Vuo  2.0.0
Instance Methods | Protected Attributes | Properties | List of all members
VuoSyphonListener Class Reference


This class handles connecting to and receiving frames from a Syphon server.

Definition at line 24 of file VuoSyphonListener.h.

Instance Methods

(id) - init
 Creates a Syphon client that is not yet connected to any server. More...
(void) - startListeningWithServerDescription:callback:
 Starts listening for frames from the Syphon server (or continues if already connected). More...
(void) - stopListening
 Disconnects the Syphon client from its server, making it stop receiving frames. More...
(void) - refreshSyphonClientThreadUnsafe:
 Updates the connected server in response to changes to the desired server or available servers. More...
(void) - refreshSyphonClient:
 Updates the connected server in response to changes to the desired server or available servers. More...

Protected Attributes

void(* callback )(VuoImage)
 Called when a frame is received. More...
 Used to track changes to the available Syphon servers. More...
VuoSyphonServerDescription desiredServer
 A description of the Syphon server to connect to. More...
dispatch_queue_t refreshQueue
 Synchronizes changes to member variables. More...


SyphonClient * syphonClient
 The Syphon client that receives frames. More...

Method Documentation

◆ init

- (id) init

Creates a Syphon client that is not yet connected to any server.

Definition at line 71 of file VuoSyphonListener.m.

◆ refreshSyphonClient:

- (void) refreshSyphonClient: (VuoList_VuoSyphonServerDescription serverDescriptions

Updates the connected server in response to changes to the desired server or available servers.

Definition at line 257 of file VuoSyphonListener.m.

◆ refreshSyphonClientThreadUnsafe:

- (void) refreshSyphonClientThreadUnsafe: (VuoList_VuoSyphonServerDescription serverDescriptions

Updates the connected server in response to changes to the desired server or available servers.

This function may only be called on dispatch queue refreshQueue.

Definition at line 123 of file VuoSyphonListener.m.

◆ startListeningWithServerDescription:callback:

- (void) startListeningWithServerDescription: (VuoSyphonServerDescription description
callback: (void(*)(VuoImage))  receivedFrame 

Starts listening for frames from the Syphon server (or continues if already connected).

Definition at line 93 of file VuoSyphonListener.m.

◆ stopListening

- (void) stopListening

Disconnects the Syphon client from its server, making it stop receiving frames.

Definition at line 267 of file VuoSyphonListener.m.

Member Data Documentation

◆ callback

- (void(* callback) (VuoImage))

Called when a frame is received.

Definition at line 26 of file VuoSyphonListener.h.

◆ desiredServer

- (VuoSyphonServerDescription) desiredServer

A description of the Syphon server to connect to.

Definition at line 28 of file VuoSyphonListener.h.

◆ refreshQueue

- (dispatch_queue_t) refreshQueue

Synchronizes changes to member variables.

Definition at line 29 of file VuoSyphonListener.h.

◆ serverNotifier

- (VuoSyphonServerNotifier*) serverNotifier

Used to track changes to the available Syphon servers.

Definition at line 27 of file VuoSyphonListener.h.

Property Documentation

◆ syphonClient

- (SyphonClient*) syphonClient

The Syphon client that receives frames.

Definition at line 32 of file VuoSyphonListener.h.

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