Vuo 2.4.4
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VuoImageText implementation.

Definition in file

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class  VuoFontClass
 A wrapper for VuoFont, so it can be used as a std::map key. More...


#define ScreenToGL(x)   (((x) / screenWidthInPixels) * 2.)
 Shortcut macro for converting to GL coordinates in VuoImageTextData_convertToVuoCoordinates function.


typedef std::vector< VuoPoint2d > VuoCorners
 4 corners of a (non-axis-aligned) rectangle.
typedef std::pair< std::string, VuoFontClassVuoImageTextCacheDescriptor
 Text, font.
typedef std::pair< std::pair< VuoImage, VuoCorners >, double > VuoImageTextCacheEntry
 ((An image, its bounds), and the last time it was used)
typedef std::map< VuoImageTextCacheDescriptor, VuoImageTextCacheEntryVuoImageTextCacheType
 A pool of images.


bool operator< (const VuoFontClass &a, const VuoFontClass &b)
 Returns true if a is less than b.
VuoImageTextData VuoImageTextData_make (void)
 Initialize a new instance of VuoImageTextData.
void VuoImageTextData_free (void *data)
 Free a VuoImageTextData pointer and it's contents.
static void VuoImageTextCache_cleanup (void *blah)
 Purges expired images from the cache.
static void VuoImageTextCache_init (void)
 Initializes the cache.
VuoReal VuoImageText_getVerticalScale (VuoReal screenWidth, VuoReal backingScaleFactor)
 Get the vertical scaling used for text.
static CFArrayRef VuoImageText_createCTLines (VuoText text, VuoFont font, VuoReal backingScaleFactor, VuoReal verticalScale, VuoReal rotation, VuoReal wrapWidth, bool includeTrailingWhiteSpace, CTFontRef *ctFont, CGColorRef *cgColor, CGColorSpaceRef *colorspace, VuoImageTextData textImageData, CGAffineTransform *outTransform)
 Formats the specified text for rendering using font and backingScaleFactor.
VuoRectangle VuoImage_getTextRectangle (VuoText text, VuoFont font, VuoReal backingScaleFactor, VuoReal verticalScale, VuoReal rotation, float wrapWidth, bool includeTrailingWhiteSpace)
 Returns a rectangle (in points) that fully encloses the specified text when rendered with the specified font.
VuoImageTextData VuoImage_getTextImageData (VuoText text, VuoFont font, VuoReal backingScaleFactor, VuoReal verticalScale, VuoReal rotation, bool includeTrailingWhiteSpace)
 Returns a struct containing all information necessary to calculate text and character size and placement when rendered.
VuoPoint2d VuoImageText_getTextSize (VuoText text, VuoFont font, VuoPoint2d windowSize, VuoReal backingScaleFactor, bool includeTrailingWhiteSpace)
 Outputs the size in Vuo coordinates of a real-size text layer.
VuoReal VuoImageText_getLineHeight (VuoFont font, VuoReal screenWidthInPixels, VuoReal backingScaleFactor)
 Get the line height of a font in Vuo coordinates.
void VuoImageTextData_convertToVuoCoordinates (VuoImageTextData textData, VuoReal screenWidthInPixels, VuoReal backingScaleFactor)
 Convert VuoImageTextData from pixel coordinates to Vuo coordinates in place.
VuoPoint2d VuoImageTextData_getPositionForLineIndex (VuoImageTextData textData, unsigned int lineIndex)
 Get the origin point of a line of text (bottom left point of first character billboard in line).
unsigned int VuoImageTextData_getLineWithCharIndex (VuoImageTextData textData, unsigned int charIndex, unsigned int *lineStartCharIndex)
 Find the line index that the character at charIndex resides in.
VuoPoint2d VuoImageTextData_getPositionForCharIndex (VuoImageTextData textData, unsigned int charIndex, unsigned int *lineIndex)
 Get the starting point for a character index (bottom left corner).
VuoRectangleVuoImageTextData_getRectsForHighlight (VuoImageTextData textData, unsigned int selectionStartIndex, unsigned int selectionLength, unsigned int *lineCount)
 Given a start index and length of selected characters return an array of VuoRectangles encompassing the selection.
unsigned int VuoImageTextData_getCharIndexForLine (VuoImageTextData textData, unsigned int lineIndex)
 Get the index of the first character at line index.
VuoRectangle VuoImageTextData_layoutRowAtIndex (VuoImageTextData textData, unsigned int index, unsigned int *charactersRemaining)
 Get a rect that contains a row of text starting at index.
int VuoImageTextData_getNearestCharToPoint (VuoImageTextData textData, VuoPoint2d point)
 Return the character index (0 indexed) nearest to point, where point is relative to the pivot point of a text layer.
VuoImage VuoImage_makeText (VuoText text, VuoFont font, float backingScaleFactor, float verticalScale, float rotation, float wrapWidth, VuoPoint2d *outCorners)
 Creates an image containing the specified text.


static VuoImageTextCacheTypeVuoImageTextCache
 A pool of images.
static dispatch_semaphore_t VuoImageTextCache_semaphore
 Serializes access to VuoImageTextCache.
static dispatch_semaphore_t VuoImageTextCache_canceledAndCompleted
 Signals when the last VuoImageTextCache cleanup has completed.
static volatile dispatch_source_t VuoImageTextCache_timer = NULL
 Periodically cleans up VuoImageTextCache.
static double VuoImageTextCache_timeout = 1.0
 Seconds an image can remain in the cache unused, before it gets purged.

Macro Definition Documentation

◆ ScreenToGL

#define ScreenToGL (   x)    (((x) / screenWidthInPixels) * 2.)

Shortcut macro for converting to GL coordinates in VuoImageTextData_convertToVuoCoordinates function.

Definition at line 470 of file

Typedef Documentation

◆ VuoCorners

typedef std::vector<VuoPoint2d> VuoCorners

4 corners of a (non-axis-aligned) rectangle.

Definition at line 117 of file

◆ VuoImageTextCacheDescriptor

typedef std::pair<std::string, VuoFontClass> VuoImageTextCacheDescriptor

Text, font.

Definition at line 118 of file

◆ VuoImageTextCacheEntry

typedef std::pair<std::pair<VuoImage, VuoCorners>, double> VuoImageTextCacheEntry

((An image, its bounds), and the last time it was used)

Definition at line 119 of file

◆ VuoImageTextCacheType

A pool of images.

Definition at line 120 of file

Function Documentation

◆ operator<()

bool operator< ( const VuoFontClass a,
const VuoFontClass b 

Returns true if a is less than b.

Definition at line 73 of file

◆ VuoImage_getTextImageData()

VuoImageTextData VuoImage_getTextImageData ( VuoText  text,
VuoFont  font,
VuoReal  backingScaleFactor,
VuoReal  verticalScale,
VuoReal  rotation,
bool  includeTrailingWhiteSpace 

Returns a struct containing all information necessary to calculate text and character size and placement when rendered.

If text is null or empty, null is returned.

Changed in Vuo 2.0.0:
Added backingScaleFactor, verticalScale, rotation arguments.

Definition at line 432 of file

◆ VuoImage_getTextRectangle()

VuoRectangle VuoImage_getTextRectangle ( VuoText  text,
VuoFont  font,
VuoReal  backingScaleFactor,
VuoReal  verticalScale,
VuoReal  rotation,
float  wrapWidth,
bool  includeTrailingWhiteSpace 

Returns a rectangle (in points) that fully encloses the specified text when rendered with the specified font.

Depending on the font's design (e.g., if the font is monospace), the rectangle may be larger than the actual glyphs.

Changed in Vuo 2.0.0:
Added backingScaleFactor, verticalScale, rotation, wrapWidth arguments.

Definition at line 411 of file

◆ VuoImage_makeText()

VuoImage VuoImage_makeText ( VuoText  text,
VuoFont  font,
float  backingScaleFactor,
float  verticalScale,
float  rotation,
float  wrapWidth,
VuoPoint2d *  outCorners 

Creates an image containing the specified text.

If outCorners is not null, this function fills it with the text's 4 transformed bounds in pixels relative to the top-left of the image.

Changed in Vuo 2.0.0:
Added verticalScale, rotation, wrapwidth, outCorners arguments.

Definition at line 758 of file

◆ VuoImageText_createCTLines()

static CFArrayRef VuoImageText_createCTLines ( VuoText  text,
VuoFont  font,
VuoReal  backingScaleFactor,
VuoReal  verticalScale,
VuoReal  rotation,
VuoReal  wrapWidth,
bool  includeTrailingWhiteSpace,
CTFontRef *  ctFont,
CGColorRef *  cgColor,
CGColorSpaceRef *  colorspace,
VuoImageTextData  textImageData,
CGAffineTransform *  outTransform 

Formats the specified text for rendering using font and backingScaleFactor.

Definition at line 237 of file

◆ VuoImageText_getLineHeight()

VuoReal VuoImageText_getLineHeight ( VuoFont  font,
VuoReal  screenWidthInPixels,
VuoReal  backingScaleFactor 

Get the line height of a font in Vuo coordinates.

Useful in cases where no text data is available (ie, you should prefer using textData->lineHeight where available).

Changed in Vuo 2.0.0:

Definition at line 477 of file

◆ VuoImageText_getTextSize()

VuoPoint2d VuoImageText_getTextSize ( VuoText  text,
VuoFont  font,
VuoPoint2d  windowSize,
VuoReal  backingScaleFactor,
bool  includeTrailingWhiteSpace 

Outputs the size in Vuo coordinates of a real-size text layer.

windowSize is in points.

Definition at line 455 of file

◆ VuoImageText_getVerticalScale()

VuoReal VuoImageText_getVerticalScale ( VuoReal  screenWidth,
VuoReal  backingScaleFactor 

Get the vertical scaling used for text.

Changed in Vuo 2.0.0:

Definition at line 229 of file

◆ VuoImageTextCache_cleanup()

static void VuoImageTextCache_cleanup ( void *  blah)

Purges expired images from the cache.

Definition at line 130 of file

◆ VuoImageTextCache_init()

static void VuoImageTextCache_init ( void  )

Initializes the cache.

Definition at line 174 of file

◆ VuoImageTextData_convertToVuoCoordinates()

void VuoImageTextData_convertToVuoCoordinates ( VuoImageTextData  textData,
VuoReal  screenWidthInPixels,
VuoReal  backingScaleFactor 

Convert VuoImageTextData from pixel coordinates to Vuo coordinates in place.

Definition at line 503 of file

◆ VuoImageTextData_free()

void VuoImageTextData_free ( void *  data)

Free a VuoImageTextData pointer and it's contents.

Definition at line 101 of file

◆ VuoImageTextData_getCharIndexForLine()

unsigned int VuoImageTextData_getCharIndexForLine ( VuoImageTextData  textData,
unsigned int  lineIndex 

Get the index of the first character at line index.

Changed in Vuo 2.0.0:

Definition at line 667 of file

◆ VuoImageTextData_getLineWithCharIndex()

unsigned int VuoImageTextData_getLineWithCharIndex ( VuoImageTextData  textData,
unsigned int  charIndex,
unsigned int *  lineStartCharIndex 

Find the line index that the character at charIndex resides in.

If lineStartCharIndex is not null, the character index of the first character on the found line is stored. In the event that charIndex is out of the bounds of textData, 0 or lineCounts - 1 is returned.

Changed in Vuo 2.0.0:
Added lineIndex argument.

Definition at line 567 of file

◆ VuoImageTextData_getNearestCharToPoint()

int VuoImageTextData_getNearestCharToPoint ( VuoImageTextData  textData,
VuoPoint2d  point 

Return the character index (0 indexed) nearest to point, where point is relative to the pivot point of a text layer.

Definition at line 693 of file

◆ VuoImageTextData_getPositionForCharIndex()

VuoPoint2d VuoImageTextData_getPositionForCharIndex ( VuoImageTextData  textData,
unsigned int  charIndex,
unsigned int *  lineIndex 

Get the starting point for a character index (bottom left corner).

Definition at line 595 of file

◆ VuoImageTextData_getPositionForLineIndex()

VuoPoint2d VuoImageTextData_getPositionForLineIndex ( VuoImageTextData  textData,
unsigned int  lineIndex 

Get the origin point of a line of text (bottom left point of first character billboard in line).

Changed in Vuo 2.0.0:

Definition at line 538 of file

◆ VuoImageTextData_getRectsForHighlight()

VuoRectangle * VuoImageTextData_getRectsForHighlight ( VuoImageTextData  textData,
unsigned int  selectionStartIndex,
unsigned int  selectionLength,
unsigned int *  lineCount 

Given a start index and length of selected characters return an array of VuoRectangles encompassing the selection.

Changed in Vuo 2.0.0:

Definition at line 618 of file

◆ VuoImageTextData_layoutRowAtIndex()

VuoRectangle VuoImageTextData_layoutRowAtIndex ( VuoImageTextData  textData,
unsigned int  index,
unsigned int *  charactersRemaining 

Get a rect that contains a row of text starting at index.

The number of characters from index to line end is stored in length.

Changed in Vuo 2.0.0:

Definition at line 680 of file

◆ VuoImageTextData_make()

VuoImageTextData VuoImageTextData_make ( void  )

Initialize a new instance of VuoImageTextData.

Definition at line 86 of file

Variable Documentation

◆ VuoImageTextCache

VuoImageTextCacheType* VuoImageTextCache

A pool of images.

Definition at line 121 of file

◆ VuoImageTextCache_canceledAndCompleted

dispatch_semaphore_t VuoImageTextCache_canceledAndCompleted

Signals when the last VuoImageTextCache cleanup has completed.

Definition at line 123 of file

◆ VuoImageTextCache_semaphore

dispatch_semaphore_t VuoImageTextCache_semaphore

Serializes access to VuoImageTextCache.

Definition at line 122 of file

◆ VuoImageTextCache_timeout

double VuoImageTextCache_timeout = 1.0

Seconds an image can remain in the cache unused, before it gets purged.

Definition at line 125 of file

◆ VuoImageTextCache_timer

volatile dispatch_source_t VuoImageTextCache_timer = NULL

Periodically cleans up VuoImageTextCache.

Definition at line 124 of file