Vuo 2.4.4
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VuoPublishedPort Class Reference


This class represents a published port in a composition.

Published ports are visible to clients of the composition, for example to a VuoRunner running the composition or to another composition in which this composition is a subcomposition.

Definition at line 19 of file VuoPublishedPort.hh.

Public Member Functions

 VuoPublishedPort (VuoPortClass *portClass)
 Creates a published port that is not yet connected to any port in a running composition.
void setProtocolPort (bool protocolPort)
 Sets whether this port is part of any active protocol.
bool isProtocolPort (void)
 Returns true if this port is part of any active protocol.
- Public Member Functions inherited from VuoPort
 VuoPort (VuoPortClass *portClass)
 Creates a base port instance from a portClass.
virtual ~VuoPort (void)
 to make this class dynamic_cast-able
VuoPortClassgetClass (void)
 Returns the argument class of this argument.
vector< VuoCable * > getConnectedCables (bool includePublishedCables=true)
 Returns the cables connected to this port.
void addConnectedCable (VuoCable *cable)
 Adds a connected cable.
void removeConnectedCable (VuoCable *cable)
 Removes a connected cable.
VuoCablegetCableConnecting (VuoPort *otherPort)
 Returns the cable connecting this port to or from the provided otherPort, or NULL if no such cable exists.
VuoPortClass::EventThrottling getEventThrottling (void)
 Returns the event-throttling behavior of this port.
void setEventThrottling (VuoPortClass::EventThrottling eventThrottling)
 Sets the event-throttling behavior of this port.
void setRawInitialValue (const string &rawInitialValue)
 Stores the port's original initial value found when parsing it from a Graphviz-formatted composition string.
string getRawInitialValue (void)
 Returns the port's original initial value found when parsing it from a Graphviz-formatted composition string.
void print (void)
 Prints info about this port, for debugging.
- Public Member Functions inherited from VuoBase< VuoCompilerNodeArgument, VuoRendererPort >
 VuoBase (string id)
 Creates a base class.
void setCompiler (VuoCompilerNodeArgument *compiler)
 Sets the base class instance's compiler detail class instance.
VuoCompilerNodeArgumentgetCompiler (void) const
 Returns the base class instance's compiler detail class instance.
bool hasCompiler (void) const
 Returns true if this base class instance has a compiler detail.
void setRenderer (VuoRendererPort *renderer)
 Sets the base class instance's renderer detail class instance.
VuoRendererPortgetRenderer (void) const
 Returns the base class instance's renderer detail class instance.
bool hasRenderer (void) const
 Returns true if this base class instance has a renderer detail.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ VuoPublishedPort()

VuoPublishedPort::VuoPublishedPort ( VuoPortClass portClass)

Creates a published port that is not yet connected to any port in a running composition.

Definition at line 15 of file

Member Function Documentation

◆ isProtocolPort()

bool VuoPublishedPort::isProtocolPort ( void  )

Returns true if this port is part of any active protocol.

Definition at line 32 of file

◆ setProtocolPort()

void VuoPublishedPort::setProtocolPort ( bool  protocolPort)

Sets whether this port is part of any active protocol.

Definition at line 24 of file

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