Vuo  2.1.1
VuoScreenCommon.h File Reference


VuoScreenCommon interface.

Definition in file VuoScreenCommon.h.

Go to the source code of this file.


void * VuoScreen_getNSScreen (VuoScreen screen)
 Returns a platform screen (NSScreen) matching screen. More...
VuoScreen VuoScreen_makeFromNSScreen (void *screen)
 Fills in a VuoScreen structure describing an NSScreen. More...
VuoList_VuoScreen VuoScreen_getList (void)
 Returns a list of the currently-active screens. More...
VuoScreen VuoScreen_getActive (void)
 Returns the screen with the window that has keyboard focus. More...
VuoScreen VuoScreen_getPrimary (void)
 Returns the primary screen. More...
VuoScreen VuoScreen_getSecondary (void)
 Returns a secondary (non-primary) screen if present, or a null screen otherwise. More...
void VuoScreen_use (void)
 Indicates that the caller needs to get notifications about screens. More...
void VuoScreen_disuse (void)
 Indicates that the caller no longer needs notifications about screens. More...
void VuoScreen_addDevicesChangedTriggers (VuoOutputTrigger(screens, VuoList_VuoScreen))
 Adds a trigger callback, to be invoked whenever the list of known screens changes. More...
void VuoScreen_removeDevicesChangedTriggers (VuoOutputTrigger(screens, VuoList_VuoScreen))
 Removes a trigger callback previously added by VuoScreen_addDevicesChangedTriggers. More...

Function Documentation

◆ VuoScreen_addDevicesChangedTriggers()

void VuoScreen_addDevicesChangedTriggers ( VuoOutputTrigger(screens, VuoList_VuoScreen )

Adds a trigger callback, to be invoked whenever the list of known screens changes.

Call VuoScreen_use() before calling this.

This function may be called from any thread.

Changed in Vuo 2.0.0:

Definition at line 368 of file

◆ VuoScreen_disuse()

void VuoScreen_disuse ( void  )

Indicates that the caller no longer needs notifications about screens.

This function may be called from any thread.

Changed in Vuo 2.0.0:

Definition at line 348 of file

◆ VuoScreen_getActive()

VuoScreen VuoScreen_getActive ( void  )

Returns the screen with the window that has keyboard focus.

Definition at line 230 of file

◆ VuoScreen_getList()

VuoList_VuoScreen VuoScreen_getList ( void  )

Returns a list of the currently-active screens.

Definition at line 204 of file

◆ VuoScreen_getNSScreen()

void* VuoScreen_getNSScreen ( VuoScreen  screen)

Returns a platform screen (NSScreen) matching screen.

Definition at line 146 of file

◆ VuoScreen_getPrimary()

VuoScreen VuoScreen_getPrimary ( void  )

Returns the primary screen.

(In System Preferences > Displays > Arrangement, the primary screen is the one with the menu bar.)

Definition at line 244 of file

◆ VuoScreen_getSecondary()

VuoScreen VuoScreen_getSecondary ( void  )

Returns a secondary (non-primary) screen if present, or a null screen otherwise.

Changed in Vuo 2.0.0:
Now returns a null screen if there is no secondary screen (instead of returning the primary screen.

Definition at line 254 of file

◆ VuoScreen_makeFromNSScreen()

VuoScreen VuoScreen_makeFromNSScreen ( void *  screen)

Fills in a VuoScreen structure describing an NSScreen.

Definition at line 195 of file

◆ VuoScreen_removeDevicesChangedTriggers()

void VuoScreen_removeDevicesChangedTriggers ( VuoOutputTrigger(screens, VuoList_VuoScreen )

Removes a trigger callback previously added by VuoScreen_addDevicesChangedTriggers.

This function may be called from any thread.

Changed in Vuo 2.0.0:

Definition at line 380 of file

◆ VuoScreen_use()

void VuoScreen_use ( void  )

Indicates that the caller needs to get notifications about screens.

This function may be called from any thread.

Changed in Vuo 2.0.0:

Definition at line 331 of file