Vuo  2.3.2
Macros | Functions File Reference


VuoInputEditorIntegerRange implementation.

Definition in file

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#define IS_FINITE(value)   (::abs(value) != INT_MAX)
 < Tests if an integer value is within bounds of -INT_MAX and INT_MAX. VuoInteger spinbox only accepts int32, not int64, so if a value is INT_MAX it's "infinity". More...


bool getDetails (json_object *details, VuoIntegerRange *suggestedMin, VuoIntegerRange *suggestedMax, VuoIntegerRange *suggestedStep)
 Try to read in suggested details and return true if min/max are both found, false otherwise (though there still may be some usable data read). More...

Macro Definition Documentation


#define IS_FINITE (   value)    (::abs(value) != INT_MAX)

< Tests if an integer value is within bounds of -INT_MAX and INT_MAX. VuoInteger spinbox only accepts int32, not int64, so if a value is INT_MAX it's "infinity".

Definition at line 12 of file

Function Documentation

◆ getDetails()

bool getDetails ( json_object details,
VuoIntegerRange suggestedMin,
VuoIntegerRange suggestedMax,
VuoIntegerRange suggestedStep 

Try to read in suggested details and return true if min/max are both found, false otherwise (though there still may be some usable data read).

Definition at line 38 of file