Vuo  2.0.3
Public Member Functions | Static Public Member Functions | Static Public Attributes | List of all members
VuoRendererCable Class Reference


Renders a cable in a VuoRendererComposition.

Definition at line 21 of file VuoRendererCable.hh.

Public Member Functions

 VuoRendererCable (VuoCable *baseCable)
 Creates a renderer detail for the specified baseCable. More...
QRectF boundingRect (void) const
 Returns a rectangle containing the rendered cable (including thick cable width). More...
QPainterPath shape (void) const
 Returns the shape of the rendered cable, for use in collision detection, hit tests, and QGraphicsScene::items() functions. More...
QPainterPath getCablePath (void) const
 Returns the curve along which this cable is drawn. More...
void paint (QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *widget)
 Draws the cable on painter. More...
QPointF getFloatingEndpointLoc ()
 Returns the coordinates of the cable's floating endpoint, or a NULL QPointF if none. More...
void setFloatingEndpointLoc (QPointF loc)
 Sets the coordinates of the cable's floating endpoint. More...
void setFloatingEndpointAboveEventPort (bool aboveEventPort)
 Sets the boolean indicating whether this cable's floating endpoint is currently hovered over an event-only port. More...
bool isFloatingEndpointAboveEventPort (void)
 Returns true if this cable's floating endpoint is currently hovered over an event-only port. More...
void setFrom (VuoNode *fromNode, VuoPort *fromPort)
 Sets the node and port from which this cable is output, updating the connected renderer and base components. More...
void setTo (VuoNode *toNode, VuoPort *toPort)
 Sets the node and port to which this cable is input, updating the connected renderer and base components. More...
bool effectivelyCarriesData (void) const
 Returns a boolean indicating whether this cable should be rendered as if it carries data. More...
bool getEffectivelyWireless () const
 Returns true if this cable is to be rendered as if it is wireless. More...
void setWireless (bool wireless)
 Sets the boolean indicating whether this cable has been explicitly marked by the user to be rendered as if it is wireless. More...
void removeFromScene ()
 Removes a cable from the canvas and performs other necessary cleanup. More...
void extendedHoverEnterEvent ()
 Handle mouse hover start events generated by custom code making use of an extended hover range. More...
void extendedHoverMoveEvent ()
 Handle mouse hover move events generated by custom code making use of an extended hover range. More...
void extendedHoverLeaveEvent ()
 Handle mouse hover leave events generated by custom code making use of an extended hover range. More...
bool yankZoneIncludes (QPointF scenePos)
 Returns a boolean indicating whether the cable may be disconnected by by dragging from scenePos. More...
VuoPortgetFloatingEndpointPreviousToPort ()
 Returns the cable's previous 'To' port (if the cable has since been disconnected from that port by dragging), or NULL if not applicable. More...
void setFloatingEndpointPreviousToPort (VuoPort *port)
 Sets the cable's previous 'To' port (if the cable has since been disconnected from that port by dragging), or NULL if not applicable. More...
bool getPreviouslyAlwaysEventOnly ()
 Returns the boolean indicating whether the cable was in forced event-only mode before it was most recently disconnected by dragging. More...
void setPreviouslyAlwaysEventOnly (bool eventOnly)
 Sets the boolean indicating whether the cable was in forced event-only mode before it was most recently disconnected by dragging. More...
void setHovered (bool hovered)
 Sets the boolean indicating that the cable is tinted to represent mouse hovering. More...
void setEligibilityHighlight (VuoRendererColors::HighlightType eligibility)
 Sets whether this cable is currently being dragged. More...
void updateGeometry (void)
 Schedules a redraw of this cable. More...
void resetTimeLastEventPropagated ()
 Resets the time that the last event was propagated through this cable to a value that causes the cable to be painted as if activity-rendering were disabled. More...
VuoNode::TintColor getTintColor (void)
 Returns the tint color of the cable. More...
bool paintingDisabled (void) const
 Returns a boolean indicating whether painting is currently disabled for this cable. More...
QPainterPath getCablePathForEndpoints (QPointF from, QPointF to) const
 Returns a cable's path, given its start and end points. More...
void setCacheModeForCableAndConnectedPorts (QGraphicsItem::CacheMode mode)
 Sets the cache mode of this cable and its connected ports to mode. More...
void setPortConstantsChanged ()
 Call this when the constants on this cable's node's other ports have changed, so the cable path gets updated to escape them. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from VuoRendererItem
void setSelectable (bool selectable)
 Enables or disables selection for the item. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from VuoBaseDetail< VuoCable >
 VuoBaseDetail (string description, VuoCable *base)
 Creates a detail class. More...
VuoCablegetBase (void) const
 Returns the detail class instance's base class instance. More...
void setBase (VuoCable *base)
 Sets the detail class instance's base class instance. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static void getCableSpecs (bool cableCarriesData, qreal &cableWidth)
 Calculates the cableWidth for a cable, dependent on whether that cable carries data. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from VuoRendererItem
static void setSnapToGrid (bool snap)
 Specifies whether graphics items should be snapped to a grid. More...
static void setDrawBoundingRects (bool drawBoundingRects)
 Specifies whether bounding rects will be shown the next time the QGraphicsScene is rendered. More...
static bool shouldDrawBoundingRects (void)
 Returns whether bounding rects are currently being shown. More...
static void drawRect (QPainter *painter, QRectF rect)
 Draws a rect, for debugging. More...
static bool getSnapToGrid ()
 Retrieves the boolean indicating whether graphics items should be snapped to a grid. More...

Static Public Attributes

static const qreal cableWidth = 5
 The width of a data-event cable. (Event-only cable width is determined by VuoRendererCable::getCableSpecs.) More...
static const qreal cableYankRadius = 20
 Radius from the endpoints of the cable in which yanking is permitted. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from VuoRendererItem
enum  activityState { notTrackingActivity = -1, activityInProgress = 0 }
 Special composition component activity states. More...
enum  zValues {
  triggerAnimationZValue = 1, nodeZValue = 0, portZValue = -1, attachmentZValue = -2,
  cableZValue = -3, errorMarkZValue = -4, commentZValue = -5
 Stacking order for canvas elements. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from VuoRendererItem
void drawBoundingRect (QPainter *painter)
 Draws this item's bounding rect, for debugging. More...
bool getRenderActivity () const
 Retrieves the composition-wide boolean indicating whether recent activity (e.g., a node execution or event firing) by this item should be reflected in its rendering. More...
bool getRenderHiddenCables () const
 Retrieves the composition-wide boolean indicating whether hidden ("wireless") cables should be rendered as if they were not hidden. More...
QGraphicsItem::CacheMode getCurrentDefaultCacheMode () const
 Returns the current default cache mode for components of this composition. More...
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from VuoRendererItem
static void addRoundedCorner (QPainterPath &path, bool drawLine, QPointF sharpCornerPoint, qreal radius, bool isTop, bool isLeft)
 Appends a line (or move) and curve to path, to produce a clockwise-wound rounded corner near sharpCornerPoint. More...

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ VuoRendererCable()

VuoRendererCable::VuoRendererCable ( VuoCable baseCable)

Creates a renderer detail for the specified baseCable.

Definition at line 27 of file

Member Function Documentation

◆ boundingRect()

QRectF VuoRendererCable::boundingRect ( void  ) const

Returns a rectangle containing the rendered cable (including thick cable width).

Definition at line 63 of file

◆ effectivelyCarriesData()

bool VuoRendererCable::effectivelyCarriesData ( void  ) const

Returns a boolean indicating whether this cable should be rendered as if it carries data.

Definition at line 941 of file

◆ extendedHoverEnterEvent()

void VuoRendererCable::extendedHoverEnterEvent ( )

Handle mouse hover start events generated by custom code making use of an extended hover range.

Definition at line 831 of file

◆ extendedHoverLeaveEvent()

void VuoRendererCable::extendedHoverLeaveEvent ( )

Handle mouse hover leave events generated by custom code making use of an extended hover range.

Definition at line 847 of file

◆ extendedHoverMoveEvent()

void VuoRendererCable::extendedHoverMoveEvent ( )

Handle mouse hover move events generated by custom code making use of an extended hover range.

Definition at line 839 of file

◆ getCablePath()

QPainterPath VuoRendererCable::getCablePath ( void  ) const

Returns the curve along which this cable is drawn.

Definition at line 160 of file

◆ getCablePathForEndpoints()

QPainterPath VuoRendererCable::getCablePathForEndpoints ( QPointF  from,
QPointF  to 
) const

Returns a cable's path, given its start and end points.

Also takes into account:

  • Other cables originating from this cable's "From" node, including their wireless status;
  • Constant input flags attached to this cable's "To" node.

Definition at line 288 of file

◆ getCableSpecs()

void VuoRendererCable::getCableSpecs ( bool  cableCarriesData,
qreal &  cableWidth 

Calculates the cableWidth for a cable, dependent on whether that cable carries data.

Definition at line 533 of file

◆ getEffectivelyWireless()

bool VuoRendererCable::getEffectivelyWireless ( ) const

Returns true if this cable is to be rendered as if it is wireless.

Definition at line 622 of file

◆ getFloatingEndpointLoc()

QPointF VuoRendererCable::getFloatingEndpointLoc ( )

Returns the coordinates of the cable's floating endpoint, or a NULL QPointF if none.

Definition at line 689 of file

◆ getFloatingEndpointPreviousToPort()

VuoPort * VuoRendererCable::getFloatingEndpointPreviousToPort ( )

Returns the cable's previous 'To' port (if the cable has since been disconnected from that port by dragging), or NULL if not applicable.

Definition at line 866 of file

◆ getPreviouslyAlwaysEventOnly()

bool VuoRendererCable::getPreviouslyAlwaysEventOnly ( )

Returns the boolean indicating whether the cable was in forced event-only mode before it was most recently disconnected by dragging.

Definition at line 884 of file

◆ getTintColor()

VuoNode::TintColor VuoRendererCable::getTintColor ( void  )

Returns the tint color of the cable.

Tint the cable with the color of its "From" node.

Definition at line 380 of file

◆ isFloatingEndpointAboveEventPort()

bool VuoRendererCable::isFloatingEndpointAboveEventPort ( void  )

Returns true if this cable's floating endpoint is currently hovered over an event-only port.

Definition at line 797 of file

◆ paint()

void VuoRendererCable::paint ( QPainter *  painter,
const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *  option,
QWidget *  widget 

Draws the cable on painter.

Definition at line 412 of file

◆ paintingDisabled()

bool VuoRendererCable::paintingDisabled ( void  ) const

Returns a boolean indicating whether painting is currently disabled for this cable.

Definition at line 544 of file

◆ removeFromScene()

void VuoRendererCable::removeFromScene ( )

Removes a cable from the canvas and performs other necessary cleanup.

Definition at line 805 of file

◆ resetTimeLastEventPropagated()

void VuoRendererCable::resetTimeLastEventPropagated ( )

Resets the time that the last event was propagated through this cable to a value that causes the cable to be painted as if activity-rendering were disabled.

Definition at line 933 of file

◆ setCacheModeForCableAndConnectedPorts()

void VuoRendererCable::setCacheModeForCableAndConnectedPorts ( QGraphicsItem::CacheMode  mode)

Sets the cache mode of this cable and its connected ports to mode.

Definition at line 660 of file

◆ setEligibilityHighlight()

void VuoRendererCable::setEligibilityHighlight ( VuoRendererColors::HighlightType  eligibility)

Sets whether this cable is currently being dragged.

Definition at line 916 of file

◆ setFloatingEndpointAboveEventPort()

void VuoRendererCable::setFloatingEndpointAboveEventPort ( bool  aboveEventPort)

Sets the boolean indicating whether this cable's floating endpoint is currently hovered over an event-only port.

Definition at line 789 of file

◆ setFloatingEndpointLoc()

void VuoRendererCable::setFloatingEndpointLoc ( QPointF  loc)

Sets the coordinates of the cable's floating endpoint.

Definition at line 780 of file

◆ setFloatingEndpointPreviousToPort()

void VuoRendererCable::setFloatingEndpointPreviousToPort ( VuoPort port)

Sets the cable's previous 'To' port (if the cable has since been disconnected from that port by dragging), or NULL if not applicable.

Definition at line 875 of file

◆ setFrom()

void VuoRendererCable::setFrom ( VuoNode fromNode,
VuoPort fromPort 

Sets the node and port from which this cable is output, updating the connected renderer and base components.

Definition at line 698 of file

◆ setHovered()

void VuoRendererCable::setHovered ( bool  hovered)

Sets the boolean indicating that the cable is tinted to represent mouse hovering.

Definition at line 901 of file

◆ setPortConstantsChanged()

void VuoRendererCable::setPortConstantsChanged ( )

Call this when the constants on this cable's node's other ports have changed, so the cable path gets updated to escape them.

Definition at line 680 of file

◆ setPreviouslyAlwaysEventOnly()

void VuoRendererCable::setPreviouslyAlwaysEventOnly ( bool  eventOnly)

Sets the boolean indicating whether the cable was in forced event-only mode before it was most recently disconnected by dragging.

Definition at line 893 of file

◆ setTo()

void VuoRendererCable::setTo ( VuoNode toNode,
VuoPort toPort 

Sets the node and port to which this cable is input, updating the connected renderer and base components.

Definition at line 732 of file

◆ setWireless()

void VuoRendererCable::setWireless ( bool  wireless)

Sets the boolean indicating whether this cable has been explicitly marked by the user to be rendered as if it is wireless.

Definition at line 634 of file

◆ shape()

QPainterPath VuoRendererCable::shape ( void  ) const

Returns the shape of the rendered cable, for use in collision detection, hit tests, and QGraphicsScene::items() functions.

Definition at line 87 of file

◆ updateGeometry()

void VuoRendererCable::updateGeometry ( void  )

Schedules a redraw of this cable.

Definition at line 924 of file

◆ yankZoneIncludes()

bool VuoRendererCable::yankZoneIncludes ( QPointF  scenePos)

Returns a boolean indicating whether the cable may be disconnected by by dragging from scenePos.

Definition at line 856 of file

Member Data Documentation

◆ cableWidth

const qreal VuoRendererCable::cableWidth = 5

The width of a data-event cable. (Event-only cable width is determined by VuoRendererCable::getCableSpecs.)

Definition at line 26 of file VuoRendererCable.hh.

◆ cableYankRadius

const qreal VuoRendererCable::cableYankRadius = 20

Radius from the endpoints of the cable in which yanking is permitted.

Definition at line 27 of file VuoRendererCable.hh.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: