Vuo 2.4.4
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Classes | Typedefs | Functions | Variables File Reference


VuoOsc implementation.

Definition in file

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class  VuoOscInPacketListener
 This class maintains a list of trigger functions to be called when an OSC message is received. More...
class  VuoOscInSocket
 Opens a reusable UDP socket, attaches the specified listener to it (on a separate thread), and starts it receiving messages. More...
struct  VuoOscIn_internal
 Private data for a VuoOscIn instance. More...
class  VuoOscOutputIdentifier
 Enable VuoOscOutputDevice to be used in std::map. More...


typedef void(* VuoOscReceivedMessageTrigger) (VuoOscMessage)
 A node's trigger method, to be called when an OSC message is received.
typedef struct _VuoOscOut_internal * VuoOscOut_internal
 Private data for a VuoOscOut instance.


static void registerCallback (CFNetServiceRef theService, CFStreamError *error, void *info)
 Callback needed to asynchronously register a CFNetService.
static CFNetServiceRef VuoOsc_createNetService (char *name, int port, bool isServer)
 Creates a new CFNetService for advertising an OSC server or client.
static void VuoOsc_destroyNetService (CFNetServiceRef netService)
 Stop advertising the Bonjour service.
void VuoOscIn_destroy (VuoOscIn oi)
 Destroys an OSC server.
VuoOscIn VuoOscIn_make (const VuoOscInputDevice device)
 Creates a reference-counted object to manage receiving messages from a OSC device.
void VuoOscIn_enableTriggers (VuoOscIn oi, VuoOutputTrigger(receivedMessage, VuoOscMessage))
 Sets up the OSC server to call the trigger functions when it receives a message.
void VuoOscIn_disableTriggers (VuoOscIn oi)
 Stops the OSC server from calling trigger functions when it receives a message.
static int VuoOsc_findAvailableUdpPort (void)
 Returns an available UDP port.
VuoOscOut VuoOscOut_useShared (const VuoOscOutputDevice device)
 Returns a shared object for the specified key, allocating it if necessary.
void VuoOscOut_disuseShared (VuoOscOut device)
 Indicates that the caller is done using the shared object.
void VuoOscOut_sendMessages (VuoOscOut ao, VuoList_VuoOscMessage messages)
 Sends a message to the specified OSC device.
 VUOKEYEDPOOL (VuoOscOutputIdentifier, VuoOscOut_internal)
static void VuoOscOut_destroy (VuoOscOut_internal ai)
VuoOscOut_internal VuoOscOut_make (VuoOscOutputIdentifier device)
 VUOKEYEDPOOL_DEFINE (VuoOscOutputIdentifier, VuoOscOut_internal, VuoOscOut_make)


std::map< unsigned int, VuoOscInSocket * > VuoOscInPool
 Sockets, keyed by port.
dispatch_semaphore_t VuoOscInPool_semaphore = NULL
 Synchronizes access to VuoOscInPool.

Class Documentation

◆ VuoOscIn_internal

struct VuoOscIn_internal
Class Members
VuoOscInputDevice device The port to listen on, and the name of the Bonjour service.
VuoOscReceivedMessageTrigger receivedMessage The trigger function to call when a newly-arrived OSC message has been parsed.

Typedef Documentation

◆ VuoOscOut_internal

typedef struct _VuoOscOut_internal * VuoOscOut_internal

Private data for a VuoOscOut instance.

◆ VuoOscReceivedMessageTrigger

typedef void(* VuoOscReceivedMessageTrigger) (VuoOscMessage)

A node's trigger method, to be called when an OSC message is received.

Definition at line 48 of file

Function Documentation

◆ registerCallback()

static void registerCallback ( CFNetServiceRef  theService,
CFStreamError *  error,
void *  info 

Callback needed to asynchronously register a CFNetService.

Apparently this doesn't need to do anything.

Definition at line 194 of file


VUOKEYEDPOOL ( VuoOscOutputIdentifier  ,



VUOKEYEDPOOL_DEFINE ( VuoOscOutputIdentifier  ,
VuoOscOut_internal  ,


◆ VuoOsc_createNetService()

static CFNetServiceRef VuoOsc_createNetService ( char *  name,
int  port,
bool  isServer 

Creates a new CFNetService for advertising an OSC server or client.

Definition at line 201 of file

◆ VuoOsc_destroyNetService()

static void VuoOsc_destroyNetService ( CFNetServiceRef  netService)

Stop advertising the Bonjour service.

Definition at line 253 of file

◆ VuoOsc_findAvailableUdpPort()

static int VuoOsc_findAvailableUdpPort ( void  )

Returns an available UDP port.

Definition at line 575 of file

◆ VuoOscIn_destroy()

void VuoOscIn_destroy ( VuoOscIn  oi)

Destroys an OSC server.

Definition at line 510 of file

◆ VuoOscIn_disableTriggers()

void VuoOscIn_disableTriggers ( VuoOscIn  oi)

Stops the OSC server from calling trigger functions when it receives a message.

This function may be called from any thread.

Definition at line 490 of file

◆ VuoOscIn_enableTriggers()

void VuoOscIn_enableTriggers ( VuoOscIn  oi,
VuoOutputTrigger(receivedMessage, VuoOscMessage  

Sets up the OSC server to call the trigger functions when it receives a message.

This function may be called from any thread.

Definition at line 465 of file

◆ VuoOscIn_make()

VuoOscIn VuoOscIn_make ( const VuoOscInputDevice  device)

Creates a reference-counted object to manage receiving messages from a OSC device.

If the device's port is nonzero, attempts to use the specified port. If zero, automatically chooses an unused port. If the port is successfully opened, advertises the server via Bonjour.

Definition at line 434 of file

◆ VuoOscOut_destroy()

static void VuoOscOut_destroy ( VuoOscOut_internal  ai)


Definition at line 700 of file

◆ VuoOscOut_disuseShared()

void VuoOscOut_disuseShared ( VuoOscOut  device)

Indicates that the caller is done using the shared object.

This function may be called from any thread.

Definition at line 729 of file

◆ VuoOscOut_make()

VuoOscOut_internal VuoOscOut_make ( VuoOscOutputIdentifier  device)


Definition at line 613 of file

◆ VuoOscOut_sendMessages()

void VuoOscOut_sendMessages ( VuoOscOut  ao,
VuoList_VuoOscMessage  messages 

Sends a message to the specified OSC device.

Definition at line 737 of file

◆ VuoOscOut_useShared()

VuoOscOut VuoOscOut_useShared ( const VuoOscOutputDevice  device)

Returns a shared object for the specified key, allocating it if necessary.

The caller must invoke disuseShared when it's done using it.

The caller may invoke VuoRetain and VuoRelease, but it is not required, and any such calls must be balanced before invoking disuseShared.

This function may be called from any thread.

Definition at line 721 of file

Variable Documentation

◆ VuoOscInPool

std::map<unsigned int, VuoOscInSocket *> VuoOscInPool

Sockets, keyed by port.

Definition at line 407 of file

◆ VuoOscInPool_semaphore

dispatch_semaphore_t VuoOscInPool_semaphore = NULL

Synchronizes access to VuoOscInPool.

Definition at line 408 of file