Vuo  2.1.1
Classes | Macros
VuoPool.hh File Reference


VuoPool interface and implementation.

Definition in file VuoPool.hh.

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class  VuoKeyedPool< KeyType, InstanceType >
 A pool of shared objects — one object per key. More...


#define VUOKEYEDPOOL(keyType, instanceType)   extern VuoKeyedPool<keyType, instanceType> * instanceType ## Pool
 Declares a VuoKeyedPool instance. More...
#define VUOKEYEDPOOL_DEFINE(keyType, instanceType, allocate)   VuoKeyedPool<keyType, instanceType> * instanceType ## Pool = new VuoKeyedPool<keyType, instanceType>(#instanceType, allocate)
 Defines a VuoKeyedPool instance. More...

Macro Definition Documentation


#define VUOKEYEDPOOL (   keyType,
)    extern VuoKeyedPool<keyType, instanceType> * instanceType ## Pool

Declares a VuoKeyedPool instance.

Definition at line 48 of file VuoPool.hh.


#define VUOKEYEDPOOL_DEFINE (   keyType,
)    VuoKeyedPool<keyType, instanceType> * instanceType ## Pool = new VuoKeyedPool<keyType, instanceType>(#instanceType, allocate)

Defines a VuoKeyedPool instance.

keyTypeThe C or C++ type to be used as this pool's key.
instanceTypeThe C or C++ type for this pool's objects.
allocateA callback function to allocate and initialize a shared object. The deallocation function (passed to VuoRegister in the allocate function) should call removeSharedInstance before deinitializing and deallocating the object.

Definition at line 57 of file VuoPool.hh.