Vuo  2.0.2
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VuoEditorComposition Class Reference


Handles drags-and-drops and performs node instantiation for the editor window.

Definition at line 35 of file VuoEditorComposition.hh.

Public Types

enum  targetComponentType { targetTypePort, targetTypeNodeHeader, targetTypeAny }
 Specifies the desired type of composition component to be returned from a search. More...
- Public Types inherited from VuoRendererComposition
enum  GridType { NoGrid, LineGrid, PointGrid }
 What kind of decorative grid to render on the canvas background. More...

Public Slots

void updateFeedbackErrors (VuoRendererPort *targetPort=NULL)
 Checks the composition, along with the cable being dragged (if any), for invalid feedback loops. More...
void renameSelectedNodes ()
 Triggers interactive re-naming of selected non-drawer nodes. More...
void deleteSelectedCompositionComponents ()
 Deletes currently selected nodes, comments, and cables. More...
void deleteSelectedCompositionComponents (string commandDescription)
 Deletes currently selected nodes, comments, and cables. More...
void togglePortPublicationStatus ()
 Publishes or unpublishes the port associated with the signal that activated this slot, as appropriate. More...
void tintSelectedItems (int tintColor)
 Sets the tint color of the selected nodes and comments to tintColor. More...
void selectAllCompositionComponents ()
 Selects all nodes, cables, and comments on the canvas. More...
void selectAllComments ()
 Selects all comments on the canvas. More...
void deselectAllCompositionComponents ()
 Deselects all nodes, cables, and comments on the canvas. More...
void moveSelectedItemsBy (qreal dx, qreal dy)
 Moves currently selected nodes and comments dx points horizontally and dy points vertically. More...
void updateGeometryForAllComponents ()
 Prepares every component in the composition to be repainted (slot version that simply calls the VuoRendererComposition non-slot version of the same method). More...
void emitNodeSourceEditorRequested ()
 Workaround so that the "Edit {Composition/Shader/Node}" context menu item can emit a signal with argument when triggered. More...
void setPopoverEventsEnabled (bool enable)
 Sets the boolean indicating whether to display popovers for components within the canvas in response to mouse events from this point on. More...
void disablePopoverForPort (string)
 Closes the popover for the port with the provided portID. More...


void leftMouseButtonReleased (void)
 Emitted when the left mouse button is released. More...
void emptyCanvasLocationLeftClicked ()
 Emitted when the left mouse button is released on an empty region of the canvas. More...
void itemsMoved (set< VuoRendererNode * > nodes, set< VuoRendererComment * > comments, qreal dx, qreal dy, bool movedByDragging)
 Emitted in order to move nodes and comments. More...
void commentResized (VuoRendererComment *comment, qreal dx, qreal dy)
 Emitted when a comment is resized. More...
void selectedComponentsDuplicated ()
 Emitted in order to duplicate components. More...
void componentsAdded (QList< QGraphicsItem * > addedComponents, VuoEditorComposition *target)
 Emitted in order to add components. More...
void componentsRemoved (QList< QGraphicsItem * > removedComponents, string commandDescription="Remove")
 Emitted in order to remove components. More...
void cablesHidden (set< VuoRendererCable * > cables)
 Emitted when cables are to be hidden. More...
void selectedInternalCablesHidden ()
 Emitted when selected internal cables are to be hidden. More...
void cablesUnhidden (set< VuoRendererCable * > cables)
 Emitted when cables are to be unhidden. More...
void changeInHiddenCables ()
 Emitted when a hidden cable has been added to or removed from the composition. More...
void portPublicationRequested (VuoPort *port, bool forceEventOnlyPublication)
 Emitted when a port is to be published. More...
void portPublicationRequested (VuoPort *internalPort, VuoPublishedPort *externalPort, bool forceEventOnlyPublication, VuoPort *portToSpecialize, string specializedTypeName, string typecastToInsert, bool useUndoStackMacro)
 Emitted when an internal port is to be published in association with a specific external published port. More...
void portUnpublicationRequested (VuoPort *port)
 Emitted when a port is to be unpublished. More...
void publishedPortNameEditorRequested (VuoRendererPublishedPort *port, bool useUndoStack)
 Emitted when a published port name editor should be displayed. More...
void publishedPortModified ()
 Emitted when the composition has had published ports added, removed, or re-named. More...
void protocolPortChangesRequested (map< VuoPublishedPort *, string > publishedPortsToRename, set< VuoPublishedPort * > publishedPortsToRemove, vector< VuoPublishedPort * > publishedPortsToAdd, bool beginUndoStackMacro, bool endUndoStackMacro)
 Emitted when published ports need to be modified for compatibility with a newly activated protocol. More...
void activeProtocolChanged ()
 Emitted when the active protocol has changed. More...
void triggerThrottlingUpdated (VuoPort *port, enum VuoPortClass::EventThrottling eventThrottling)
 Emitted when a trigger port's event-throttling mode is to be updated. More...
void inputPortCountAdjustmentRequested (VuoRendererNode *node, int inputPortCountDelta, bool requestedByDragging)
 Emitted when a node is to have its port count adjusted. More...
void commentEditorRequested (VuoRendererComment *comment)
 Emitted in order to display a comment editor. More...
void commentZoomRequested (VuoRendererComment *comment)
 Emitted in order to zoom in on a comment. More...
void nodeSwapRequested (VuoRendererNode *node, string newNodeClassName)
 Emitted when a node is to be replaced with a new node of a similar class. More...
void specializePort (VuoRendererPort *port, string specializedTypeName)
 Emitted when a generic port is to be specialized. More...
void respecializePort (VuoRendererPort *port, string specializedTypeName)
 Emitted when a specialized port is to be re-specialized. More...
void unspecializePort (VuoRendererPort *port)
 Emitted when a specialized port is to be reverted to its generic origins. More...
void highlightPublishedSidebarDropLocationsRequested (VuoRendererPort *port, bool eventOnlyConnection)
 Emitted when eligible published port sidebar drop locations for port should be visually highlighted. More...
void clearPublishedSidebarDropLocationHighlightingRequested ()
 Emitted when eligible published port sidebar drop locations should no longer be highlighted. More...
void connectionCompletedByDragging (VuoRendererCable *cableInProgress, VuoRendererPort *targetPort, pair< VuoRendererCable *, VuoRendererCable * > cableArgs, VuoRendererNode *typecastNodeToDelete, pair< string, string > typeArgs, pair< VuoRendererPort *, VuoRendererPort * > portArgs)
 Emitted after a cable has been connected to a node. More...
void duplicationOperationCancelled ()
 Emitted in order to cancel duplication of components. More...
void inputEditorRequested (VuoRendererPort *port)
 Emitted in order to display an input editor. More...
void portConstantChangeRequested (VuoRendererPort *port, string value)
 Emitted in order to change the value of a port constant. More...
void nodeTitleEditorRequested (VuoRendererNode *node)
 Emitted in order to display a node title editor. More...
void nodeSourceEditorRequested (VuoRendererNode *node)
 Emitted in order to open an editable node's source file. More...
void subcompositionInsertionRequested (QPointF scenePos)
 Emitted in order to insert a new subcomposition node at the provided scene position. More...
void commentInsertionRequested (QPointF scenePos)
 Emitted in order to insert a new comment at the provided scene position. More...
void tintSelectedItemsRequested (VuoNode::TintColor tintColor)
 Emitted when the user requests that the selected items be tinted. More...
void compositionStoppedItself ()
 Emitted when the user quits the composition or the composition crashes. More...
void buildStarted ()
 Emitted when starting to compile and link the composition. More...
void buildFinished (QString error)
 Emitted when finished attempting to compile and link the composition to run within the editor. If the build failed, the argument is an error message. More...
void stopFinished ()
 Emitted when finished stopping the composition. More...
void nodePopoverRequestedForClass (VuoNodeClass *nodeClass)
 Emitted when a node popover is to be displayed. More...
void popoverDetached ()
 Emitted when one of this composition's popovers has just been detached. More...
void compositionOnTop (bool)
 Emitted when the composition detects that it is or is no longer the topmost composition. More...
void applicationActive (bool)
 Emitted (if this composition is topmost) when the application has been activated or deactivated. More...
void refirePortChanged ()
 Emitted when the trigger port to be re-fired changes. More...
void cableDragInitiated ()
 Emitted when the user begins dragging a cable. More...
void cableDragEnded ()
 Emitted when the user ends a cable drag, whether a connection was completed or not. More...
void undoStackMacroBeginRequested (QString commandName)
 Emitted when the upcoming sequence of requested operations should be coalesced in an Undo stack macro. More...
void undoStackMacroEndRequested ()
 Emitted when the sequence of operations to be coalesced into an Undo stack macro has completed. More...
void refactorRequested ()
 Emitted when the selected nodes should be refactored into a subcomposition. More...

Public Member Functions

 VuoEditorComposition (VuoMainWindow *window, VuoComposition *baseComposition)
 Creates an empty canvas upon which nodes and cables can be rendered. More...
void setCompiler (VuoCompiler *compiler)
 Specifies a compiler instance to be used by this composition (for, e.g., instantiating dropped nodes). More...
void setModuleManager (VuoModuleManager *moduleManager)
 Specifies the module manager used by this composition and its containing VuoEditorWindow. More...
VuoModuleManagergetModuleManager (void)
 Returns the module manager used by this composition and its containing VuoEditorWindow. More...
void setColor (bool isDark)
 Makes the widget dark. More...
void setInputEditorManager (VuoInputEditorManager *inputEditorManager)
 Specifies an input editor manager instance to be used by this composition (for, e.g., determining whether the port nearest a right-click has an available input editor and should therefore have a "Set Value" item in its context menu). More...
VuoInputEditorManagergetInputEditorManager ()
 Returns the input editor manager instance used by this composition (for, e.g., determining whether the port nearest a right-click has an available input editor and should therefore have a "Set Value" item in its context menu). More...
VuoRendererNodecreateNode (QString nodeClassName, string title="", double x=0, double y=0)
 Instantiates a node of class name nodeClassName. More...
VuoNodecreateBaseNode (VuoCompilerNodeClass *nodeClass, VuoNode *modelNode, string title="", double x=0, double y=0)
 Creates an instance of nodeClass if it is legal to add to this composition. More...
VuoNodecreateNodeWithMissingImplementation (VuoNodeClass *modelNodeClass, VuoNode *modelNode, string title="", double x=0, double y=0)
 Creates an instance of an implementation-less node class. More...
void updateNodeImplementationInPlace (VuoRendererNode *oldNode, VuoNode *newNode)
 Replaces oldNode with newNode in the composition in response to an updated node class implementation. More...
void addNode (VuoNode *node, bool nodeShouldBeRendered=true, bool nodeShouldBeGivenUniqueIdentifier=true)
 Adds a node to the canvas and registers the node and its ports in the composition's ID maps. More...
void removeNode (VuoRendererNode *rn, bool resetState=true)
 Removes a node from the canvas and disables all of its associated port popovers. More...
void replaceNode (VuoRendererNode *oldNode, VuoNode *newNode)
 Replaces oldNode with newNode in the composition, performing the same cleanup/setup of editor state as VuoEditorComposition::removeNode and VuoEditorComposition::addNode. More...
void addCable (VuoCable *cable, bool emitHiddenCableNotification=true)
 Adds a cable to the canvas. More...
void removeCable (VuoRendererCable *rc, bool emitHiddenCableNotification=true)
 Removes a cable from the canvas. More...
VuoRendererNodecreateAndConnectMakeListNode (VuoNode *toNode, VuoPort *toPort, VuoRendererCable *&rendererCable)
 Creates a "Make List" node, and creates a cable from the "Make List" node to the given input port. More...
void createAndConnectDictionaryAttachmentsForNode (VuoNode *node, set< VuoRendererNode * > &createdRendererNodes, set< VuoRendererCable * > &createdRendererCables)
 Creates the nodes and connecting cables that the input node will need to provide it with an input dictionary of keys and values, to be attached to the node's "values" input port. More...
QList< QGraphicsItem * > createAndConnectInputAttachments (VuoRendererNode *node, bool createButDoNotAdd=false)
 Creates and connects the appropriate input attachments to the provided node. More...
void modifyComponents (void(^modify)(void))
 Wraps the call to modify in code that saves and restores the state of the composition, such as selected components. More...
bool requiresStructuralChangesAfterValueChangeAtPort (VuoRendererPort *port)
 Returns a boolean indicating whether a change in value at the provided port will trigger structural changes to the composition. More...
QAction * getContextMenuDeleteSelectedAction (void)
 Returns the context menu's action that deletes a component. More...
QMenu * getContextMenuTints (QMenu *parent=0)
 Returns a "Tint" submenu for the provided parent menu. More...
void populateChangeNodeMenu (QMenu *menu, VuoRendererNode *node, int matchLimit=0)
 Populates the "Change To" menu for the provided node with the requested number of matches if available, or however many non-zero-scoring matches are available if fewer. More...
set< VuoRendererCable * > getCablesInternalToSubcomposition (QList< QGraphicsItem * > subcompositionComponents)
 Returns the set of cables creating internal connections within the set of input subcompositionComponents. More...
VuoCablegetCableInProgress ()
 Returns the cable currently being dragged, or NULL if no cable is currently being dragged. More...
bool getCableInProgressWasNew ()
 Returns a boolean indicating whether the cable currently being dragged was only just created at the initiation of the drag. More...
bool getMenuSelectionInProgress ()
 Returns a boolean indicating whether selection from a context menu is currently in progress. More...
VuoRendererNodefindNearbyNodeHeader (QPointF scenePos)
 Returns the node whose header area scenePos falls within, or NULL if none. More...
QGraphicsItem * findNearbyComponent (QPointF scenePos, targetComponentType componentType=VuoEditorComposition::targetTypeAny, bool limitPortCollisionRange=true)
 Returns a pointer to the component (port, cable, node, or comment) that should be operated upon if the user were to click at position scenePos, or NULL if no component is within collision range. More...
VuoRendererPortfindTargetPortForCableDroppedOnNodeHeader (VuoRendererNode *node)
 Returns the port to which an event-only cable would be connected if the endpoint of cableInProgress were dropped onto the header of node. More...
VuoRendererPortfindDefaultPortForEventOnlyConnection (VuoRendererNode *node, bool inputPort)
 Returns the port to which an event-only cable should be connected by default. More...
QRectF internalItemsBoundingRect () const
 Calculates and returns the bounding rect of all internal composition components on the scene. More...
QRectF internalSelectedItemsBoundingRect () const
 Calculates and returns the bounding rect of all currenty selected composition nodes and cables. More...
QRectF internalSelectedItemsChildrenBoundingRect () const
 Calculates and returns the bounding rect of all currenty selected composition nodes, ports, and cables. More...
set< VuoRendererNode * > getSelectedNodes ()
 Returns the set of currently selected nodes. More...
set< VuoRendererComment * > getSelectedComments ()
 Returns the set of currently selected comments. More...
set< VuoRendererCable * > getSelectedCables (bool includePublishedCables)
 Returns the set of currently selected cables. More...
void cancelCableDrag (void)
 Cancel the current cable drag operation, if applicable. More...
void revertCableDrag (void)
 Revert the current cable drag operation, if applicable, without pushing the operation onto the Undo stack. More...
void clearCableEndpointEligibilityHighlighting ()
 Clears highlighting of eligible cable connection endpoints. More...
void clearHoverHighlighting ()
 Clear hover-highlighting of the previously highlighted composition component. More...
void repaintFeedbackErrorMarks ()
 Updates the renderings of any currently existing feedback error marks. More...
void setIgnoreApplicationStateChangeEvents (bool ignore)
 Sets the boolean indicating whether application state change events should currently be ignored. More...
json_objectgetPortValueInRunningComposition (VuoPort *port)
 If the composition is running (or it's a subcomposition and the top-level composition is running), returns the current data value associated with the port. More...
string getIdentifierForStaticPort (VuoPort *staticPort, VuoNode *parentNode=NULL)
 Returns the identifier of the provided staticPort in the stored composition. More...
VuoPortgetPortWithStaticIdentifier (string portID)
 Returns the port registered to the composition under the provided portID. More...
void updateInternalPortConstant (string portID, string newValue, bool updateInRunningComposition)
 Updates the constant value of the internal input port with the provided portID to the newValue, in both the static and running copies of the composition (if applicable). More...
void updatePublishedPortConstant (string portName, string newValue, bool updateInRunningComposition)
 Updates the constant value of the internal input port with the provided portID to the newValue, in both the stored and running copies of the composition (if applicable). More...
void updatePortConstant (VuoCompilerPort *port, string newValue, bool updateInRunningComposition=true)
 Updates the provided port constant with the newValue in both the stored and running copies of the composition (if applicable). More...
void updateGenericPortTypes (void)
 Gives each group/network of connected generic ports a unique generic type; updates port popovers accordingly. More...
void createReplacementsToUnspecializePort (VuoPort *port, map< VuoNode *, string > &nodesToReplace, set< VuoCable * > &cablesToDelete)
 Outputs the composition components that would need to be modified in order to unspecialize the given port. More...
void run (string compositionSnapshot)
 Asynchronously compiles, links, and runs a composition created from the snapshot. More...
void stop (void)
 Asynchronously stops the running composition. More...
bool isRunning (void)
 Returns true if the composition is running. More...
void updateRunningComposition (string oldCompositionSnapshot, string newCompositionSnapshot, VuoCompilerCompositionDiff *diffInfo=nullptr, set< string > dependenciesUninstalled=set< string >())
 Asynchronously replaces the running composition (if any) with a composition created from newCompositionSnapshot. More...
void updateCompositionsThatContainThisSubcomposition (string newCompositionSnapshot)
 If this is a subcomposition, reloads it so that the node library and all compositions containing instances of it see the current (not-yet-saved) state of the subcomposition. More...
void syncInternalPortConstantInRunningComposition (string runningPortID)
 If the composition is running, tells the running composition to synchronize the constant value for the internal port with the provided ID to that of the associated port in the stored composition. More...
void syncPublishedPortConstantInRunningComposition (string portName)
 If the composition is running, tells the running composition to synchronize the constant value for the published port of the provided name to that of the associated port in the stored composition. More...
void updateInternalPortConstantInRunningComposition (VuoCompilerInputEventPort *port, string constant)
 If the composition is running, tells the composition to set a new constant value on the port. More...
void updateInternalPortConstantInSubcompositionInstances (string subcompositionPath, string portIdentifier, string constant)
 If the composition is running and contains one or more instances of the subcomposition whose source code is at subcompositionPath, tells the composition to set a new constant value on the port in each instance of the subcomposition. More...
void updatePublishedInputPortConstantInRunningComposition (VuoPublishedPort *port, string constant)
 If the composition is running, tells the composition to set a new constant value on the published input port. More...
void populateNodeAndPortIdentifierMappings ()
 Populates the mappings between nodes and ports in this composition and their stored and running identifiers. More...
VuoRendererPublishedPortpublishInternalPort (VuoPort *port, bool forceEventOnlyPublication, string name="", VuoType *type=NULL, bool attemptMerge=false, bool *mergePerformed=NULL)
 Publishes this composition's internal port under the provided name, if possible; returns a pointer to the VuoRendererPublishedPort aliased to the internal port. More...
VuoCablecreatePublishedCable (VuoPort *externalPort, VuoPort *internalPort, bool forceEventOnlyPublication)
 Creates a published cable connecting published externalPort with internal port internalPort (in whichever direction appropriate). More...
void addActiveProtocol (VuoProtocol *protocol, bool useUndoStack)
 Adds an active protocol for this composition, removing any previous active protocol. More...
bool removeActiveProtocol (VuoProtocol *protocol, VuoProtocol *replacementProtocol)
 Unsets the active protocol for this composition, pushing any necessary changes to published ports onto the Undo stack. More...
void removeActiveProtocolWithoutModifyingPorts (VuoProtocol *protocol)
 Deactivates the provided protocol for this composition, updating the isProtocolPort attribute of each affected port. More...
map< string, string > publishPorts (set< string > portsToPublish)
 Publishes the ports with the provided identifiers in order of their y-coordinates on canvas, from top to bottom. More...
string generateSpecialPublishedNameForPort (VuoPort *port)
 If the provided port is one of the handful of port types whose default published name should be something other than the port's own name, returns that specialized name. More...
VuoProtocolgetActiveProtocol ()
 Returns the active protocol for this composition. More...
VuoCompilerDrivergetDriverForActiveProtocol ()
 Returns the driver for the currently active protocol, or NULL if there is no active protocol or there is no driver available for the active protocol. More...
bool validateProtocol (VuoEditorWindow *window, bool isExportingMovie)
 Checks whether the composition superficially meets the requirements as an image filter/generator/transition protocol composition eligible for movie or plugin export. More...
void addPublishedPort (VuoPublishedPort *publishedPort, bool isPublishedInput, bool shouldUpdateUi=true)
 Adds an existing VuoPublishedPort as one of this composition's published ports. More...
int removePublishedPort (VuoPublishedPort *publishedPort, bool isPublishedInput, bool shouldUpdateUi=true)
 Removes a published input or output VuoRendererPublishedPort from the list of published ports associated with this composition. More...
void setPublishedPortName (VuoRendererPublishedPort *publishedPort, string name)
 Sets the name of the provided publishedPort to name; updates the composition's published pseudo-node and connected published cables accordingly. More...
void leftMousePressEventAtNearbyItem (QGraphicsItem *nearbyItem, QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event)
 Handle a left mouse press event already determined to be within operable range of the provided nearbyItem. More...
QGraphicsItem * findNearbyPort (QPointF scenePos, bool limitPortCollisionRange=true)
 Returns a pointer to the port that should be operated upon if the user were to click at position scenePos, or NULL if no port is within collision range. More...
VuoRendererColors::HighlightType getEligibilityHighlightingForPort (VuoRendererPort *portToHighlight, VuoRendererPort *fixedPort, bool eventOnlyConnection)
 Returns the appropriate eligibility highlighting for the specified portToHighlight given that the fixedPort will be at the other end of the cable connection. More...
vector< string > findBridgingSolutions (VuoRendererPort *fromPort, VuoRendererPort *toPort, bool toPortIsDragDestination)
 Convenience function for the other version of VuoEditorComposition::findBridgingSolutions(), when all that matters is whether a bridging solution between two ports exists, not what the solution is. More...
bool selectBridgingSolution (VuoRendererPort *fromPort, VuoRendererPort *toPort, bool toPortIsDragDestination, VuoRendererPort **portToSpecialize, string &specializedTypeName, string &typecastToInsert)
 Prompts the user to select a bridging (typeconversion and/or (re-)specialization) solution to connect the provided ports. More...
QList< QAction * > getCompatibleTypesForMenu (VuoRendererPort *genericPort, set< string > compatibleTypesInIsolation, set< string > compatibleTypesInContext, bool limitToNodeSet, string nodeSetName="", QMenu *menu=NULL)
 Constructs a list of actions, each of which represents a compatible type for the provided genericPort with the set of compatibleTypesInContext to which the port may be specialized within its current generic port network (or compatibleTypesInIsolation when the port is in isolation), organizing the compatible types by node set and associating each action with the data and slot necessary to accomplish the "Specialize" operation. More...
void addTypeActionsToMenu (QList< QAction * > actionList, QMenu *menu)
 Sorts and adds the provided list of actions representing Vuo types to the specified menu. More...
vector< string > getAllSpecializedTypeOptions (bool lists)
 Returns the full list of type names that should be listed as specialization options for a completely generic port. More...
void deleteSelectedNodes (string commandDescription="")
 Deletes currently selected nodes. More...
void clear ()
 Deletes all composition components. More...
VuoPortPopovergetActivePopoverForPort (string portID)
 Returns a pointer to the active popover for the port with the provided portID, if such a popover exists. More...
void enablePopoverForPort (VuoRendererPort *rp)
 Displays a new popover for the provided port. More...
void updatePortPopovers (VuoRendererNode *node=NULL)
 Updates the text of all active popovers associated with this composition. More...
void updateDataInPortPopoverFromRunningTopLevelComposition (VuoEditorComposition *popoverComposition, string popoverCompositionIdentifier, string portID)
 Updates the data value displayed in the port's popover, and subscribes to further updates for the port. More...
void updateDataInPortPopover (string portID)
 Updates the data value displayed in the port's popover, and subscribes to further updates for the port. More...
void movePopoversBy (int dx, int dy)
 Moves all popovers associated with this composition dx points horizontally and dy points vertically. More...
void disableNondetachedPortPopovers (VuoRendererNode *node=NULL, bool recordWhichPopoversClosed=false)
 Disables non-detached port popovers associated with this composition. More...
void disableStrandedPortPopovers ()
 Disables any port popover that does not currently have an associated port in the composition. More...
void disableErrorPopovers ()
 Disables all error popovers associated with this composition. More...
void disablePopovers ()
 Disables all popovers associated with this composition, whether they are detached or not. More...
void emitCompositionOnTop (bool top)
 Emits a compositionOnTop signal. More...
void emitPublishedPortNameEditorRequested (VuoRendererPublishedPort *port)
 Emits a publishedPortNameEditorRequested signal. More...
void receivedTelemetryInputPortUpdated (string compositionIdentifier, string portIdentifier, bool receivedEvent, bool receivedData, string dataSummary)
 This delegate method is invoked every time any input port receives an event or data. More...
void receivedTelemetryOutputPortUpdated (string compositionIdentifier, string portIdentifier, bool sentEvent, bool sentData, string dataSummary)
 This delegate method is invoked every time any output port transmits or fires an event. More...
void receivedTelemetryEventDropped (string compositionIdentifier, string portIdentifier)
 This delegate method is invoked every time any trigger port drops an event. More...
void receivedTelemetryNodeExecutionStarted (string compositionIdentifier, string nodeIdentifier)
 This delegate method is invoked every time a node has started executing. More...
void receivedTelemetryNodeExecutionFinished (string compositionIdentifier, string nodeIdentifier)
 This delegate method is invoked every time a node has finished executing. More...
void lostContactWithComposition (void)
 Called if the user quits the composition or the composition crashes. More...
bool getShowEventsMode ()
 Returns a boolean indicating whether this composition is currently in 'Show Events' mode. More...
void setShowEventsMode (bool showEventsMode)
 Sets the boolean indicating whether this composition is currently in 'Show Events' mode. More...
bool hasHiddenInternalCables ()
 Returns a boolean indicating whether the composition contains any hidden (wireless) internal cables. More...
bool hasHiddenPublishedCables ()
 Returns a boolean indicating whether the composition contains any hidden (wireless) published cables. More...
void setTriggerPortToRefire (VuoPort *port)
 Sets the trigger port to be fired when the user selects the "re-fire" option. More...
VuoPortgetTriggerPortToRefire ()
 Returns the trigger port to be fired when the user selects the "re-fire" option. More...
void refireTriggerPortEvent ()
 Fires another event from the trigger port that was most recently manually fired. More...
string takeSnapshot (void)
 Returns a string representation of the composition (to save its current state). More...
string generateCompositionHeader ()
 Generates a header containing this composition's metadata. More...
QString getFormattedName ()
 Returns the formatted name of the composition, either pre-formatted by the user or, otherwise, formatted automatically. More...
QString formatTypeNameForDisplay (VuoType *type)
 Formats the input type name for human-readable display. More...
string getDefaultPublishedPortNameForType (VuoType *type)
 Returns a suggested name for a published port of the provided type. More...
void beginDisplayingActivity (bool includePorts=true)
 Begin reflecting events and executions in the rendering of the composition. More...
void stopDisplayingActivity ()
 Stop reflecting events and executions in the rendering of the composition. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from VuoRendererComposition
 VuoRendererComposition (VuoComposition *baseComposition, bool renderMissingAsPresent=false, bool enableCaching=false)
 Creates a canvas upon which nodes and cables can be rendered. More...
void addComponentsInCompositionToCanvas ()
 Add any nodes, cables, published ports, and published cables that are already in the base composition. More...
void setBackgroundTransparent (bool transparent)
 Sets whether the composition should be rendered with a transparent background. More...
VuoRendererNodecreateRendererNode (VuoNode *baseNode)
 Creates a renderer detail for the base node. More...
VuoRendererCommentcreateRendererComment (VuoComment *baseComment)
 Creates a renderer detail for the base comment. More...
void addNode (VuoNode *node, bool nodeShouldBeRendered=true, bool nodeShouldBeGivenUniqueIdentifier=true)
 Adds a node to the underlying composition and (if nodeShouldBeRendered is true), to the canvas. More...
void addCable (VuoCable *cable)
 Adds a cable to the canvas and the underlying composition. More...
void addComment (VuoComment *comment)
 Adds a comment to the canvas and the underlying composition. More...
void removeNode (VuoRendererNode *rn)
 Removes a node from the canvas and the underlying composition. More...
void removeCable (VuoRendererCable *rc)
 Removes a cable from the canvas and the underlying composition. More...
void removeComment (VuoRendererComment *rcomment)
 Removes a comment from the canvas and the underlying composition. More...
QList< QGraphicsItem * > createAndConnectInputAttachments (VuoRendererNode *node, VuoCompiler *compiler, bool createButDoNotAdd=false)
 Creates and connects the appropriate input attachments to the provided node. More...
VuoRendererNodecreateAndConnectMakeListNode (VuoNode *toNode, VuoPort *toPort, VuoCompiler *compiler, VuoRendererCable *&rendererCable)
 Creates a "Make List" node, and creates a cable from the "Make List" node to the given input port. More...
void createAndConnectDictionaryAttachmentsForNode (VuoNode *node, VuoCompiler *compiler, set< VuoRendererNode * > &createdNodes, set< VuoRendererCable * > &createdCables)
 Creates the nodes and connecting cables that the input node will need to provide it with an input dictionary of keys and values, to be attached to the node's "values" input port. More...
vector< string > extractInputVariableListFromExpressionsConstant (string constant, string nodeClassName)
 Extracts the input variables from the provided "inputVariables" constant and returns the variables in an ordered list. More...
void addPublishedPort (VuoPublishedPort *publishedPort, bool isPublishedInput, VuoCompiler *compiler)
 Adds an existing VuoPublishedPort as one of this composition's published ports. More...
int removePublishedPort (VuoPublishedPort *publishedPort, bool isPublishedInput, VuoCompiler *compiler)
 Removes a published input or output VuoRendererPublishedPort from the list of published ports associated with this composition. More...
VuoRendererPublishedPortcreateRendererForPublishedPortInComposition (VuoPublishedPort *publishedPort, bool isPublishedInput)
 Creates a renderer detail for the pre-existing publishedPort, on the assumption that the published port provided already exists in the base composition and has an associated compiler detail. More...
void setPublishedPortName (VuoRendererPublishedPort *publishedPort, string name, VuoCompiler *compiler)
 Sets the name of the provided publishedPort to name; updates the composition's published pseudo-node and connected published cables accordingly. More...
string getUniquePublishedPortName (string baseName)
 Returns a string derived from the input baseName that is guaranteed to be unique among the published input and output port names for this composition. More...
vector< VuoRendererNode * > collapseTypecastNodes (void)
 Once all nodes and cables have been added to the scene, call this to convert each freestanding typecast node into a mini-node attached to its destination node. More...
VuoRendererTypecastPortcollapseTypecastNode (VuoRendererNode *rn)
 Convert a freestanding typecast node into a mini-node attached to its destination node; returns a pointer to the newly collapsed node. More...
void uncollapseTypecastNodes ()
 Convert all collapsed typecast mini-nodes in the composition back into freestanding form. More...
void uncollapseTypecastNode (VuoRendererNode *typecastNode)
 Convert the collapsed typecast mini-node associated with the input typecastNode back into freestanding form. More...
VuoRendererNodeuncollapseTypecastNode (VuoRendererTypecastPort *typecast)
 Convert a collapsed typecast mini-node back into a freestanding node. More...
void clearInternalPortEligibilityHighlighting (void)
 Removes connection eligibility highlighting from all ports and cables in the scene. More...
VuoNodegetPublishedInputNode (void)
 Returns the published input node associated with this composition. More...
VuoNodegetPublishedOutputNode (void)
 Returns the published output node associated with this composition. More...
bool getRenderNodeActivity (void)
 Returns the boolean indicating whether recent activity (e.g., node executions, search spotlighting) by nodes within this composition should be reflected in the rendering of the composition. More...
bool getRenderPortActivity (void)
 Returns the boolean indicating whether recent activity (e.g., trigger port executions) by ports within this composition should be reflected in the rendering of the composition. More...
bool getRenderHiddenCables (void)
 Returns a boolean indicating whether hidden cables within this composition are currently displayed. More...
void setRenderHiddenCables (bool render)
 Sets the boolean indicating whether hidden cables within this composition are currently displayed. More...
QGraphicsItem::CacheMode getCurrentDefaultCacheMode ()
 Returns the current default cache mode for components of this composition, dependent on whether caching is enabled for this composition in general and on whether running composition activity is currently being reflected in the composition rendering. More...
map< VuoPort *, string > getPortConstantResourcePathsRelativeToDir (QDir newDir)
 Maps all relative resource paths referenced within this composition's port constants to the corresponding paths appropriate for use after the composition has been relocated to newDir. More...
string getAppIconResourcePathRelativeToDir (QDir newDir)
 Maps the relative path of the composition's app icon to the corresponding paths appropriate for use after the composition has been relocated to newDir. More...
void bundleResourceFiles (string targetResourceDir, bool tmpFilesOnly=false, QString bundledIconPath="")
 Copies resources referenced within the composition by relative URL into the provided targetResourceDir. More...
void modifyAllResourcePathsForBundle (void)
 Maps all relative resource paths referenced within this composition's port constants to the corresponding paths appropriate for use within the "Resources" directory of an exported bundle. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from VuoBaseDetail< VuoComposition >
 VuoBaseDetail (string description, VuoComposition *base)
 Creates a detail class. More...
VuoCompositiongetBase (void) const
 Returns the detail class instance's base class instance. More...
void setBase (VuoComposition *base)
 Sets the detail class instance's base class instance. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from VuoRunnerDelegate
virtual void receivedTelemetryStats (unsigned long utime, unsigned long stime)=0
 This delegate method is invoked twice per second, to provide a heartbeat indicating that the composition is still alive. More...
virtual void receivedTelemetryPublishedOutputPortUpdated (VuoRunner::Port *port, bool sentData, string dataSummary)=0
 This delegate method is invoked every time any published output port in the top-level composition transmits an event. More...
virtual void receivedTelemetryError (string message)=0
 This delegate method is invoked every time an uncaught error occurs in the composition. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static VuoNodegetUnderlyingParentNodeForPort (VuoPort *runningPort, VuoEditorComposition *composition)
 Returns the underlying parent node of the provided port within the provided composition. More...
static string getDefaultNameForPath (const string &compositionPath)
 Returns the name to be used for a composition located at compositionPath if the user hasn't specified a name. More...
static QString formatCompositionFileNameForDisplay (QString unformattedCompositionFileName)
 Formats the input unformattedCompositionFileName for human-readable display by stripping the .vuo extension, capitalizing the first word, and inserting spaces between CamelCase transitions. More...
static QString formatNodeSetNameForDisplay (QString nodeSetName)
 Formats the input nodeSetName for human-readable display. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from VuoRendererComposition
static bool isTmpFile (string filePath)
 Returns a boolean indicating whether the provided filePath is within the /tmp directory (or a subdirectory thereof). More...
static void setGridOpacity (int opacity)
 Specifies the opacity at which grid lines/points should be rendered on the canvas. More...
static int getGridOpacity ()
 Returns the opacity at which grid lines should be rendered on the canvas. More...
static void setGridType (GridType type)
 Specifies the type of grid to render. More...
static QPoint quantizeToNearestGridLine (QPointF point, int gridSpacing)
 Quantizes the provided point to the nearest horizontal and vertical gridlines with the gridSpacing specified. More...
static void createAutoreleasePool (void)
 As a workaround for a bug in Qt 5.1.0-beta1 (, this function must be called to create the NSAutoreleasePool for a QApplication. More...

Static Public Attributes

static const qreal componentCollisionRange = 10
 The search range used in locating composition components near the cursor. More...
- Static Public Attributes inherited from VuoRendererComposition
static const int majorGridLineSpacing = 4 * VuoRendererComposition::minorGridLineSpacing
 Distance, in pixels at 1:1 zoom, between major gridlines. More...
static const int minorGridLineSpacing = 15
 Distance, in pixels at 1:1 zoom, between minor gridlines. More...
static const string deprecatedDefaultDescription = "This composition does..."
 The default description assigned to compositions prior to Vuo 2.0. More...

Protected Member Functions

void dragEnterEvent (QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent *event)
 Decide whether we can accept the dragged data. More...
void dragLeaveEvent (QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent *event)
 Decide what to do with the dragged data as it leaves. More...
void dragMoveEvent (QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent *event)
 Decide what to do with the moved drag-drop data. More...
void dropEvent (QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent *event)
 Handle the dropped data. More...
void mouseDoubleClickEvent (QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event)
 Handle mouse double-click events. More...
void mousePressEvent (QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event)
 Handle mouse press events. More...
void mouseReleaseEvent (QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event)
 Handle mouse release events. More...
void mouseMoveEvent (QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event)
 Handle mouse move events. More...
void keyPressEvent (QKeyEvent *event)
 Handle keypress events. More...
void keyReleaseEvent (QKeyEvent *event)
 Handle key release events. More...
void contextMenuEvent (QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent *event)
 Display the context menu for the canvas or for a node, port, cable, or comment. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from VuoRendererComposition
void drawBackground (QPainter *painter, const QRectF &rect)
 Draws the background of the scene using painter, before any items and the foreground are drawn. More...
void setRenderActivity (bool render, bool includePortActivity=true)
 Sets the boolean indicating whether recent activity by components within this composition should be reflected in the rendering of the composition; if toggling from 'false' to 'true', resets the time of last activity for each component. More...
void setComponentCaching (QGraphicsItem::CacheMode)
 Sets the caching mode for each applicable graphics item within the composition to the provided cache mode. More...
void updateGeometryForAllComponents ()
 Prepares every component in the composition to be repainted. More...
bool isPortPublished (VuoRendererPort *port)
 Returns true if the internal port is connected to a published port. More...


class TestVuoEditor

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from VuoRendererComposition
static bool isSupportedAudioFile (string path)
 Returns a boolean indicating whether the file at the provided path is a supported audio file. More...
static bool isSupportedImageFile (string path)
 Returns a boolean indicating whether the file at the provided path is a supported image file. More...
static bool isSupportedMeshFile (string path)
 Returns a boolean indicating whether the file at the provided path is a supported mesh file. More...
static bool isSupportedMovieFile (string path)
 Returns a boolean indicating whether the file at the provided path is a supported movie file. More...
static bool isSupportedSceneFile (string path)
 Returns a boolean indicating whether the file at the provided path is a supported scene file. More...
static bool isSupportedFeedFile (string path)
 Returns a boolean indicating whether the file at the provided path is a supported feed file. More...
static bool isSupportedJsonFile (string path)
 Returns a boolean indicating whether the file at the provided path is a supported JSON file. More...
static bool isSupportedXmlFile (string path)
 Returns a boolean indicating whether the file at the provided path is a supported XML file. More...
static bool isSupportedTableFile (string path)
 Returns a boolean indicating whether the file at the provided path is a supported table file. More...
static bool isSupportedDataFile (string path)
 Returns a boolean indicating whether the file at the provided path is a supported data file. More...
static bool isSupportedAppFile (string path)
 Returns a boolean indicating whether the file at the provided path is a supported app file. More...
static bool isDirectory (string path)
 Returns a boolean indicating whether the provided path refers to a directory (excluding OS X app bundles). More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from VuoRendererComposition
 The Graphviz parser instance used by this composition. More...
 The Qt signaler used by this composition. More...
 The published input node associated with this composition. More...
 The published output node associated with this composition. More...
bool cachingEnabled
 Should item renderings be cached? More...
bool renderHiddenCables
 Should cables be rendered even if they have been hidden (made "wireless")? More...

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ targetComponentType

Specifies the desired type of composition component to be returned from a search.

Definition at line 43 of file VuoEditorComposition.hh.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ VuoEditorComposition()

VuoEditorComposition::VuoEditorComposition ( VuoMainWindow window,
VuoComposition baseComposition 

Creates an empty canvas upon which nodes and cables can be rendered.

Definition at line 69 of file

Member Function Documentation

◆ activeProtocolChanged

void VuoEditorComposition::activeProtocolChanged ( )

Emitted when the active protocol has changed.

◆ addActiveProtocol()

void VuoEditorComposition::addActiveProtocol ( VuoProtocol protocol,
bool  useUndoStack 

Adds an active protocol for this composition, removing any previous active protocol.

Updates the isProtocolPort attribute for each published port affected by the change in protocol.

If useUndoStack is true, pushes published port modifications onto the Undo stack. It is expected (and enforced) that useUndoStack will be true if any published ports are to be removed from the composition. A useUndoStack value of false would be expected during the original creation of a protocol composition, but never in response to user changes.

Definition at line 5515 of file

◆ addCable()

void VuoEditorComposition::addCable ( VuoCable cable,
bool  emitHiddenCableNotification = true 

Adds a cable to the canvas.

Definition at line 606 of file

◆ addNode()

void VuoEditorComposition::addNode ( VuoNode node,
bool  nodeShouldBeRendered = true,
bool  nodeShouldBeGivenUniqueIdentifier = true 

Adds a node to the canvas and registers the node and its ports in the composition's ID maps.

Definition at line 417 of file

◆ addPublishedPort()

void VuoEditorComposition::addPublishedPort ( VuoPublishedPort publishedPort,
bool  isPublishedInput,
bool  shouldUpdateUi = true 

Adds an existing VuoPublishedPort as one of this composition's published ports.

Definition at line 5817 of file

◆ addTypeActionsToMenu()

void VuoEditorComposition::addTypeActionsToMenu ( QList< QAction * >  actionList,
QMenu *  menu 

Sorts and adds the provided list of actions representing Vuo types to the specified menu.

Definition at line 4048 of file

◆ applicationActive

void VuoEditorComposition::applicationActive ( bool  )

Emitted (if this composition is topmost) when the application has been activated or deactivated.

◆ beginDisplayingActivity()

void VuoEditorComposition::beginDisplayingActivity ( bool  includePorts = true)

Begin reflecting events and executions in the rendering of the composition.

Definition at line 7782 of file

◆ buildFinished

void VuoEditorComposition::buildFinished ( QString  error)

Emitted when finished attempting to compile and link the composition to run within the editor. If the build failed, the argument is an error message.

◆ buildStarted

void VuoEditorComposition::buildStarted ( )

Emitted when starting to compile and link the composition.

◆ cableDragEnded

void VuoEditorComposition::cableDragEnded ( )

Emitted when the user ends a cable drag, whether a connection was completed or not.

◆ cableDragInitiated

void VuoEditorComposition::cableDragInitiated ( )

Emitted when the user begins dragging a cable.

◆ cablesHidden

void VuoEditorComposition::cablesHidden ( set< VuoRendererCable * >  cables)

Emitted when cables are to be hidden.

◆ cablesUnhidden

void VuoEditorComposition::cablesUnhidden ( set< VuoRendererCable * >  cables)

Emitted when cables are to be unhidden.

◆ cancelCableDrag()

void VuoEditorComposition::cancelCableDrag ( void  )

Cancel the current cable drag operation, if applicable.

Definition at line 2706 of file

◆ changeInHiddenCables

void VuoEditorComposition::changeInHiddenCables ( )

Emitted when a hidden cable has been added to or removed from the composition.

◆ clear()

void VuoEditorComposition::clear ( )

Deletes all composition components.

Definition at line 793 of file

◆ clearCableEndpointEligibilityHighlighting()

void VuoEditorComposition::clearCableEndpointEligibilityHighlighting ( )

Clears highlighting of eligible cable connection endpoints.

Definition at line 6327 of file

◆ clearHoverHighlighting()

void VuoEditorComposition::clearHoverHighlighting ( )

Clear hover-highlighting of the previously highlighted composition component.

Definition at line 2980 of file

◆ clearPublishedSidebarDropLocationHighlightingRequested

void VuoEditorComposition::clearPublishedSidebarDropLocationHighlightingRequested ( )

Emitted when eligible published port sidebar drop locations should no longer be highlighted.

◆ commentEditorRequested

void VuoEditorComposition::commentEditorRequested ( VuoRendererComment comment)

Emitted in order to display a comment editor.

◆ commentInsertionRequested

void VuoEditorComposition::commentInsertionRequested ( QPointF  scenePos)

Emitted in order to insert a new comment at the provided scene position.

◆ commentResized

void VuoEditorComposition::commentResized ( VuoRendererComment comment,
qreal  dx,
qreal  dy 

Emitted when a comment is resized.

◆ commentZoomRequested

void VuoEditorComposition::commentZoomRequested ( VuoRendererComment comment)

Emitted in order to zoom in on a comment.

◆ componentsAdded

void VuoEditorComposition::componentsAdded ( QList< QGraphicsItem * >  addedComponents,
VuoEditorComposition target 

Emitted in order to add components.

◆ componentsRemoved

void VuoEditorComposition::componentsRemoved ( QList< QGraphicsItem * >  removedComponents,
string  commandDescription = "Remove" 

Emitted in order to remove components.

◆ compositionOnTop

void VuoEditorComposition::compositionOnTop ( bool  )

Emitted when the composition detects that it is or is no longer the topmost composition.

◆ compositionStoppedItself

void VuoEditorComposition::compositionStoppedItself ( )

Emitted when the user quits the composition or the composition crashes.

◆ connectionCompletedByDragging

void VuoEditorComposition::connectionCompletedByDragging ( VuoRendererCable cableInProgress,
VuoRendererPort targetPort,
pair< VuoRendererCable *, VuoRendererCable * >  cableArgs,
VuoRendererNode typecastNodeToDelete,
pair< string, string >  typeArgs,
pair< VuoRendererPort *, VuoRendererPort * >  portArgs 

Emitted after a cable has been connected to a node.

◆ contextMenuEvent()

void VuoEditorComposition::contextMenuEvent ( QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent *  event)

Display the context menu for the canvas or for a node, port, cable, or comment.

Definition at line 3166 of file

◆ createAndConnectDictionaryAttachmentsForNode()

void VuoEditorComposition::createAndConnectDictionaryAttachmentsForNode ( VuoNode node,
set< VuoRendererNode * > &  createdNodes,
set< VuoRendererCable * > &  createdCables 

Creates the nodes and connecting cables that the input node will need to provide it with an input dictionary of keys and values, to be attached to the node's "values" input port.

nodeThe node that needs the dictionary attachments created.
[out]createdNodesThe created nodes.
[out]createdCablesThe created cables.

Definition at line 636 of file

◆ createAndConnectInputAttachments()

QList< QGraphicsItem * > VuoEditorComposition::createAndConnectInputAttachments ( VuoRendererNode node,
bool  createButDoNotAdd = false 

Creates and connects the appropriate input attachments to the provided node.

nodeThe node that needs the input attachments created.
createButDoNotAddA boolean specifying whether to create the attachments without adding them to the composition.

Definition at line 649 of file

◆ createAndConnectMakeListNode()

VuoRendererNode * VuoEditorComposition::createAndConnectMakeListNode ( VuoNode toNode,
VuoPort toPort,
VuoRendererCable *&  rendererCable 

Creates a "Make List" node, and creates a cable from the "Make List" node to the given input port.

toNodeThe node that contains toPort.
toPortThe input port. Assumed to be a data-and-event input port carrying list data.
[out]rendererCableThe created cable.
The created "Make List" node.

Definition at line 623 of file

◆ createBaseNode()

VuoNode * VuoEditorComposition::createBaseNode ( VuoCompilerNodeClass nodeClass,
VuoNode modelNode,
string  title = "",
double  x = 0,
double  y = 0 

Creates an instance of nodeClass if it is legal to add to this composition.

Otherwise, creates an instance of a node class with the same name but no implementation.

Copies attributes from modelNode if provided, otherwise title, x, and y.

Definition at line 337 of file

◆ createNode()

VuoRendererNode * VuoEditorComposition::createNode ( QString  nodeClassName,
string  title = "",
double  x = 0,
double  y = 0 

Instantiates a node of class name nodeClassName.

Definition at line 312 of file

◆ createNodeWithMissingImplementation()

VuoNode * VuoEditorComposition::createNodeWithMissingImplementation ( VuoNodeClass modelNodeClass,
VuoNode modelNode,
string  title = "",
double  x = 0,
double  y = 0 

Creates an instance of an implementation-less node class.

For the node class, copies attributes from modelNodeClass. For the node, copies attributes from modelNode if provided, otherwise title, x, and y.

Definition at line 376 of file

◆ createPublishedCable()

VuoCable * VuoEditorComposition::createPublishedCable ( VuoPort externalPort,
VuoPort internalPort,
bool  forceEventOnlyPublication 

Creates a published cable connecting published externalPort with internal port internalPort (in whichever direction appropriate).

Definition at line 5460 of file

◆ createReplacementsToUnspecializePort()

void VuoEditorComposition::createReplacementsToUnspecializePort ( VuoPort portToUnspecialize,
map< VuoNode *, string > &  nodesToReplace,
set< VuoCable * > &  cablesToDelete 

Outputs the composition components that would need to be modified in order to unspecialize the given port.

portToUnspecializeThe port to unspecialize.
nodesToReplaceThe nodes that would need to be replaced, and the names of the less-specialized node classes that would replace them.
cablesToDeleteThe cables (including published) that would need to be removed because they would become invalid, having a generic port on one end and a non-generic port on the other end.

Definition at line 1103 of file

◆ deleteSelectedCompositionComponents [1/2]

void VuoEditorComposition::deleteSelectedCompositionComponents ( )

Deletes currently selected nodes, comments, and cables.

Definition at line 753 of file

◆ deleteSelectedCompositionComponents [2/2]

void VuoEditorComposition::deleteSelectedCompositionComponents ( string  commandDescription)

Deletes currently selected nodes, comments, and cables.

Definition at line 761 of file

◆ deleteSelectedNodes()

void VuoEditorComposition::deleteSelectedNodes ( string  commandDescription = "")

Deletes currently selected nodes.

Definition at line 778 of file

◆ deselectAllCompositionComponents

void VuoEditorComposition::deselectAllCompositionComponents ( )

Deselects all nodes, cables, and comments on the canvas.

Definition at line 1452 of file

◆ disableErrorPopovers()

void VuoEditorComposition::disableErrorPopovers ( )

Disables all error popovers associated with this composition.

Definition at line 7153 of file

◆ disableNondetachedPortPopovers()

void VuoEditorComposition::disableNondetachedPortPopovers ( VuoRendererNode node = NULL,
bool  recordWhichPopoversClosed = false 

Disables non-detached port popovers associated with this composition.

If an input node is provided, only non-detached popovers whose ports belong to that node are disabled.

Definition at line 7203 of file

◆ disablePopoverForPort

void VuoEditorComposition::disablePopoverForPort ( string  portID)

Closes the popover for the port with the provided portID.

The caller should be on the main thread and schedule this function synchronously on activePortPopoversQueue.

This function may only be called on dispatch queue activePortPopoversQueue.

Definition at line 7090 of file

◆ disablePopovers()

void VuoEditorComposition::disablePopovers ( )

Disables all popovers associated with this composition, whether they are detached or not.

Definition at line 7144 of file

◆ disableStrandedPortPopovers()

void VuoEditorComposition::disableStrandedPortPopovers ( )

Disables any port popover that does not currently have an associated port in the composition.

Definition at line 7185 of file

◆ dragEnterEvent()

void VuoEditorComposition::dragEnterEvent ( QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent *  event)

Decide whether we can accept the dragged data.

Definition at line 1580 of file

◆ dragLeaveEvent()

void VuoEditorComposition::dragLeaveEvent ( QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent *  event)

Decide what to do with the dragged data as it leaves.

Definition at line 1647 of file

◆ dragMoveEvent()

void VuoEditorComposition::dragMoveEvent ( QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent *  event)

Decide what to do with the moved drag-drop data.

Definition at line 1655 of file

◆ dropEvent()

void VuoEditorComposition::dropEvent ( QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent *  event)

Handle the dropped data.

Definition at line 1663 of file

◆ duplicationOperationCancelled

void VuoEditorComposition::duplicationOperationCancelled ( )

Emitted in order to cancel duplication of components.

◆ emitCompositionOnTop()

void VuoEditorComposition::emitCompositionOnTop ( bool  top)

Emits a compositionOnTop signal.

Definition at line 8143 of file

◆ emitNodeSourceEditorRequested

void VuoEditorComposition::emitNodeSourceEditorRequested ( )

Workaround so that the "Edit {Composition/Shader/Node}" context menu item can emit a signal with argument when triggered.

Definition at line 3803 of file

◆ emitPublishedPortNameEditorRequested()

void VuoEditorComposition::emitPublishedPortNameEditorRequested ( VuoRendererPublishedPort port)

Emits a publishedPortNameEditorRequested signal.

Definition at line 8151 of file

◆ emptyCanvasLocationLeftClicked

void VuoEditorComposition::emptyCanvasLocationLeftClicked ( )

Emitted when the left mouse button is released on an empty region of the canvas.

◆ enablePopoverForPort()

void VuoEditorComposition::enablePopoverForPort ( VuoRendererPort rp)

Displays a new popover for the provided port.

Definition at line 7011 of file

◆ findBridgingSolutions()

vector< string > VuoEditorComposition::findBridgingSolutions ( VuoRendererPort fromPort,
VuoRendererPort toPort,
bool  toPortIsDragDestination 

Convenience function for the other version of VuoEditorComposition::findBridgingSolutions(), when all that matters is whether a bridging solution between two ports exists, not what the solution is.

fromPortThe output port that will provide the source data for typeconversion.
toPortThe input port that will accept the typeconverted data.
toPortIsDragDestinationWhether the cable connection is being completed at the toPort (as in a forward cable drag) as opposed to the fromPort (as in a backward cable drag), which may be the tie-breaking factor in deciding which port to attempt to specialize.

Returns a vector containing the names of all loaded typecast classes that, in combination with potential respecialization of the fromPort or toPort, are capable of bridging the connection between the two ports. An empty string in place of a typecast name means that the ports can be bridged without typeconversion (but still might require specialization). An empty vector means that no bridging solutions were found.

Definition at line 6479 of file

◆ findDefaultPortForEventOnlyConnection()

VuoRendererPort * VuoEditorComposition::findDefaultPortForEventOnlyConnection ( VuoRendererNode node,
bool  inputPort 

Returns the port to which an event-only cable should be connected by default.

If input is true, selects from the node's input ports; otherwise, selects from its output ports.

Definition at line 4294 of file

◆ findNearbyComponent()

QGraphicsItem * VuoEditorComposition::findNearbyComponent ( QPointF  scenePos,
targetComponentType  targetType = VuoEditorComposition::targetTypeAny,
bool  limitPortCollisionRange = true 

Returns a pointer to the component (port, cable, node, or comment) that should be operated upon if the user were to click at position scenePos, or NULL if no component is within collision range.

The input targetType specifies what type of component to search for. Options are: VuoEditorComposition::targetTypePort (to include only ports), VuoEditorComposition::targetTypeNodeHeader (to include only node headers), or VuoEditorComposition::targetTypeAny (to include ports, cables, nodes, and comments). If limitPortCollisionRange is true, only the port circle and constant value flag, not the port's boundingRect as a whole, are taken into account for purposes of collision detection.

Definition at line 4115 of file

◆ findNearbyNodeHeader()

VuoRendererNode * VuoEditorComposition::findNearbyNodeHeader ( QPointF  scenePos)

Returns the node whose header area scenePos falls within, or NULL if none.

Definition at line 4097 of file

◆ findNearbyPort()

QGraphicsItem * VuoEditorComposition::findNearbyPort ( QPointF  scenePos,
bool  limitPortCollisionRange = true 

Returns a pointer to the port that should be operated upon if the user were to click at position scenePos, or NULL if no port is within collision range.

If limitPortCollisionRange is true, only the port circle and constant value flag, not the port's boundingRect as a whole, are taken into account for purposes of collision detection.

Definition at line 4089 of file

◆ findTargetPortForCableDroppedOnNodeHeader()

VuoRendererPort * VuoEditorComposition::findTargetPortForCableDroppedOnNodeHeader ( VuoRendererNode node)

Returns the port to which an event-only cable would be connected if the endpoint of cableInProgress were dropped onto the header of node.

This is generally the node's first input or output port (depending on the direction of cableInProgress), but there's special handling for walled input ports and input ports with attached drawers or type-converters.

If the node has no input/output port or cableInProgress is NULL, this function returns NULL.

Definition at line 4275 of file

◆ formatCompositionFileNameForDisplay()

QString VuoEditorComposition::formatCompositionFileNameForDisplay ( QString  unformattedCompositionFileName)

Formats the input unformattedCompositionFileName for human-readable display by stripping the .vuo extension, capitalizing the first word, and inserting spaces between CamelCase transitions.

The human-readable composition file name.

Definition at line 7909 of file

◆ formatNodeSetNameForDisplay()

QString VuoEditorComposition::formatNodeSetNameForDisplay ( QString  nodeSetName)

Formats the input nodeSetName for human-readable display.

The human-readable node set name.

Definition at line 7937 of file

◆ formatTypeNameForDisplay()

QString VuoEditorComposition::formatTypeNameForDisplay ( VuoType type)

Formats the input type name for human-readable display.

The human-readable type name.

Definition at line 7981 of file

◆ generateCompositionHeader()

string VuoEditorComposition::generateCompositionHeader ( )

Generates a header containing this composition's metadata.

Definition at line 7871 of file

◆ generateSpecialPublishedNameForPort()

string VuoEditorComposition::generateSpecialPublishedNameForPort ( VuoPort port)

If the provided port is one of the handful of port types whose default published name should be something other than the port's own name, returns that specialized name.

Otherwise, returns the empty string.

Definition at line 8222 of file

◆ getActivePopoverForPort()

VuoPortPopover * VuoEditorComposition::getActivePopoverForPort ( string  portID)

Returns a pointer to the active popover for the port with the provided portID, if such a popover exists.

Otherwise returns NULL.

This function may only be called on dispatch queue activePortPopoversQueue.

Definition at line 6983 of file

◆ getActiveProtocol()

VuoProtocol * VuoEditorComposition::getActiveProtocol ( )

Returns the active protocol for this composition.

Definition at line 5797 of file

◆ getAllSpecializedTypeOptions()

vector< string > VuoEditorComposition::getAllSpecializedTypeOptions ( bool  lists)

Returns the full list of type names that should be listed as specialization options for a completely generic port.

If lists is true, returns the list versions of those types; otherwise, returns the individual-element versions of the types.

Definition at line 3815 of file

◆ getCableInProgress()

VuoCable * VuoEditorComposition::getCableInProgress ( )

Returns the cable currently being dragged, or NULL if no cable is currently being dragged.

Definition at line 1396 of file

◆ getCableInProgressWasNew()

bool VuoEditorComposition::getCableInProgressWasNew ( )

Returns a boolean indicating whether the cable currently being dragged was only just created at the initiation of the drag.

Definition at line 1405 of file

◆ getCablesInternalToSubcomposition()

set< VuoRendererCable * > VuoEditorComposition::getCablesInternalToSubcomposition ( QList< QGraphicsItem * >  subcompositionComponents)

Returns the set of cables creating internal connections within the set of input subcompositionComponents.

Definition at line 1368 of file

◆ getCompatibleTypesForMenu()

QList< QAction * > VuoEditorComposition::getCompatibleTypesForMenu ( VuoRendererPort genericPort,
set< string >  compatibleTypesInIsolation,
set< string >  compatibleTypesInContext,
bool  limitToNodeSet,
string  nodeSetName = "",
QMenu *  menu = NULL 

Constructs a list of actions, each of which represents a compatible type for the provided genericPort with the set of compatibleTypesInContext to which the port may be specialized within its current generic port network (or compatibleTypesInIsolation when the port is in isolation), organizing the compatible types by node set and associating each action with the data and slot necessary to accomplish the "Specialize" operation.

If limitToNodeSet is true, includes only types specific to the provided nodeSetName in a submenu named for that type.

  • If limitToNodeSet is true but the provided nodeSetName is empty, the compatible "Core" types are included in the top-level list.
  • If limitToNodeSet is false, all compatible types (regardless of node set) are included in the top-level list.

If a menu is provided, any submenus or actions created will be initialized with the provided menu as their parent (although not added to the menu).

Returns the generated list of actions, which may be used to populate a menu.

Definition at line 3925 of file

◆ getContextMenuDeleteSelectedAction()

QAction * VuoEditorComposition::getContextMenuDeleteSelectedAction ( void  )

Returns the context menu's action that deletes a component.

Definition at line 5068 of file

◆ getContextMenuTints()

QMenu * VuoEditorComposition::getContextMenuTints ( QMenu *  parent = 0)

Returns a "Tint" submenu for the provided parent menu.

Definition at line 5076 of file

◆ getDefaultNameForPath()

string VuoEditorComposition::getDefaultNameForPath ( const string &  compositionPath)

Returns the name to be used for a composition located at compositionPath if the user hasn't specified a name.

Definition at line 7879 of file

◆ getDefaultPublishedPortNameForType()

string VuoEditorComposition::getDefaultPublishedPortNameForType ( VuoType type)

Returns a suggested name for a published port of the provided type.

Definition at line 8006 of file

◆ getDriverForActiveProtocol()

VuoCompilerDriver * VuoEditorComposition::getDriverForActiveProtocol ( )

Returns the driver for the currently active protocol, or NULL if there is no active protocol or there is no driver available for the active protocol.

Definition at line 5806 of file

◆ getEligibilityHighlightingForPort()

VuoRendererColors::HighlightType VuoEditorComposition::getEligibilityHighlightingForPort ( VuoRendererPort portToHighlight,
VuoRendererPort fixedPort,
bool  eventOnlyConnection 

Returns the appropriate eligibility highlighting for the specified portToHighlight given that the fixedPort will be at the other end of the cable connection.

portToHighlightThe port to have connection eligibility highlighting applied.
fixedPortThe port already selected for connection, and against which eligibility is to be checked.
eventOnlyConnectionIf true, determines eligibility as if the ports will be connected with a cable that is event-only regardless of the data-carrying status of the ports.

Definition at line 5984 of file

◆ getFormattedName()

QString VuoEditorComposition::getFormattedName ( )

Returns the formatted name of the composition, either pre-formatted by the user or, otherwise, formatted automatically.

The human-readable composition file name.

Definition at line 7892 of file

◆ getIdentifierForStaticPort()

string VuoEditorComposition::getIdentifierForStaticPort ( VuoPort staticPort,
VuoNode parentNode = NULL 

Returns the identifier of the provided staticPort in the stored composition.

If a parentNode is provided, uses that node identifier to help derive the port identifier. Otherwise, attempts to determine the parent node via renderer items.

Definition at line 6902 of file

◆ getInputEditorManager()

VuoInputEditorManager * VuoEditorComposition::getInputEditorManager ( )

Returns the input editor manager instance used by this composition (for, e.g., determining whether the port nearest a right-click has an available input editor and should therefore have a "Set Value" item in its context menu).

Definition at line 304 of file

◆ getMenuSelectionInProgress()

bool VuoEditorComposition::getMenuSelectionInProgress ( )

Returns a boolean indicating whether selection from a context menu is currently in progress.

Definition at line 1413 of file

◆ getModuleManager()

VuoModuleManager * VuoEditorComposition::getModuleManager ( void  )

Returns the module manager used by this composition and its containing VuoEditorWindow.

Definition at line 284 of file

◆ getPortValueInRunningComposition()

json_object * VuoEditorComposition::getPortValueInRunningComposition ( VuoPort port)

If the composition is running (or it's a subcomposition and the top-level composition is running), returns the current data value associated with the port.

Otherwise returns NULL.

Definition at line 6863 of file

◆ getPortWithStaticIdentifier()

VuoPort * VuoEditorComposition::getPortWithStaticIdentifier ( string  portID)

Returns the port registered to the composition under the provided portID.

Definition at line 6937 of file

◆ getSelectedCables()

set< VuoRendererCable * > VuoEditorComposition::getSelectedCables ( bool  includePublishedCables)

Returns the set of currently selected cables.

Definition at line 1562 of file

◆ getSelectedComments()

set< VuoRendererComment * > VuoEditorComposition::getSelectedComments ( )

Returns the set of currently selected comments.

Definition at line 1544 of file

◆ getSelectedNodes()

set< VuoRendererNode * > VuoEditorComposition::getSelectedNodes ( )

Returns the set of currently selected nodes.

Definition at line 1526 of file

◆ getShowEventsMode()

bool VuoEditorComposition::getShowEventsMode ( )

Returns a boolean indicating whether this composition is currently in 'Show Events' mode.

Definition at line 7512 of file

◆ getTriggerPortToRefire()

VuoPort * VuoEditorComposition::getTriggerPortToRefire ( )

Returns the trigger port to be fired when the user selects the "re-fire" option.

Definition at line 1009 of file

◆ getUnderlyingParentNodeForPort()

VuoNode * VuoEditorComposition::getUnderlyingParentNodeForPort ( VuoPort port,
VuoEditorComposition composition 

Returns the underlying parent node of the provided port within the provided composition.

The provided port and composition need not have allocations or renderers.

Definition at line 6947 of file

◆ hasHiddenInternalCables()

bool VuoEditorComposition::hasHiddenInternalCables ( )

Returns a boolean indicating whether the composition contains any hidden (wireless) internal cables.

Definition at line 7555 of file

◆ hasHiddenPublishedCables()

bool VuoEditorComposition::hasHiddenPublishedCables ( )

Returns a boolean indicating whether the composition contains any hidden (wireless) published cables.

Definition at line 7569 of file

◆ highlightPublishedSidebarDropLocationsRequested

void VuoEditorComposition::highlightPublishedSidebarDropLocationsRequested ( VuoRendererPort port,
bool  eventOnlyConnection 

Emitted when eligible published port sidebar drop locations for port should be visually highlighted.

◆ inputEditorRequested

void VuoEditorComposition::inputEditorRequested ( VuoRendererPort port)

Emitted in order to display an input editor.

◆ inputPortCountAdjustmentRequested

void VuoEditorComposition::inputPortCountAdjustmentRequested ( VuoRendererNode node,
int  inputPortCountDelta,
bool  requestedByDragging 

Emitted when a node is to have its port count adjusted.

◆ internalItemsBoundingRect()

QRectF VuoEditorComposition::internalItemsBoundingRect ( ) const

Calculates and returns the bounding rect of all internal composition components on the scene.

This excludes published cables.

Definition at line 4358 of file

◆ internalSelectedItemsBoundingRect()

QRectF VuoEditorComposition::internalSelectedItemsBoundingRect ( ) const

Calculates and returns the bounding rect of all currenty selected composition nodes and cables.

This excludes constant flags and published cables.

Definition at line 4375 of file

◆ internalSelectedItemsChildrenBoundingRect()

QRectF VuoEditorComposition::internalSelectedItemsChildrenBoundingRect ( ) const

Calculates and returns the bounding rect of all currenty selected composition nodes, ports, and cables.

This includes port constant flags and attached typecasts and drawers; it excludes published cables.

Definition at line 4393 of file

◆ isRunning()

bool VuoEditorComposition::isRunning ( void  )

Returns true if the composition is running.

This function may be called on any dispatch queue except runCompositionQueue.

Definition at line 4742 of file

◆ itemsMoved

void VuoEditorComposition::itemsMoved ( set< VuoRendererNode * >  nodes,
set< VuoRendererComment * >  comments,
qreal  dx,
qreal  dy,
bool  movedByDragging 

Emitted in order to move nodes and comments.

◆ keyPressEvent()

void VuoEditorComposition::keyPressEvent ( QKeyEvent *  event)

Handle keypress events.

Definition at line 3016 of file

◆ keyReleaseEvent()

void VuoEditorComposition::keyReleaseEvent ( QKeyEvent *  event)

Handle key release events.

Definition at line 3125 of file

◆ leftMouseButtonReleased

void VuoEditorComposition::leftMouseButtonReleased ( void  )

Emitted when the left mouse button is released.

◆ leftMousePressEventAtNearbyItem()

void VuoEditorComposition::leftMousePressEventAtNearbyItem ( QGraphicsItem *  nearbyItem,
QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *  event 

Handle a left mouse press event already determined to be within operable range of the provided nearbyItem.

Definition at line 1921 of file

◆ lostContactWithComposition()

void VuoEditorComposition::lostContactWithComposition ( void  )

Called if the user quits the composition or the composition crashes.

Updates the UI to show that the composition has stopped.

Implementation of the virtual VuoRunnerDelegate function.

Reimplemented from VuoRunnerDelegateAdapter.

Definition at line 7494 of file

◆ modifyComponents()

void VuoEditorComposition::modifyComponents ( void(^)(void)  modify)

Wraps the call to modify in code that saves and restores the state of the composition, such as selected components.

Definition at line 666 of file

◆ mouseDoubleClickEvent()

void VuoEditorComposition::mouseDoubleClickEvent ( QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *  event)

Handle mouse double-click events.

Definition at line 1868 of file

◆ mouseMoveEvent()

void VuoEditorComposition::mouseMoveEvent ( QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *  event)

Handle mouse move events.

Definition at line 2755 of file

◆ mousePressEvent()

void VuoEditorComposition::mousePressEvent ( QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *  event)

Handle mouse press events.

Definition at line 1884 of file

◆ mouseReleaseEvent()

void VuoEditorComposition::mouseReleaseEvent ( QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *  event)

Handle mouse release events.

Definition at line 2217 of file

◆ movePopoversBy()

void VuoEditorComposition::movePopoversBy ( int  dx,
int  dy 

Moves all popovers associated with this composition dx points horizontally and dy points vertically.

Definition at line 7230 of file

◆ moveSelectedItemsBy

void VuoEditorComposition::moveSelectedItemsBy ( qreal  dx,
qreal  dy 

Moves currently selected nodes and comments dx points horizontally and dy points vertically.

Definition at line 1479 of file

◆ nodePopoverRequestedForClass

void VuoEditorComposition::nodePopoverRequestedForClass ( VuoNodeClass nodeClass)

Emitted when a node popover is to be displayed.

◆ nodeSourceEditorRequested

void VuoEditorComposition::nodeSourceEditorRequested ( VuoRendererNode node)

Emitted in order to open an editable node's source file.

◆ nodeSwapRequested

void VuoEditorComposition::nodeSwapRequested ( VuoRendererNode node,
string  newNodeClassName 

Emitted when a node is to be replaced with a new node of a similar class.

◆ nodeTitleEditorRequested

void VuoEditorComposition::nodeTitleEditorRequested ( VuoRendererNode node)

Emitted in order to display a node title editor.

◆ popoverDetached

void VuoEditorComposition::popoverDetached ( )

Emitted when one of this composition's popovers has just been detached.

◆ populateChangeNodeMenu()

void VuoEditorComposition::populateChangeNodeMenu ( QMenu *  menu,
VuoRendererNode node,
int  matchLimit = 0 

Populates the "Change To" menu for the provided node with the requested number of matches if available, or however many non-zero-scoring matches are available if fewer.

If a matchLimit less than 1 is specified, returns all available matches.

Definition at line 5125 of file

◆ populateNodeAndPortIdentifierMappings()

void VuoEditorComposition::populateNodeAndPortIdentifierMappings ( )

Populates the mappings between nodes and ports in this composition and their stored and running identifiers.

Definition at line 7732 of file

◆ portConstantChangeRequested

void VuoEditorComposition::portConstantChangeRequested ( VuoRendererPort port,
string  value 

Emitted in order to change the value of a port constant.

◆ portPublicationRequested [1/2]

void VuoEditorComposition::portPublicationRequested ( VuoPort internalPort,
VuoPublishedPort externalPort,
bool  forceEventOnlyPublication,
VuoPort portToSpecialize,
string  specializedTypeName,
string  typecastToInsert,
bool  useUndoStackMacro 

Emitted when an internal port is to be published in association with a specific external published port.

◆ portPublicationRequested [2/2]

void VuoEditorComposition::portPublicationRequested ( VuoPort port,
bool  forceEventOnlyPublication 

Emitted when a port is to be published.

◆ portUnpublicationRequested

void VuoEditorComposition::portUnpublicationRequested ( VuoPort port)

Emitted when a port is to be unpublished.

◆ protocolPortChangesRequested

void VuoEditorComposition::protocolPortChangesRequested ( map< VuoPublishedPort *, string >  publishedPortsToRename,
set< VuoPublishedPort * >  publishedPortsToRemove,
vector< VuoPublishedPort * >  publishedPortsToAdd,
bool  beginUndoStackMacro,
bool  endUndoStackMacro 

Emitted when published ports need to be modified for compatibility with a newly activated protocol.

◆ publishedPortModified

void VuoEditorComposition::publishedPortModified ( )

Emitted when the composition has had published ports added, removed, or re-named.

◆ publishedPortNameEditorRequested

void VuoEditorComposition::publishedPortNameEditorRequested ( VuoRendererPublishedPort port,
bool  useUndoStack 

Emitted when a published port name editor should be displayed.

◆ publishInternalPort()

VuoRendererPublishedPort * VuoEditorComposition::publishInternalPort ( VuoPort port,
bool  forceEventOnlyPublication,
string  name = "",
VuoType type = NULL,
bool  attemptMerge = false,
bool *  mergePerformed = NULL 

Publishes this composition's internal port under the provided name, if possible; returns a pointer to the VuoRendererPublishedPort aliased to the internal port.

If the requested name is already taken by an existing external published port and shouldAttemptMerge is true, the existing external port will accommodate the new internal port provided that their types are compatible and the new port would not displace any previously connected port. Otherwise, the newly published internal port will be published under a unique name derived from the requested name, and with the type provided.

portThe internal port to be published.
forceEventOnlyPublicationForces an event-only cable to the published port.
nameThe name under which the port is to be published, if possible.
typeThe desired data type of the external published port to be created.
attemptMergeA boolean indicating whether the port should be published in association with a pre-existing (rather than a newly created) external published port of the given name, if possible.
[out]mergePerformedA boolean indicating whether the port was published in association with a pre-existing (rather than a newly created) external published port.

Definition at line 5389 of file

◆ publishPorts()

map< string, string > VuoEditorComposition::publishPorts ( set< string >  portsToPublish)

Publishes the ports with the provided identifiers in order of their y-coordinates on canvas, from top to bottom.

Returns the mappings between the original port identifiers and their published identifiers.

Definition at line 8186 of file

◆ receivedTelemetryEventDropped()

void VuoEditorComposition::receivedTelemetryEventDropped ( string  compositionIdentifier,
string  portIdentifier 

This delegate method is invoked every time any trigger port drops an event.

Implementation of the virtual VuoRunnerDelegate function.

Implements VuoRunnerDelegate.

Definition at line 7416 of file

◆ receivedTelemetryInputPortUpdated()

void VuoEditorComposition::receivedTelemetryInputPortUpdated ( string  compositionIdentifier,
string  portIdentifier,
bool  receivedEvent,
bool  receivedData,
string  dataSummary 

This delegate method is invoked every time any input port receives an event or data.

Implementation of the virtual VuoRunnerDelegate function.

Implements VuoRunnerDelegate.

Definition at line 7354 of file

◆ receivedTelemetryNodeExecutionFinished()

void VuoEditorComposition::receivedTelemetryNodeExecutionFinished ( string  compositionIdentifier,
string  nodeIdentifier 

This delegate method is invoked every time a node has finished executing.

Implementation of the virtual VuoRunnerDelegate function.

Implements VuoRunnerDelegate.

Definition at line 7465 of file

◆ receivedTelemetryNodeExecutionStarted()

void VuoEditorComposition::receivedTelemetryNodeExecutionStarted ( string  compositionIdentifier,
string  nodeIdentifier 

This delegate method is invoked every time a node has started executing.

Implementation of the virtual VuoRunnerDelegate function.

Implements VuoRunnerDelegate.

Definition at line 7438 of file

◆ receivedTelemetryOutputPortUpdated()

void VuoEditorComposition::receivedTelemetryOutputPortUpdated ( string  compositionIdentifier,
string  portIdentifier,
bool  sentEvent,
bool  sentData,
string  dataSummary 

This delegate method is invoked every time any output port transmits or fires an event.

Implementation of the virtual VuoRunnerDelegate function.

Implements VuoRunnerDelegate.

Definition at line 7380 of file

◆ refactorRequested

void VuoEditorComposition::refactorRequested ( )

Emitted when the selected nodes should be refactored into a subcomposition.

◆ refirePortChanged

void VuoEditorComposition::refirePortChanged ( )

Emitted when the trigger port to be re-fired changes.

◆ refireTriggerPortEvent()

void VuoEditorComposition::refireTriggerPortEvent ( )

Fires another event from the trigger port that was most recently manually fired.

Definition at line 1001 of file

◆ removeActiveProtocol()

bool VuoEditorComposition::removeActiveProtocol ( VuoProtocol protocol,
VuoProtocol replacementProtocol 

Unsets the active protocol for this composition, pushing any necessary changes to published ports onto the Undo stack.

Also makes the necessary changes to the composition's set of published ports to ensure that the composition will no longer be deemed compliant with the removed protocol:

  • Protocol ports with no internally connected ports will be removed.
  • If no protocol ports are eligible to be removed, all protocol ports will instead be renamed.

If the removed protocol is to be replaced with a replacementProtocol, protocol ports common to both protocols are left unmodified. This function does not actually activate the new protocol.

Returns a boolean indicating whether any changes to the composition's published ports were in fact made.

Definition at line 5669 of file

◆ removeActiveProtocolWithoutModifyingPorts()

void VuoEditorComposition::removeActiveProtocolWithoutModifyingPorts ( VuoProtocol protocol)

Deactivates the provided protocol for this composition, updating the isProtocolPort attribute of each affected port.

Definition at line 5761 of file

◆ removeCable()

void VuoEditorComposition::removeCable ( VuoRendererCable rc,
bool  emitHiddenCableNotification = true 

Removes a cable from the canvas.

Definition at line 594 of file

◆ removeNode()

void VuoEditorComposition::removeNode ( VuoRendererNode rn,
bool  resetState = true 

Removes a node from the canvas and disables all of its associated port popovers.

If resetState is true, all references to the node in the current editing session (open popovers, trigger port marked for autofiring) are removed.

Definition at line 428 of file

◆ removePublishedPort()

int VuoEditorComposition::removePublishedPort ( VuoPublishedPort publishedPort,
bool  isPublishedInput,
bool  shouldUpdateUi = true 

Removes a published input or output VuoRendererPublishedPort from the list of published ports associated with this composition.

The index within the list of published input port output ports at which the port was located, or -1 if not located.

Definition at line 5835 of file

◆ renameSelectedNodes

void VuoEditorComposition::renameSelectedNodes ( )

Triggers interactive re-naming of selected non-drawer nodes.

Definition at line 1343 of file

◆ repaintFeedbackErrorMarks()

void VuoEditorComposition::repaintFeedbackErrorMarks ( )

Updates the renderings of any currently existing feedback error marks.

Definition at line 4669 of file

◆ replaceNode()

void VuoEditorComposition::replaceNode ( VuoRendererNode oldNode,
VuoNode newNode 

Replaces oldNode with newNode in the composition, performing the same cleanup/setup of editor state as VuoEditorComposition::removeNode and VuoEditorComposition::addNode.

Definition at line 569 of file

◆ requiresStructuralChangesAfterValueChangeAtPort()

bool VuoEditorComposition::requiresStructuralChangesAfterValueChangeAtPort ( VuoRendererPort port)

Returns a boolean indicating whether a change in value at the provided port will trigger structural changes to the composition.

Definition at line 736 of file

◆ respecializePort

void VuoEditorComposition::respecializePort ( VuoRendererPort port,
string  specializedTypeName 

Emitted when a specialized port is to be re-specialized.

◆ revertCableDrag()

void VuoEditorComposition::revertCableDrag ( void  )

Revert the current cable drag operation, if applicable, without pushing the operation onto the Undo stack.

To be used when the user disconnects and reconnects a cable (without changing its data-carrying status) to the same port within a single mouse drag, or cancels an in-progress cable drag.

Definition at line 2731 of file

◆ run()

void VuoEditorComposition::run ( string  compositionSnapshot)

Asynchronously compiles, links, and runs a composition created from the snapshot.

Assumes the composition is not already running.

Definition at line 4756 of file

◆ selectAllComments

void VuoEditorComposition::selectAllComments ( )

Selects all comments on the canvas.

Definition at line 1437 of file

◆ selectAllCompositionComponents

void VuoEditorComposition::selectAllCompositionComponents ( )

Selects all nodes, cables, and comments on the canvas.

Definition at line 1421 of file

◆ selectBridgingSolution()

bool VuoEditorComposition::selectBridgingSolution ( VuoRendererPort fromPort,
VuoRendererPort toPort,
bool  toPortIsDragDestination,
VuoRendererPort **  portToSpecialize,
string &  specializedTypeName,
string &  typecastToInsert 

Prompts the user to select a bridging (typeconversion and/or (re-)specialization) solution to connect the provided ports.

fromPortThe output port that will provide the source data for typeconversion.
toPortThe input port that will accept the typeconverted data.
toPortIsDragDestinationWhether the cable connection is being completed at the toPort (as in a forward cable drag) as opposed to the fromPort (as in a backward cable drag), which may be the tie-breaking factor in deciding which port to attempt to specialize.
[out]portToSpecializeThe port, either fromPort or toPort, that will require specialization in order for the connection to be completed. Does not account for potential cascade effects. NULL if the connection can be completed without specialization.
[out]specializedTypeNameThe name of the specialized port type with which the generic port type is to be replaced. Empty string if the connection can be completed without specialization.
[out]typecastToInsertThe class name of the typecast to be inserted in order to complete the connection. Empty string if typeconversion is unnecessary.

Returns true if a solution was selected, and false otherwise.

Definition at line 6351 of file

◆ selectedComponentsDuplicated

void VuoEditorComposition::selectedComponentsDuplicated ( )

Emitted in order to duplicate components.

◆ selectedInternalCablesHidden

void VuoEditorComposition::selectedInternalCablesHidden ( )

Emitted when selected internal cables are to be hidden.

◆ setColor()

void VuoEditorComposition::setColor ( bool  isDark)

Makes the widget dark.

Definition at line 8170 of file

◆ setCompiler()

void VuoEditorComposition::setCompiler ( VuoCompiler compiler)

Specifies a compiler instance to be used by this composition (for, e.g., instantiating dropped nodes).

Definition at line 267 of file

◆ setIgnoreApplicationStateChangeEvents()

void VuoEditorComposition::setIgnoreApplicationStateChangeEvents ( bool  ignore)

Sets the boolean indicating whether application state change events should currently be ignored.

Definition at line 7713 of file

◆ setInputEditorManager()

void VuoEditorComposition::setInputEditorManager ( VuoInputEditorManager inputEditorManager)

Specifies an input editor manager instance to be used by this composition (for, e.g., determining whether the port nearest a right-click has an available input editor and should therefore have a "Set Value" item in its context menu).

Definition at line 294 of file

◆ setModuleManager()

void VuoEditorComposition::setModuleManager ( VuoModuleManager moduleManager)

Specifies the module manager used by this composition and its containing VuoEditorWindow.

Definition at line 275 of file

◆ setPopoverEventsEnabled

void VuoEditorComposition::setPopoverEventsEnabled ( bool  enable)

Sets the boolean indicating whether to display popovers for components within the canvas in response to mouse events from this point on.

This will not affect existing popovers.

Definition at line 7723 of file

◆ setPublishedPortName()

void VuoEditorComposition::setPublishedPortName ( VuoRendererPublishedPort publishedPort,
string  name 

Sets the name of the provided publishedPort to name; updates the composition's published pseudo-node and connected published cables accordingly.

Definition at line 5853 of file

◆ setShowEventsMode()

void VuoEditorComposition::setShowEventsMode ( bool  showEventsMode)

Sets the boolean indicating whether this composition is currently in 'Show Events' mode.

Definition at line 7520 of file

◆ setTriggerPortToRefire()

void VuoEditorComposition::setTriggerPortToRefire ( VuoPort port)

Sets the trigger port to be fired when the user selects the "re-fire" option.

Definition at line 1021 of file

◆ specializePort

void VuoEditorComposition::specializePort ( VuoRendererPort port,
string  specializedTypeName 

Emitted when a generic port is to be specialized.

◆ stop()

void VuoEditorComposition::stop ( void  )

Asynchronously stops the running composition.

Assumes the composition is running.

Definition at line 4822 of file

◆ stopDisplayingActivity()

void VuoEditorComposition::stopDisplayingActivity ( )

Stop reflecting events and executions in the rendering of the composition.

Definition at line 7791 of file

◆ stopFinished

void VuoEditorComposition::stopFinished ( )

Emitted when finished stopping the composition.

◆ subcompositionInsertionRequested

void VuoEditorComposition::subcompositionInsertionRequested ( QPointF  scenePos)

Emitted in order to insert a new subcomposition node at the provided scene position.

◆ syncInternalPortConstantInRunningComposition()

void VuoEditorComposition::syncInternalPortConstantInRunningComposition ( string  runningPortID)

If the composition is running, tells the running composition to synchronize the constant value for the internal port with the provided ID to that of the associated port in the stored composition.

Definition at line 4941 of file

◆ syncPublishedPortConstantInRunningComposition()

void VuoEditorComposition::syncPublishedPortConstantInRunningComposition ( string  portName)

If the composition is running, tells the running composition to synchronize the constant value for the published port of the provided name to that of the associated port in the stored composition.

Definition at line 4979 of file

◆ takeSnapshot()

string VuoEditorComposition::takeSnapshot ( void  )

Returns a string representation of the composition (to save its current state).

Definition at line 7863 of file

◆ tintSelectedItems

void VuoEditorComposition::tintSelectedItems ( int  tintColor)

Sets the tint color of the selected nodes and comments to tintColor.

Definition at line 1335 of file

◆ tintSelectedItemsRequested

void VuoEditorComposition::tintSelectedItemsRequested ( VuoNode::TintColor  tintColor)

Emitted when the user requests that the selected items be tinted.

◆ togglePortPublicationStatus

void VuoEditorComposition::togglePortPublicationStatus ( )

Publishes or unpublishes the port associated with the signal that activated this slot, as appropriate.

Definition at line 870 of file

◆ triggerThrottlingUpdated

void VuoEditorComposition::triggerThrottlingUpdated ( VuoPort port,
enum VuoPortClass::EventThrottling  eventThrottling 

Emitted when a trigger port's event-throttling mode is to be updated.

◆ undoStackMacroBeginRequested

void VuoEditorComposition::undoStackMacroBeginRequested ( QString  commandName)

Emitted when the upcoming sequence of requested operations should be coalesced in an Undo stack macro.

◆ undoStackMacroEndRequested

void VuoEditorComposition::undoStackMacroEndRequested ( )

Emitted when the sequence of operations to be coalesced into an Undo stack macro has completed.

◆ unspecializePort

void VuoEditorComposition::unspecializePort ( VuoRendererPort port)

Emitted when a specialized port is to be reverted to its generic origins.

◆ updateCompositionsThatContainThisSubcomposition()

void VuoEditorComposition::updateCompositionsThatContainThisSubcomposition ( string  newCompositionSnapshot)

If this is a subcomposition, reloads it so that the node library and all compositions containing instances of it see the current (not-yet-saved) state of the subcomposition.

Definition at line 4928 of file

◆ updateDataInPortPopover()

void VuoEditorComposition::updateDataInPortPopover ( string  portID)

Updates the data value displayed in the port's popover, and subscribes to further updates for the port.

portIDA port in the current composition (this).

This function may be called on any dispatch queue except runCompositionQueue.

Definition at line 7339 of file

◆ updateDataInPortPopoverFromRunningTopLevelComposition()

void VuoEditorComposition::updateDataInPortPopoverFromRunningTopLevelComposition ( VuoEditorComposition popoverComposition,
string  popoverCompositionIdentifier,
string  portID 

Updates the data value displayed in the port's popover, and subscribes to further updates for the port.

Call this function only when this is a top-level composition and only when it's running.

popoverCompositionThe (sub)composition containing the port.
popoverCompositionIdentifierThe identifier of the (sub)composition containing the port.
portIDThe port whose popover is to be updated.

This function may only be called on dispatch queue runCompositionQueue.

Definition at line 7310 of file

◆ updateFeedbackErrors

void VuoEditorComposition::updateFeedbackErrors ( VuoRendererPort targetPort = NULL)

Checks the composition, along with the cable being dragged (if any), for invalid feedback loops.

Updates the rendered compositions's error markings.

targetPortIf there is a cable drag in progress, the port (if any) that the cable would connect to if dropped at its current position. Otherwise null.

Definition at line 4487 of file

◆ updateGenericPortTypes()

void VuoEditorComposition::updateGenericPortTypes ( void  )

Gives each group/network of connected generic ports a unique generic type; updates port popovers accordingly.

Definition at line 4474 of file

◆ updateGeometryForAllComponents

void VuoEditorComposition::updateGeometryForAllComponents ( )

Prepares every component in the composition to be repainted (slot version that simply calls the VuoRendererComposition non-slot version of the same method).

Definition at line 7504 of file

◆ updateInternalPortConstant()

void VuoEditorComposition::updateInternalPortConstant ( string  portID,
string  newValue,
bool  updateInRunningComposition 

Updates the constant value of the internal input port with the provided portID to the newValue, in both the static and running copies of the composition (if applicable).

Definition at line 4423 of file

◆ updateInternalPortConstantInRunningComposition()

void VuoEditorComposition::updateInternalPortConstantInRunningComposition ( VuoCompilerInputEventPort port,
string  constant 

If the composition is running, tells the composition to set a new constant value on the port.

Definition at line 4992 of file

◆ updateInternalPortConstantInSubcompositionInstances()

void VuoEditorComposition::updateInternalPortConstantInSubcompositionInstances ( string  subcompositionPath,
string  portIdentifier,
string  constant 

If the composition is running and contains one or more instances of the subcomposition whose source code is at subcompositionPath, tells the composition to set a new constant value on the port in each instance of the subcomposition.

Definition at line 5029 of file

◆ updateNodeImplementationInPlace()

void VuoEditorComposition::updateNodeImplementationInPlace ( VuoRendererNode oldNode,
VuoNode newNode 

Replaces oldNode with newNode in the composition in response to an updated node class implementation.

Transfers cable and published port connections from oldNode to newNode where port names and data types correspond. Severs the rest.

Transfers constant input port values from oldNode to newNode where port names and data types correspond.

Removes any drawers stranded by the replacement.

Definition at line 454 of file

◆ updatePortConstant()

void VuoEditorComposition::updatePortConstant ( VuoCompilerPort port,
string  newValue,
bool  updateInRunningComposition = true 

Updates the provided port constant with the newValue in both the stored and running copies of the composition (if applicable).

Definition at line 4449 of file

◆ updatePortPopovers()

void VuoEditorComposition::updatePortPopovers ( VuoRendererNode node = NULL)

Updates the text of all active popovers associated with this composition.

If an input node is provided, only popovers whose ports belong to that node are disabled.

Definition at line 7284 of file

◆ updatePublishedInputPortConstantInRunningComposition()

void VuoEditorComposition::updatePublishedInputPortConstantInRunningComposition ( VuoPublishedPort port,
string  constant 

If the composition is running, tells the composition to set a new constant value on the published input port.

Definition at line 5047 of file

◆ updatePublishedPortConstant()

void VuoEditorComposition::updatePublishedPortConstant ( string  portName,
string  newValue,
bool  updateInRunningComposition 

Updates the constant value of the internal input port with the provided portID to the newValue, in both the stored and running copies of the composition (if applicable).

Definition at line 4436 of file

◆ updateRunningComposition()

void VuoEditorComposition::updateRunningComposition ( string  oldCompositionSnapshot,
string  newCompositionSnapshot,
VuoCompilerCompositionDiff diffInfo = nullptr,
set< string >  dependenciesUninstalled = set<string>() 

Asynchronously replaces the running composition (if any) with a composition created from newCompositionSnapshot.

oldCompositionSnapshotA snapshot of the currently running composition (which may include minor changes made since the composition was last run/updated, for which the running composition did not need to be updated).
newCompositionSnapshotA snapshot of the composition to run.
diffInfoMappings from the old composition to the new composition. This function becomes responsible for destroying it.
dependenciesUninstalledModule keys of dependencies of the composition that have been uninstalled. This may include dependencies of dependencies, which would not be detected by VuoCompilerComposition::check. If this is not empty, the composition will stop with an error.

Definition at line 4872 of file

◆ validateProtocol()

bool VuoEditorComposition::validateProtocol ( VuoEditorWindow window,
bool  isExportingMovie 

Checks whether the composition superficially meets the requirements as an image filter/generator/transition protocol composition eligible for movie or plugin export.

This check may be used to prevent the most commonly anticipated situations in which export might fail; it is not authoritative.

If a problem is detected, shows an error dialog and returns false.

For Image Filters, checks whether the image and outputImage ports both have a connected cable.

For Image Generators, checks whether the time and outputImage ports both have a connected cable.

For Image Transitions, checks whether the progress and outputImage ports both have a connected cable.

Definition at line 7813 of file

Member Data Documentation

◆ componentCollisionRange

const qreal VuoEditorComposition::componentCollisionRange = 10

The search range used in locating composition components near the cursor.

Definition at line 50 of file VuoEditorComposition.hh.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: