Vuo 2.4.4
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VuoHeap implementation.

Definition in file

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struct  VuoHeapEntry
 An entry in the reference-counting table. More...


void sendErrorWrapper (const char *message)
 Calls the vuoSendError() function defined in the runtime (without introducing a direct dependency on the runtime).
static bool VuoHeap_isPointerValid (const void *pointer)
 Returns true if pointer looks like a valid pointer.
bool VuoHeap_isPointerReadable (const void *pointer)
 Returns true if pointer points to a memory page that's been allocated (and therefore might be a valid pointer to 1 or more bytes of data).
static void VuoHeap_makeSafePointerSummary (char *summary, const void *pointer)
 If pointer refers to allocated memory, copies its first 16 printable characters into summary, followed by char 0.
static char * VuoHeap_makeDescription (VuoHeapEntry e)
 Returns a description of the specified heapPointer: the file, line, and function where VuoRegister() was called, and the variable name.
void VuoHeap_report (void)
 Sends a telemetry error with information about any objects remaining in the reference counting table.
int VuoRegisterF (const void *heapPointer, DeallocateFunctionType deallocate, const char *file, unsigned int linenumber, const char *func, const char *pointerName)
 Instead of this function, you probably want to use VuoRegister().
int VuoRegisterSingletonF (const void *heapPointer, const char *file, unsigned int linenumber, const char *func, const char *pointerName)
 Instead of this function, you probably want to use VuoRegisterSingleton().
int VuoRetainF (const void *heapPointer, const char *file, unsigned int linenumber, const char *func)
 Wrapper for VuoRetain.
int VuoRetain (const void *heapPointer)
 Increments the reference count for heapPointer (unless heapPointer is not being reference-counted).
int VuoReleaseF (const void *heapPointer, const char *file, unsigned int linenumber, const char *func)
 Wrapper for VuoRelease.
int VuoRelease (const void *heapPointer)
 Decrements the reference count for heapPointer (unless heapPointer is not being reference-counted).
char * VuoHeap_getDescription (const void *heapPointer)
 Returns a description of the specified heapPointer: the file, line, and function where VuoRegister() was called, and the variable name.
void VuoHeap_addTrace (const void *heapPointer)
 Pass a pointer to this function to log all its subsequent retains and releases.


static set< const void * > * VuoHeap_trace
 Heap pointers to trace.
static pthread_mutex_t VuoHeap_mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER
 Protects access to referenceCounts.
static map< const void *, VuoHeapEntry > * referenceCounts
 The reference count for each pointer.
static set< const void * > * singletons
 Known singleton pointers.

Class Documentation

◆ VuoHeapEntry

struct VuoHeapEntry
Class Members
DeallocateFunctionType deallocateFunction
const char * file
const char * function
unsigned int line
int referenceCount
const char * variable

Function Documentation

◆ sendErrorWrapper()

void sendErrorWrapper ( const char *  message)

Calls the vuoSendError() function defined in the runtime (without introducing a direct dependency on the runtime).

Definition at line 29 of file

◆ VuoHeap_addTrace()

void VuoHeap_addTrace ( const void *  heapPointer)

Pass a pointer to this function to log all its subsequent retains and releases.

This only has an effect when CMake option VUO_HEAP_TRACE is enabled.

Definition at line 641 of file

◆ VuoHeap_getDescription()

char * VuoHeap_getDescription ( const void *  heapPointer)

Returns a description of the specified heapPointer: the file, line, and function where VuoRegister() was called, and the variable name.

The caller is responsible for freeing the returned string.

Definition at line 618 of file

◆ VuoHeap_isPointerReadable()

bool VuoHeap_isPointerReadable ( const void *  pointer)

Returns true if pointer points to a memory page that's been allocated (and therefore might be a valid pointer to 1 or more bytes of data).

Changed in Vuo 2.0.0:

Definition at line 130 of file

◆ VuoHeap_isPointerValid()

static bool VuoHeap_isPointerValid ( const void *  pointer)

Returns true if pointer looks like a valid pointer.

Changed in Vuo 2.0.0:

Definition at line 94 of file

◆ VuoHeap_makeDescription()

static char * VuoHeap_makeDescription ( VuoHeapEntry  e)

Returns a description of the specified heapPointer: the file, line, and function where VuoRegister() was called, and the variable name.

The caller is responsible for freeing the returned string.

Definition at line 179 of file

◆ VuoHeap_makeSafePointerSummary()

static void VuoHeap_makeSafePointerSummary ( char *  summary,
const void *  pointer 

If pointer refers to allocated memory, copies its first 16 printable characters into summary, followed by char 0.

Definition at line 154 of file

◆ VuoHeap_report()

void VuoHeap_report ( void  )

Sends a telemetry error with information about any objects remaining in the reference counting table.

Definition at line 242 of file

◆ VuoRegisterF()

int VuoRegisterF ( const void *  heapPointer,
DeallocateFunctionType  deallocate,
const char *  file,
unsigned int  linenumber,
const char *  func,
const char *  pointerName 

Instead of this function, you probably want to use VuoRegister().

This function is used to implement the VuoRegister() macro.

Registers heapPointer to be reference-counted and stores its deallocate function (unless heapPointer is null or is already being reference-counted).

heapPointerA pointer to allocated memory on the heap.
deallocateThe function to be used to deallocate the memory when the reference count gets back to its original value of 0.
fileThe name of the file in which VuoRegister() is called.
linenumberThe line in the file in which VuoRegister() is called.
funcThe function in which VuoRegister() is called.
pointerNameThe stringified pointer variable name.
The updated reference count of heapPointer. This is 0 if heapPointer is not already being reference-counted, greater than 0 if it is, or -1 if heapPointer is null.

Definition at line 281 of file

◆ VuoRegisterSingletonF()

int VuoRegisterSingletonF ( const void *  heapPointer,
const char *  file,
unsigned int  linenumber,
const char *  func,
const char *  pointerName 

Instead of this function, you probably want to use VuoRegisterSingleton().

This function is used to implement the VuoRegisterSingleton() macro.

Definition at line 355 of file

◆ VuoReleaseF()

int VuoReleaseF ( const void *  heapPointer,
const char *  file,
unsigned int  linenumber,
const char *  func 

Wrapper for VuoRelease.

This used to be an instrumented function, but the instrumentation was removed in Vuo 1.2 to improve performance. It's still here so that plugins compiled with Vuo 0.9 through 1.1 have a better chance of linking successfully.

Use VuoRelease instead.

Definition at line 504 of file

◆ VuoRetainF()

int VuoRetainF ( const void *  heapPointer,
const char *  file,
unsigned int  linenumber,
const char *  func 

Wrapper for VuoRetain.

This used to be an instrumented function, but the instrumentation was removed in Vuo 1.2 to improve performance. It's still here so that plugins compiled with Vuo 0.9 through 1.1 have a better chance of linking successfully.

Use VuoRetain instead.

Definition at line 428 of file

Variable Documentation

◆ referenceCounts

map<const void *, VuoHeapEntry>* referenceCounts

The reference count for each pointer.

Definition at line 86 of file

◆ singletons

set<const void *>* singletons

Known singleton pointers.

Definition at line 87 of file

◆ VuoHeap_mutex

pthread_mutex_t VuoHeap_mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER

Protects access to referenceCounts.

Definition at line 24 of file

◆ VuoHeap_trace

set<const void *>* VuoHeap_trace

Heap pointers to trace.

Definition at line 23 of file