Vuo  2.1.1
Macros | Typedefs | Functions | Variables File Reference


VuoAudio implementation.

Definition in file

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#define setRealizedDevice(newDevice)
 Helper for VuoAudioInputDevice_realize. More...


typedef std::map< void *, std::queue< VuoList_VuoAudioSamples > > pendingOutputType
 For each unique audio source (identified by void *), a queue of buffers to output. More...
typedef std::map< void *, std::map< VuoInteger, VuoReal > > lastOutputSampleType
 For each unique audio source (identified by void *), the last sample value that was output on each channel. More...
typedef struct _VuoAudio_internal * VuoAudio_internal
 Private data for a VuoAudio instance. More...


VuoList_VuoAudioInputDevice VuoAudio_getInputDevices (void)
 Returns a list of the available audio input devices. More...
VuoList_VuoAudioOutputDevice VuoAudio_getOutputDevices (void)
 Returns a list of the available audio output devices. More...
static OSStatus VuoAudio_reconfigurationCallback (AudioObjectID inObjectID, UInt32 inNumberAddresses, const AudioObjectPropertyAddress *inAddresses, void *inClientData)
 Invoked by Core Audio. More...
void VuoAudio_use (void)
 Indicates that the caller needs to get notifications about audio devices. More...
void VuoAudio_disuse (void)
 Indicates that the caller no longer needs notifications about audio devices. More...
void VuoAudio_addDevicesChangedTriggers (VuoOutputTrigger(inputDevices, VuoList_VuoAudioInputDevice), VuoOutputTrigger(outputDevices, VuoList_VuoAudioOutputDevice))
 Adds a trigger callback, to be invoked whenever the list of known audio devices changes. More...
void VuoAudio_removeDevicesChangedTriggers (VuoOutputTrigger(inputDevices, VuoList_VuoAudioInputDevice), VuoOutputTrigger(outputDevices, VuoList_VuoAudioOutputDevice))
 Removes a trigger callback previously added by VuoAudio_addDevicesChangedTriggers. More...
int VuoAudio_receivedEvent (void *outputBuffer, void *inputBuffer, unsigned int nBufferFrames, double streamTime, RtAudioStreamStatus status, void *userData)
 RtAudio calls this function when a new sample buffer is ready or needed. More...
VuoAudioIn VuoAudioIn_getShared (VuoAudioInputDevice aid)
 Returns the reference-counted object for the specified audio input device. More...
VuoAudioOut VuoAudioOut_getShared (VuoAudioOutputDevice aod)
 Returns the reference-counted object for the specified audio output device. More...
void VuoAudioIn_addTrigger (VuoAudioIn ai, VuoOutputTrigger(receivedChannels, VuoList_VuoAudioSamples))
 Sets up the audio input device to call the trigger functions when it receives an event. More...
void VuoAudioOut_addTrigger (VuoAudioOut ao, VuoOutputTrigger(requestedChannels, VuoReal))
 Sets up the audio output device to call the trigger functions when it receives an event. More...
void VuoAudioIn_removeTrigger (VuoAudioIn ai, VuoOutputTrigger(receivedChannels, VuoList_VuoAudioSamples))
 Stops the audio input device from calling trigger functions when it receives an event. More...
void VuoAudioOut_removeTrigger (VuoAudioOut ao, VuoOutputTrigger(requestedChannels, VuoReal))
 Stops the audio output device from calling trigger functions when it receives an event. More...
void VuoAudioOut_sendChannels (VuoAudioOut ao, VuoList_VuoAudioSamples channels, void *id)
 Enqueues channels for eventual playback. More...
bool VuoAudioInputDevice_realize (VuoAudioInputDevice device, VuoAudioInputDevice *realizedDevice)
 If device's channel count is unknown (zero): More...
bool VuoAudioOutputDevice_realize (VuoAudioOutputDevice device, VuoAudioOutputDevice *realizedDevice)
 If device's channel count is unknown (zero): More...
 VUOKEYEDPOOL (unsigned int, VuoAudio_internal)
static void VuoAudio_destroy (VuoAudio_internal ai)
VuoAudio_internal VuoAudio_make (unsigned int deviceId)
 VUOKEYEDPOOL_DEFINE (unsigned int, VuoAudio_internal, VuoAudio_make)


const VuoInteger VuoAudio_queueSize = 8
 The number of buffers that must be enqueued before starting playback. More...
static VuoTriggerSet< VuoList_VuoAudioInputDeviceVuoAudio_inputDeviceCallbacks
 Trigger functions to call when the list of audio input devices changes. More...
static VuoTriggerSet< VuoList_VuoAudioOutputDeviceVuoAudio_outputDeviceCallbacks
 Trigger functions to call when the list of audio output devices changes. More...
unsigned int VuoAudio_useCount = 0
 Process-wide count of callers (typically node instances) interested in notifications about audio devices. More...

Macro Definition Documentation

◆ setRealizedDevice

#define setRealizedDevice (   newDevice)
realizedDevice->id =; \
realizedDevice->modelUid = VuoText_make(newDevice.modelUid); \
realizedDevice->name = VuoText_make(; \
realizedDevice->channelCount = newDevice.channelCount;

Helper for VuoAudioInputDevice_realize.

Definition at line 609 of file

Typedef Documentation

◆ lastOutputSampleType

typedef std::map<void *, std::map<VuoInteger, VuoReal> > lastOutputSampleType

For each unique audio source (identified by void *), the last sample value that was output on each channel.

Definition at line 205 of file

◆ pendingOutputType

typedef std::map<void *, std::queue<VuoList_VuoAudioSamples> > pendingOutputType

For each unique audio source (identified by void *), a queue of buffers to output.

Definition at line 200 of file

◆ VuoAudio_internal

typedef struct _VuoAudio_internal * VuoAudio_internal

Private data for a VuoAudio instance.

Function Documentation

◆ VuoAudio_addDevicesChangedTriggers()

void VuoAudio_addDevicesChangedTriggers ( VuoOutputTrigger(inputDevices, VuoList_VuoAudioInputDevice ,
VuoOutputTrigger(outputDevices, VuoList_VuoAudioOutputDevice  

Adds a trigger callback, to be invoked whenever the list of known audio devices changes.

Call VuoAudio_use() before calling this.

This function may be called from any thread.

Changed in Vuo 2.0.0:

Definition at line 177 of file

◆ VuoAudio_destroy()

static void VuoAudio_destroy ( VuoAudio_internal  ai)

Definition at line 445 of file

◆ VuoAudio_disuse()

void VuoAudio_disuse ( void  )

Indicates that the caller no longer needs notifications about audio devices.

This function may be called from any thread.

Changed in Vuo 2.0.0:

Definition at line 145 of file

◆ VuoAudio_getInputDevices()

VuoList_VuoAudioInputDevice VuoAudio_getInputDevices ( void  )

Returns a list of the available audio input devices.

Definition at line 74 of file

◆ VuoAudio_getOutputDevices()

VuoList_VuoAudioOutputDevice VuoAudio_getOutputDevices ( void  )

Returns a list of the available audio output devices.

Definition at line 91 of file

◆ VuoAudio_make()

VuoAudio_internal VuoAudio_make ( unsigned int  deviceId)

Definition at line 363 of file

◆ VuoAudio_receivedEvent()

int VuoAudio_receivedEvent ( void *  outputBuffer,
void *  inputBuffer,
unsigned int  nBufferFrames,
double  streamTime,
RtAudioStreamStatus  status,
void *  userData 

RtAudio calls this function when a new sample buffer is ready or needed.

Definition at line 230 of file

◆ VuoAudio_reconfigurationCallback()

static OSStatus VuoAudio_reconfigurationCallback ( AudioObjectID  inObjectID,
UInt32  inNumberAddresses,
const AudioObjectPropertyAddress *  inAddresses,
void *  inClientData 

Invoked by Core Audio.

Definition at line 108 of file

◆ VuoAudio_removeDevicesChangedTriggers()

void VuoAudio_removeDevicesChangedTriggers ( VuoOutputTrigger(inputDevices, VuoList_VuoAudioInputDevice ,
VuoOutputTrigger(outputDevices, VuoList_VuoAudioOutputDevice  

Removes a trigger callback previously added by VuoAudio_addDevicesChangedTriggers.

This function may be called from any thread.

Changed in Vuo 2.0.0:

Definition at line 191 of file

◆ VuoAudio_use()

void VuoAudio_use ( void  )

Indicates that the caller needs to get notifications about audio devices.

This function may be called from any thread.

Changed in Vuo 2.0.0:

Definition at line 121 of file

◆ VuoAudioIn_addTrigger()

void VuoAudioIn_addTrigger ( VuoAudioIn  ai,
VuoOutputTrigger(receivedChannels, VuoList_VuoAudioSamples  

Sets up the audio input device to call the trigger functions when it receives an event.

This function may be called from any thread.

Definition at line 518 of file

◆ VuoAudioIn_getShared()

VuoAudioIn VuoAudioIn_getShared ( VuoAudioInputDevice  aid)

Returns the reference-counted object for the specified audio input device.

Definition at line 484 of file

◆ VuoAudioIn_removeTrigger()

void VuoAudioIn_removeTrigger ( VuoAudioIn  ai,
VuoOutputTrigger(receivedChannels, VuoList_VuoAudioSamples  

Stops the audio input device from calling trigger functions when it receives an event.

This function may be called from any thread.

Definition at line 554 of file

◆ VuoAudioInputDevice_realize()

bool VuoAudioInputDevice_realize ( VuoAudioInputDevice  device,
VuoAudioInputDevice realizedDevice 

If device's channel count is unknown (zero):

  • If a matching device is present, sets realizedDevice to that device, and returns true.
  • If no matching device is present, returns false, leaving realizedDevice unset.

If device's channel count is already known (presumably from the List Audio Devices node), sets realizedDevice to a copy of device, and returns true. (Doesn't bother checking whether the device is currently present.)

This function may be called from any thread.

Definition at line 626 of file

◆ VuoAudioOut_addTrigger()

void VuoAudioOut_addTrigger ( VuoAudioOut  ao,
VuoOutputTrigger(requestedChannels, VuoReal  

Sets up the audio output device to call the trigger functions when it receives an event.

This function may be called from any thread.

Definition at line 536 of file

◆ VuoAudioOut_getShared()

VuoAudioOut VuoAudioOut_getShared ( VuoAudioOutputDevice  aod)

Returns the reference-counted object for the specified audio output device.

Definition at line 500 of file

◆ VuoAudioOut_removeTrigger()

void VuoAudioOut_removeTrigger ( VuoAudioOut  ao,
VuoOutputTrigger(requestedChannels, VuoReal  

Stops the audio output device from calling trigger functions when it receives an event.

This function may be called from any thread.

Definition at line 572 of file

◆ VuoAudioOut_sendChannels()

void VuoAudioOut_sendChannels ( VuoAudioOut  ao,
VuoList_VuoAudioSamples  channels,
void *  id 

Enqueues channels for eventual playback.

id should be a unique identifier for the audio stream (e.g., a pointer to the node's instance data).

When multiple sources are simultaneously sending to the same audio device, each is buffered independently — each unique id gets its own queue, and at output time a single buffer from each source's queue is mixed to form the final output stream.

Definition at line 595 of file

◆ VuoAudioOutputDevice_realize()

bool VuoAudioOutputDevice_realize ( VuoAudioOutputDevice  device,
VuoAudioOutputDevice realizedDevice 

If device's channel count is unknown (zero):

  • If a matching device is present, sets realizedDevice to that device, and returns true.
  • If no matching device is present, returns false, leaving realizedDevice unset.

If device's channel count is already known (presumably from the List Audio Devices node), sets realizedDevice to a copy of device, and returns true. (Doesn't bother checking whether the device is currently present.)

This function may be called from any thread.

Definition at line 735 of file


VUOKEYEDPOOL ( unsigned int  ,


VUOKEYEDPOOL_DEFINE ( unsigned int  ,
VuoAudio_internal  ,

Variable Documentation

◆ VuoAudio_inputDeviceCallbacks

VuoTriggerSet<VuoList_VuoAudioInputDevice> VuoAudio_inputDeviceCallbacks

Trigger functions to call when the list of audio input devices changes.

Definition at line 50 of file

◆ VuoAudio_outputDeviceCallbacks

VuoTriggerSet<VuoList_VuoAudioOutputDevice> VuoAudio_outputDeviceCallbacks

Trigger functions to call when the list of audio output devices changes.

Definition at line 51 of file

◆ VuoAudio_queueSize

const VuoInteger VuoAudio_queueSize = 8

The number of buffers that must be enqueued before starting playback.

Definition at line 48 of file

◆ VuoAudio_useCount

unsigned int VuoAudio_useCount = 0

Process-wide count of callers (typically node instances) interested in notifications about audio devices.

Definition at line 52 of file