Vuo 2.4.4
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VuoType Class Reference


This base class represents the metadata of one type.

Definition at line 20 of file VuoType.hh.

Public Member Functions

 VuoType (string typeName)
 Creates a type.
virtual ~VuoType (void)
 to make this class dynamic_cast-able
- Public Member Functions inherited from VuoBase< VuoCompilerType, void >
 VuoBase (string id)
 Creates a base class.
void setCompiler (VuoCompilerType *compiler)
 Sets the base class instance's compiler detail class instance.
VuoCompilerTypegetCompiler (void) const
 Returns the base class instance's compiler detail class instance.
bool hasCompiler (void) const
 Returns true if this base class instance has a compiler detail.
void setRenderer (void *renderer)
 Sets the base class instance's renderer detail class instance.
void * getRenderer (void) const
 Returns the base class instance's renderer detail class instance.
bool hasRenderer (void) const
 Returns true if this base class instance has a renderer detail.
- Public Member Functions inherited from VuoModule
 VuoModule (string moduleKey)
 Creates a module.
string getModuleKey (void)
 Returns this module's unique name.
void setModuleKey (string moduleKey)
 Sets this module's unique name.
string getDefaultTitle (void)
 Returns the default title for instances of this module, as specified by the .vuonode/.bc implementation.
string getDefaultTitleWithoutSuffix (void)
 Returns the default title, with the optional parenthetical suffix removed.
void setDefaultTitle (string defaultTitle)
 Sets the default title for instances of this module.
string getDescription (void)
 Returns the description given in the module's metadata, or if none is given, the description found in a separate file in the module's node set.
void setDescription (string description)
 Sets the description of this module provided as documentation.
string getVersion (void)
 Returns the module's version, in Semantic Versioning format.
void setVersion (string version)
 Sets the module's version, in Semantic Versioning format.
vector< string > getKeywords (void)
 Returns a list of the module's keywords.
void setKeywords (vector< string > keywords)
 Sets the module's keywords.
VuoNodeSetgetNodeSet (void)
 Returns the node set containing this module.
void setNodeSet (VuoNodeSet *nodeSet)
 Sets the node set containing this module.

Static Public Member Functions

static bool isTypeName (const string &potentialTypeName)
 Returns true if potentialTypeName has the format of a type's module key.
static bool isListTypeName (const string &typeName)
 Returns true if the type name is for a list type.
static bool isDictionaryTypeName (const string &typeName)
 Returns true if the type name is for a dictionary type.
static string extractInnermostTypeName (const string &typeName)
 If the type name is a list (or list of lists, etc.), returns the innermost item type name.

Static Public Attributes

static const string listTypeNamePrefix = "VuoList_"
 The common beginning of all VuoList type names (before the item type name).
static const string dictionaryTypeNamePrefix = "VuoDictionary_"
 The common beginning of all VuoDictionary type names (before the key and value type names).

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ VuoType()

VuoType::VuoType ( string  typeName)

Creates a type.

typeNameA unique (across all types and node classes) name for this type.

Definition at line 26 of file

◆ ~VuoType()

VuoType::~VuoType ( void  )

to make this class dynamic_cast-able

Definition at line 32 of file

Member Function Documentation

◆ extractInnermostTypeName()

string VuoType::extractInnermostTypeName ( const string &  typeName)

If the type name is a list (or list of lists, etc.), returns the innermost item type name.

Otherwise, returns the type name itself.

Definition at line 65 of file

◆ isDictionaryTypeName()

bool VuoType::isDictionaryTypeName ( const string &  typeName)

Returns true if the type name is for a dictionary type.

Definition at line 56 of file

◆ isListTypeName()

bool VuoType::isListTypeName ( const string &  typeName)

Returns true if the type name is for a list type.

Definition at line 48 of file

◆ isTypeName()

bool VuoType::isTypeName ( const string &  potentialTypeName)

Returns true if potentialTypeName has the format of a type's module key.

(A type by that name may or may not exist.)

Definition at line 40 of file

Member Data Documentation

◆ dictionaryTypeNamePrefix

const string VuoType::dictionaryTypeNamePrefix = "VuoDictionary_"

The common beginning of all VuoDictionary type names (before the key and value type names).

Definition at line 27 of file VuoType.hh.

◆ listTypeNamePrefix

const string VuoType::listTypeNamePrefix = "VuoList_"

The common beginning of all VuoList type names (before the item type name).

Definition at line 26 of file VuoType.hh.

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