Vuo  2.1.1
Instance Methods | Protected Attributes | Properties | List of all members
VuoWindowTextInternal Class Reference


A console window for use by Vuo node classes.

Definition at line 20 of file VuoWindowTextInternal.h.

Instance Methods

(void) - enableTriggersWithTypedLine:typedWord:typedCharacter:
 Sets up the window to call trigger functions. More...
(void) - disableTriggers
 Stops the window from calling trigger functions. More...
(void) - appendLine:
 Appends text and a linebreak to the text view. More...
(void) - clear
 Removes the text in the window. More...

Protected Attributes

BOOL triggersEnabled
 True if the window can call its trigger callbacks. More...
void(* typedLine )(VuoText)
 Trigger that fires when a line has been typed. More...
void(* typedWord )(VuoText)
 Trigger that fires when a word has been typed. More...
void(* typedCharacter )(VuoText)
 Trigger that fires when a character has been typed. More...
NSMenu * oldMenu
 The host app's menu, before the window was activated. More...


NSTextView * textView
 The text view inside this window. More...
NSScrollView * scrollView
 The scroll view that holds the text view. More...
NSFont * textFont
 The font used inside the text view. More...
NSMenuItem * editCopyMenuItem
 The "Edit > Copy" menu item. More...
NSMenuItem * editSelectAllMenuItem
 The "Edit > Select All" menu item. More...
NSMenuItem * editClearMenuItem
 The "Edit > Clear" menu item. More...

Method Documentation

◆ appendLine:

- (void) appendLine: (const char *)  text

Appends text and a linebreak to the text view.

If needed, scrolls down to reveal the last line.

Definition at line 1 of file VuoWindowTextInternal.m.

◆ clear

- (void) clear

Removes the text in the window.

Definition at line 1 of file VuoWindowTextInternal.m.

◆ disableTriggers

- (void) disableTriggers

Stops the window from calling trigger functions.

Definition at line 1 of file VuoWindowTextInternal.m.

◆ enableTriggersWithTypedLine:typedWord:typedCharacter:

- (void) enableTriggersWithTypedLine: (void(*)(VuoText))  typedLine
typedWord: (void(*)(VuoText))  typedWord
typedCharacter: (void(*)(VuoText))  typedCharacter 

Sets up the window to call trigger functions.

Definition at line 1 of file VuoWindowTextInternal.m.

Member Data Documentation

◆ oldMenu

- (NSMenu*) oldMenu

The host app's menu, before the window was activated.

Definition at line 28 of file VuoWindowTextInternal.h.

◆ triggersEnabled

- (BOOL) triggersEnabled

True if the window can call its trigger callbacks.

Definition at line 23 of file VuoWindowTextInternal.h.

◆ typedCharacter

- (void(* typedCharacter) (VuoText))

Trigger that fires when a character has been typed.

Definition at line 26 of file VuoWindowTextInternal.h.

◆ typedLine

- (void(* typedLine) (VuoText))

Trigger that fires when a line has been typed.

Definition at line 24 of file VuoWindowTextInternal.h.

◆ typedWord

- (void(* typedWord) (VuoText))

Trigger that fires when a word has been typed.

Definition at line 25 of file VuoWindowTextInternal.h.

Property Documentation

◆ editClearMenuItem

- (NSMenuItem*) editClearMenuItem

The "Edit > Clear" menu item.

Definition at line 36 of file VuoWindowTextInternal.h.

◆ editCopyMenuItem

- (NSMenuItem*) editCopyMenuItem

The "Edit > Copy" menu item.

Definition at line 34 of file VuoWindowTextInternal.h.

◆ editSelectAllMenuItem

- (NSMenuItem*) editSelectAllMenuItem

The "Edit > Select All" menu item.

Definition at line 35 of file VuoWindowTextInternal.h.

◆ scrollView

- (NSScrollView*) scrollView

The scroll view that holds the text view.

Definition at line 32 of file VuoWindowTextInternal.h.

◆ textFont

- (NSFont*) textFont

The font used inside the text view.

Definition at line 33 of file VuoWindowTextInternal.h.

◆ textView

- (NSTextView*) textView

The text view inside this window.

Definition at line 31 of file VuoWindowTextInternal.h.

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