Vuo  2.1.1
Properties | List of all members
VuoAvWriterObject() Category Reference


Manages writing audio and video samples to a movie file.

Do not use this class directly - use VuoAvWriter.

Definition at line 43 of file VuoAvWriterObject.m.


AVAssetWriter * assetWriter
 AssetWriter object. Created and destroyed for every video file. More...
AVAssetWriterInput * videoInput
 Video input. More...
AVAssetWriterInput * audioInput
 Audio input. More...
AVAssetWriterInputPixelBufferAdaptor * avAdaptor
 Convert from OpenGL texture to CVPixelBuffer. More...
CMFormatDescriptionRef audio_fmt_desc
 Describes how the audio input samples are received. Eg, float, channels, packing, etc. More...
long audio_sample_position
 The current frame of audio being written. Increases by sampleCount for each audioSample array fed in. More...
NSDate * startDate
 The time and date that the first frame was written. More...
CMTime lastImageTimestamp
 Last image timestamp written to the movie file. More...
CMTime lastAudioTimestamp
 Last audio timestamp written to the movie file. More...
int originalChannelCount
 How many audio channels are received in appendAudio. Cannot change once writing has commenced. More...
int originalWidth
 The width of image this movie will write. Cannot change once writing has commenced. More...
int originalHeight
 The width of image this movie will write. Cannot change once writing has commenced. More...
bool firstFrame
 Used to set the startDate in appendImage or appendAudio, which is in turn used for calculating timestamp. More...

Property Documentation

◆ assetWriter

- (AVAssetWriter*) assetWriter

AssetWriter object. Created and destroyed for every video file.

Definition at line 44 of file VuoAvWriterObject.m.

◆ audio_fmt_desc

- (CMFormatDescriptionRef) audio_fmt_desc

Describes how the audio input samples are received. Eg, float, channels, packing, etc.

Definition at line 49 of file VuoAvWriterObject.m.

◆ audio_sample_position

- (long) audio_sample_position

The current frame of audio being written. Increases by sampleCount for each audioSample array fed in.

Definition at line 50 of file VuoAvWriterObject.m.

◆ audioInput

- (AVAssetWriterInput*) audioInput

Audio input.

Definition at line 46 of file VuoAvWriterObject.m.

◆ avAdaptor

- (AVAssetWriterInputPixelBufferAdaptor*) avAdaptor

Convert from OpenGL texture to CVPixelBuffer.

Definition at line 47 of file VuoAvWriterObject.m.

◆ firstFrame

- (bool) firstFrame

Used to set the startDate in appendImage or appendAudio, which is in turn used for calculating timestamp.

Definition at line 59 of file VuoAvWriterObject.m.

◆ lastAudioTimestamp

- (CMTime) lastAudioTimestamp

Last audio timestamp written to the movie file.

Definition at line 54 of file VuoAvWriterObject.m.

◆ lastImageTimestamp

- (CMTime) lastImageTimestamp

Last image timestamp written to the movie file.

Definition at line 53 of file VuoAvWriterObject.m.

◆ originalChannelCount

- (int) originalChannelCount

How many audio channels are received in appendAudio. Cannot change once writing has commenced.

Definition at line 56 of file VuoAvWriterObject.m.

◆ originalHeight

- (int) originalHeight

The width of image this movie will write. Cannot change once writing has commenced.

Definition at line 58 of file VuoAvWriterObject.m.

◆ originalWidth

- (int) originalWidth

The width of image this movie will write. Cannot change once writing has commenced.

Definition at line 57 of file VuoAvWriterObject.m.

◆ startDate

- (NSDate*) startDate

The time and date that the first frame was written.

Definition at line 52 of file VuoAvWriterObject.m.

◆ videoInput

- (AVAssetWriterInput*) videoInput

Video input.

Definition at line 45 of file VuoAvWriterObject.m.

The documentation for this category was generated from the following file: