Vuo 2.4.4
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VuoWindowReference.m File Reference


VuoWindowReference implementation.

Definition in file VuoWindowReference.m.

Go to the source code of this file.


VuoWindowReference VuoWindowReference_make (void *window)
 Creates a VuoWindowReference from a VuoWindow.
static void VuoWindowReference_releaseCallback (struct json_object *js, void *value)
 Callback to pass to json_object_set_userdata().
VuoWindowReference VuoWindowReference_makeFromJson (json_object *js)
 Decodes the JSON object js, expected to contain a string, to create a new VuoMouseButton.
struct json_object * VuoWindowReference_getJson (const VuoWindowReference value)
 Encodes value as a JSON object.
struct json_object * VuoWindowReference_getInterprocessJson (const VuoWindowReference value)
 Calls VuoWindowReference_getJson().
char * VuoWindowReference_getSummary (const VuoWindowReference value)
 Returns a brief human-readable summary of value.
VuoReal VuoWindowReference_getAspectRatio (const VuoWindowReference value)
 Returns the window's current aspect ratio.
VuoPoint2d VuoWindowReference_getPosition (const VuoWindowReference value)
 Returns the position of the top-left of the window's content area, in screen points.
void VuoWindowReference_getContentSize (const VuoWindowReference value, VuoInteger *width, VuoInteger *height, float *backingScaleFactor)
 Returns the window's current content size in pixels.
bool VuoWindowReference_isFocused (const VuoWindowReference value)
 Returns true if the application is currently focused and the window is currently focused (disregarding auxiliary windows, such as the About box).
bool VuoWindowReference_isFullscreen (const VuoWindowReference value)
 Returns true if the window is currently fullscreen.
VuoScreen VuoWindowReference_getScreen (const VuoWindowReference value)
 Returns the screen the window is currently on.
void VuoWindowReference_addDragCallbacks (const VuoWindowReference wr, void(*dragEnteredCallback)(VuoDragEvent e), void(*dragMovedToCallback)(VuoDragEvent e), void(*dragCompletedCallback)(VuoDragEvent e), void(*dragExitedCallback)(VuoDragEvent e))
 Adds callbacks to be invoked when files are dragged from Finder.
void VuoWindowReference_removeDragCallbacks (const VuoWindowReference wr, void(*dragEnteredCallback)(VuoDragEvent e), void(*dragMovedToCallback)(VuoDragEvent e), void(*dragCompletedCallback)(VuoDragEvent e), void(*dragExitedCallback)(VuoDragEvent e))
 Removes callbacks that would have been invoked when files were dragged from Finder.

Function Documentation

◆ VuoWindowReference_releaseCallback()

static void VuoWindowReference_releaseCallback ( struct json_object *  js,
void *  value 

Callback to pass to json_object_set_userdata().

Definition at line 54 of file VuoWindowReference.m.