Vuo 2.4.4
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VuoList_VuoPoint4d.h File Reference


VuoList interface.

Definition in file VuoList_VuoPoint4d.h.

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struct  VuoList_VuoPoint4d
 An ordered list of items, all of the same type. More...


VuoList_VuoPoint4d VuoListCreate_VuoPoint4d (void)
 Creates a new list of VuoPoint4d items.
VuoList_VuoPoint4d VuoListCreateWithCount_VuoPoint4d (const unsigned long count, const VuoPoint4d value)
 Creates a new list of count instances of value.
VuoList_VuoPoint4d VuoListCreateWithValueArray_VuoPoint4d (const VuoPoint4d *values, const unsigned long valueCount)
 Creates a new list containing the items in the C array values.
VuoList_VuoPoint4d VuoListCopy_VuoPoint4d (const VuoList_VuoPoint4d list)
 Makes a shallow copy of list — its items are retained (not copied) by the new list.
VuoPoint4d VuoListGetValue_VuoPoint4d (const VuoList_VuoPoint4d list, const unsigned long index)
 Returns the item at index.
VuoPoint4d * VuoListGetData_VuoPoint4d (const VuoList_VuoPoint4d list)
 Returns a pointer to a C array containing the list items.
void VuoListForeach_VuoPoint4d (const VuoList_VuoPoint4d list, bool(^function)(const VuoPoint4d value))
 Applies function to each item in list, serially in order of index.
void VuoListSetValue_VuoPoint4d (const VuoList_VuoPoint4d list, const VuoPoint4d value, const unsigned long index, bool expandListIfNeeded)
 Changes the item at index.
void VuoListInsertValue_VuoPoint4d (const VuoList_VuoPoint4d list, const VuoPoint4d value, const unsigned long index)
 Inserts value immediately before index.
void VuoListPrependValue_VuoPoint4d (VuoList_VuoPoint4d list, const VuoPoint4d value)
 Prepends value to list.
void VuoListAppendValue_VuoPoint4d (VuoList_VuoPoint4d list, const VuoPoint4d value)
 Appends value to list.
void VuoListExchangeValues_VuoPoint4d (VuoList_VuoPoint4d list, const unsigned long indexA, const unsigned long indexB)
 Swaps the value at indexA with the value at indexB.
void VuoListShuffle_VuoPoint4d (VuoList_VuoPoint4d list, const double chaos)
 Generates a random permutation of list.
void VuoListReverse_VuoPoint4d (VuoList_VuoPoint4d list)
 Reverses the order of the items in list.
VuoList_VuoPoint4d VuoListSubset_VuoPoint4d (VuoList_VuoPoint4d list, const signed long startIndex, const unsigned long itemCount)
 Returns a new list containing items from the original list in the range specified by startIndex and itemCount.
void VuoListRemoveFirstValue_VuoPoint4d (VuoList_VuoPoint4d list)
 Removes the first item from list.
void VuoListRemoveLastValue_VuoPoint4d (VuoList_VuoPoint4d list)
 Removes the last item from list.
void VuoListRemoveAll_VuoPoint4d (VuoList_VuoPoint4d list)
 Removes all items from list.
void VuoListRemoveValue_VuoPoint4d (VuoList_VuoPoint4d list, const unsigned long index)
 Removes the item at index.
unsigned long VuoListGetCount_VuoPoint4d (const VuoList_VuoPoint4d list)
 Returns the number of items in list.
VuoList_VuoPoint4d VuoList_VuoPoint4d_makeFromJson (struct json_object *js)
 Decodes the JSON object js to create a new list.
struct json_object * VuoList_VuoPoint4d_getJson (const VuoList_VuoPoint4d list)
 Encodes list as a JSON object.
char * VuoList_VuoPoint4d_getSummary (const VuoList_VuoPoint4d list)
 Produces a brief human-readable summary of list.
void VuoList_VuoPoint4d_retain (VuoList_VuoPoint4d list)
 Retains the list.
void VuoList_VuoPoint4d_release (VuoList_VuoPoint4d list)
 Releases the list.
char * VuoList_VuoPoint4d_getString (const VuoList_VuoPoint4d list)
 Automatically generated function.

Function Documentation

◆ VuoList_VuoPoint4d_getJson()

struct json_object * VuoList_VuoPoint4d_getJson ( const VuoList_VuoPoint4d  list)

Encodes list as a JSON object.

◆ VuoList_VuoPoint4d_getString()

char * VuoList_VuoPoint4d_getString ( const VuoList_VuoPoint4d  list)

Automatically generated function.

◆ VuoList_VuoPoint4d_getSummary()

char * VuoList_VuoPoint4d_getSummary ( const VuoList_VuoPoint4d  list)

Produces a brief human-readable summary of list.

◆ VuoList_VuoPoint4d_makeFromJson()

VuoList_VuoPoint4d VuoList_VuoPoint4d_makeFromJson ( struct json_object *  js)

Decodes the JSON object js to create a new list.

["uno", "dos", "tres", "catorce"]

◆ VuoList_VuoPoint4d_release()

void VuoList_VuoPoint4d_release ( VuoList_VuoPoint4d  list)

Releases the list.

This function is provided for use in polymorphism; it just calls VuoRelease().

◆ VuoList_VuoPoint4d_retain()

void VuoList_VuoPoint4d_retain ( VuoList_VuoPoint4d  list)

Retains the list.

This function is provided for use in polymorphism; it just calls VuoRetain().

◆ VuoListAppendValue_VuoPoint4d()

void VuoListAppendValue_VuoPoint4d ( VuoList_VuoPoint4d  list,
const VuoPoint4d  value 

Appends value to list.

◆ VuoListCopy_VuoPoint4d()

VuoList_VuoPoint4d VuoListCopy_VuoPoint4d ( const VuoList_VuoPoint4d  list)

Makes a shallow copy of list — its items are retained (not copied) by the new list.

◆ VuoListCreate_VuoPoint4d()

VuoList_VuoPoint4d VuoListCreate_VuoPoint4d ( void  )

Creates a new list of VuoPoint4d items.

◆ VuoListCreateWithCount_VuoPoint4d()

VuoList_VuoPoint4d VuoListCreateWithCount_VuoPoint4d ( const unsigned long  count,
const VuoPoint4d  value 

Creates a new list of count instances of value.

Use this in conjunction with VuoListGetData_VuoPoint4d to quickly initialize a large list.

◆ VuoListCreateWithValueArray_VuoPoint4d()

VuoList_VuoPoint4d VuoListCreateWithValueArray_VuoPoint4d ( const VuoPoint4d *  values,
const unsigned long  valueCount 

Creates a new list containing the items in the C array values.

The list retains each item in values. The caller may discard values after this function returns.

◆ VuoListExchangeValues_VuoPoint4d()

void VuoListExchangeValues_VuoPoint4d ( VuoList_VuoPoint4d  list,
const unsigned long  indexA,
const unsigned long  indexB 

Swaps the value at indexA with the value at indexB.

◆ VuoListForeach_VuoPoint4d()

void VuoListForeach_VuoPoint4d ( const VuoList_VuoPoint4d  list,
bool(^)(const VuoPoint4d value)  function 

Applies function to each item in list, serially in order of index.

If function returns false, visiting will stop immediately (possibly before all items have been visited).

Changed in Vuo 2.0.0:

◆ VuoListGetCount_VuoPoint4d()

unsigned long VuoListGetCount_VuoPoint4d ( const VuoList_VuoPoint4d  list)

Returns the number of items in list.

◆ VuoListGetData_VuoPoint4d()

VuoPoint4d * VuoListGetData_VuoPoint4d ( const VuoList_VuoPoint4d  list)

Returns a pointer to a C array containing the list items.

Use this if you need a fast way to get or change multiple list items.

You can modify values in the list by changing them in this array. Just don't attempt to access beyond the list size.

The pointer becomes invalid if you modify the list size using other functions (e.g., Insert, Prepend, Append, Cut, Remove); if you use those functions, just get a new pointer by calling this function again.

If the list has no items, returns NULL.

The pointer remains owned by the list; don't free it.

◆ VuoListGetValue_VuoPoint4d()

VuoPoint4d VuoListGetValue_VuoPoint4d ( const VuoList_VuoPoint4d  list,
const unsigned long  index 

Returns the item at index.

Index values start at 1.

If the list has no items, returns a default value (an empty/zero value of VuoPoint4d).

Attempting to access an out-of-bounds index returns the first item in the list (if the index is 0), or last item in the list (if the index is greater than the list size).

If iterating over an entire list, consider using VuoListGetData_VuoPoint4d or VuoListForeach_VuoPoint4d.

◆ VuoListInsertValue_VuoPoint4d()

void VuoListInsertValue_VuoPoint4d ( const VuoList_VuoPoint4d  list,
const VuoPoint4d  value,
const unsigned long  index 

Inserts value immediately before index.

Index values start at 1.

Inserting at index 0 prepends the value to the list. Inserting at an index beyond the last value in the list appends the value to the list.

◆ VuoListPrependValue_VuoPoint4d()

void VuoListPrependValue_VuoPoint4d ( VuoList_VuoPoint4d  list,
const VuoPoint4d  value 

Prepends value to list.

◆ VuoListRemoveAll_VuoPoint4d()

void VuoListRemoveAll_VuoPoint4d ( VuoList_VuoPoint4d  list)

Removes all items from list.

◆ VuoListRemoveFirstValue_VuoPoint4d()

void VuoListRemoveFirstValue_VuoPoint4d ( VuoList_VuoPoint4d  list)

Removes the first item from list.

◆ VuoListRemoveLastValue_VuoPoint4d()

void VuoListRemoveLastValue_VuoPoint4d ( VuoList_VuoPoint4d  list)

Removes the last item from list.

◆ VuoListRemoveValue_VuoPoint4d()

void VuoListRemoveValue_VuoPoint4d ( VuoList_VuoPoint4d  list,
const unsigned long  index 

Removes the item at index.

Index values start at 1.

Attempting to remove index 0 or an index beyond the last value in the list has no effect.

◆ VuoListReverse_VuoPoint4d()

void VuoListReverse_VuoPoint4d ( VuoList_VuoPoint4d  list)

Reverses the order of the items in list.

◆ VuoListSetValue_VuoPoint4d()

void VuoListSetValue_VuoPoint4d ( const VuoList_VuoPoint4d  list,
const VuoPoint4d  value,
const unsigned long  index,
bool  expandListIfNeeded 

Changes the item at index.

Index values start at 1.

If expandListIfNeeded is false — If the list has no items, nothing is changed. Attempting to change an out-of-bounds index changes the first item in the list (if the index is 0), or last item in the list (if the index is greater than the list size).

If expandListIfNeeded is true — If the list has less than index items, it is expanded to accommodate the specified index. If index is 0, the list is resized to contain 1 item set to value.

◆ VuoListShuffle_VuoPoint4d()

void VuoListShuffle_VuoPoint4d ( VuoList_VuoPoint4d  list,
const double  chaos 

Generates a random permutation of list.

chaos ranges from 0 to 1. When chaos is 1, a full Fisher–Yates shuffle is performed. When less than 1, fewer iterations are performed.

◆ VuoListSubset_VuoPoint4d()

VuoList_VuoPoint4d VuoListSubset_VuoPoint4d ( VuoList_VuoPoint4d  list,
const signed long  startIndex,
const unsigned long  itemCount 

Returns a new list containing items from the original list in the range specified by startIndex and itemCount.

Items in the new list are retained (not copied) from the original list.