Vuo 2.4.4
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VuoLog implementation.

Definition in file

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struct  VuoCrashReport_infoType
 Data to be inserted into macOS crash reports. More...
struct  NSOperatingSystemVersion
 Return value of -[NSProcessInfo operatingSystemVersion], from NSProcessInfo.h. More...


#define VuoCrashReport_alignment   __attribute__((aligned(8)))
 Align on 8-byte boundaries.


void VuoTerminateHandler ()
 Log the timestamp at which std::terminate was called, so we can tell whether the logged exceptions are related to it.
double VuoLogGetTime (void)
 Returns the number of seconds (including fractional seconds) since an arbitrary start time.
void VuoLog_recordTime (const char *name, double time)
 Adds time to the specified profile name.
double VuoLogGetElapsedTime (void)
 Returns the number of seconds (including fractional seconds) since this module was loaded.
void VuoLog_statusF (const char *moduleName, const char *file, const unsigned int linenumber, const char *function, const char *format,...)
 Helper for VuoLog_status.
static NSOperatingSystemVersion VuoLog_getOSVersion (void)
 Returns the current operating system version.
static void VuoLog_dylibLoaded (const struct mach_header *mh32, intptr_t vmaddr_slide)
 Helper for VuoLog_isDebuggerAttached.
bool VuoLog_isDebuggerAttached (void)
 Returns true if the current process is being debugged (either launched by LLDB/Instruments, or LLDB/Instruments attached after the process launched).
void VuoLog (const char *moduleName, const char *file, const unsigned int linenumber, const char *function, const char *format,...)
 Outputs a message to the system log and to stderr.
bool VuoIsDebugEnabled (void)
 Returns true if debug mode is enabled.
void VuoLog_backtrace (void)
 Prints the stack backtrace to stderr.
void VuoLog_replaceString (char *wholeString, const char *substringToRemove, const char *replacement)
 Removes all occurrences of a substring.
vector< string > VuoLog_getBacktrace (void)
 Returns the stack backtrace.


static std::terminate_handler nextTerminateHandler = nullptr
 The existing std::terminate handler before we installed ours.
dispatch_queue_t VuoLog_utf8LocaleQueue = NULL
 Serializes access to VuoText_utf8Locale.
locale_t VuoLog_utf8Locale = NULL
 A shared UTF-8 locale object, initialized at startup.
double VuoLogStartTime
 The time when this module was loaded.
const int VuoLogHistoryItems = 20
 How many VLog messages to include in crash reports.
char * VuoLogHistory [VuoLogHistoryItems]
 VLog messages to include in crash reports.
dispatch_queue_t VuoLogHistoryQueue
 Serializes access to VuoLogHistory.
static pthread_t VuoLog_mainThread = nullptr
 To later identify which is the main thread.
static const char * VuoLog_executableName = nullptr
 The process's main executable name (as opposed to VuoLog_moduleName, the dylib the log function was called from).
static bool VuoLog_isInstrumentsFrameworkLoaded = false
 True if DVTInstrumentsFoundation.framework is loaded in the current process (i.e., if the process has been launched for debugging with

Class Documentation

◆ VuoCrashReport_infoType

struct VuoCrashReport_infoType
Class Members
unsigned int version VuoCrashReport_alignment
char *message VuoCrashReport_alignment On macOS 11 and earlier, shows up in the crash report's "Application Specific Information" section.
char *signature VuoCrashReport_alignment On macOS 10.15 through 13 (at least), shows up in the crash report's "Application Specific Signatures" section.
char *backtrace VuoCrashReport_alignment On macOS 10.15 through 13 (at least), shows up in the crash report's "Application Specific Backtrace" section.
char *message2 VuoCrashReport_alignment On macOS 11 and earlier, shows up in the crash report's "Application Specific Information" section, above message.
void *reserved VuoCrashReport_alignment
void *reserved2 VuoCrashReport_alignment

◆ NSOperatingSystemVersion

struct NSOperatingSystemVersion
Class Members
long majorVersion
long minorVersion
long patchVersion

Macro Definition Documentation

◆ VuoCrashReport_alignment

#define VuoCrashReport_alignment   __attribute__((aligned(8)))

Align on 8-byte boundaries.

Definition at line 204 of file

Function Documentation

◆ VuoLog_dylibLoaded()

static void VuoLog_dylibLoaded ( const struct mach_header *  mh32,
intptr_t  vmaddr_slide 

Helper for VuoLog_isDebuggerAttached.

Definition at line 286 of file

◆ VuoLog_getBacktrace()

vector< string > VuoLog_getBacktrace ( void  )

Returns the stack backtrace.

Definition at line 680 of file

◆ VuoLog_getOSVersion()

static NSOperatingSystemVersion VuoLog_getOSVersion ( void  )

Returns the current operating system version.

Definition at line 267 of file

◆ VuoLog_replaceString()

void VuoLog_replaceString ( char *  wholeString,
const char *  substringToRemove,
const char *  replacement 

Removes all occurrences of a substring.

replacement must be shorter than the expanded substringToRemove.

Definition at line 660 of file

◆ VuoTerminateHandler()

void VuoTerminateHandler ( )

Log the timestamp at which std::terminate was called, so we can tell whether the logged exceptions are related to it.

Definition at line 51 of file

Variable Documentation

◆ nextTerminateHandler

std::terminate_handler nextTerminateHandler = nullptr

The existing std::terminate handler before we installed ours.

Definition at line 42 of file

◆ VuoLog_executableName

const char* VuoLog_executableName = nullptr

The process's main executable name (as opposed to VuoLog_moduleName, the dylib the log function was called from).

Definition at line 125 of file

◆ VuoLog_isInstrumentsFrameworkLoaded

bool VuoLog_isInstrumentsFrameworkLoaded = false

True if DVTInstrumentsFoundation.framework is loaded in the current process (i.e., if the process has been launched for debugging with

Definition at line 281 of file

◆ VuoLog_mainThread

pthread_t VuoLog_mainThread = nullptr

To later identify which is the main thread.

Definition at line 124 of file

◆ VuoLog_utf8Locale

locale_t VuoLog_utf8Locale = NULL

A shared UTF-8 locale object, initialized at startup.

Definition at line 45 of file

◆ VuoLog_utf8LocaleQueue

dispatch_queue_t VuoLog_utf8LocaleQueue = NULL

Serializes access to VuoText_utf8Locale.

Definition at line 44 of file

◆ VuoLogHistory

char* VuoLogHistory[VuoLogHistoryItems]

VLog messages to include in crash reports.

Definition at line 105 of file

◆ VuoLogHistoryItems

const int VuoLogHistoryItems = 20

How many VLog messages to include in crash reports.

Definition at line 104 of file

◆ VuoLogHistoryQueue

dispatch_queue_t VuoLogHistoryQueue

Serializes access to VuoLogHistory.

Definition at line 106 of file

◆ VuoLogStartTime

double VuoLogStartTime

The time when this module was loaded.

Definition at line 102 of file