Vuo  2.0.1
Macros | Typedefs | Functions | Variables
module.h File Reference


Prototypes for node class, type, and library module implementations.

Definition in file module.h.

Go to the source code of this file.


#define VUO_STRINGIFY(...)   #__VA_ARGS__
 Creates a C string from raw text (saves having to doublequote-escape and/or use backslashes). More...
#define VuoModuleMetadata(...)   extern const char *moduleDetails; const char *moduleDetails = #__VA_ARGS__
 Name, version, and behavior information to be defined by node classes, port types, and library modules. More...
 Disable DISPATCH_RETURNS_RETAINED_BLOCK, which emits warnings on Mac OS 10.10. More...
#define VuoJson_getObjectValue(type, js, key, ...)
 If js is a JSON object that has key, this macro decodes key as type and returns it. More...
#define VuoType_returnInequality(type, a, b)
 Compares using the specified type's Vuo*_isLessThan() method, returning if not equal, or falling through if equal. More...


typedef void(* VuoCompositionFiniCallback) (void)
 Callback prototype for VuoAddCompositionFiniCallback(). More...


const char * VuoGetWorkingDirectory (void)
 Returns the directory that nodes should use to resolve relative paths. More...
const char * VuoGetFrameworkPath (void)
 Returns the path of the folder containing Vuo.framework. More...
const char * VuoGetRunnerFrameworkPath (void)
 Returns the path of the folder containing VuoRunner.framework. More...
pid_t VuoGetRunnerPid (void)
 Returns the process ID of the runner that started the composition. More...
void VuoStopComposition (void)
 Asynchronously stops the composition. More...
void VuoStopCurrentComposition (void)
 Asynchronously stops the composition. More...
void VuoAddCompositionFiniCallback (VuoCompositionFiniCallback fini)
 Registers a callback to be invoked when the composition is shutting down, after nodeInstanceFini() has been called for all nodes. More...
void VuoDisableTermination (void)
 Temporarily disables automatic termination. More...
void VuoEnableTermination (void)
 Resumes automatic termination after a call to VuoDisableTermination(). More...
bool VuoShouldShowSplashWindow (void)
 Returns true if this composition should show the Vuo Community Edition splash window. More...
bool VuoProcessorSupportsAVX2 (void)
 Returns true if the current (runtime) processor supports Intel AVX2. More...


const int VuoGraphicsWindowDefaultWidth
 The standard Vuo graphics window width, in points. More...

Macro Definition Documentation



Disable DISPATCH_RETURNS_RETAINED_BLOCK, which emits warnings on Mac OS 10.10.

Definition at line 117 of file module.h.


#define VUO_STRINGIFY (   ...)    #__VA_ARGS__

Creates a C string from raw text (saves having to doublequote-escape and/or use backslashes).

Definition at line 20 of file module.h.

◆ VuoJson_getObjectValue

#define VuoJson_getObjectValue (   type,

If js is a JSON object that has key, this macro decodes key as type and returns it.

Otherwise, returns a default value (the last argument).

This may be useful for implementing Vuo*_makeFromJson() methods for compound types.

json_object *js = json_object_new_object();
json_object_object_add(js, "answer", json_object_new_double(42));
myObject.answer = VuoJson_getObjectValue(VuoReal, js, "answer", 0));
Changed in Vuo 2.0.0:

Definition at line 209 of file module.h.

◆ VuoType_returnInequality

#define VuoType_returnInequality (   type,

Compares using the specified type's Vuo*_isLessThan() method, returning if not equal, or falling through if equal.

This may be useful for implementing Vuo*_isLessThan() methods for compound types.

VuoType_returnInequality(VuoText, myObject.question, thatObject.question);
VuoType_returnInequality(VuoReal, myObject.answer, thatObject.answer);
Changed in Vuo 2.0.0:

Definition at line 233 of file module.h.

Typedef Documentation

◆ VuoCompositionFiniCallback

typedef void(* VuoCompositionFiniCallback) (void)

Callback prototype for VuoAddCompositionFiniCallback().

Definition at line 124 of file module.h.

Function Documentation

◆ VuoAddCompositionFiniCallback()

void VuoAddCompositionFiniCallback ( VuoCompositionFiniCallback  fini)

Registers a callback to be invoked when the composition is shutting down, after nodeInstanceFini() has been called for all nodes.

VuoCompositionFiniCallbacks are not called during livecoding reloads.

Definition at line 157 of file libmodule.c.

◆ VuoDisableTermination()

void VuoDisableTermination ( void  )

Temporarily disables automatic termination.

When a composition is asked to shut down, a watchdog timer waits a few seconds then force-quits if it hasn't cleanly shut down by then. This disables that watchdog.

Call this before entering a section where it would be undesirable to have the composition automatically force-quit, such as when saving a movie file that needs to be finalized.

When the work is over, call VuoEnableTermination().

Definition at line 172 of file libmodule.c.

◆ VuoEnableTermination()

void VuoEnableTermination ( void  )

Resumes automatic termination after a call to VuoDisableTermination().

Definition at line 184 of file libmodule.c.

◆ VuoGetFrameworkPath()

const char* VuoGetFrameworkPath ( void  )

Returns the path of the folder containing Vuo.framework.

See also VuoFileUtilities::getVuoFrameworkPath.

Definition at line 76 of file libmodule.c.

◆ VuoGetRunnerFrameworkPath()

const char* VuoGetRunnerFrameworkPath ( void  )

Returns the path of the folder containing VuoRunner.framework.

See also VuoFileUtilities::getVuoRunnerFrameworkPath.

Changed in Vuo 2.0.0:

Definition at line 102 of file libmodule.c.

◆ VuoGetRunnerPid()

pid_t VuoGetRunnerPid ( void  )

Returns the process ID of the runner that started the composition.

Definition at line 122 of file libmodule.c.

◆ VuoGetWorkingDirectory()

const char* VuoGetWorkingDirectory ( void  )

Returns the directory that nodes should use to resolve relative paths.

Returns the directory that nodes should use to resolve relative paths.

The returned string remains owned by this function; the caller should not modify or free it.

Definition at line 45 of file libmodule.c.

◆ VuoProcessorSupportsAVX2()

bool VuoProcessorSupportsAVX2 ( void  )

Returns true if the current (runtime) processor supports Intel AVX2.

Definition at line 212 of file libmodule.c.

◆ VuoShouldShowSplashWindow()

bool VuoShouldShowSplashWindow ( void  )

Returns true if this composition should show the Vuo Community Edition splash window.

Definition at line 196 of file libmodule.c.

◆ VuoStopComposition()

void VuoStopComposition ( void  )

Asynchronously stops the composition.

Definition at line 135 of file libmodule.c.

◆ VuoStopCurrentComposition()

void VuoStopCurrentComposition ( void  )

Asynchronously stops the composition.

VuoStopComposition() is typically preferable to this function, since this function doesn't handle multiple compositions running in the process.

Definition at line 147 of file libmodule.c.

Variable Documentation

◆ VuoGraphicsWindowDefaultWidth

const int VuoGraphicsWindowDefaultWidth

The standard Vuo graphics window width, in points.

Changed in Vuo 2.0.0:

Definition at line 18 of file libmodule.c.