Vuo 2.4.4
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Functions | Variables File Reference


VuoCompositionLoader implementation.

Definition in file

Go to the source code of this file.


bool replaceComposition (const char *dylibPath, char *compositionDiff)
 Replaces the currently running composition (if any) with the given composition.
void stopComposition (void)
 Sends a control request to the composition telling it to stop.
bool loadResourceDylib (const string &dylibPath)
 Loads the resource dylib at the given path and adds the resulting handle to the list of resource dylibs.
bool unloadResourceDylib (const string &dylibPath)
 Unloads the resource dylib at the given path and removes its handle from the list of resource dylibs.
static bool isStoppedInitially (void)
 Placeholder until vuoIsCurrentCompositionStopped becomes available.
void vuoLoaderControlReplySend (enum VuoLoaderControlReply reply, zmq_msg_t *messages, unsigned int messageCount)
 Sends a control reply message to the process controlling this composition loader.
void vuoControlRequestSend (enum VuoControlRequest request, zmq_msg_t *messages, unsigned int messageCount)
 Sends a control request message to the running composition.
void vuoControlReplyReceive (enum VuoControlReply expectedReply)
 Receives a control reply message from the running composition, and checks that it is the expected reply.


void * ZMQLoaderControlContext = NULL
 The context for initializing sockets to control the composition loader.
void * ZMQLoaderControl = NULL
 The socket for controlling the composition loader.
static void * ZMQLoaderSelfReceive = 0
 Used to break out of a ZMQLoaderControl poll.
static void * ZMQLoaderSelfSend = 0
 Used to break out of a ZMQLoaderControl poll.
void * ZMQControlContext = NULL
 The context for initializing sockets to control the composition.
void * ZMQControl = NULL
 The socket for controlling the composition.
char * controlURL = NULL
 The URL that the composition will use to initialize its control socket.
char * telemetryURL = NULL
 The URL that the composition will use to initialize its telemetry socket.
bool isReplacing = false
 True if the composition is in the process of being replaced.
bool replacementFailed = false
 True if the composition loader attmpted to replace the composition and couldn't do it.
void * dylibHandle = NULL
 A handle to the running composition.
map< string, void * > resourceDylibHandles
 Handles to the running composition's resources.
vector< string > resourceDylibsToUnload
 Paths of the resources to be unloaded when the composition is replaced.
vector< string > resourceDylibsToLoad
 Paths of the resources to be loaded (or reloaded) when the composition is replaced.
pid_t runnerPid = 0
 Process ID of the runner that started the composition.
int runnerPipe = -1
 The file descriptor for the composition's end of the pipe used to detect if the runner's process ends.
bool continueIfRunnerDies = false
 If true, the composition continues running if the runner's process ends.
void * VuoApp_mainThread = NULL
 A reference to the main thread.
char * VuoApp_dylibPath = NULL
 The path of the most recently loaded composition dylib.
VuoIsCurrentCompositionStoppedTypeisStopped = isStoppedInitially
 Reference to vuoIsCurrentCompositionStopped() once it becomes available.

Function Documentation

◆ isStoppedInitially()

static bool isStoppedInitially ( void  )

Placeholder until vuoIsCurrentCompositionStopped becomes available.

Definition at line 58 of file

◆ loadResourceDylib()

bool loadResourceDylib ( const string &  dylibPath)

Loads the resource dylib at the given path and adds the resulting handle to the list of resource dylibs.

Definition at line 458 of file

◆ replaceComposition()

bool replaceComposition ( const char *  dylibPath,
char *  compositionDiff 

Replaces the currently running composition (if any) with the given composition.

The runtime takes ownership of compositionDiff.

Definition at line 327 of file

◆ stopComposition()

void stopComposition ( void  )

Sends a control request to the composition telling it to stop.

Definition at line 443 of file

◆ unloadResourceDylib()

bool unloadResourceDylib ( const string &  dylibPath)

Unloads the resource dylib at the given path and removes its handle from the list of resource dylibs.

Definition at line 474 of file

◆ vuoControlReplyReceive()

void vuoControlReplyReceive ( enum VuoControlReply  expectedReply)

Receives a control reply message from the running composition, and checks that it is the expected reply.

Definition at line 101 of file

◆ vuoControlRequestSend()

void vuoControlRequestSend ( enum VuoControlRequest  request,
zmq_msg_t *  messages,
unsigned int  messageCount 

Sends a control request message to the running composition.

Definition at line 93 of file

◆ vuoLoaderControlReplySend()

void vuoLoaderControlReplySend ( enum VuoLoaderControlReply  reply,
zmq_msg_t *  messages,
unsigned int  messageCount 

Sends a control reply message to the process controlling this composition loader.

Definition at line 85 of file

Variable Documentation

◆ continueIfRunnerDies

bool continueIfRunnerDies = false

If true, the composition continues running if the runner's process ends.

Definition at line 45 of file

◆ controlURL

char* controlURL = NULL

The URL that the composition will use to initialize its control socket.

Definition at line 34 of file

◆ dylibHandle

void* dylibHandle = NULL

A handle to the running composition.

Definition at line 39 of file

◆ isReplacing

bool isReplacing = false

True if the composition is in the process of being replaced.

Definition at line 37 of file

◆ isStopped

Reference to vuoIsCurrentCompositionStopped() once it becomes available.

Definition at line 63 of file

◆ replacementFailed

bool replacementFailed = false

True if the composition loader attmpted to replace the composition and couldn't do it.

Definition at line 38 of file

◆ resourceDylibHandles

map<string, void *> resourceDylibHandles

Handles to the running composition's resources.

Definition at line 40 of file

◆ resourceDylibsToLoad

vector<string> resourceDylibsToLoad

Paths of the resources to be loaded (or reloaded) when the composition is replaced.

Definition at line 42 of file

◆ resourceDylibsToUnload

vector<string> resourceDylibsToUnload

Paths of the resources to be unloaded when the composition is replaced.

Definition at line 41 of file

◆ runnerPid

pid_t runnerPid = 0

Process ID of the runner that started the composition.

Definition at line 43 of file

◆ runnerPipe

int runnerPipe = -1

The file descriptor for the composition's end of the pipe used to detect if the runner's process ends.

Definition at line 44 of file

◆ telemetryURL

char* telemetryURL = NULL

The URL that the composition will use to initialize its telemetry socket.

Definition at line 35 of file

◆ VuoApp_dylibPath

char* VuoApp_dylibPath = NULL

The path of the most recently loaded composition dylib.

Definition at line 53 of file

◆ VuoApp_mainThread

void* VuoApp_mainThread = NULL

A reference to the main thread.

Definition at line 52 of file

◆ ZMQControl

void* ZMQControl = NULL

The socket for controlling the composition.

Definition at line 33 of file

◆ ZMQControlContext

void* ZMQControlContext = NULL

The context for initializing sockets to control the composition.

Definition at line 32 of file

◆ ZMQLoaderControl

void* ZMQLoaderControl = NULL

The socket for controlling the composition loader.

Definition at line 28 of file

◆ ZMQLoaderControlContext

void* ZMQLoaderControlContext = NULL

The context for initializing sockets to control the composition loader.

Definition at line 27 of file

◆ ZMQLoaderSelfReceive

void* ZMQLoaderSelfReceive = 0

Used to break out of a ZMQLoaderControl poll.

Definition at line 29 of file

◆ ZMQLoaderSelfSend

void* ZMQLoaderSelfSend = 0

Used to break out of a ZMQLoaderControl poll.

Definition at line 30 of file