Vuo  2.1.1
Properties | List of all members
VuoGraphicsLayer() Category Reference


Private VuoGraphicsLayer data.

Definition at line 66 of file VuoGraphicsLayer.m.


dispatch_queue_t drawQueue
 Serializes access to the root context. More...
double renderScheduled
 The time (VuoLogGetElapsedTime) at which a render was most recently scheduled, or -INFINITY if none is scheduled. More...
VuoDisplayRefresh displayRefresh
 Periodically invokes VuoGraphicsLayer_drawOnIOSurface. More...
GLuint receiveTextureUniform
 The shader's texture unit uniform. More...
GLuint receiveTextureOffsetUniform
 The shader's texture offset uniform. More...
bool firstFrame
 Ensures the resize callback is called before drawing. More...
bool closed
 True if the window is closed (and should stop rendering). -isVisible isn't adequate (see More...
uint64_t framesRenderedSinceProfileLogged
 Incremented every time -draw is called. When the framerate is logged, this is reset to 0. More...
double lastProfileLoggedTime
 The time (in seconds) the last time the framerate was logged. More...
VuoGraphicsWindowInitCallback initCallback
 Private VuoGraphicsLayer data. More...
VuoGraphicsWindowUpdateBackingCallback updateBackingCallback
 Private VuoGraphicsLayer data. More...
VuoGraphicsWindowResizeCallback resizeCallback
 Private VuoGraphicsLayer data. More...
VuoGraphicsWindowDrawCallback drawCallback
 Private VuoGraphicsLayer data. More...
void * userData
 Private VuoGraphicsLayer data. More...

Property Documentation

◆ closed

- (bool) closed

True if the window is closed (and should stop rendering). -isVisible isn't adequate (see

Definition at line 85 of file VuoGraphicsLayer.m.

◆ displayRefresh

- (VuoDisplayRefresh) displayRefresh

Periodically invokes VuoGraphicsLayer_drawOnIOSurface.

Definition at line 79 of file VuoGraphicsLayer.m.

◆ drawCallback

- (VuoGraphicsWindowDrawCallback) drawCallback

Private VuoGraphicsLayer data.

Definition at line 71 of file VuoGraphicsLayer.m.

◆ drawQueue

- (dispatch_queue_t) drawQueue

Serializes access to the root context.

Definition at line 75 of file VuoGraphicsLayer.m.

◆ firstFrame

- (bool) firstFrame

Ensures the resize callback is called before drawing.

Definition at line 84 of file VuoGraphicsLayer.m.

◆ framesRenderedSinceProfileLogged

- (uint64_t) framesRenderedSinceProfileLogged

Incremented every time -draw is called. When the framerate is logged, this is reset to 0.

Definition at line 87 of file VuoGraphicsLayer.m.

◆ initCallback

- (VuoGraphicsWindowInitCallback) initCallback

Private VuoGraphicsLayer data.

Definition at line 68 of file VuoGraphicsLayer.m.

◆ lastProfileLoggedTime

- (double) lastProfileLoggedTime

The time (in seconds) the last time the framerate was logged.

Definition at line 88 of file VuoGraphicsLayer.m.

◆ receiveTextureOffsetUniform

- (GLuint) receiveTextureOffsetUniform

The shader's texture offset uniform.

Definition at line 82 of file VuoGraphicsLayer.m.

◆ receiveTextureUniform

- (GLuint) receiveTextureUniform

The shader's texture unit uniform.

Definition at line 81 of file VuoGraphicsLayer.m.

◆ renderScheduled

- (double) renderScheduled

The time (VuoLogGetElapsedTime) at which a render was most recently scheduled, or -INFINITY if none is scheduled.

Definition at line 77 of file VuoGraphicsLayer.m.

◆ resizeCallback

- (VuoGraphicsWindowResizeCallback) resizeCallback

Private VuoGraphicsLayer data.

Definition at line 70 of file VuoGraphicsLayer.m.

◆ updateBackingCallback

- (VuoGraphicsWindowUpdateBackingCallback) updateBackingCallback

Private VuoGraphicsLayer data.

Definition at line 69 of file VuoGraphicsLayer.m.

◆ userData

- (void*) userData

Private VuoGraphicsLayer data.

Definition at line 72 of file VuoGraphicsLayer.m.

The documentation for this category was generated from the following file: