Vuo  2.0.2
Public Member Functions | Static Public Member Functions | List of all members
VuoRendererValueListForReadOnlyDictionary Class Reference


Represents the compact form of a "Make List" node that outputs a list of values as input to a read-only input "Make Dictionary" node.

Definition at line 18 of file VuoRendererValueListForReadOnlyDictionary.hh.

Public Member Functions

 VuoRendererValueListForReadOnlyDictionary (VuoNode *baseNode, VuoRendererSignaler *signaler)
 Creates the compact form for a collapsed "Make List" node that outputs a list of values as input to a read-only input "Make Dictionary" node. More...
void paint (QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *widget)
 Draws a collapsed "Make List" node that outputs a list of values as input to a read-only input "Make Dictionary" node. More...
QRectF boundingRect (void) const
 Returns the bounding rectangle of this collapsed "Make List" node. More...
QRectF getOuterNodeFrameBoundingRect (void) const
 Returns the bounding rect for the drawer. More...
QPainterPath shape () const
 Returns the shape of the rendered node, for use in collision detection, hit tests, and QGraphicsScene::items() functions. More...
VuoPortgetRenderedHostPort ()
 Returns the input port to which this item is visually attached in the rendered composition. More...
VuoNodegetRenderedHostNode ()
 Returns the node to which this item is visually attached in the composition rendering. More...
set< VuoNode * > getCoattachments (void)
 Returns the set of co-attachments expected to co-exist with this attachment. More...
VuoNodegetKeyListNode (void)
 Returns the "Make List" node that outputs the list of keys corresponding to this node's output list of values. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from VuoRendererInputDrawer
 VuoRendererInputDrawer (VuoNode *baseNode, VuoRendererSignaler *signaler)
 Creates a collapsed "Make List" node that takes the form of an input drawer. More...
qreal getMaxDrawerLabelWidth (void) const
 Returns the maximum width in pixels of the port labels within this drawer. More...
qreal getMaxDrawerChainedLabelWidth (void) const
 Returns the maximum width in pixels of the port labels within this drawer, also accounting for the width of the child port as well as any constant flags or collapsed typecasts attached to the child port. More...
vector< VuoRendererPort * > getDrawerPorts (void) const
 Returns the vector of the input ports whose values will be incorporated into the output list. More...
void setHorizontalDrawerOffset (qreal offset)
 Sets the distance, in pixels, left of its attached port that the rightmost point of this drawer should be rendered. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from VuoRendererInputAttachment
 VuoRendererInputAttachment (VuoNode *baseNode, VuoRendererSignaler *signaler)
 Creates a node that is rendered as an attachment to another node's input port. More...
VuoPortgetUnderlyingHostPort ()
 Returns the input port to which this item is attached in the underlying composition. More...
VuoNodegetUnderlyingHostNode ()
 Returns the node to which this item is attached in the underlying composition. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from VuoRendererNode
 VuoRendererNode (VuoNode *baseNode, VuoRendererSignaler *signaler)
 Creates a renderer detail for the specified base node. More...
virtual bool paintingDisabled (void) const
 Returns a boolean indicating whether painting is currently disabled for this node. More...
vector< VuoRendererInputDrawer * > getAttachedInputDrawers (void) const
 Returns a vector containing all of the drawers attached to any of this node's input ports. More...
qreal getInputDrawerOffset (unsigned int portIndex) const
 Returns the horizontal offset necessary to prevent the drawer at portIndex from overlapping any drawers beneath it. More...
void updateNodeFrameRect (void)
 Calculates and updates the cached inner frame of a node based on its current attributes. More...
void setMissingImplementation (bool missingImplementation)
 Sets whether the node is rendered as though its implementation is missing. More...
bool isMissingImplementation (void)
 Returns whether the node is rendered as though its implementation is missing. More...
void setProxyNode (VuoRendererNode *proxyNode)
 If set, this node will not be drawn; its drawing will be handled by proxyNode. More...
VuoRendererNodegetProxyNode (void) const
 Returns this node's rendering proxy. More...
VuoRendererTypecastPortgetProxyCollapsedTypecast (void) const
 Returns the collapsed typecast port rendered in place of this node, or NULL if none. More...
void setAlwaysDisplayPortNames (bool displayPortNames)
 Sets the boolean indicating whether this node's ports, including unambiguous ones, should always have their names displayed. More...
bool nameDisplayEnabledForPort (const VuoRendererPort *port)
 Returns a boolean indicating whether the name of the provided port should be rendered within the node. More...
bool nameDisplayEnabledForInputPorts ()
 Returns a boolean indicating whether the names of input ports should be rendered within the node. More...
bool nameDisplayEnabledForOutputPorts ()
 Returns a boolean indicating whether the names of output ports should be rendered within the node. More...
VuoRendererColors::HighlightType getEligibilityHighlight (void)
 Returns the highlight that should be used to indicate whether this node contains ports eligible for the current cable drag. More...
void setEligibilityHighlight (VuoRendererColors::HighlightType eligibility)
 Sets whether this node should be highlighted to indicate that it contains ports eligible for the current cable drag. More...
QVariant itemChange (GraphicsItemChange change, const QVariant &value)
 Updates the node and its connected cables to reflect changes in state. More...
void updateGeometry (void)
 Schedules a redraw of this node. More...
void updateConnectedCableGeometry (void)
 Schedules a redraw of this node's connected cables. More...
set< VuoCable * > getConnectedCables (bool includePublishedCables)
 Returns the set of cables connected to this node. More...
set< VuoCable * > getConnectedInputCables (bool includePublishedCables)
 Returns the set of input cables connected to this node. More...
set< VuoCable * > getConnectedOutputCables (bool includePublishedCables)
 Returns the set of output cables connected to this node. More...
vector< VuoRendererPort * > & getInputPorts (void)
 Returns this node's input ports. More...
vector< VuoRendererPort * > & getOutputPorts (void)
 Returns this node's output ports. More...
vector< pair< QString, json_object * > > getConstantPortValues ()
 Returns an ordered list of port name-value pairs for the ports that belong to this node and whose values are currently constant. More...
void replaceInputPort (VuoRendererPort *oldPort, VuoRendererPort *newPort)
 Replaces input port old with new. More...
void addInputPort (VuoRendererPort *newPort)
 Adds input port newPort to the node, relocating it to the end of the input port list if it was already present somewhere within the list. More...
bool hasGenericPort (void)
 Returns a boolean indicating whether this node has any ports with generic data types. More...
void setTitle (string title)
 Sets the title for this node; re-lays-out its ports to accommodate the new name. More...
void resetTimeLastExecuted ()
 Resets the time last executed to a value that causes the node to be painted as if activity-rendering were disabled. More...
void setExecutionEnded ()
 Updates the node's execution state to indicate that it has just finished executing. More...
void setExecutionBegun ()
 Updates the node's execution state to indicate that it is currently executing. More...
qint64 getTimeLastExecutionEnded ()
 Returns the time, in ms since epoch, that this node's most recent node execution ended, or if applicable, a special VuoRendererItem::activityState. More...
void layoutConnectedInputDrawers (void)
 Calculates and sets the positions of the node's connected input drawers relative to the node. More...
void layoutConnectedInputDrawersAtAndAbovePort (VuoRendererPort *port)
 Calculates and sets the positions of any input drawers connected to this node's ports beginning with the provided port and iterating through the ports rendered above (i.e., with indices lower than) that port. More...
void setCacheModeForNodeAndPorts (QGraphicsItem::CacheMode mode)
 Sets the cache mode of this node and its child ports to mode. More...
void setCacheModeForConnectedCables (QGraphicsItem::CacheMode mode)
 Sets the cache mode of this node's connected cables to mode. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from VuoRendererItem
void setSelectable (bool selectable)
 Enables or disables selection for the item. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from VuoBaseDetail< VuoNode >
 VuoBaseDetail (string description, VuoNode *base)
 Creates a detail class. More...
VuoNodegetBase (void) const
 Returns the detail class instance's base class instance. More...
void setBase (VuoNode *base)
 Sets the detail class instance's base class instance. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static bool isValueListForReadOnlyDictionary (VuoNode *baseNode)
 Returns a boolean indicating whether the provided baseNode should be rendered as a collapsed "Make List" node that outputs a list of values as input to a read-only input "Make Dictionary" node, as determined from its connected components. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from VuoRendererNode
static QPair< QPainterPath, QPainterPath > getNodeFrames (QRectF nodeInnerFrameRect)
 Returns the outer and inner node frames, in that order, for a node with the provided nodeInnerFrameRect value. More...
static QPainterPath getSubcompositionIndicatorPath (QRectF nodeInnerFrameRect, bool isSubcomposition)
 Returns the path of the subcomposition icon for a node with the provided nodeInnerFrameRect, or an empty path if isSubcomposition is false. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from VuoRendererItem
static void setSnapToGrid (bool snap)
 Specifies whether graphics items should be snapped to a grid. More...
static void setDrawBoundingRects (bool drawBoundingRects)
 Specifies whether bounding rects will be shown the next time the QGraphicsScene is rendered. More...
static bool shouldDrawBoundingRects (void)
 Returns whether bounding rects are currently being shown. More...
static void drawRect (QPainter *painter, QRectF rect)
 Draws a rect, for debugging. More...
static bool getSnapToGrid ()
 Retrieves the boolean indicating whether graphics items should be snapped to a grid. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from VuoRendererNode
enum  Type { node, detachedConstant, detachedDrawer, detachedTypecast }
 Specifies how this node is graphically represented. More...
- Public Types inherited from VuoRendererItem
enum  activityState { notTrackingActivity = -1, activityInProgress = 0 }
 Special composition component activity states. More...
enum  zValues {
  triggerAnimationZValue = 1, nodeZValue = 0, portZValue = -1, attachmentZValue = -2,
  cableZValue = -3, errorMarkZValue = -4, commentZValue = -5
 Stacking order for canvas elements. More...
- Static Public Attributes inherited from VuoRendererInputDrawer
static const qreal drawerInteriorHorizontalPadding = 20
 The amount of horizontal padding, in pixels, added to each drawer beyond what its text strictly requires. More...
static const qreal drawerHorizontalSpacing = 2
 The amount of space, in pixels, left as horizontal padding between underhangs of drawers attached to ports of the same node. More...
- Static Public Attributes inherited from VuoRendererNode
static const qreal nodeTitleHeight = 18
 The height of the node's title. More...
static const qreal nodeHeaderYOffset = -nodeTitleHeight - nodeClassHeight
 The vertical offset of the node header's top left corner from the origin. More...
static const qreal cornerRadius = 10
 The radius of rounded corners. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from VuoRendererInputDrawer
void layoutPorts (void)
 Calculates and sets the positions of the node's child ports relative to the node. More...
QPainterPath getDrawerPath (bool includeDragHandle) const
 Returns a path representing the drawer. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from VuoRendererNode
virtual void hoverEnterEvent (QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent *event)
 Handle mouse hover start events. More...
virtual void hoverMoveEvent (QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent *event)
 Handle mouse hover move events. More...
virtual void hoverLeaveEvent (QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent *event)
 Handle mouse hover leave events. More...
void mouseReleaseEvent (QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event)
 Handle mouse release events. More...
void mouseDoubleClickEvent (QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event)
 Handle mouse double-click events. More...
void keyPressEvent (QKeyEvent *event)
 Handle key-press events. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from VuoRendererItem
void drawBoundingRect (QPainter *painter)
 Draws this item's bounding rect, for debugging. More...
bool getRenderActivity () const
 Retrieves the composition-wide boolean indicating whether recent activity (e.g., a node execution or event firing) by this item should be reflected in its rendering. More...
bool getRenderHiddenCables () const
 Retrieves the composition-wide boolean indicating whether hidden ("wireless") cables should be rendered as if they were not hidden. More...
QGraphicsItem::CacheMode getCurrentDefaultCacheMode () const
 Returns the current default cache mode for components of this composition. More...
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from VuoRendererInputAttachment
static VuoPortgetUnderlyingHostPortForNode (VuoNode *node)
 Returns the input port to which the provided node is attached in the underlying composition. More...
static VuoNodegetUnderlyingHostNodeForNode (VuoNode *node)
 Returns the node to which the provided node is attached in the underlying composition. More...
static VuoNodegetListNodeConnectedToInputPort (VuoPort *port)
 Returns the collapsed list node attached to the provided input port, or NULL if none. More...
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from VuoRendererItem
static void addRoundedCorner (QPainterPath &path, bool drawLine, QPointF sharpCornerPoint, qreal radius, bool isTop, bool isLeft)
 Appends a line (or move) and curve to path, to produce a clockwise-wound rounded corner near sharpCornerPoint. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from VuoRendererInputDrawer
vector< VuoRendererPort * > drawerPorts
 The vector of input ports whose values will be incorporated into the output list. More...
qreal horizontalDrawerOffset
 The distance, in pixels, left of its attached port that the rightmost point of this drawer should be rendered. More...
qreal drawerBottomExtensionHeight
 The height, in pixels, of the input drawer (excluding the arm and drag handle). More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from VuoRendererNode
 The object that sends signals on behalf of this renderer node. More...
vector< VuoRendererPort * > inputPorts
 The list of input renderer ports belonging to this renderer node. More...
vector< VuoRendererPort * > outputPorts
 The list of output renderer ports belonging to this renderer node. More...
qint64 timeLastExecutionEnded
 The time at which this node's running counterpart last completed an execution. More...
bool alwaysDisplayPortNames
 Indicates whether this node's ports, even unambiguous ones, should always have their names displayed. More...
VuoRendererColors::HighlightType _eligibilityHighlight
 Indicates whether this node contains ports eligible for the current cable drag. More...

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ VuoRendererValueListForReadOnlyDictionary()

VuoRendererValueListForReadOnlyDictionary::VuoRendererValueListForReadOnlyDictionary ( VuoNode baseNode,
VuoRendererSignaler signaler 

Creates the compact form for a collapsed "Make List" node that outputs a list of values as input to a read-only input "Make Dictionary" node.

Definition at line 22 of file

Member Function Documentation

◆ boundingRect()

QRectF VuoRendererValueListForReadOnlyDictionary::boundingRect ( void  ) const

Returns the bounding rectangle of this collapsed "Make List" node.

Reimplemented from VuoRendererNode.

Definition at line 109 of file

◆ getCoattachments()

set< VuoNode * > VuoRendererValueListForReadOnlyDictionary::getCoattachments ( void  )

Returns the set of co-attachments expected to co-exist with this attachment.

For a value list, that includes its sibling key list and the "Make Dictionary" node that they each provide to.

Reimplemented from VuoRendererInputAttachment.

Definition at line 194 of file

◆ getKeyListNode()

VuoNode * VuoRendererValueListForReadOnlyDictionary::getKeyListNode ( void  )

Returns the "Make List" node that outputs the list of keys corresponding to this node's output list of values.

Definition at line 153 of file

◆ getOuterNodeFrameBoundingRect()

QRectF VuoRendererValueListForReadOnlyDictionary::getOuterNodeFrameBoundingRect ( void  ) const

Returns the bounding rect for the drawer.

Reimplemented from VuoRendererNode.

Definition at line 184 of file

◆ getRenderedHostNode()

VuoNode * VuoRendererValueListForReadOnlyDictionary::getRenderedHostNode ( )

Returns the node to which this item is visually attached in the composition rendering.

Reimplemented from VuoRendererInputAttachment.

Definition at line 175 of file

◆ getRenderedHostPort()

VuoPort * VuoRendererValueListForReadOnlyDictionary::getRenderedHostPort ( )

Returns the input port to which this item is visually attached in the rendered composition.

Reimplemented from VuoRendererInputAttachment.

Definition at line 166 of file

◆ isValueListForReadOnlyDictionary()

bool VuoRendererValueListForReadOnlyDictionary::isValueListForReadOnlyDictionary ( VuoNode baseNode)

Returns a boolean indicating whether the provided baseNode should be rendered as a collapsed "Make List" node that outputs a list of values as input to a read-only input "Make Dictionary" node, as determined from its connected components.

Definition at line 136 of file

◆ paint()

void VuoRendererValueListForReadOnlyDictionary::paint ( QPainter *  painter,
const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *  option,
QWidget *  widget 

Draws a collapsed "Make List" node that outputs a list of values as input to a read-only input "Make Dictionary" node.

Reimplemented from VuoRendererNode.

Definition at line 64 of file

◆ shape()

QPainterPath VuoRendererValueListForReadOnlyDictionary::shape ( ) const

Returns the shape of the rendered node, for use in collision detection, hit tests, and QGraphicsScene::items() functions.

Definition at line 123 of file

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