Vuo  2.0.1
Classes | Enumerations | Functions


A 3D Object: visible (mesh), or virtual (group, light, camera).


struct  VuoSceneObject
 A 3D Object: visible (mesh), or virtual (group, light, camera). More...


enum  VuoSceneObjectSubType {
  VuoSceneObjectSubType_Empty, VuoSceneObjectSubType_Group, VuoSceneObjectSubType_Mesh, VuoSceneObjectSubType_PerspectiveCamera,
  VuoSceneObjectSubType_StereoCamera, VuoSceneObjectSubType_OrthographicCamera, VuoSceneObjectSubType_FisheyeCamera, VuoSceneObjectSubType_AmbientLight,
  VuoSceneObjectSubType_PointLight, VuoSceneObjectSubType_Spotlight, VuoSceneObjectSubType_Text
 How this scene object should be rendered or how it should affect other scene objects. More...


bool VuoSceneObject_get (VuoText sceneURL, VuoSceneObject *scene, bool center, bool fit, bool hasLeftHandedCoordinates)
VuoSceneObject VuoSceneObject_makeAmbientLight (VuoColor color, float brightness)
VuoSceneObject VuoSceneObject_makePointLight (VuoColor color, float brightness, VuoPoint3d position, float range, float sharpness)
VuoSceneObject VuoSceneObject_makeSpotlight (VuoColor color, float brightness, VuoTransform transform, float cone, float range, float sharpness)
uint64_t VuoSceneObject_getNextId (void)
 Returns a number, unique within this process, for identifying a particlar scene object instance. More...
VuoSceneObject VuoSceneObject_makeEmpty (void)
 Creates a new, empty scene object. More...
VuoSceneObject VuoSceneObject_makeGroup (VuoList_VuoSceneObject childObjects, VuoTransform transform)
 Creates a new scene object that can contain (and transform) other scene objects, but doesn't render anything itself. More...
VuoSceneObject VuoSceneObject_makeMesh (VuoMesh mesh, VuoShader shader, VuoTransform transform)
 Creates a visible (mesh) scene object. More...
VuoSceneObject VuoSceneObject_makeQuad (VuoShader shader, VuoPoint3d center, VuoPoint3d rotation, VuoReal width, VuoReal height)
 Returns a scene object that renders a quad with the specified shader. More...
VuoSceneObject VuoSceneObject_makeQuadWithNormals (VuoShader shader, VuoPoint3d center, VuoPoint3d rotation, VuoReal width, VuoReal height)
 Returns a scene object that renders a quad with the specified shader. More...
VuoSceneObject VuoSceneObject_makeImage (VuoImage image, VuoPoint3d center, VuoPoint3d rotation, VuoReal width, VuoReal alpha)
 Returns an unlit scene object with the specified image. More...
VuoSceneObject VuoSceneObject_makeLitImage (VuoImage image, VuoPoint3d center, VuoPoint3d rotation, VuoReal width, VuoReal alpha, VuoColor highlightColor, VuoReal shininess)
 Returns a lit scene object with the specified image. More...
VuoSceneObject VuoSceneObject_makeCube (VuoTransform transform, VuoShader frontShader, VuoShader leftShader, VuoShader rightShader, VuoShader backShader, VuoShader topShader, VuoShader bottomShader)
 Returns a scene object consisting of 6 child objects (square quads), each with its own shader. More...
VuoSceneObject VuoSceneObject_makeCube1 (VuoTransform transform, VuoShader shader)
 Returns a cube scene object with a single shader applied to all 6 sides. More...
VuoSceneObject VuoSceneObject_makeCube_VuoShader (VuoTransform transform, VuoShader shader)
 Creates a cube painted on all sides by shader. More...
VuoSceneObject VuoSceneObject_makeCube_VuoImage (VuoTransform transform, VuoImage image)
 Creates a cube painted on all sides by image. More...
VuoSceneObject VuoSceneObject_makeCube_VuoColor (VuoTransform transform, VuoColor color)
 Creates a cube painted on all sides by color. More...
VuoSceneObject VuoSceneObject_makeCube_VuoCubemap (VuoTransform transform, VuoCubemap cubemap)
 Creates a cube painted with a cubemap. More...
VuoSceneObject VuoSceneObject_makeCubeMulti (VuoTransform transform, VuoInteger columns, VuoInteger rows, VuoInteger slices, VuoShader front, VuoShader left, VuoShader right, VuoShader back, VuoShader top, VuoShader bottom)
 Creates a cube with subdivided faces and multiple shaders. More...
VuoSceneObject VuoSceneObject_makeText (VuoText text, VuoFont font, VuoBoolean scaleWithScene, float wrapWidth)
 Returns a scene object representing deferred-rendered text. More...
VuoSceneObject VuoSceneObject_makePerspectiveCamera (VuoText name, VuoTransform transform, float fieldOfView, float distanceMin, float distanceMax)
 Returns a perspective camera having the position and negative-rotation specified by transform (its scale is ignored). More...
VuoSceneObject VuoSceneObject_makeStereoCamera (VuoText name, VuoTransform transform, VuoReal fieldOfView, VuoReal distanceMin, VuoReal distanceMax, VuoReal confocalDistance, VuoReal intraocularDistance)
 Returns a stereoscopic camera having the position and negative-rotation specified by transform (its scale is ignored). More...
VuoSceneObject VuoSceneObject_makeOrthographicCamera (VuoText name, VuoTransform transform, float width, float distanceMin, float distanceMax)
 Returns an orthographic camera having the position and negative-rotation specified by transform (its scale is ignored). More...
VuoSceneObject VuoSceneObject_makeFisheyeCamera (VuoText name, VuoTransform transform, VuoReal fieldOfView, VuoReal vignetteWidth, VuoReal vignetteSharpness)
 Returns a fisheye camera having the position and negative-rotation specified by transform (its scale is ignored). More...
VuoSceneObject VuoSceneObject_makeDefaultCamera (void)
 Returns a perspective camera at (0,0,1), facing along -z, 90 degree FOV, and clip planes at 0.1 and 10.0. More...
bool VuoSceneObject_find (VuoSceneObject so, VuoText nameToMatch, VuoList_VuoSceneObject parentObjects, VuoSceneObject *foundObject) VuoWarnUnusedResult
 Searches the scenegraph (depth-first) for a scene object with the given name. More...
bool VuoSceneObject_findById (VuoSceneObject so, uint64_t idToMatch, VuoList_VuoSceneObject parentObjects, VuoSceneObject *foundObject) VuoWarnUnusedResult
 Searches the scenegraph (depth-first) for a scene object with the given id. More...
bool VuoSceneObject_findWithType (VuoSceneObject so, VuoSceneObjectSubType typeToMatch, VuoList_VuoSceneObject parentObjects, VuoSceneObject *foundObject) VuoWarnUnusedResult
 Searches the scenegraph (depth-first) for the first scene object with the specified type. More...
bool VuoSceneObject_findCamera (VuoSceneObject so, VuoText nameToMatch, VuoSceneObject *foundCamera) VuoWarnUnusedResult
 Performs a depth-first search of the scenegraph. More...
void VuoSceneObject_findLights (VuoSceneObject so, VuoColor *ambientColor, float *ambientBrightness, VuoList_VuoSceneObject *pointLights, VuoList_VuoSceneObject *spotLights)
 Finds and returns all the lights in the scene, with their transforms applied. More...
bool VuoSceneObject_isPopulated (VuoSceneObject so)
 Returns true if the scene object has a non-empty type. More...
void VuoSceneObject_visit (const VuoSceneObject object, bool(^function)(const VuoSceneObject currentObject, float modelviewMatrix[16]))
 Applies function to object and its child objects, without preserving changes to objects. More...
void VuoSceneObject_apply (VuoSceneObject object, void(^function)(VuoSceneObject currentObject, float modelviewMatrix[16]))
 Applies function to object and its child objects, and outputs the modified object. More...
void VuoSceneObject_normalize (VuoSceneObject so)
 Change the root sceneobject's transform such that the entire scenegraph renders within a 1x1x1 axis-aligned cube. More...
void VuoSceneObject_center (VuoSceneObject so)
 Make the bounds center of all vertices == {0,0,0}. More...
void VuoSceneObject_transform (VuoSceneObject object, VuoTransform transform)
 Applies a transformation to the sceneobject (combining it with its previous transform). More...
void VuoSceneObject_translate (VuoSceneObject object, VuoPoint3d translation)
 Moves the sceneobject in 3D space. More...
void VuoSceneObject_scale (VuoSceneObject object, VuoPoint3d scale)
 Scales the sceneobject in 3D space. More...
VuoSceneObjectSubType VuoSceneObject_getType (const VuoSceneObject object)
 Returns the sceneobject's type. More...
uint64_t VuoSceneObject_getId (const VuoSceneObject object)
 Returns the sceneobject's identification number (unique among objects in the currently-running composition). More...
VuoText VuoSceneObject_getName (const VuoSceneObject object)
 Returns the sceneobject's display name. More...
VuoList_VuoSceneObject VuoSceneObject_getChildObjects (const VuoSceneObject object)
 Returns the list of this sceneobject's child sceneobjects. More...
VuoBlendMode VuoSceneObject_getBlendMode (const VuoSceneObject object)
 Returns the sceneobject's blend mode. More...
VuoMesh VuoSceneObject_getMesh (const VuoSceneObject object)
 Returns the sceneobject's mesh. More...
VuoTransform VuoSceneObject_getTransform (const VuoSceneObject object)
 Returns the sceneobject's transform. More...
VuoPoint3d VuoSceneObject_getTranslation (const VuoSceneObject object)
 Returns the sceneobject's transform's translation. More...
VuoShader VuoSceneObject_getShader (const VuoSceneObject object)
 Returns the sceneobject's shader. More...
bool VuoSceneObject_isRealSize (const VuoSceneObject object)
 Returns true if the sceneobject should ignore rotations and scales, and be sized to match the shader's first image. More...
bool VuoSceneObject_shouldPreservePhysicalSize (const VuoSceneObject object)
 Returns true if the sceneobject should use the texture's scaleFactor and the backingScaleFactor to determine the rendered size. More...
VuoText VuoSceneObject_getText (const VuoSceneObject object)
 Returns the sceneobject's rendered text. More...
VuoFont VuoSceneObject_getTextFont (const VuoSceneObject object)
 Returns the sceneobject's font. More...
bool VuoSceneObject_shouldTextScaleWithScene (const VuoSceneObject object)
 Returns true if the sceneobject's text should change depending on the scene's rendering destination, or false if it should maintain its nominal size. More...
float VuoSceneObject_getTextWrapWidth (const VuoSceneObject object)
 Returns the width at which the sceneobject's rendered text should wrap. More...
float VuoSceneObject_getCameraFieldOfView (const VuoSceneObject object)
 Returns the sceneobject's field of view (for perspective cameras). More...
float VuoSceneObject_getCameraWidth (const VuoSceneObject object)
 Returns the sceneobject's camera width (for isometric cameras). More...
float VuoSceneObject_getCameraDistanceMin (const VuoSceneObject object)
 Returns the sceneobject's depth buffer minimum distance. More...
float VuoSceneObject_getCameraDistanceMax (const VuoSceneObject object)
 Returns the sceneobject's depth buffer maximum distance. More...
float VuoSceneObject_getCameraVignetteWidth (const VuoSceneObject object)
 Returns the sceneobject's vignette width (for fisheye cameras). More...
float VuoSceneObject_getCameraVignetteSharpness (const VuoSceneObject object)
 Returns the sceneobject's vignette sharpness (for fisheye cameras). More...
float VuoSceneObject_getCameraIntraocularDistance (const VuoSceneObject object)
 Returns the sceneobject's camera intraocular distance (for stereoscopic cameras). More...
float VuoSceneObject_getCameraConfocalDistance (const VuoSceneObject object)
 Returns the sceneobject's camera confocal distance (for stereoscopic cameras). More...
VuoColor VuoSceneObject_getLightColor (const VuoSceneObject object)
 Returns the sceneobject's light color. More...
float VuoSceneObject_getLightBrightness (const VuoSceneObject object)
 Returns the sceneobject's light brightness. More...
float VuoSceneObject_getLightRange (const VuoSceneObject object)
 Returns the sceneobject's light cone range. More...
float VuoSceneObject_getLightSharpness (const VuoSceneObject object)
 Returns the sceneobject's light cone sharpness. More...
float VuoSceneObject_getLightCone (const VuoSceneObject object)
 Returns the sceneobject's light cone angle. More...
void VuoSceneObject_setType (VuoSceneObject object, VuoSceneObjectSubType type)
 Changes the sceneobject's type. More...
void VuoSceneObject_setId (VuoSceneObject object, uint64_t id)
 Changes the sceneobject's identification number (should be unique among objects in the currently-running composition). More...
void VuoSceneObject_setName (VuoSceneObject object, VuoText name)
 Changes the sceneobject's display name. More...
void VuoSceneObject_setChildObjects (VuoSceneObject object, VuoList_VuoSceneObject childObjects)
 Changes the sceneobject's list of child objects. More...
void VuoSceneObject_setMesh (VuoSceneObject object, VuoMesh mesh)
 Changes the sceneobject's mesh. More...
void VuoSceneObject_setTransform (VuoSceneObject object, VuoTransform transform)
 Changes the sceneobject's transform. More...
void VuoSceneObject_setTranslation (VuoSceneObject object, VuoPoint3d translation)
 Changes the sceneobject's transform's translation. More...
void VuoSceneObject_setScale (VuoSceneObject object, VuoPoint3d scale)
 Changes the sceneobject's transform's scale. More...
void VuoSceneObject_setShader (VuoSceneObject object, VuoShader shader)
 Changes the sceneobject's shader. More...
void VuoSceneObject_setFaceCulling (VuoSceneObject object, VuoMesh_FaceCulling faceCullingMode)
 Sets the faceCulling on object and its child objects. More...
void VuoSceneObject_setBlendMode (VuoSceneObject object, VuoBlendMode blendMode)
 Sets the blendMode on object and its child objects. More...
void VuoSceneObject_setRealSize (VuoSceneObject object, bool isRealSize)
 Changes whether the sceneobject should ignore rotations and scales and be sized to match the shader's first image. More...
void VuoSceneObject_setPreservePhysicalSize (VuoSceneObject object, bool shouldPreservePhysicalSize)
 Changes whether the sceneobject should use the texture's scaleFactor and the backingScaleFactor to determine the rendered size. More...
void VuoSceneObject_setText (VuoSceneObject object, VuoText text)
 Changes the sceneobject's rendered text. More...
void VuoSceneObject_setTextFont (VuoSceneObject object, VuoFont font)
 Changes the sceneobject's font for rendered text. More...
void VuoSceneObject_setCameraFieldOfView (VuoSceneObject object, float fieldOfView)
 Changes the sceneobject's camera field of view (for perspective cameras). More...
void VuoSceneObject_setCameraDistanceMin (VuoSceneObject object, float distanceMin)
 Changes the sceneobject's depth buffer minimum distance. More...
void VuoSceneObject_setCameraDistanceMax (VuoSceneObject object, float distanceMax)
 Changes the sceneobject's depth buffer maximum distance. More...
VuoSceneObject VuoSceneObject_copy (const VuoSceneObject object)
 Creates a new scene object hierarchy that references the input object's meshes and shaders. More...
VuoSceneObject VuoSceneObject_makeFromJson (struct json_object *js)
 Decodes the JSON object js to create a new value. More...
struct json_objectVuoSceneObject_getJson (const VuoSceneObject value)
 Encodes value as a JSON object. More...
char * VuoSceneObject_getSummary (const VuoSceneObject value)
 Produces a brief human-readable summary of value. More...
void VuoSceneObject_getStatistics (const VuoSceneObject value, unsigned long *descendantCount, unsigned long *totalVertexCount, unsigned long *totalElementCount)
 Traverses the specified scenegraph and returns statistics about it. More...
VuoBox VuoSceneObject_bounds (const VuoSceneObject so)
 Get the axis aligned bounding box of this sceneobject and it's children. More...
bool VuoSceneObject_meshBounds (const VuoSceneObject so, VuoBox *bounds, float matrix[16])
 Bounding box of the vertices for this SceneObject (taking into account transform). More...
void VuoSceneObject_dump (const VuoSceneObject so)
 Outputs information about the sceneobject (and its descendants). More...
unsigned long VuoSceneObject_getVertexCount (const VuoSceneObject value)
 Returns the total number of vertices in the scene object (but not its descendants). More...
VuoSceneObject VuoSceneObject_flatten (const VuoSceneObject so)
 Combines all meshes (including child objects) together into a single mesh. More...
VuoSceneObject VuoSceneObject_union (VuoList_VuoSceneObject objects, float quality)
 Returns the union of objects. More...
VuoSceneObject VuoSceneObject_subtract (const VuoSceneObject a, const VuoSceneObject b, float quality)
 Returns the boolean difference of a minus b. More...
VuoSceneObject VuoSceneObject_intersect (VuoList_VuoSceneObject objects, float quality)
 Returns the intersection of objects. More...
VuoSceneObject VuoSceneObject_makeFromString (const char *str)
 Automatically generated function. More...
char * VuoSceneObject_getString (const VuoSceneObject value)
 Automatically generated function. More...
void VuoSceneObject_retain (VuoSceneObject value)
 Automatically generated function. More...
void VuoSceneObject_release (VuoSceneObject value)
 Automatically generated function. More...

Class Documentation

◆ VuoSceneObject

struct VuoSceneObject
Class Members
void * l

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ VuoSceneObjectSubType

How this scene object should be rendered or how it should affect other scene objects.

Definition at line 42 of file VuoSceneObject.h.

Function Documentation

◆ VuoSceneObject_apply()

void VuoSceneObject_apply ( VuoSceneObject  object,
void(^)(VuoSceneObject currentObject, float modelviewMatrix[16])  function 

Applies function to object and its child objects, and outputs the modified object.

The value modelviewMatrix (which VuoSceneObject_apply passes to function) is the cumulative transformation matrix (from object down to the currentObject).

NULL objects in the tree are ignored (function is not called).

Definition at line 1061 of file

◆ VuoSceneObject_bounds()

VuoBox VuoSceneObject_bounds ( const VuoSceneObject  so)

Get the axis aligned bounding box of this sceneobject and it's children.

Get the axis aligned bounding box of this sceneobject and it's children.

Definition at line 1881 of file

◆ VuoSceneObject_center()

void VuoSceneObject_center ( VuoSceneObject  so)

Make the bounds center of all vertices == {0,0,0}.

Definition at line 1943 of file

◆ VuoSceneObject_copy()

VuoSceneObject VuoSceneObject_copy ( const VuoSceneObject  object)

Creates a new scene object hierarchy that references the input object's meshes and shaders.

You can change the transforms and replace the meshes and shaders without affecting the original, but you cannot mutate the existing meshes and shaders.

The sceneobject's id is preserved.

Changed in Vuo 2.0.0:
Meshes are now retained, not copied.

Definition at line 1814 of file

◆ VuoSceneObject_dump()

void VuoSceneObject_dump ( const VuoSceneObject  so)

Outputs information about the sceneobject (and its descendants).

Definition at line 2605 of file

◆ VuoSceneObject_find()

bool VuoSceneObject_find ( VuoSceneObject  sceneObject,
VuoText  nameToMatch,
VuoList_VuoSceneObject  ancestorObjects,
VuoSceneObject foundObject 

Searches the scenegraph (depth-first) for a scene object with the given name.

sceneObjectThe root object of the scenegraph to search.
nameToMatchThe name to search for.
[out]ancestorObjectsThe ancestors of foundObject, starting with the root of the scenegraph.
[out]foundObjectThe first matching scene object found.
True if a matching scene object was found.

Definition at line 604 of file

◆ VuoSceneObject_findById()

bool VuoSceneObject_findById ( VuoSceneObject  sceneObject,
uint64_t  idToMatch,
VuoList_VuoSceneObject  ancestorObjects,
VuoSceneObject foundObject 

Searches the scenegraph (depth-first) for a scene object with the given id.

sceneObjectThe root object of the scenegraph to search.
idToMatchThe id to search for.
[out]ancestorObjectsThe ancestors of foundObject, starting with the root of the scenegraph.
[out]foundObjectThe first matching scene object found.
True if a matching scene object was found.
Changed in Vuo 2.0.0:

Definition at line 645 of file

◆ VuoSceneObject_findCamera()

bool VuoSceneObject_findCamera ( VuoSceneObject  sceneObject,
VuoText  nameToMatch,
VuoSceneObject foundCamera 

Performs a depth-first search of the scenegraph.

Returns (via foundCamera) the first camera whose name contains nameToMatch (or, if nameToMatch is emptystring or NULL, just returns the first camera), with its transform altered to incorporate the transforms of its ancestor objects. The returned boolean indicates whether a camera was found. If no camera was found, foundCamera is unaltered.

Definition at line 727 of file

◆ VuoSceneObject_findLights()

void VuoSceneObject_findLights ( VuoSceneObject  sceneObject,
VuoColor ambientColor,
float *  ambientBrightness,
VuoList_VuoSceneObject pointLights,
VuoList_VuoSceneObject spotLights 

Finds and returns all the lights in the scene, with their transforms applied.

If there are multiple ambient lights, returns the weighted (by alpha) average color and summed brightness.

If there are no lights in the scene, returns some default lights.

Definition at line 899 of file

◆ VuoSceneObject_findWithType()

bool VuoSceneObject_findWithType ( VuoSceneObject  sceneObject,
VuoSceneObjectSubType  typeToMatch,
VuoList_VuoSceneObject  ancestorObjects,
VuoSceneObject foundObject 

Searches the scenegraph (depth-first) for the first scene object with the specified type.

sceneObjectThe root object of the scenegraph to search.
typeToMatchThe sub-type to search for.
[out]ancestorObjectsThe ancestors of foundObject, starting with the root of the scenegraph.
[out]foundObjectThe first matching scene object found.
True if a matching scene object was found.
Changed in Vuo 2.0.0:

Definition at line 686 of file

◆ VuoSceneObject_flatten()

VuoSceneObject VuoSceneObject_flatten ( const VuoSceneObject  so)

Combines all meshes (including child objects) together into a single mesh.

Element assembly methods are expanded (e.g., triangle strips become individual triangles).

If so contains multiple primitive types, a single mesh is created with a submesh for each expanded primitive type.

The last-visited submesh's faceCullingMode and primitiveSize are used in the output mesh.

Definition at line 2620 of file

◆ VuoSceneObject_get()

bool VuoSceneObject_get ( VuoText  sceneURL,
VuoSceneObject scene,
bool  center,
bool  fit,
bool  hasLeftHandedCoordinates 

Retrieves the scene at the specified sceneURL, creates a VuoSceneObject from it, and stores it in scene.

Returns false if the scene could not be loaded.

Definition at line 320 of file VuoSceneObjectGet.c.

◆ VuoSceneObject_getBlendMode()

VuoBlendMode VuoSceneObject_getBlendMode ( const VuoSceneObject  object)

Returns the sceneobject's blend mode.

Changed in Vuo 2.0.0:

Definition at line 1153 of file

◆ VuoSceneObject_getCameraConfocalDistance()

float VuoSceneObject_getCameraConfocalDistance ( const VuoSceneObject  object)

Returns the sceneobject's camera confocal distance (for stereoscopic cameras).

Changed in Vuo 2.0.0:

Definition at line 1417 of file

◆ VuoSceneObject_getCameraDistanceMax()

float VuoSceneObject_getCameraDistanceMax ( const VuoSceneObject  object)

Returns the sceneobject's depth buffer maximum distance.

Changed in Vuo 2.0.0:

Definition at line 1361 of file

◆ VuoSceneObject_getCameraDistanceMin()

float VuoSceneObject_getCameraDistanceMin ( const VuoSceneObject  object)

Returns the sceneobject's depth buffer minimum distance.

Changed in Vuo 2.0.0:

Definition at line 1347 of file

◆ VuoSceneObject_getCameraFieldOfView()

float VuoSceneObject_getCameraFieldOfView ( const VuoSceneObject  object)

Returns the sceneobject's field of view (for perspective cameras).

Changed in Vuo 2.0.0:

Definition at line 1319 of file

◆ VuoSceneObject_getCameraIntraocularDistance()

float VuoSceneObject_getCameraIntraocularDistance ( const VuoSceneObject  object)

Returns the sceneobject's camera intraocular distance (for stereoscopic cameras).

Changed in Vuo 2.0.0:

Definition at line 1403 of file

◆ VuoSceneObject_getCameraVignetteSharpness()

float VuoSceneObject_getCameraVignetteSharpness ( const VuoSceneObject  object)

Returns the sceneobject's vignette sharpness (for fisheye cameras).

Changed in Vuo 2.0.0:

Definition at line 1389 of file

◆ VuoSceneObject_getCameraVignetteWidth()

float VuoSceneObject_getCameraVignetteWidth ( const VuoSceneObject  object)

Returns the sceneobject's vignette width (for fisheye cameras).

Changed in Vuo 2.0.0:

Definition at line 1375 of file

◆ VuoSceneObject_getCameraWidth()

float VuoSceneObject_getCameraWidth ( const VuoSceneObject  object)

Returns the sceneobject's camera width (for isometric cameras).

Changed in Vuo 2.0.0:

Definition at line 1333 of file

◆ VuoSceneObject_getChildObjects()

VuoList_VuoSceneObject VuoSceneObject_getChildObjects ( VuoSceneObject  object)

Returns the list of this sceneobject's child sceneobjects.

The caller is permitted to modify the returned value (e.g., append items to the list), which will affect this sceneobject.

Changed in Vuo 2.0.0:

Definition at line 1136 of file

◆ VuoSceneObject_getId()

uint64_t VuoSceneObject_getId ( const VuoSceneObject  object)

Returns the sceneobject's identification number (unique among objects in the currently-running composition).

Changed in Vuo 2.0.0:

Definition at line 1182 of file

◆ VuoSceneObject_getJson()

struct json_object* VuoSceneObject_getJson ( const VuoSceneObject  value)

Encodes value as a JSON object.

Definition at line 2190 of file

◆ VuoSceneObject_getLightBrightness()

float VuoSceneObject_getLightBrightness ( const VuoSceneObject  object)

Returns the sceneobject's light brightness.

Changed in Vuo 2.0.0:

Definition at line 1445 of file

◆ VuoSceneObject_getLightColor()

VuoColor VuoSceneObject_getLightColor ( const VuoSceneObject  object)

Returns the sceneobject's light color.

Changed in Vuo 2.0.0:

Definition at line 1431 of file

◆ VuoSceneObject_getLightCone()

float VuoSceneObject_getLightCone ( const VuoSceneObject  object)

Returns the sceneobject's light cone angle.

Changed in Vuo 2.0.0:

Definition at line 1487 of file

◆ VuoSceneObject_getLightRange()

float VuoSceneObject_getLightRange ( const VuoSceneObject  object)

Returns the sceneobject's light cone range.

Changed in Vuo 2.0.0:

Definition at line 1459 of file

◆ VuoSceneObject_getLightSharpness()

float VuoSceneObject_getLightSharpness ( const VuoSceneObject  object)

Returns the sceneobject's light cone sharpness.

Changed in Vuo 2.0.0:

Definition at line 1473 of file

◆ VuoSceneObject_getMesh()

VuoMesh VuoSceneObject_getMesh ( const VuoSceneObject  object)

Returns the sceneobject's mesh.

The caller is permitted to modify the returned value (e.g., change the mesh's buffers), which will affect this sceneobject.

Changed in Vuo 2.0.0:

Definition at line 1247 of file

◆ VuoSceneObject_getName()

VuoText VuoSceneObject_getName ( VuoSceneObject  object)

Returns the sceneobject's display name.

Changed in Vuo 2.0.0:

Definition at line 1119 of file

◆ VuoSceneObject_getNextId()

uint64_t VuoSceneObject_getNextId ( void  )

Returns a number, unique within this process, for identifying a particlar scene object instance.

Definition at line 110 of file

◆ VuoSceneObject_getShader()

VuoShader VuoSceneObject_getShader ( const VuoSceneObject  object)

Returns the sceneobject's shader.

The caller is permitted to modify the returned value (e.g., change the shader's uniforms), which will affect this sceneobject.

Changed in Vuo 2.0.0:

Definition at line 1199 of file

◆ VuoSceneObject_getStatistics()

void VuoSceneObject_getStatistics ( const VuoSceneObject  sceneObject,
unsigned long *  descendantCount,
unsigned long *  totalVertexCount,
unsigned long *  totalElementCount 

Traverses the specified scenegraph and returns statistics about it.

The caller should initialize the output parameters to 0 before calling this function.

Definition at line 2345 of file

◆ VuoSceneObject_getString()

char* VuoSceneObject_getString ( const VuoSceneObject  value)

Automatically generated function.

◆ VuoSceneObject_getSummary()

char* VuoSceneObject_getSummary ( const VuoSceneObject  value)

Produces a brief human-readable summary of value.

Definition at line 2390 of file

◆ VuoSceneObject_getText()

VuoText VuoSceneObject_getText ( const VuoSceneObject  object)

Returns the sceneobject's rendered text.

Changed in Vuo 2.0.0:

Definition at line 1261 of file

◆ VuoSceneObject_getTextFont()

VuoFont VuoSceneObject_getTextFont ( const VuoSceneObject  object)

Returns the sceneobject's font.

Changed in Vuo 2.0.0:

Definition at line 1275 of file

◆ VuoSceneObject_getTextWrapWidth()

float VuoSceneObject_getTextWrapWidth ( const VuoSceneObject  object)

Returns the width at which the sceneobject's rendered text should wrap.

Changed in Vuo 2.0.0:

Definition at line 1305 of file

◆ VuoSceneObject_getTransform()

VuoTransform VuoSceneObject_getTransform ( const VuoSceneObject  object)

Returns the sceneobject's transform.

Changed in Vuo 2.0.0:

Definition at line 1501 of file

◆ VuoSceneObject_getTranslation()

VuoPoint3d VuoSceneObject_getTranslation ( const VuoSceneObject  object)

Returns the sceneobject's transform's translation.

Changed in Vuo 2.0.0:

Definition at line 1515 of file

◆ VuoSceneObject_getType()

VuoSceneObjectSubType VuoSceneObject_getType ( const VuoSceneObject  object)

Returns the sceneobject's type.

Changed in Vuo 2.0.0:

Definition at line 1167 of file

◆ VuoSceneObject_getVertexCount()

unsigned long VuoSceneObject_getVertexCount ( const VuoSceneObject  value)

Returns the total number of vertices in the scene object (but not its descendants).

Definition at line 2309 of file

◆ VuoSceneObject_intersect()

VuoSceneObject VuoSceneObject_intersect ( VuoList_VuoSceneObject  objects,
float  quality 

Returns the intersection of objects.

Definition at line 3081 of file

◆ VuoSceneObject_isPopulated()

bool VuoSceneObject_isPopulated ( VuoSceneObject  so)

Returns true if the scene object has a non-empty type.

Definition at line 755 of file

◆ VuoSceneObject_isRealSize()

bool VuoSceneObject_isRealSize ( const VuoSceneObject  object)

Returns true if the sceneobject should ignore rotations and scales, and be sized to match the shader's first image.

Changed in Vuo 2.0.0:

Definition at line 1214 of file

◆ VuoSceneObject_makeAmbientLight()

VuoSceneObject VuoSceneObject_makeAmbientLight ( VuoColor  color,
float  brightness 

Returns an ambient light with the specified color and brightness (typically between 0 and 1).

Definition at line 832 of file

◆ VuoSceneObject_makeCube()

VuoSceneObject VuoSceneObject_makeCube ( VuoTransform  transform,
VuoShader  frontShader,
VuoShader  leftShader,
VuoShader  rightShader,
VuoShader  backShader,
VuoShader  topShader,
VuoShader  bottomShader 

Returns a scene object consisting of 6 child objects (square quads), each with its own shader.

Definition at line 294 of file

◆ VuoSceneObject_makeCube1()

VuoSceneObject VuoSceneObject_makeCube1 ( VuoTransform  transform,
VuoShader  shader 

Returns a cube scene object with a single shader applied to all 6 sides.

{Use VuoSceneObject_makeCube_Vuo*() instead.}

Definition at line 363 of file

◆ VuoSceneObject_makeCube_VuoColor()

VuoSceneObject VuoSceneObject_makeCube_VuoColor ( VuoTransform  transform,
VuoColor  color 

Creates a cube painted on all sides by color.

Changed in Vuo 2.0.0:

Definition at line 393 of file

◆ VuoSceneObject_makeCube_VuoCubemap()

VuoSceneObject VuoSceneObject_makeCube_VuoCubemap ( VuoTransform  transform,
VuoCubemap  cubemap 

Creates a cube painted with a cubemap.

Changed in Vuo 2.0.0:

Definition at line 403 of file

◆ VuoSceneObject_makeCube_VuoImage()

VuoSceneObject VuoSceneObject_makeCube_VuoImage ( VuoTransform  transform,
VuoImage  image 

Creates a cube painted on all sides by image.

Changed in Vuo 2.0.0:

Definition at line 383 of file

◆ VuoSceneObject_makeCube_VuoShader()

VuoSceneObject VuoSceneObject_makeCube_VuoShader ( VuoTransform  transform,
VuoShader  shader 

Creates a cube painted on all sides by shader.

Changed in Vuo 2.0.0:

Definition at line 373 of file

◆ VuoSceneObject_makeCubeMulti()

VuoSceneObject VuoSceneObject_makeCubeMulti ( VuoTransform  transform,
VuoInteger  columns,
VuoInteger  rows,
VuoInteger  slices,
VuoShader  front,
VuoShader  left,
VuoShader  right,
VuoShader  back,
VuoShader  top,
VuoShader  bottom 

Creates a cube with subdivided faces and multiple shaders.

Changed in Vuo 2.0.0:

Definition at line 419 of file

◆ VuoSceneObject_makeDefaultCamera()

VuoSceneObject VuoSceneObject_makeDefaultCamera ( void  )

Returns a perspective camera at (0,0,1), facing along -z, 90 degree FOV, and clip planes at 0.1 and 10.0.

Definition at line 579 of file

◆ VuoSceneObject_makeEmpty()

VuoSceneObject VuoSceneObject_makeEmpty ( void  )

Creates a new, empty scene object.

Definition at line 142 of file

◆ VuoSceneObject_makeFisheyeCamera()

VuoSceneObject VuoSceneObject_makeFisheyeCamera ( VuoText  name,
VuoTransform  transform,
VuoReal  fieldOfView,
VuoReal  vignetteWidth,
VuoReal  vignetteSharpness 

Returns a fisheye camera having the position and negative-rotation specified by transform (its scale is ignored).

Definition at line 558 of file

◆ VuoSceneObject_makeFromJson()

VuoSceneObject VuoSceneObject_makeFromJson ( json_object js)

Decodes the JSON object js to create a new value.

"mesh" : ... ,
"shader" : ... ,
"isRealSize" : false,
"preservePhysicalSize" : false,
"childObjects" : ...,
"transform" : ...
"type" : "camera-perspective",
"cameraFieldOfView" : 90.0,
"cameraDistanceMin" : 0.1,
"cameraDistanceMax" : 10.0,
"name" : ...,
"transform" : ...

Definition at line 1998 of file

◆ VuoSceneObject_makeFromString()

VuoSceneObject VuoSceneObject_makeFromString ( const char *  str)

Automatically generated function.

◆ VuoSceneObject_makeGroup()

VuoSceneObject VuoSceneObject_makeGroup ( VuoList_VuoSceneObject  childObjects,
VuoTransform  transform 

Creates a new scene object that can contain (and transform) other scene objects, but doesn't render anything itself.

Definition at line 165 of file

◆ VuoSceneObject_makeImage()

VuoSceneObject VuoSceneObject_makeImage ( VuoImage  image,
VuoPoint3d  center,
VuoPoint3d  rotation,
VuoReal  width,
VuoReal  alpha 

Returns an unlit scene object with the specified image.

This function may be called from any thread. (However, the caller is responsible for ensuring that the GL context is not used simultaneously on multiple threads.)

Definition at line 256 of file

◆ VuoSceneObject_makeLitImage()

VuoSceneObject VuoSceneObject_makeLitImage ( VuoImage  image,
VuoPoint3d  center,
VuoPoint3d  rotation,
VuoReal  width,
VuoReal  alpha,
VuoColor  highlightColor,
VuoReal  shininess 

Returns a lit scene object with the specified image.

This function may be called from any thread. (However, the caller is responsible for ensuring that the GL context is not used simultaneously on multiple threads.)

Definition at line 277 of file

◆ VuoSceneObject_makeMesh()

VuoSceneObject VuoSceneObject_makeMesh ( VuoMesh  mesh,
VuoShader  shader,
VuoTransform  transform 

Creates a visible (mesh) scene object.

Definition at line 181 of file

◆ VuoSceneObject_makeOrthographicCamera()

VuoSceneObject VuoSceneObject_makeOrthographicCamera ( VuoText  name,
VuoTransform  transform,
float  width,
float  distanceMin,
float  distanceMax 

Returns an orthographic camera having the position and negative-rotation specified by transform (its scale is ignored).

Definition at line 543 of file

◆ VuoSceneObject_makePerspectiveCamera()

VuoSceneObject VuoSceneObject_makePerspectiveCamera ( VuoText  name,
VuoTransform  transform,
float  fieldOfView,
float  distanceMin,
float  distanceMax 

Returns a perspective camera having the position and negative-rotation specified by transform (its scale is ignored).

Definition at line 511 of file

◆ VuoSceneObject_makePointLight()

VuoSceneObject VuoSceneObject_makePointLight ( VuoColor  color,
float  brightness,
VuoPoint3d  position,
float  range,
float  sharpness 

Returns a point light (uniform emission in all directions).

colorThe light's color.
brightnessThe light's brightness multiplier (typically between 0 and 1).
positionThe light's position.
rangeThe distance (in local coordinates) the light reaches.
sharpnessThe sharpness of the light's distance falloff. 0 means the light starts fading at distance 0 and ends at 2*lightRange. 1 means the falloff is instant.

Definition at line 852 of file

◆ VuoSceneObject_makeQuad()

VuoSceneObject VuoSceneObject_makeQuad ( VuoShader  shader,
VuoPoint3d  center,
VuoPoint3d  rotation,
VuoReal  width,
VuoReal  height 

Returns a scene object that renders a quad with the specified shader.

The quad does not include normals, tangents, or bitangents.

shaderThe shader used to render the object.
centerThe object's center, specified in scene coordinates.
rotationThe object's rotation, specified in degrees.
widthThe object's width, specified in scene coordinates.
heightThe object's height, specified in scene coordinates.
The quad scene object.

This function may be called from any thread. (However, the caller is responsible for ensuring that the GL context is not used simultaneously on multiple threads.)

Definition at line 213 of file

◆ VuoSceneObject_makeQuadWithNormals()

VuoSceneObject VuoSceneObject_makeQuadWithNormals ( VuoShader  shader,
VuoPoint3d  center,
VuoPoint3d  rotation,
VuoReal  width,
VuoReal  height 

Returns a scene object that renders a quad with the specified shader.

The quad includes normals, tangents, or bitangents.

shaderThe shader used to render the object.
centerThe object's center, specified in scene coordinates.
rotationThe object's rotation, specified in degrees.
widthThe object's width, specified in scene coordinates.
heightThe object's height, specified in scene coordinates.
The quad scene object.

This function may be called from any thread. (However, the caller is responsible for ensuring that the GL context is not used simultaneously on multiple threads.)

Definition at line 239 of file

◆ VuoSceneObject_makeSpotlight()

VuoSceneObject VuoSceneObject_makeSpotlight ( VuoColor  color,
float  brightness,
VuoTransform  transform,
float  cone,
float  range,
float  sharpness 

Returns a spot light (emists only in the specified direction).

colorThe light's color.
brightnessThe light's brightness multiplier (typically between 0 and 1).
transformThe position and direction of the light. (The transform's scale is ignored.)
coneWidth (in radians) of the light's cone.
rangeThe distance (in local coordinates) the light reaches.
sharpnessThe sharpness of the light's distance/cone falloff. 0 means the light starts fading at distance/angle 0 and ends at 2*range or 2*cone. 1 means the falloff is instant.

Definition at line 877 of file

◆ VuoSceneObject_makeStereoCamera()

VuoSceneObject VuoSceneObject_makeStereoCamera ( VuoText  name,
VuoTransform  transform,
VuoReal  fieldOfView,
VuoReal  distanceMin,
VuoReal  distanceMax,
VuoReal  confocalDistance,
VuoReal  intraocularDistance 

Returns a stereoscopic camera having the position and negative-rotation specified by transform (its scale is ignored).

Definition at line 526 of file

◆ VuoSceneObject_makeText()

VuoSceneObject VuoSceneObject_makeText ( VuoText  text,
VuoFont  font,
VuoBoolean  scaleWithScene,
float  wrapWidth 

Returns a scene object representing deferred-rendered text.

The caller is responsible for providing the sceneobject's mesh (e.g., VuoMesh_makeQuadWithoutNormals).

This function may be called from any thread.

Changed in Vuo 2.0.0:
Added scaleWithScene, wrapWidth arguments.

Definition at line 497 of file

◆ VuoSceneObject_meshBounds()

bool VuoSceneObject_meshBounds ( const VuoSceneObject  so,
VuoBox bounds,
float  matrix[16] 

Bounding box of the vertices for this SceneObject (taking into account transform).

Definition at line 1909 of file

◆ VuoSceneObject_normalize()

void VuoSceneObject_normalize ( VuoSceneObject  sceneObject)

Change the root sceneobject's transform such that the entire scenegraph renders within a 1x1x1 axis-aligned cube.

If the scenegraph has zero size (e.g., if it is empty, or if it consists entirely of Real Size Layers), the transform is left unchanged.

Definition at line 1958 of file

◆ VuoSceneObject_release()

void VuoSceneObject_release ( VuoSceneObject  value)

Automatically generated function.

◆ VuoSceneObject_retain()

void VuoSceneObject_retain ( VuoSceneObject  value)

Automatically generated function.

◆ VuoSceneObject_scale()

void VuoSceneObject_scale ( VuoSceneObject  object,
VuoPoint3d  scale 

Scales the sceneobject in 3D space.

Changed in Vuo 2.0.0:

Definition at line 1105 of file

◆ VuoSceneObject_setBlendMode()

void VuoSceneObject_setBlendMode ( VuoSceneObject  object,
VuoBlendMode  blendMode 

Sets the blendMode on object and its child objects.

Only the following VuoBlendModes are supported:

Definition at line 1689 of file

◆ VuoSceneObject_setCameraDistanceMax()

void VuoSceneObject_setCameraDistanceMax ( VuoSceneObject  object,
float  distanceMax 

Changes the sceneobject's depth buffer maximum distance.

Changed in Vuo 2.0.0:

Definition at line 1795 of file

◆ VuoSceneObject_setCameraDistanceMin()

void VuoSceneObject_setCameraDistanceMin ( VuoSceneObject  object,
float  distanceMin 

Changes the sceneobject's depth buffer minimum distance.

Changed in Vuo 2.0.0:

Definition at line 1781 of file

◆ VuoSceneObject_setCameraFieldOfView()

void VuoSceneObject_setCameraFieldOfView ( VuoSceneObject  object,
float  fieldOfView 

Changes the sceneobject's camera field of view (for perspective cameras).

Changed in Vuo 2.0.0:

Definition at line 1767 of file

◆ VuoSceneObject_setChildObjects()

void VuoSceneObject_setChildObjects ( VuoSceneObject  object,
VuoList_VuoSceneObject  childObjects 

Changes the sceneobject's list of child objects.

Changed in Vuo 2.0.0:

Definition at line 1574 of file

◆ VuoSceneObject_setFaceCulling()

void VuoSceneObject_setFaceCulling ( VuoSceneObject  object,
VuoMesh_FaceCulling  faceCullingMode 

Sets the faceCulling on object and its child objects.

Definition at line 1665 of file

◆ VuoSceneObject_setId()

void VuoSceneObject_setId ( VuoSceneObject  object,
uint64_t  id 

Changes the sceneobject's identification number (should be unique among objects in the currently-running composition).

Changed in Vuo 2.0.0:

Definition at line 1544 of file

◆ VuoSceneObject_setMesh()

void VuoSceneObject_setMesh ( VuoSceneObject  object,
VuoMesh  mesh 

Changes the sceneobject's mesh.

Changed in Vuo 2.0.0:

Definition at line 1593 of file

◆ VuoSceneObject_setName()

void VuoSceneObject_setName ( VuoSceneObject  object,
VuoText  name 

Changes the sceneobject's display name.

Changed in Vuo 2.0.0:

Definition at line 1558 of file

◆ VuoSceneObject_setPreservePhysicalSize()

void VuoSceneObject_setPreservePhysicalSize ( VuoSceneObject  object,
bool  shouldPreservePhysicalSize 

Changes whether the sceneobject should use the texture's scaleFactor and the backingScaleFactor to determine the rendered size.

Changed in Vuo 2.0.0:

Definition at line 1721 of file

◆ VuoSceneObject_setRealSize()

void VuoSceneObject_setRealSize ( VuoSceneObject  object,
bool  isRealSize 

Changes whether the sceneobject should ignore rotations and scales and be sized to match the shader's first image.

Changed in Vuo 2.0.0:

Definition at line 1706 of file

◆ VuoSceneObject_setScale()

void VuoSceneObject_setScale ( VuoSceneObject  object,
VuoPoint3d  scale 

Changes the sceneobject's transform's scale.

Changed in Vuo 2.0.0:

Definition at line 1637 of file

◆ VuoSceneObject_setShader()

void VuoSceneObject_setShader ( VuoSceneObject  object,
VuoShader  shader 

Changes the sceneobject's shader.

Changed in Vuo 2.0.0:

Definition at line 1651 of file

◆ VuoSceneObject_setText()

void VuoSceneObject_setText ( VuoSceneObject  object,
VuoText  text 

Changes the sceneobject's rendered text.

Changed in Vuo 2.0.0:

Definition at line 1735 of file

◆ VuoSceneObject_setTextFont()

void VuoSceneObject_setTextFont ( VuoSceneObject  object,
VuoFont  font 

Changes the sceneobject's font for rendered text.

Changed in Vuo 2.0.0:

Definition at line 1751 of file

◆ VuoSceneObject_setTransform()

void VuoSceneObject_setTransform ( VuoSceneObject  object,
VuoTransform  transform 

Changes the sceneobject's transform.

Changed in Vuo 2.0.0:

Definition at line 1609 of file

◆ VuoSceneObject_setTranslation()

void VuoSceneObject_setTranslation ( VuoSceneObject  object,
VuoPoint3d  translation 

Changes the sceneobject's transform's translation.

Changed in Vuo 2.0.0:

Definition at line 1623 of file

◆ VuoSceneObject_setType()

void VuoSceneObject_setType ( VuoSceneObject  object,
VuoSceneObjectSubType  type 

Changes the sceneobject's type.

Changed in Vuo 2.0.0:

Definition at line 1529 of file

◆ VuoSceneObject_shouldPreservePhysicalSize()

bool VuoSceneObject_shouldPreservePhysicalSize ( const VuoSceneObject  object)

Returns true if the sceneobject should use the texture's scaleFactor and the backingScaleFactor to determine the rendered size.

Returns false if the texture should always be rendered 1:1.

Changed in Vuo 2.0.0:

Definition at line 1230 of file

◆ VuoSceneObject_shouldTextScaleWithScene()

bool VuoSceneObject_shouldTextScaleWithScene ( const VuoSceneObject  object)

Returns true if the sceneobject's text should change depending on the scene's rendering destination, or false if it should maintain its nominal size.

Changed in Vuo 2.0.0:

Definition at line 1291 of file

◆ VuoSceneObject_subtract()

VuoSceneObject VuoSceneObject_subtract ( const VuoSceneObject  a,
const VuoSceneObject  b,
float  quality 

Returns the boolean difference of a minus b.

Definition at line 3057 of file

◆ VuoSceneObject_transform()

void VuoSceneObject_transform ( VuoSceneObject  object,
VuoTransform  transform 

Applies a transformation to the sceneobject (combining it with its previous transform).

Changed in Vuo 2.0.0:

Definition at line 1077 of file

◆ VuoSceneObject_translate()

void VuoSceneObject_translate ( VuoSceneObject  object,
VuoPoint3d  translation 

Moves the sceneobject in 3D space.

Changed in Vuo 2.0.0:

Definition at line 1091 of file

◆ VuoSceneObject_union()

VuoSceneObject VuoSceneObject_union ( VuoList_VuoSceneObject  objects,
float  quality 

Returns the union of objects.

Definition at line 3026 of file

◆ VuoSceneObject_visit()

void VuoSceneObject_visit ( const VuoSceneObject  object,
bool(^)(const VuoSceneObject currentObject, float modelviewMatrix[16])  function 

Applies function to object and its child objects, without preserving changes to objects.

If function returns false, visiting will stop immediately (possibly before all objects have been visited).

The value modelviewMatrix (which VuoSceneObject_visit passes to function) is the cumulative transformation matrix (from object down to the currentObject).

NULL objects in the tree are ignored (function is not called).

Definition at line 976 of file