Vuo 2.4.4
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VuoGlContext implementation.

Definition in file

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#define VuoGlContext_checkGL(cap, value)
 Logs a warning if the specified OpenGL capability doesn't have value.
#define VuoGlContext_checkGLInt(key, value)
 Logs a warning if the specified OpenGL key doesn't have value.
#define VuoGlCheckBinding(pname)
 Check whether the specified attachment point pname is still bound.
#define VuoGlCheckTextureBinding(pname, unit)
 Check whether the specified attachment point pname is still bound.


typedef std::map< VuoGlContext, GLuint > VuoShaderContextType
 Type for VuoShaderContextMap.


static CGLContextObj VuoGlContext_create (CGLContextObj rootContext)
 Creates a new OpenGL context, optionally shared with rootContext.
void VuoGlContext_setInfoLogging (bool enabled)
 Specifies whether to log general info about each OpenGL Renderer and Metal Device.
static void VuoGlContext_renderers (void)
 Logs info about all available renderers.
static void VuoGlContext_init ()
 Returns the process-wide pool singleton instance.
VuoGlContext VuoGlContext_use (void)
 Finds an unused GL context in the process-wide shared context pool (or creates one if none is available), marks it used, and returns it.
void VuoGlContext_disuseF (VuoGlContext glContext, const char *file, const unsigned int linenumber, const char *func)
 Throws the specified context back in the pool.
void VuoGlContext_perform (void(^function)(CGLContextObj cgl_ctx))
 Executes code using the global OpenGL context.
void VuoGlContext_setGlobalRootContext (void *rootContext)
 Specifies a platform-specific context to be used as the base for all of Vuo's shared GL contexts.
int VuoGlContext_getMaximumSupportedMultisampling (VuoGlContext context)
 Returns the maximum supported multisampling level for this GPU.
void * VuoGlContext_makePlatformPixelFormat (bool hasDepthBuffer, bool openGL32Core, GLint displayMask)
 Returns a platform-specific OpenGL pixelformat description.
bool VuoGlContext_isOpenGL32Core (VuoGlContext context)
 Returns true if the specified context is OpenGL 3.2+ Core Profile.


dispatch_semaphore_t VuoGlContext_poolSemaphore
 Serializes access to VuoGlContext_root, VuoGlContext_allSharedContexts and VuoGlContext_avaialbleSharedContexts.
static CGLContextObj VuoGlContext_root = NULL
 This process's global root context.
vector< CGLContextObj > VuoGlContext_allSharedContexts
 All contexts created by VuoGlContext_create (including those currently being used).
vector< CGLContextObj > VuoGlContext_avaialbleSharedContexts
 All unused contexts created by VuoGlContext_create.
static dispatch_once_t VuoGlContextPoolCreated = 0
 Make sure this process only has a single GL Context Pool.
static pthread_key_t VuoGlContextPerformKey
 Tracks whether perform is already in the current thread's callstack.
static bool VuoGlContext_infoLogging = true
 Whether to log info about each OpenGL Renderer and Metal Device.
VuoShaderContextType VuoShaderContextMap
 The currently-active shader on each context.

Macro Definition Documentation

◆ VuoGlCheckBinding

#define VuoGlCheckBinding (   pname)
{ \
GLint value; \
glGetIntegerv(pname, &value); \
if (value) \
{ \
VuoLog(VuoLog_moduleName, file, linenumber, func, #pname " (value %d) was still active when the context was disused. (This may result in leaks.)", value); \
VuoLog_backtrace(); \
} \

Check whether the specified attachment point pname is still bound.

(This is defined as a macro in order to stringify the argument.)

Definition at line 650 of file

◆ VuoGlCheckTextureBinding

#define VuoGlCheckTextureBinding (   pname,
{ \
GLint value; \
glGetIntegerv(pname, &value); \
if (value) \
{ \
VuoLog(VuoLog_moduleName, file, linenumber, func, #pname " (texture %d on unit %d) was still active when the context was disused. (This may result in leaks.)", value, unit); \
VuoLog_backtrace(); \
} \

Check whether the specified attachment point pname is still bound.

(This is defined as a macro in order to stringify the argument.)

Definition at line 665 of file

◆ VuoGlContext_checkGL

#define VuoGlContext_checkGL (   cap,
do { \
if (glIsEnabled(cap) != value) \
{ \
VUserLog("Warning: Caller incorrectly left %s %s", #cap, value ? "disabled" : "enabled"); \
VuoLog_backtrace(); \
} \
} while (0)

Logs a warning if the specified OpenGL capability doesn't have value.

Definition at line 440 of file

◆ VuoGlContext_checkGLInt

#define VuoGlContext_checkGLInt (   key,
do { \
GLint actualValue; \
glGetIntegerv(key, &actualValue); \
if (actualValue != value) \
{ \
VUserLog("Warning: Caller incorrectly left %s set to something other than %s", #key, #value); \
VuoLog_backtrace(); \
} \
} while (0)

Logs a warning if the specified OpenGL key doesn't have value.

Definition at line 452 of file

Typedef Documentation

◆ VuoShaderContextType

typedef std::map<VuoGlContext, GLuint> VuoShaderContextType

Type for VuoShaderContextMap.

Definition at line 938 of file

Function Documentation

◆ VuoGlContext_create()

static CGLContextObj VuoGlContext_create ( CGLContextObj  rootContext)

Creates a new OpenGL context, optionally shared with rootContext.

Definition at line 536 of file

◆ VuoGlContext_disuseF()

void VuoGlContext_disuseF ( VuoGlContext  glContext,
const char *  file,
const unsigned int  linenumber,
const char *  func 

Throws the specified context back in the pool.

This function may be called from any thread.

Definition at line 378 of file

◆ VuoGlContext_getMaximumSupportedMultisampling()

int VuoGlContext_getMaximumSupportedMultisampling ( VuoGlContext  context)

Returns the maximum supported multisampling level for this GPU.

Multisampling is known to break point rendering on some GPUs, so we intentionally disable it on those.

Definition at line 681 of file

◆ VuoGlContext_init()

static void VuoGlContext_init ( )

Returns the process-wide pool singleton instance.

Definition at line 319 of file

◆ VuoGlContext_isOpenGL32Core()

bool VuoGlContext_isOpenGL32Core ( VuoGlContext  context)

Returns true if the specified context is OpenGL 3.2+ Core Profile.

Changed in Vuo 2.0.0:

Definition at line 843 of file

◆ VuoGlContext_makePlatformPixelFormat()

void * VuoGlContext_makePlatformPixelFormat ( bool  hasDepthBuffer,
bool  openGL32Core,
GLint  displayMask 

Returns a platform-specific OpenGL pixelformat description.

On Mac OS X, this is a CGLPixelFormatObj.

hasDepthBufferIf true, the returned context will have a depth buffer.
openGL32CoreIf true, the returned context will be OpenGL 3.2 Core Profile. If false, OpenGL 2.1.
displayMaskIf -1, the context will not be restricted by display. If nonzero, the context will be restricted to the specified displays (CGDisplayIDToOpenGLDisplayMask()). If the low byte is 0xff, the context will use the Apple Software Renderer.
-1 if the displayMask is invalid. NULL if another error occurred.

Definition at line 723 of file

◆ VuoGlContext_perform()

void VuoGlContext_perform ( void(^)(CGLContextObj cgl_ctx)  function)

Executes code using the global OpenGL context.

VuoGlContext_perform(^(CGLContextObj cgl_ctx){

This function may be called from any thread.

Definition at line 477 of file

◆ VuoGlContext_renderers()

static void VuoGlContext_renderers ( void  )

Logs info about all available renderers.

Definition at line 54 of file

◆ VuoGlContext_setGlobalRootContext()

void VuoGlContext_setGlobalRootContext ( void *  rootContext)

Specifies a platform-specific context to be used as the base for all of Vuo's shared GL contexts.

On Mac, this should be a CGLContext. The CGLContext must be unlocked when calling this function, but after that you may lock it at any time (Vuo doesn't require it to be locked or unlocked).

Must be called before any Vuo composition is loaded, and before any other VuoGlContext_* methods.

This function may be called from any thread.

Definition at line 634 of file

◆ VuoGlContext_setInfoLogging()

void VuoGlContext_setInfoLogging ( bool  enabled)

Specifies whether to log general info about each OpenGL Renderer and Metal Device.

(Errors and warnings are always logged regardless of this value.)

Definition at line 46 of file

◆ VuoGlContext_use()

VuoGlContext VuoGlContext_use ( void  )

Finds an unused GL context in the process-wide shared context pool (or creates one if none is available), marks it used, and returns it.

This function may be called from any thread.

Definition at line 339 of file

Variable Documentation

◆ VuoGlContext_allSharedContexts

vector<CGLContextObj> VuoGlContext_allSharedContexts

All contexts created by VuoGlContext_create (including those currently being used).

Definition at line 34 of file

◆ VuoGlContext_avaialbleSharedContexts

vector<CGLContextObj> VuoGlContext_avaialbleSharedContexts

All unused contexts created by VuoGlContext_create.

Definition at line 35 of file

◆ VuoGlContext_infoLogging

bool VuoGlContext_infoLogging = true

Whether to log info about each OpenGL Renderer and Metal Device.

Definition at line 40 of file

◆ VuoGlContext_poolSemaphore

dispatch_semaphore_t VuoGlContext_poolSemaphore

Serializes access to VuoGlContext_root, VuoGlContext_allSharedContexts and VuoGlContext_avaialbleSharedContexts.

Definition at line 32 of file

◆ VuoGlContext_root

CGLContextObj VuoGlContext_root = NULL

This process's global root context.

Definition at line 33 of file

◆ VuoGlContextPerformKey

pthread_key_t VuoGlContextPerformKey

Tracks whether perform is already in the current thread's callstack.

Definition at line 38 of file

◆ VuoGlContextPoolCreated

dispatch_once_t VuoGlContextPoolCreated = 0

Make sure this process only has a single GL Context Pool.

Definition at line 37 of file

◆ VuoShaderContextMap

VuoShaderContextType VuoShaderContextMap

The currently-active shader on each context.

This is placed in VuoGlContext (a dylib) instead of VuoShader (a static module) to ensure there's only one instance per process.

Definition at line 944 of file