Vuo 2.4.4
No Matches
VuoTransform.c File Reference


VuoTransform implementation.

Definition in file VuoTransform.c.

Go to the source code of this file.


void VuoTransform_getMatrix (const VuoTransform value, float *matrix)
 Converts value into a column-major matrix of 16 values, composed as a rotation followed by a scale followed by a translation.
void VuoTransform_invertMatrix4x4 (const float *matrix, float *outputInvertedMatrix)
 Outputs the inverse of matrix (which is assumed to consist of a rotation followed by a scale followed by a translation, like the output of VuoTransform_getMatrix), such that outputInvertedMatrix * matrix = identityMatrix.
VuoPoint3d VuoTransform_getEuler (const VuoTransform transform)
 Returns the transform's rotation, represented as euler angles in radians (see VuoTransform_makeEuler).
VuoPoint4d VuoTransform_getQuaternion (const VuoTransform transform)
 Returns the transform's rotation, represented as a quaternion (see VuoTransform_makeQuaternion).
VuoPoint3d VuoTransform_getDirection (const VuoTransform transform)
 Start with an object pointing rightward (increasing X axis).
VuoTransform VuoTransform_makeIdentity (void)
 Creates a VuoTransform with no effect.
VuoTransform VuoTransform_makeEuler (VuoPoint3d translation, VuoPoint3d rotation, VuoPoint3d scale)
 Creates a VuoTransform from translation, rotation (Euler angles, in radians), and scale values.
void VuoTransform_rotationMatrixFromQuaternion (const VuoPoint4d quaternion, float *matrix)
 Populate a 3x3 matrix with a normalized quaternion.
void VuoTransform_rotationMatrixFromEuler (const VuoPoint3d euler, float *matrix)
 Populate a 3x3 matrix with an euler rotation.
VuoTransform VuoTransform_makeQuaternion (VuoPoint3d translation, VuoPoint4d rotation, VuoPoint3d scale)
 Creates a VuoTransform from translation, rotation (quaternion), and scale values.
VuoTransform VuoTransform_makeFrom2d (VuoTransform2d transform2d)
 Creates a 3D transform from a 2D transform.
VuoTransform2d VuoTransform_get2d (VuoTransform transform)
 Creates a 2D transform from a 3D transform.
VuoTransform VuoTransform_makeFromTarget (VuoPoint3d position, VuoPoint3d target, VuoPoint3d upDirection)
 Create a transform that translates to position and looks at target with roll determined by upDirection.
VuoTransform VuoTransform_makeFromMatrix4x4 (const float *matrix)
 Creates a transform from the specified matrix (assumed to consist of affine rotation, scale, and translation).
VuoPoint2d VuoTransform_transform_VuoPoint2d (VuoTransform transform, VuoPoint2d point)
 Applies transform to point, using input Z coordinate 0 and discarding the transformed Z coordinate.
VuoPoint3d VuoTransform_transform_VuoPoint3d (VuoTransform transform, VuoPoint3d point)
 Applies transform to point.
VuoRectangle VuoTransform_transformRectangle (const float *matrix, VuoRectangle rectangle)
 Transforms rectangle using matrix (a column-major matrix of 16 values), and returns the new rectangle.
void VuoTransform_getBillboardMatrix (VuoInteger imageWidth, VuoInteger imageHeight, VuoReal imageScaleFactor, VuoBoolean preservePhysicalSize, VuoReal translationX, VuoReal translationY, VuoInteger viewportWidth, VuoInteger viewportHeight, VuoReal backingScaleFactor, VuoPoint2d mesh0, float *billboardMatrix)
 Returns a column-major matrix of 16 values that transforms a 1x1 quad so that it renders the specified image at real (pixel-perfect) size.
VuoTransform VuoTransform_composite (const VuoTransform a, const VuoTransform b)
 Returns a composite transformation, consisting of a followed by b.
VuoPoint4d VuoTransform_quaternionFromBasis (VuoPoint3d basis[3])
 Returns a quaternion representing the rotation of the specified basis matrix.
VuoTransform VuoTransform_makeFromJson (json_object *js)
 Decodes the JSON object js to create a new value.
static float cook (float f)
 If the float is negative or positive zero, return positive zero.
json_object * VuoTransform_getJson (const VuoTransform value)
 Encodes value as a JSON object.
char * VuoTransform_getSummary (const VuoTransform value)
 Produces a brief human-readable summary of value.

Function Documentation

◆ cook()

static float cook ( float  f)

If the float is negative or positive zero, return positive zero.

Definition at line 584 of file VuoTransform.c.