

◆ removeDragEnteredCallback:dragMovedToCallback:dragCompletedCallback:dragExitedCallback:()

- (void) removeDragEnteredCallback: (VuoGraphicsWindowDragCallback dragEnteredCallback
dragMovedToCallback: (VuoGraphicsWindowDragCallback dragMovedCallback
dragCompletedCallback: (VuoGraphicsWindowDragCallback dragCompletedCallback
dragExitedCallback: (VuoGraphicsWindowDragCallback dragExitedCallback 

Removes callbacks that would have been invoked when files were dragged from Finder.

Provided by category VuoGraphicsWindow(Drag).

Definition at line 55 of file

◆ setAspectRatioToWidth:height:()

- (void) setAspectRatioToWidth: (unsigned int)  pixelsWide
height: (unsigned int)  pixelsHigh 

Constrains the window's aspect ratio to pixelsWide/pixelsHigh.

Also resizes the window to pixelsWide by pixelsHigh, unless:

  • the user has manually resized the window, in which case the user-set width is preserved
  • the requested size is larger than the window's screen, in which case the window is scaled to fit the screen
  • the requested size is smaller than Cocoa can properly render, in which case the size is clamped

This function may only be called on the main thread.

Definition at line 483 of file VuoGraphicsWindow.m.

◆ setProperties:()

- (void) setProperties: (VuoList_VuoWindowProperty properties

Applies a list of properties to this window.

This function may only be called on the main thread.

Definition at line 350 of file VuoGraphicsWindow.m.

◆ unlockAspectRatio()

- (void) unlockAspectRatio

Removes the aspect ratio constraint set by VuoWindowOpenGl_setAspectRatio.

This function may only be called on the main thread.

Definition at line 567 of file VuoGraphicsWindow.m.

Property Documentation

◆ backingScaleFactorCached

- (float) backingScaleFactorCached

The number of pixels per point in the window's content area.

Definition at line 39 of file VuoGraphicsWindow.h.

◆ compositionUid

- (uint64_t) compositionUid

The composition that contains this window.

Definition at line 53 of file VuoGraphicsWindow.h.

◆ contentRectCached

- (NSRect) contentRectCached

The window's content area.

Definition at line 38 of file VuoGraphicsWindow.h.

◆ contentRectWhenWindowed

- (NSRect) contentRectWhenWindowed

The position and size of the window's content area, prior to switching to full-screen. In points (not pixels).

Definition at line 52 of file VuoGraphicsWindow.h.

◆ cursor

- (VuoCursor) cursor

The current mouse cursor for this window.

Definition at line 48 of file VuoGraphicsWindow.h.

◆ dragCompleted

- (void*) dragCompleted

A VuoTriggerSet of callbacks invoked when a Finder drag is released over the window.

Definition at line 57 of file VuoGraphicsWindow.h.

◆ dragEntered

- (void*) dragEntered

A VuoTriggerSet of callbacks invoked when a Finder drag first moves into the window.

Definition at line 55 of file VuoGraphicsWindow.h.

◆ dragExited

- (void*) dragExited

A VuoTriggerSet of callbacks invoked when a Finder drag leaves the window without being released.

Definition at line 58 of file VuoGraphicsWindow.h.

◆ dragMovedTo

- (void*) dragMovedTo

A VuoTriggerSet of callbacks invoked when a Finder drag moves around within the window.

Definition at line 56 of file VuoGraphicsWindow.h.

◆ isClosed

- (BOOL) isClosed

Has the window been closed?

Definition at line 41 of file VuoGraphicsWindow.h.

◆ isInMacFullScreenMode

- (BOOL) isInMacFullScreenMode

Is Mac OS X's fullscreen mode (green arrow button in titlebar) currently active?

Definition at line 47 of file VuoGraphicsWindow.h.

◆ maintainsPixelSizeWhenBackingChanges

- (BOOL) maintainsPixelSizeWhenBackingChanges

When the window is dragged between a retina and non-retina screen, should it maintain its size in points or pixels?

Definition at line 49 of file VuoGraphicsWindow.h.

◆ oldMenu

- (NSMenu*) oldMenu

The host app's menu, before the window was activated.

Definition at line 40 of file VuoGraphicsWindow.h.

◆ programmaticallyResizingWindow

- (bool) programmaticallyResizingWindow

True if a programmatic resize of the window is in progress.

Definition at line 44 of file VuoGraphicsWindow.h.

◆ programmaticallyTransitioningFullScreen

- (bool) programmaticallyTransitioningFullScreen

True if a programmatic Mac-fullscreen transition is in progress.

Definition at line 45 of file VuoGraphicsWindow.h.

◆ recorder

- (VuoWindowRecorder*) recorder

nil if recording is inactive.

Definition at line 42 of file VuoGraphicsWindow.h.

◆ requestedFrame

- (VuoGraphicsWindowRequestedFrameCallback) requestedFrame

Callback to invoke when the display is ready for the next frame.

Definition at line 62 of file VuoGraphicsWindow.h.

◆ showedWindow

- (VuoGraphicsWindowShowedWindowCallback) showedWindow

Deprecated. See updatedWindow.

Definition at line 61 of file VuoGraphicsWindow.h.

◆ styleMaskWhenWindowed

- (NSUInteger) styleMaskWhenWindowed

The window's style mask, prior to switching to full-screen.

Definition at line 51 of file VuoGraphicsWindow.h.

◆ temporaryMovieURL

- (NSURL*) temporaryMovieURL

The temporary file to which the movie is being saved.

Definition at line 43 of file VuoGraphicsWindow.h.

◆ titleBackup

- (NSString*) titleBackup

The window's title (stored since it gets cleared when switching to fullscreen mode).

Definition at line 50 of file VuoGraphicsWindow.h.

◆ updatedWindow

- (VuoGraphicsWindowUpdatedWindowCallback) updatedWindow

Callback to invoke when the window is shown, moved, and resized.

Definition at line 60 of file VuoGraphicsWindow.h.

◆ userResizedWindow

- (bool) userResizedWindow

True if the user has manually resized the window.

Definition at line 46 of file VuoGraphicsWindow.h.

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