Vuo 2.4.4
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Static Public Member Functions | List of all members
VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities Class Reference


Handy methods for generating code.

Definition at line 22 of file VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities.hh.

Static Public Member Functions

static Value * generateCreateDispatchSemaphore (Module *module, BasicBlock *block, int initialValue=1)
 Generates code that constructs a dispatch_semaphore_t.
static Value * generateWaitForSemaphore (Module *module, BasicBlock *block, Value *semaphoreValue)
 Generates code that waits for and claims a dispatch_semaphore_t, with a timeout of DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER.
static Value * generateWaitForSemaphore (Module *module, BasicBlock *block, AllocaInst *semaphoreVariable)
 Generates code that waits for and claims a dispatch_semaphore_t, with a timeout of DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER.
static Value * generateWaitForSemaphore (Module *module, BasicBlock *block, Value *semaphoreValue, Value *timeoutValue)
 Generates code that waits for and possibly claims a dispatch_semaphore_t.
static Value * generateWaitForSemaphore (Module *module, BasicBlock *block, AllocaInst *semaphoreVariable, Value *timeoutValue)
 Generates code that waits for and possibly claims a dispatch_semaphore_t.
static void generateSignalForSemaphore (Module *module, BasicBlock *block, Value *semaphoreValue)
 Generates code that signals a dispatch_semaphore_t.
static void generateSignalForSemaphore (Module *module, BasicBlock *block, AllocaInst *semaphoreVariable)
 Generates code that signals a dispatch_semaphore_t.
static Value * generateCreateDispatchGroup (Module *module, BasicBlock *block)
 Generates code that constructs a dispatch_group_t.
static void generateEnterDispatchGroup (Module *module, BasicBlock *block, Value *dispatchGroupValue)
 Generates code that increments the block count of a dispatch_group_t.
static void generateLeaveDispatchGroup (Module *module, BasicBlock *block, Value *dispatchGroupValue)
 Generates code that decrements the block count of a dispatch_group_t.
static void generateWaitForDispatchGroup (Module *module, BasicBlock *block, Value *dispatchGroupValue, dispatch_time_t timeout=DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER)
 Generates code that waits on a dispatch_group_t.
static Value * generateGetGlobalDispatchQueue (Module *module, BasicBlock *block)
 Generates code that retrieves the global dispatch queue.
static Value * generateCreateDispatchQueue (Module *module, BasicBlock *block, string dispatchQueueName)
 Generates code that constructs a dispatch_queue_t.
static void generateAsynchronousSubmissionToDispatchQueue (Module *module, BasicBlock *block, Value *dispatchQueueValue, Function *workerFunction, Value *contextValue)
 Generates code that submits a function for asynchronous execution on a dispatch queue.
static void generateSynchronousSubmissionToDispatchQueue (Module *module, BasicBlock *block, Value *dispatchQueueValue, Function *workerFunction, Value *contextValue)
 Generates code that submits a function for synchronous execution on a dispatch queue.
static void generateRetainForDispatchObject (Module *module, BasicBlock *block, Value *dispatchObjectVariable)
 Generates code that retains a dispatch_object_t (dispatch_queue_t, dispatch_group_t, dispatch_semaphore_t, etc.).
static void generateFinalizationForDispatchObject (Module *module, BasicBlock *block, Value *dispatchObjectVariable)
 Generates code that releases a dispatch_object_t (dispatch_queue_t, dispatch_group_t, dispatch_semaphore_t, etc.).
static Value * generateCreateDispatchTime (Module *module, BasicBlock *block, Value *deltaValue)
 Generates code that creates a dispatch_time_t by calling dispatch_time_create(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, ...).
static Value * generateCreatePortContext (Module *module, BasicBlock *block, VuoCompilerType *dataType, bool isTrigger, std::string triggerQueueName)
 Generates code that allocates a PortContext on the heap and initializes it with default values.
static void generateSetPortContextEvent (Module *module, BasicBlock *block, Value *portContextValue, Value *eventValue)
 Generates code that sets the event field of a PortContext.
static void generateSetPortContextData (Module *module, BasicBlock *block, Value *portContextValue, Value *dataValue, VuoCompilerType *dataType)
 Generates code that sets the data field of a PortContext to a heap-allocated copy of dataValue.
static void generateSetPortContextTriggerFunction (Module *module, BasicBlock *block, Value *portContextValue, Value *triggerFunctionValue)
 Generates code that sets the triggerFunction field of a PortContext.
static void generateSetPortContextEventBlocking (Module *module, BasicBlock *block, Value *portContextValue, VuoPortClass::EventBlocking eventBlocking)
 Generates code that sets the eventBlocking field of a PortContext.
static Value * generateGetPortContextEvent (Module *module, BasicBlock *block, Value *portContextValue)
 Generates code that gets the event field of a PortContext.
static Value * generateGetPortContextDataVariable (Module *module, BasicBlock *block, Value *portContextValue, VuoCompilerType *dataType)
 Generates code that gets the address of the data field of a PortContext.
static Value * generateGetPortContextDataVariableAsVoidPointer (Module *module, BasicBlock *block, Value *portContextValue)
 Generates code that returns the data field of a PortContext (a void pointer).
static Value * generateGetPortContextTriggerQueue (Module *module, BasicBlock *block, Value *portContextValue)
 Generates code that gets the triggerQueue field of a PortContext.
static Value * generateGetPortContextTriggerSemaphore (Module *module, BasicBlock *block, Value *portContextValue)
 Generates code that gets the triggerSemaphore field of a PortContext.
static Value * generateGetPortContextTriggerFunction (Module *module, BasicBlock *block, Value *portContextValue, FunctionType *functionType)
 Generates code that gets the triggerFunction field of a PortContext.
static void generateRetainPortContextData (Module *module, BasicBlock *block, Value *portContextValue)
 Generates code that calls vuoRetainPortContextData().
static Value * generateCreateNodeContext (Module *module, BasicBlock *block, bool hasInstanceData, bool isComposition, size_t outputEventCount)
 Generates code that allocates a NodeContext on the heap and initializes it with default values.
static void generateSetNodeContextPortContexts (Module *module, BasicBlock *block, Value *nodeContextValue, vector< Value * > portContextValues)
 Generates code that sets the portContexts and portContextCount fields of a NodeContext.
static void generateSetNodeContextInstanceData (Module *module, BasicBlock *block, Value *nodeContextValue, Value *instanceDataValue)
 Generates code that sets the instanceData field of a NodeContext (to a heap-allocated copy of instanceDataValue) and frees the old value.
static void generateSetNodeContextClaimingEventId (Module *module, BasicBlock *block, Value *nodeContextValue, Value *claimingEventIdValue)
 Generates code that sets the claimingEventId field of a NodeContext.
static void generateSetNodeContextOutputEvent (Module *module, BasicBlock *block, Value *nodeContextValue, size_t index, Value *eventValue)
 Generates code that sets an element of the outputEvents field of a NodeContext.
static Value * generateGetNodeContextPortContext (Module *module, BasicBlock *block, Value *nodeContextValue, int index)
 Generates code that gets an element of the portContexts field of a NodeContext.
static Value * generateGetNodeContextInstanceData (Module *module, BasicBlock *block, Value *nodeContextValue, Type *instanceDataType)
 Generates code that gets the instanceData field of a NodeContext (and dereference it to get the actual instance data).
static Value * generateGetNodeContextInstanceDataVariable (Module *module, BasicBlock *block, Value *nodeContextValue, Type *instanceDataType)
 Generates code that gets the address of the instanceData field of a NodeContext.
static Value * generateGetNodeContextClaimingEventId (Module *module, BasicBlock *block, Value *nodeContextValue)
 Generates code that gets the claimingEventId field of a NodeContext.
static Value * generateGetNodeContextExecutingGroup (Module *module, BasicBlock *block, Value *nodeContextValue)
 Generates code that gets the executingGroup field of a NodeContext.
static Value * generateGetNodeContextOutputEvent (Module *module, BasicBlock *block, Value *nodeContextValue, size_t index)
 Generates code that gets an element of the outputEvents field of a NodeContext.
static Value * generateEventHitAnyPort (Module *module, BasicBlock *block, Value *nodeContextValue)
 Generates a call to vuoEventHitAnyInputPort.
static void generateSetOutputEventsAfterNodeExecution (Module *module, BasicBlock *block, Value *nodeContextValue)
 Generates a call to vuoSetOutputEventsAfterNodeExecution.
static void generateResetNodeContextEvents (Module *module, BasicBlock *block, Value *nodeContextValue)
 Generates code that sets the event field to false for all PortContexts in a NodeContext.
static void generateStartedExecutingEvent (Module *module, BasicBlock *block, Value *nodeContextValue, Value *eventIdValue)
 Generates a call to vuoStartedExecutingEvent.
static void generateSpunOffExecutingEvent (Module *module, BasicBlock *block, Value *nodeContextValue, Value *eventIdValue)
 Generates a call to vuoSpunOffExecutingEvent.
static Value * generateFinishedExecutingEvent (Module *module, BasicBlock *block, Value *nodeContextValue, Value *eventIdValue)
 Generates a call to vuoFinishedExecutingEvent.
static Value * generateGetOneExecutingEvent (Module *module, BasicBlock *block, Value *nodeContextValue)
 Generates a call to vuoGetOneExecutingEvent.
static Value * generateCreateCompositionState (Module *module, BasicBlock *block, Value *runtimeStateValue, Value *compositionIdentifierValue)
 Generates code that creates a VuoCompositionState * from the given void *runtimeState and char *compositionIdentifier.
static Value * generateGetCompositionStateRuntimeState (Module *module, BasicBlock *block, Value *compositionStateValue)
 Generates code that gets the runtimeState field of a VuoCompositionState *.
static Value * generateGetCompositionStateCompositionIdentifier (Module *module, BasicBlock *block, Value *compositionStateValue)
 Generates code that gets the compositionIdentifier field of a VuoCompositionState *.
static void generateFreeCompositionState (Module *module, BasicBlock *block, Value *compositionStateValue)
 Generates code that frees a VuoCompositionState * (but not its fields).
static Value * generateGetDataForPort (Module *module, BasicBlock *block, Value *compositionStateValue, Value *portIdentifierValue)
 Generates code that retrives the data field in a port's context, given the port's identifier.
static Value * generateGetNodeIndexForPort (Module *module, BasicBlock *block, Value *compositionStateValue, Value *portIdentifierValue)
 Generates code that retrieves the index (in VuoCompilerBitcodeGenerator::orderedNodes) of a node, given the identifier of a port on the node.
static Value * generateGetTypeIndexForPort (Module *module, BasicBlock *block, Value *compositionStateValue, Value *portIdentifierValue)
 Generates code that retrieves the index (in VuoCompilerBitcodeGenerator::orderedTypes) of a port's type, given the port's identifier.
static void generateScheduleTriggerWorker (Module *module, BasicBlock *block, Value *queueValue, Value *contextValue, Value *workerFunctionValue, int minThreadsNeeded, int maxThreadsNeeded, Value *eventIdValue, Value *compositionStateValue, int chainCount)
 Generates a call to vuoScheduleTriggerWorker.
static void generateScheduleChainWorker (Module *module, BasicBlock *block, Value *queueValue, Value *contextValue, Value *workerFunctionValue, int minThreadsNeeded, int maxThreadsNeeded, Value *eventIdValue, Value *compositionStateValue, size_t chainIndex, vector< size_t > upstreamChainIndices)
 Generates a call to vuoScheduleChainWorker.
static void generateGrantThreadsToChain (Module *module, BasicBlock *block, int minThreadsNeeded, int maxThreadsNeeded, Value *eventIdValue, Value *compositionStateValue, size_t chainIndex)
 Generates a call to vuoGrantThreadsToChain.
static void generateGrantThreadsToSubcomposition (Module *module, BasicBlock *block, Value *eventIdValue, Value *compositionStateValue, Value *chainIndexValue, Value *subcompositionIdentifierValue)
 Generates a call to vuoGrantThreadsToSubcomposition.
static void generateReturnThreadsForTriggerWorker (Module *module, BasicBlock *block, Value *eventIdValue, Value *compositionStateValue)
 Generates a call to vuoReturnThreadsForTriggerWorker.
static void generateReturnThreadsForChainWorker (Module *module, BasicBlock *block, Value *eventIdValue, Value *compositionStateValue, Value *chainIndexValue)
 Generates a call to vuoReturnThreadsForChainWorker.
static void generateLockNodes (Module *module, BasicBlock *&block, Value *compositionStateValue, const vector< size_t > &nodeIndices, Value *eventIdValue, VuoCompilerConstantsCache *constantsCache)
 Generates a call to vuoLockNodes().
static void generateLockNode (Module *module, BasicBlock *&block, Value *compositionStateValue, size_t nodeIndex, Value *eventIdValue)
 Generates a call to vuoLockNode().
static void generateLockNode (Module *module, BasicBlock *&block, Value *compositionStateValue, Value *nodeIndexValue, Value *eventIdValue)
 Generates a call to vuoLockNode().
static void generateUnlockNodes (Module *module, BasicBlock *block, Value *compositionStateValue, const vector< size_t > &nodeIndices, VuoCompilerConstantsCache *constantsCache)
 Generates a call to vuoUnlockNodes().
static void generateUnlockNode (Module *module, BasicBlock *block, Value *compositionStateValue, size_t nodeIndex)
 Generates a call to vuoUnlockNode().
static void generateUnlockNode (Module *module, BasicBlock *block, Value *compositionStateValue, Value *nodeIndexValue)
 Generates a call to vuoUnlockNode().
static void generateSetArrayElement (Module *module, BasicBlock *block, Value *arrayValue, size_t elementIndex, Value *value)
 Generates code that sets the array element at the given index.
static Value * generateGetArrayElement (Module *module, BasicBlock *block, Value *arrayValue, size_t elementIndex)
 Generates code that gets the array element at the given index.
static Value * generateGetArrayElement (Module *module, BasicBlock *block, Value *arrayValue, Value *elementIndexValue)
 Generates code that gets the array element at the given index.
static void generateSetStructPointerElement (Module *module, BasicBlock *block, Value *structPointer, size_t elementIndex, Value *value)
 Generates code that sets the struct element at the given index.
static Value * generateGetStructPointerElement (Module *module, BasicBlock *block, Value *structPointer, size_t elementIndex)
 Generates code that gets the struct element at the given index.
static Value * generatePointerToValue (BasicBlock *block, Value *value)
 Generates code that creates a pointer to value (on the stack), and returns the pointer.
static Constant * generatePointerToConstantString (Module *module, string stringValue, string globalVariableName="")
 Generates code that creates a global string variable.
static Constant * generatePointerToConstantArrayOfStrings (Module *module, vector< string > stringValues, string globalVariableName="")
 Generates code that creates a global array-of-strings variable.
static Constant * generatePointerToConstantArrayOfUnsignedLongs (Module *module, const vector< unsigned long > &values, string globalVariableName="")
 Generates a global array-of-unsigned-longs variable.
static void generateStringMatchingCode (Module *module, Function *function, BasicBlock *initialBlock, BasicBlock *finalBlock, Value *inputStringValue, map< string, pair< BasicBlock *, BasicBlock * > > blocksForString, VuoCompilerConstantsCache *constantsCache)
 Generates a series of if-else statements for testing if an input string is equal to any of a set of constant strings, and executing the corresponding block of code if it is.
static void generateIndexMatchingCode (Module *module, Function *function, BasicBlock *initialBlock, BasicBlock *finalBlock, Value *inputIndexValue, vector< pair< BasicBlock *, BasicBlock * > > blocksForIndex)
 Generates a series of if-else statements for testing if an input index is equal to any of a set of indices, and executing the corresponding block of code if it is.
static Value * generateFormattedString (Module *module, BasicBlock *block, string formatString, vector< Value * > replacementValues, VuoCompilerConstantsCache *constantsCache)
 Generates code that allocates a buffer to hold the composite string, then calls snprintf to combine the format string and replacement values into the composite string.
static Value * generateStringConcatenation (Module *module, BasicBlock *block, vector< Value * > stringsToConcatenate, VuoCompilerConstantsCache *constantsCache)
 Generates code that allocates a buffer to hold the composite string, then concatenates each member of stringsToConcatenate into the composite string.
static Value * generateMemoryAllocation (Module *module, BasicBlock *block, Type *elementType, int elementCount)
 Generates code that dynamically allocates memory for an array.
static Value * generateMemoryAllocation (Module *module, BasicBlock *block, Type *elementType, Value *elementCountValue)
 Generates code that dynamically allocates memory for an array.
static Value * generateMemoryAllocation (Module *module, BasicBlock *block, size_t bytes)
 Generates code that dynamically allocates a specified amount of memory.
static Value * generateMemoryAllocation (Module *module, BasicBlock *block, VuoCompilerType *type)
 Generates code that dynamically allocates memory for an instance of type.
static void generateMemoryCopy (Module *module, BasicBlock *block, Value *sourceAddress, Value *destAddress, size_t bytes)
 Generates code that copies memory.
static void generateMemoryCopy (Module *module, BasicBlock *block, Value *sourceAddress, Value *destAddress, VuoCompilerType *type)
 Generates code that copies memory.
static Value * generateTypeCast (Module *module, BasicBlock *block, Value *valueToCast, Type *typeToCastTo)
 Generates code to cast the value to the desired type (if it doesn't already have that type).
static void generateAnnotation (Module *module, BasicBlock *block, Value *value, string annotation, string fileName, unsigned int lineNumber, VuoCompilerConstantsCache *constantsCache)
 Generates a call to llvm.var.annotation, which annotates a value with a string.
static void generateModuleMetadata (Module *module, string metadata, string moduleKey)
 Generates code equivalent to the VuoModuleMetadata macro.
static void generateRegisterCall (Module *module, BasicBlock *block, Value *argument, Function *freeFunction)
 Generates code to register argument.
static void generateRetainCall (Module *module, BasicBlock *block, Value *argument)
 Generates any code needed to retain argument.
static void generateReleaseCall (Module *module, BasicBlock *block, Value *argument)
 Generates any code needed to release argument.
static void generateRetainOrReleaseCall (Module *module, BasicBlock *block, Value *argument, bool isRetain)
 Generates any code needed to retain or release argument.
static void generateFreeCall (Module *module, BasicBlock *block, Value *argument)
 Generates a call to free argument (after casting it to a void pointer).
static void generateJsonObjectPut (Module *module, BasicBlock *block, Value *jsonObjectValue)
 Generates a call to json_object_put().
static void generateNullCheck (Module *module, Function *function, Value *valueToCheck, BasicBlock *initialBlock, BasicBlock *&nullBlock, BasicBlock *&notNullBlock)
 Generates code that checks if valueToCheck (assumed to have a pointer type) is null.
static Value * generateSerialization (Module *module, BasicBlock *block, Value *valueToSerialize, VuoCompilerConstantsCache *constantsCache)
 Generates code that creates a string representation of the given value.
static void generateUnserialization (Module *module, BasicBlock *block, Value *stringToUnserialize, Value *destinationVariable, VuoCompilerConstantsCache *constantsCache)
 Generates code that creates a value of the given type from the given string representation, and stores it in the destination variable.
static ICmpInst * generateIsPausedComparison (Module *module, BasicBlock *block, Value *compositionStateValue)
 Generates code that gets the return value of vuoIsPaused() as a comparison value.
static void generateSendNodeExecutionStarted (Module *module, BasicBlock *block, Value *compositionStateValue, Value *nodeIdentifierValue)
 Generates a call to vuoSendNodeExecutionStarted().
static void generateSendNodeExecutionFinished (Module *module, BasicBlock *block, Value *compositionStateValue, Value *nodeIdentifierValue)
 Generates a call to vuoSendNodeExecutionFinished().
static void generateSendInputPortsUpdated (Module *module, BasicBlock *block, Value *compositionStateValue, Value *portIdentifierValue, bool receivedEvent, bool receivedData, Value *portDataSummaryValue)
 Generates a call to vuoSendInputPortsUpdated().
static void generateSendInputPortsUpdated (Module *module, BasicBlock *block, Value *compositionStateValue, Value *portIdentifierValue, Value *receivedEventValue, Value *receivedDataValue, Value *portDataSummaryValue)
 Generates a call to vuoSendInputPortsUpdated().
static void generateSendOutputPortsUpdated (Module *module, BasicBlock *block, Value *compositionStateValue, Value *portIdentifierValue, Value *sentEventValue, Value *sentDataValue, Value *portDataSummaryValue)
 Generates a call to vuoSendOutputPortsUpdated().
static void generateSendPublishedOutputPortsUpdated (Module *module, BasicBlock *block, Value *compositionStateValue, Value *portIdentifierValue, Value *sentDataValue, Value *portDataSummaryValue)
 Generates a call to vuoSendPublishedOutputPortsUpdated().
static void generateSendEventFinished (Module *module, BasicBlock *block, Value *compositionStateValue, Value *eventIdValue)
 Generates a call to vuoSendEventFinished().
static void generateSendEventDropped (Module *module, BasicBlock *block, Value *compositionStateValue, Value *portIdentifierValue)
 Generates a call to vuoSendEventDropped().
static ICmpInst * generateShouldSendDataTelemetryComparison (Module *module, BasicBlock *block, string portIdentifier, Value *compositionStateValue, VuoCompilerConstantsCache *constantsCache)
 Generates code that gets the return value of the vuoShouldSendPortDataTelemetry() function as a comparison value.
static void generateIsNodeBeingRemovedOrReplacedCheck (Module *module, Function *function, string nodeIdentifier, Value *compositionStateValue, BasicBlock *initialBlock, BasicBlock *&trueBlock, BasicBlock *&falseBlock, VuoCompilerConstantsCache *constantsCache, Value *&replacementJsonValue)
 Generates code that checks if vuoIsNodeBeingRemovedOrReplaced() returns true for nodeIdentifier.
static ICmpInst * generateIsNodeBeingAddedOrReplacedCheck (Module *module, Function *function, string nodeIdentifier, Value *compositionStateValue, BasicBlock *initialBlock, BasicBlock *&trueBlock, BasicBlock *&falseBlock, VuoCompilerConstantsCache *constantsCache, Value *&replacementJsonValue)
 Generates code that checks if vuoIsNodeBeingAddedOrReplaced() returns true for nodeIdentifier.
static ConstantInt * generateNoEventIdConstant (Module *module)
 Generates a dummy event ID to represent that no event is claiming a node.
static Value * generateGetNodeContext (Module *module, BasicBlock *block, Value *compositionStateValue, size_t nodeIndex)
 Generates a call to vuoGetNodeContext().
static Value * generateGetNodeContext (Module *module, BasicBlock *block, Value *compositionStateValue, Value *nodeIndexValue)
 Generates a call to vuoGetNodeContext().
static Value * generateGetCompositionContext (Module *module, BasicBlock *block, Value *compositionStateValue)
 Generates a call to vuoGetCompositionContext().
static void generateAddNodeMetadata (Module *module, BasicBlock *block, Value *compositionStateValue, Value *nodeIdentifierValue, Function *compositionCreateContextForNodeFunction, Function *compositionSetPortValueFunction, Function *compositionGetPortValueFunction, Function *compositionFireTriggerPortEventFunction, Function *compositionReleasePortDataFunction)
 Generates a call to vuoAddNodeMetadata().
static void generateAddPortMetadata (Module *module, BasicBlock *block, Value *compositionStateValue, Value *portIdentifierValue, Value *portNameValue, size_t typeIndex, Value *initialValueValue)
 Generates a call to vuoAddPortMetadata().
static void generateInitContextForTopLevelComposition (Module *module, BasicBlock *block, Value *compositionStateValue, bool isStatefulComposition, size_t publishedOutputPortCount)
 Generates a call to vuoInitContextForTopLevelComposition().
static void generateFiniContextForTopLevelComposition (Module *module, BasicBlock *block, Value *compositionStateValue)
 Generates a call to vuoFiniContextForTopLevelComposition().
static Value * getTriggerWorkersScheduledValue (Module *module, BasicBlock *block, Value *compositionStateValue)
 Generates a call to vuoGetTriggerWorkersScheduled().
static Value * generateGetInputPortString (Module *module, BasicBlock *block, Value *compositionStateValue, Value *portIdentifierValue, Value *interprocessSerializationValue)
 Generates a call to vuoGetInputPortString().
static Value * generateGetOutputPortString (Module *module, BasicBlock *block, Value *compositionStateValue, Value *portIdentifierValue, Value *interprocessSerializationValue)
 Generates a call to vuoGetOutputPortString().
static Value * generateRuntimeStateValue (Module *module, BasicBlock *block)
 Generates code that gets the value of the vuoRuntimeState global variable.
static Value * generateGetNextEventId (Module *module, BasicBlock *block, Value *compositionStateValue)
 Generates a call to vuoGetNextEventId().
static Value * generateCreateTriggerWorkerContext (Module *module, BasicBlock *block, Value *compositionStateValue, Value *dataCopyValue, Value *eventIdCopyValue)
 Generates a call to vuoCreateTriggerWorkerContext().
static void generateFreeTriggerWorkerContext (Module *module, BasicBlock *block, Value *contextValue)
 Generates a call to vuoFreeTriggerWorkerContext().
static Value * generateCreatePublishedInputWorkerContext (Module *module, BasicBlock *block, Value *compositionStateValue, Value *inputPortIdentifierValue, Value *valueAsStringValue, Value *isCompositionRunningValue)
 Generates a call to vuoCreatePublishedInputWorkerContext().
static void generateAddCompositionStateToThreadLocalStorage (Module *module, BasicBlock *block, Value *compositionStateValue)
 Generates a call to vuoAddCompositionStateToThreadLocalStorage().
static void generateRemoveCompositionStateFromThreadLocalStorage (Module *module, BasicBlock *block)
 Generates a call to vuoRemoveCompositionStateFromThreadLocalStorage().
static void generatePrint (Module *module, BasicBlock *block, string formatString, Value *value=NULL)
 Generates code that prints to stderr either a string literal or a formatted string with a value.
static void generatePrint (Module *module, BasicBlock *block, string formatString, const vector< Value * > &values)
 Generates code that prints to stderr either a string literal or a formatted string with a value.
static void generateVuoLog (Module *module, BasicBlock *block, string formatString, Value *value=NULL)
 Generates code that calls VuoLog() with either a string literal or a formatted string with a value.
static void generateVuoLog (Module *module, BasicBlock *block, string formatString, const vector< Value * > &values)
 Generates code that calls VuoLog() with either a string literal or a formatted string with a value.
static bool isPointerToStruct (Type *type, StructType **structType=nullptr)
 Returns true and outputs the struct type if type is a pointer to a struct.
static Value * callFunctionWithStructReturn (Function *function, vector< Value * > args, BasicBlock *block)
 Generates a call to the function, whose first parameter is assumed to have LLVM's sret attribute.
static bool isFunctionReturningStructViaParameter (Function *function)
 Returns true if the function's first parameter has LLVM's sret attribute, or in other words, LLVM has transformed struct MyType foo(...) to void foo(struct MyType *, ...).
static void copyParameterAttributes (Function *srcFunction, Function *dstFunction)
 Adds the LLVM attributes of srcFunction's to the corresponding parameters of dstFunction.
static void copyParameterAttributes (Module *module, Function *srcFunction, CallInst *dstCall)
 Adds the LLVM attributes of srcFunction's to the corresponding parameters of dstCall.
static void copyParameterAttributes (Module *module, const AttributeList &srcAttributes, size_t srcStartParam, size_t srcNumParams, Function *dstFunction, size_t dstStartParam)
 Sets the LLVM attributes of dstFunction's parameters to match the corresponding parameters in srcAttributes.
static void copyParameterAttributes (Module *module, const AttributeList &srcAttributes, size_t srcStartParam, size_t srcNumParams, CallInst *dstCall, size_t dstStartParam)
 Sets the LLVM attributes of dstCall's arguments to match the corresponding parameters in srcAttributes.
static FunctionType * getFunctionType (Module *module, VuoType *paramType)
 Returns a function type that accepts a vuoType (or its lowered form) as its parameter and has a void return type.
static Value * getArgumentAtIndex (Function *function, size_t index)
 Returns the argument at index (numbered from 0) in the function's argument list.
static PointerType * getDispatchSemaphoreType (Module *module)
 Returns a Type reference, generating code for the declaration if needed.
static PointerType * getDispatchGroupType (Module *module)
 Returns a Type reference, generating code for the declaration if needed.
static StructType * getDispatchObjectType (Module *module)
 Returns a Type reference, generating code for the declaration if needed.
static StructType * getNodeContextType (Module *module)
 Returns a Type reference, generating code for the declaration if needed.
static StructType * getPortContextType (Module *module)
 Returns a Type reference, generating code for the declaration if needed.
static StructType * getCompositionStateType (Module *module)
 Returns a Type reference, generating code for the declaration if needed.
static StructType * getJsonObjectType (Module *module)
 Returns a Type reference, generating code for the declaration if needed.
static PointerType * getCompositionInstanceDataType (Module *module)
 Returns a Type reference, generating code for the declaration if needed.
static Function * getStrcatFunction (Module *module)
 Returns a Function reference, generating code for the declaration if needed.
static Function * getStrcmpFunction (Module *module)
 Returns a Function reference, generating code for the declaration if needed.
static Function * getStrdupFunction (Module *module)
 Returns a Function reference, generating code for the declaration if needed.
static Function * getStrlenFunction (Module *module)
 Returns a Function reference, generating code for the declaration if needed.
static Function * getSnprintfFunction (Module *module)
 Returns a Function reference, generating code for the declaration if needed.
static Function * getSscanfFunction (Module *module)
 Returns a Function reference, generating code for the declaration if needed.
static Function * getFprintfFunction (Module *module)
 Returns a Function reference, generating code for the declaration if needed.
static Function * getVuoLogFunction (Module *module)
 Returns a Function reference, generating code for the declaration if needed.
static Function * getPutsFunction (Module *module)
 Returns a Function reference, generating code for the declaration if needed.
static Function * getMallocFunction (Module *module)
 Returns a Function reference, generating code for the declaration if needed.
static Function * getMemcpyFunction (Module *module)
 Returns a Function reference, generating code for the declaration if needed.
static Function * getFreeFunction (Module *module)
 Returns a Function reference, generating code for the declaration if needed.
static Function * getAnnotateFunction (Module *module)
 Returns a Function reference, generating code for the declaration if needed.
static Function * getJsonObjectPutFunction (Module *module)
 Returns a Function reference, generating code for the declaration if needed.
static Function * getJsonObjectToJsonStringExtFunction (Module *module)
 Returns a Function reference, generating code for the declaration if needed.
static Function * getJsonTokenerParseFunction (Module *module)
 Returns a Function reference, generating code for the declaration if needed.
static Function * getVuoShaderMakeFunction (Module *module)
 Returns a Function reference, generating code for the declaration if needed.
static Function * getVuoShaderAddSourceFunction (Module *module)
 Returns a Function reference, generating code for the declaration if needed.
static Function * getVuoShaderSetTransparentFunction (Module *module)
 Returns a Function reference, generating code for the declaration if needed.
static Function * getVuoShaderSetUniformFunction (Module *module, VuoCompilerType *type)
 Returns a Function reference, generating code for the declaration if needed.
static Function * getVuoSamplerRectCoordinatesFromNormalizedCoordinatesFunction (Module *module)
 Returns a Function reference, generating code for the declaration if needed.
static Function * getVuoImageGetColorDepthFunction (Module *module)
 Returns a Function reference, generating code for the declaration if needed.
static Function * getVuoImageRendererRenderFunction (Module *module)
 Returns a Function reference, generating code for the declaration if needed.
static Function * getCompositionAddNodeMetadataFunction (Module *module)
 Returns a Function reference, generating code for the declaration if needed.
static Function * getCompositionCreateContextForNodeFunction (Module *module)
 Returns a Function reference, generating code for the declaration if needed.
static Function * getCompositionPerformDataOnlyTransmissionsFunction (Module *module)
 Returns a Function reference, generating code for the declaration if needed.
static Function * getCompositionReleasePortDataFunction (Module *module)
 Returns a Function reference, generating code for the declaration if needed.
static Function * getSetupFunction (Module *module)
 Returns a Function reference, generating code for the declaration if needed.
static Function * getCleanupFunction (Module *module)
 Returns a Function reference, generating code for the declaration if needed.
static Function * getInstanceInitFunction (Module *module)
 Returns a Function reference, generating code for the declaration if needed.
static Function * getInstanceFiniFunction (Module *module)
 Returns a Function reference, generating code for the declaration if needed.
static Function * getInstanceTriggerStartFunction (Module *module)
 Returns a Function reference, generating code for the declaration if needed.
static Function * getInstanceTriggerStopFunction (Module *module)
 Returns a Function reference, generating code for the declaration if needed.
static Function * getNodeInstanceInitFunction (Module *module, string moduleKey, bool isSubcomposition, Type *instanceDataType, const vector< VuoPort * > &modelInputPorts, map< VuoPort *, size_t > &indexOfParameter, VuoCompilerConstantsCache *constantsCache)
 Returns a Function reference, generating code for the declaration if needed.
static Function * getNodeInstanceFiniFunction (Module *module, string moduleKey, Type *instanceDataType, VuoCompilerConstantsCache *constantsCache)
 Returns a Function reference, generating code for the declaration if needed.
static Function * getNodeInstanceTriggerStartFunction (Module *module, string moduleKey, Type *instanceDataType, const vector< VuoPort * > &modelInputPorts, map< VuoPort *, size_t > &indexOfParameter, VuoCompilerConstantsCache *constantsCache)
 Returns a Function reference, generating code for the declaration if needed.
static Function * getNodeInstanceTriggerStopFunction (Module *module, string moduleKey, Type *instanceDataType, VuoCompilerConstantsCache *constantsCache)
 Returns a Function reference, generating code for the declaration if needed.
static Function * getNodeInstanceTriggerUpdateFunction (Module *module, string moduleKey, Type *instanceDataType, const vector< VuoPort * > &modelInputPorts, map< VuoPort *, size_t > &indexOfParameter, VuoCompilerConstantsCache *constantsCache)
 Returns a Function reference, generating code for the declaration if needed.
static Function * getNodeEventFunction (Module *module, string moduleKey, bool isSubcomposition, bool isStateful, Type *instanceDataType, const vector< VuoPort * > &modelInputPorts, const vector< VuoPort * > &modelOutputPorts, const map< VuoPort *, json_object * > &detailsForPorts, const map< VuoPort *, string > &displayNamesForPorts, const map< VuoPort *, string > &defaultValuesForInputPorts, const map< VuoPort *, VuoPortClass::EventBlocking > &eventBlockingForInputPorts, map< VuoPort *, size_t > &indexOfParameter, map< VuoPort *, size_t > &indexOfEventParameter, VuoCompilerConstantsCache *constantsCache)
 Returns a Function reference, generating code for the declaration if needed.
static Function * getCompositionGetPortValueFunction (Module *module)
 Returns a Function reference, generating code for the declaration if needed.
static Function * getSetInputPortValueFunction (Module *module)
 Returns a Function reference, generating code for the declaration if needed.
static Function * getCompositionSetPortValueFunction (Module *module)
 Returns a Function reference, generating code for the declaration if needed.
static Function * getCompositionFireTriggerPortEventFunction (Module *module)
 Returns a Function reference, generating code for the declaration if needed.
static Function * getGetPublishedInputPortValueFunction (Module *module)
 Returns a Function reference, generating code for the declaration if needed.
static Function * getGetPublishedOutputPortValueFunction (Module *module)
 Returns a Function reference, generating code for the declaration if needed.
static Function * getCompositionSetPublishedInputPortValueFunction (Module *module)
 Returns a Function reference, generating code for the declaration if needed.
static Function * getSetPublishedInputPortValueFunction (Module *module)
 Returns a Function reference, generating code for the declaration if needed.

Member Function Documentation

◆ callFunctionWithStructReturn()

Value * VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::callFunctionWithStructReturn ( Function *  function,
vector< Value * >  args,
BasicBlock *  block 

Generates a call to the function, whose first parameter is assumed to have LLVM's sret attribute.

Definition at line 5204 of file

◆ copyParameterAttributes() [1/4]

void VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::copyParameterAttributes ( Function *  srcFunction,
Function *  dstFunction 

Adds the LLVM attributes of srcFunction's to the corresponding parameters of dstFunction.

Definition at line 5228 of file

◆ copyParameterAttributes() [2/4]

void VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::copyParameterAttributes ( Module *  module,
const AttributeList &  srcAttributes,
size_t  srcStartParam,
size_t  srcNumParams,
CallInst *  dstCall,
size_t  dstStartParam 

Sets the LLVM attributes of dstCall's arguments to match the corresponding parameters in srcAttributes.

Definition at line 5263 of file

◆ copyParameterAttributes() [3/4]

void VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::copyParameterAttributes ( Module *  module,
const AttributeList &  srcAttributes,
size_t  srcStartParam,
size_t  srcNumParams,
Function *  dstFunction,
size_t  dstStartParam 

Sets the LLVM attributes of dstFunction's parameters to match the corresponding parameters in srcAttributes.

Definition at line 5246 of file

◆ copyParameterAttributes() [4/4]

void VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::copyParameterAttributes ( Module *  module,
Function *  srcFunction,
CallInst *  dstCall 

Adds the LLVM attributes of srcFunction's to the corresponding parameters of dstCall.

Definition at line 5238 of file

◆ generateAddCompositionStateToThreadLocalStorage()

void VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generateAddCompositionStateToThreadLocalStorage ( Module *  module,
BasicBlock *  block,
Value *  compositionStateValue 

Generates a call to vuoAddCompositionStateToThreadLocalStorage().

Definition at line 3713 of file

◆ generateAddNodeMetadata()

void VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generateAddNodeMetadata ( Module *  module,
BasicBlock *  block,
Value *  compositionStateValue,
Value *  nodeIdentifierValue,
Function *  compositionCreateContextForNodeFunction,
Function *  compositionSetPortValueFunction,
Function *  compositionGetPortValueFunction,
Function *  compositionFireTriggerPortEventFunction,
Function *  compositionReleasePortDataFunction 

Generates a call to vuoAddNodeMetadata().

Definition at line 3372 of file

◆ generateAddPortMetadata()

void VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generateAddPortMetadata ( Module *  module,
BasicBlock *  block,
Value *  compositionStateValue,
Value *  portIdentifierValue,
Value *  portNameValue,
size_t  typeIndex,
Value *  initialValueValue 

Generates a call to vuoAddPortMetadata().

Definition at line 3417 of file

◆ generateAnnotation()

void VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generateAnnotation ( Module *  module,
BasicBlock *  block,
Value *  value,
string  annotation,
string  fileName,
unsigned int  lineNumber,
VuoCompilerConstantsCache constantsCache 

Generates a call to llvm.var.annotation, which annotates a value with a string.

moduleThe module in which to generate code.
blockThe block in which to generate code.
valueThe value to be annotated.
annotationThe annotation to be associated with the value.
fileNameThe name of the file for the module (or an empty string if no file).
lineNumberThe line number in the file for the module (or 0 if no file).
constantsCacheThe cache of LLVM constants used to generate string values.

Definition at line 2539 of file

◆ generateAsynchronousSubmissionToDispatchQueue()

void VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generateAsynchronousSubmissionToDispatchQueue ( Module *  module,
BasicBlock *  block,
Value *  dispatchQueueValue,
Function *  workerFunction,
Value *  contextValue 

Generates code that submits a function for asynchronous execution on a dispatch queue.

Definition at line 342 of file

◆ generateCreateCompositionState()

Value * VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generateCreateCompositionState ( Module *  module,
BasicBlock *  block,
Value *  runtimeStateValue,
Value *  compositionIdentifierValue 

Generates code that creates a VuoCompositionState * from the given void *runtimeState and char *compositionIdentifier.

Definition at line 1403 of file

◆ generateCreateDispatchGroup()

Value * VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generateCreateDispatchGroup ( Module *  module,
BasicBlock *  block 

Generates code that constructs a dispatch_group_t.

moduleThe module in which to generate code.
blockThe block in which to generate code.
The return value of dispatch_group_create().

Definition at line 160 of file

◆ generateCreateDispatchQueue()

Value * VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generateCreateDispatchQueue ( Module *  module,
BasicBlock *  block,
string  dispatchQueueName 

Generates code that constructs a dispatch_queue_t.

moduleThe module in which to generate code.
blockThe block in which to generate code.
dispatchQueueNameThe argument to pass to dispatch_queue_create().
The return value of dispatch_queue_create().

Definition at line 289 of file

◆ generateCreateDispatchSemaphore()

Value * VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generateCreateDispatchSemaphore ( Module *  module,
BasicBlock *  block,
int  initialValue = 1 

Generates code that constructs a dispatch_semaphore_t.

moduleThe module in which to generate code.
blockThe block in which to generate code.
initialValueThe argument to pass to dispatch_semaphore_create().
The return value of dispatch_semaphore_create().

Definition at line 30 of file

◆ generateCreateDispatchTime()

Value * VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generateCreateDispatchTime ( Module *  module,
BasicBlock *  block,
Value *  deltaValue 

Generates code that creates a dispatch_time_t by calling dispatch_time_create(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, ...).

moduleThe module in which to generate code.
blockThe block in which to generate code.
deltaValueThe 2nd argument to dispatch_time_create.
The created dispatch_time_t.

Definition at line 496 of file

◆ generateCreateNodeContext()

Value * VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generateCreateNodeContext ( Module *  module,
BasicBlock *  block,
bool  hasInstanceData,
bool  isComposition,
size_t  outputEventCount 

Generates code that allocates a NodeContext on the heap and initializes it with default values.

moduleThe module in which to generate code.
blockThe block in which to generate code.
hasInstanceDataWhether this node has instance data.
isCompositionWhether this node is a subcomposition.
outputEventCountThe number of output ports, used to create the outputEvents field for subcompositions.
A value of type NodeContext *.

Definition at line 865 of file

◆ generateCreatePortContext()

Value * VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generateCreatePortContext ( Module *  module,
BasicBlock *  block,
VuoCompilerType dataType,
bool  isTrigger,
std::string  triggerQueueName 

Generates code that allocates a PortContext on the heap and initializes it with default values.

moduleThe module in which to generate code.
blockThe block in which to generate code.
dataTypeThe type of the port's data, or null if the port is event-only.
isTriggerWhether the port is a trigger.
triggerQueueNameIf the port is a trigger, the name to use when creating its dispatch queue.
A value of type PortContext *.

Definition at line 533 of file

◆ generateCreatePublishedInputWorkerContext()

Value * VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generateCreatePublishedInputWorkerContext ( Module *  module,
BasicBlock *  block,
Value *  compositionStateValue,
Value *  inputPortIdentifierValue,
Value *  valueAsStringValue,
Value *  isCompositionRunningValue 

Generates a call to vuoCreatePublishedInputWorkerContext().

Definition at line 3680 of file

◆ generateCreateTriggerWorkerContext()

Value * VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generateCreateTriggerWorkerContext ( Module *  module,
BasicBlock *  block,
Value *  compositionStateValue,
Value *  dataCopyValue,
Value *  eventIdCopyValue 

Generates a call to vuoCreateTriggerWorkerContext().

Definition at line 3628 of file

◆ generateEnterDispatchGroup()

void VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generateEnterDispatchGroup ( Module *  module,
BasicBlock *  block,
Value *  dispatchGroupValue 

Generates code that increments the block count of a dispatch_group_t.

Definition at line 180 of file

◆ generateEventHitAnyPort()

Value * VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generateEventHitAnyPort ( Module *  module,
BasicBlock *  block,
Value *  nodeContextValue 

Generates a call to vuoEventHitAnyInputPort.

Definition at line 1203 of file

◆ generateFinalizationForDispatchObject()

void VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generateFinalizationForDispatchObject ( Module *  module,
BasicBlock *  block,
Value *  dispatchObjectVariable 

Generates code that releases a dispatch_object_t (dispatch_queue_t, dispatch_group_t, dispatch_semaphore_t, etc.).

moduleThe module in which to generate code.
blockThe block in which to generate code.
dispatchObjectVariableA pointer to the dispatch_object_t (e.g. a GlobalVariable or AllocaInst).

Definition at line 471 of file

◆ generateFiniContextForTopLevelComposition()

void VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generateFiniContextForTopLevelComposition ( Module *  module,
BasicBlock *  block,
Value *  compositionStateValue 

Generates a call to vuoFiniContextForTopLevelComposition().

Definition at line 3486 of file

◆ generateFinishedExecutingEvent()

Value * VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generateFinishedExecutingEvent ( Module *  module,
BasicBlock *  block,
Value *  nodeContextValue,
Value *  eventIdValue 

Generates a call to vuoFinishedExecutingEvent.

moduleThe module in which to generate code.
blockThe block in which to generate code.
nodeContextValueThe composition's node context, a value of type NodeContext *.
eventIdValueA value of type unsigned long.
A value of type bool.

Definition at line 1347 of file

◆ generateFormattedString()

Value * VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generateFormattedString ( Module *  module,
BasicBlock *  block,
string  formatString,
vector< Value * >  replacementValues,
VuoCompilerConstantsCache constantsCache 

Generates code that allocates a buffer to hold the composite string, then calls snprintf to combine the format string and replacement values into the composite string.

moduleThe module in which to generate code.
blockThe block in which to generate code.
formatStringThe format string to be passed to snprintf.
replacementValuesThe replacement values to be passed to snprintf.
constantsCacheThe cache of LLVM constants used to generate string values.
A value containing the address of the composite string.

Definition at line 2253 of file

◆ generateFreeCall()

void VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generateFreeCall ( Module *  module,
BasicBlock *  block,
Value *  argument 

Generates a call to free argument (after casting it to a void pointer).

Definition at line 2855 of file

◆ generateFreeCompositionState()

void VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generateFreeCompositionState ( Module *  module,
BasicBlock *  block,
Value *  compositionStateValue 

Generates code that frees a VuoCompositionState * (but not its fields).

Definition at line 1478 of file

◆ generateFreeTriggerWorkerContext()

void VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generateFreeTriggerWorkerContext ( Module *  module,
BasicBlock *  block,
Value *  contextValue 

Generates a call to vuoFreeTriggerWorkerContext().

Definition at line 3658 of file

◆ generateGetArrayElement() [1/2]

Value * VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generateGetArrayElement ( Module *  module,
BasicBlock *  block,
Value *  arrayValue,
size_t  elementIndex 

Generates code that gets the array element at the given index.

Definition at line 1976 of file

◆ generateGetArrayElement() [2/2]

Value * VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generateGetArrayElement ( Module *  module,
BasicBlock *  block,
Value *  arrayValue,
Value *  elementIndexValue 

Generates code that gets the array element at the given index.

Definition at line 1985 of file

◆ generateGetCompositionContext()

Value * VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generateGetCompositionContext ( Module *  module,
BasicBlock *  block,
Value *  compositionStateValue 

Generates a call to vuoGetCompositionContext().

Definition at line 3349 of file

◆ generateGetCompositionStateCompositionIdentifier()

Value * VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generateGetCompositionStateCompositionIdentifier ( Module *  module,
BasicBlock *  block,
Value *  compositionStateValue 

Generates code that gets the compositionIdentifier field of a VuoCompositionState *.

Definition at line 1454 of file

◆ generateGetCompositionStateRuntimeState()

Value * VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generateGetCompositionStateRuntimeState ( Module *  module,
BasicBlock *  block,
Value *  compositionStateValue 

Generates code that gets the runtimeState field of a VuoCompositionState *.

Definition at line 1430 of file

◆ generateGetDataForPort()

Value * VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generateGetDataForPort ( Module *  module,
BasicBlock *  block,
Value *  compositionStateValue,
Value *  portIdentifierValue 

Generates code that retrives the data field in a port's context, given the port's identifier.

Definition at line 1501 of file

◆ generateGetGlobalDispatchQueue()

Value * VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generateGetGlobalDispatchQueue ( Module *  module,
BasicBlock *  block 

Generates code that retrieves the global dispatch queue.

Definition at line 254 of file

◆ generateGetInputPortString()

Value * VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generateGetInputPortString ( Module *  module,
BasicBlock *  block,
Value *  compositionStateValue,
Value *  portIdentifierValue,
Value *  interprocessSerializationValue 

Generates a call to vuoGetInputPortString().

Definition at line 3531 of file

◆ generateGetNextEventId()

Value * VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generateGetNextEventId ( Module *  module,
BasicBlock *  block,
Value *  compositionStateValue 

Generates a call to vuoGetNextEventId().

Definition at line 3605 of file

◆ generateGetNodeContext() [1/2]

Value * VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generateGetNodeContext ( Module *  module,
BasicBlock *  block,
Value *  compositionStateValue,
size_t  nodeIndex 

Generates a call to vuoGetNodeContext().

Definition at line 3312 of file

◆ generateGetNodeContext() [2/2]

Value * VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generateGetNodeContext ( Module *  module,
BasicBlock *  block,
Value *  compositionStateValue,
Value *  nodeIndexValue 

Generates a call to vuoGetNodeContext().

Definition at line 3323 of file

◆ generateGetNodeContextClaimingEventId()

Value * VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generateGetNodeContextClaimingEventId ( Module *  module,
BasicBlock *  block,
Value *  nodeContextValue 

Generates code that gets the claimingEventId field of a NodeContext.

moduleThe module in which to generate code.
blockThe block in which to generate code.
nodeContextValueA value of type NodeContext *.
The value of the field.

Definition at line 1122 of file

◆ generateGetNodeContextExecutingGroup()

Value * VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generateGetNodeContextExecutingGroup ( Module *  module,
BasicBlock *  block,
Value *  nodeContextValue 

Generates code that gets the executingGroup field of a NodeContext.

moduleThe module in which to generate code.
blockThe block in which to generate code.
nodeContextValueA value of type NodeContext *.
The value of the field.

Definition at line 1147 of file

◆ generateGetNodeContextInstanceData()

Value * VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generateGetNodeContextInstanceData ( Module *  module,
BasicBlock *  block,
Value *  nodeContextValue,
Type *  instanceDataType 

Generates code that gets the instanceData field of a NodeContext (and dereference it to get the actual instance data).

moduleThe module in which to generate code.
blockThe block in which to generate code.
nodeContextValueA value of type NodeContext *.
instanceDataTypeThe type that the instanceData field should be converted to before returning.
The value of the field.

Definition at line 1081 of file

◆ generateGetNodeContextInstanceDataVariable()

Value * VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generateGetNodeContextInstanceDataVariable ( Module *  module,
BasicBlock *  block,
Value *  nodeContextValue,
Type *  instanceDataType 

Generates code that gets the address of the instanceData field of a NodeContext.

moduleThe module in which to generate code.
blockThe block in which to generate code.
nodeContextValueA value of type NodeContext *.
instanceDataTypeThe type that the instanceData field should be converted to before returning.
The value of the field.

Definition at line 1096 of file

◆ generateGetNodeContextOutputEvent()

Value * VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generateGetNodeContextOutputEvent ( Module *  module,
BasicBlock *  block,
Value *  nodeContextValue,
size_t  index 

Generates code that gets an element of the outputEvents field of a NodeContext.

moduleThe module in which to generate code.
blockThe block in which to generate code.
nodeContextValueA value of type NodeContext *.
indexThe index of the event in the node context's array of output events.
The value of the field.

Definition at line 1173 of file

◆ generateGetNodeContextPortContext()

Value * VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generateGetNodeContextPortContext ( Module *  module,
BasicBlock *  block,
Value *  nodeContextValue,
int  index 

Generates code that gets an element of the portContexts field of a NodeContext.

moduleThe module in which to generate code.
blockThe block in which to generate code.
nodeContextValueA value of type NodeContext *.
indexThe index of the port context in the node context's array of port contexts.
The value of the field.

Definition at line 1045 of file

◆ generateGetNodeIndexForPort()

Value * VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generateGetNodeIndexForPort ( Module *  module,
BasicBlock *  block,
Value *  compositionStateValue,
Value *  portIdentifierValue 

Generates code that retrieves the index (in VuoCompilerBitcodeGenerator::orderedNodes) of a node, given the identifier of a port on the node.

Definition at line 1528 of file

◆ generateGetOneExecutingEvent()

Value * VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generateGetOneExecutingEvent ( Module *  module,
BasicBlock *  block,
Value *  nodeContextValue 

Generates a call to vuoGetOneExecutingEvent.

moduleThe module in which to generate code.
blockThe block in which to generate code.
nodeContextValueThe composition's node context, a value of type NodeContext *.
A value of type unsigned long.

Definition at line 1379 of file

◆ generateGetOutputPortString()

Value * VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generateGetOutputPortString ( Module *  module,
BasicBlock *  block,
Value *  compositionStateValue,
Value *  portIdentifierValue,
Value *  interprocessSerializationValue 

Generates a call to vuoGetOutputPortString().

Definition at line 3560 of file

◆ generateGetPortContextDataVariable()

Value * VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generateGetPortContextDataVariable ( Module *  module,
BasicBlock *  block,
Value *  portContextValue,
VuoCompilerType dataType 

Generates code that gets the address of the data field of a PortContext.

moduleThe module in which to generate code.
blockThe block in which to generate code.
portContextValueA value of type PortContext *.
dataTypeThe type that the data should be converted to before returning.
The value of the field.

Definition at line 719 of file

◆ generateGetPortContextDataVariableAsVoidPointer()

Value * VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generateGetPortContextDataVariableAsVoidPointer ( Module *  module,
BasicBlock *  block,
Value *  portContextValue 

Generates code that returns the data field of a PortContext (a void pointer).

moduleThe module in which to generate code.
blockThe block in which to generate code.
portContextValueA value of type PortContext *.
The value of the field.

Definition at line 733 of file

◆ generateGetPortContextEvent()

Value * VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generateGetPortContextEvent ( Module *  module,
BasicBlock *  block,
Value *  portContextValue 

Generates code that gets the event field of a PortContext.

moduleThe module in which to generate code.
blockThe block in which to generate code.
portContextValueA value of type PortContext *.
The value of the field.

Definition at line 693 of file

◆ generateGetPortContextTriggerFunction()

Value * VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generateGetPortContextTriggerFunction ( Module *  module,
BasicBlock *  block,
Value *  portContextValue,
FunctionType *  functionType 

Generates code that gets the triggerFunction field of a PortContext.

moduleThe module in which to generate code.
blockThe block in which to generate code.
portContextValueA value of type PortContext *.
functionTypeThe type that the function value should be converted to before returning.
The value of the field.

Definition at line 809 of file

◆ generateGetPortContextTriggerQueue()

Value * VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generateGetPortContextTriggerQueue ( Module *  module,
BasicBlock *  block,
Value *  portContextValue 

Generates code that gets the triggerQueue field of a PortContext.

moduleThe module in which to generate code.
blockThe block in which to generate code.
portContextValueA value of type PortContext *.
The value of the field.

Definition at line 758 of file

◆ generateGetPortContextTriggerSemaphore()

Value * VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generateGetPortContextTriggerSemaphore ( Module *  module,
BasicBlock *  block,
Value *  portContextValue 

Generates code that gets the triggerSemaphore field of a PortContext.

moduleThe module in which to generate code.
blockThe block in which to generate code.
portContextValueA value of type PortContext *.
The value of the field.

Definition at line 783 of file

◆ generateGetStructPointerElement()

Value * VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generateGetStructPointerElement ( Module *  module,
BasicBlock *  block,
Value *  structPointer,
size_t  elementIndex 

Generates code that gets the struct element at the given index.

Definition at line 2020 of file

◆ generateGetTypeIndexForPort()

Value * VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generateGetTypeIndexForPort ( Module *  module,
BasicBlock *  block,
Value *  compositionStateValue,
Value *  portIdentifierValue 

Generates code that retrieves the index (in VuoCompilerBitcodeGenerator::orderedTypes) of a port's type, given the port's identifier.

Definition at line 1555 of file

◆ generateGrantThreadsToChain()

void VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generateGrantThreadsToChain ( Module *  module,
BasicBlock *  block,
int  minThreadsNeeded,
int  maxThreadsNeeded,
Value *  eventIdValue,
Value *  compositionStateValue,
size_t  chainIndex 

Generates a call to vuoGrantThreadsToChain.

Definition at line 1695 of file

◆ generateGrantThreadsToSubcomposition()

void VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generateGrantThreadsToSubcomposition ( Module *  module,
BasicBlock *  block,
Value *  eventIdValue,
Value *  compositionStateValue,
Value *  chainIndexValue,
Value *  subcompositionIdentifierValue 

Generates a call to vuoGrantThreadsToSubcomposition.

Definition at line 1734 of file

◆ generateIndexMatchingCode()

void VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generateIndexMatchingCode ( Module *  module,
Function *  function,
BasicBlock *  initialBlock,
BasicBlock *  finalBlock,
Value *  inputIndexValue,
vector< pair< BasicBlock *, BasicBlock * > >  blocksForIndex 

Generates a series of if-else statements for testing if an input index is equal to any of a set of indices, and executing the corresponding block of code if it is.

Assumes that none of the blocks passed to this function contain branch instructions. (This function appends branch instructions to all but the final block.)


if (inputIndex == 0) // blockForIndex[0] else if (inputIndex == 1) // blockForIndex[1] ...

moduleThe module in which to generate code.
functionThe function in which to generate code.
initialBlockThe block to which the first if-statement will be appended.
finalBlockThe block following the if-else statements.
inputIndexValueThe index to compare in each if-statement.
blocksForIndexFor each index, the first block and last block to execute if the input index matches that index. The caller is responsible for branching (directly or indirectly) from the first to the last block.

Definition at line 2218 of file

◆ generateInitContextForTopLevelComposition()

void VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generateInitContextForTopLevelComposition ( Module *  module,
BasicBlock *  block,
Value *  compositionStateValue,
bool  isStatefulComposition,
size_t  publishedOutputPortCount 

Generates a call to vuoInitContextForTopLevelComposition().

Definition at line 3453 of file

◆ generateIsNodeBeingAddedOrReplacedCheck()

ICmpInst * VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generateIsNodeBeingAddedOrReplacedCheck ( Module *  module,
Function *  function,
string  nodeIdentifier,
Value *  compositionStateValue,
BasicBlock *  initialBlock,
BasicBlock *&  trueBlock,
BasicBlock *&  falseBlock,
VuoCompilerConstantsCache constantsCache,
Value *&  replacementJsonValue 

Generates code that checks if vuoIsNodeBeingAddedOrReplaced() returns true for nodeIdentifier.

This function initializes trueBlock and falseBlock and sets them up to be the blocks executed depending on the return value.

Definition at line 3255 of file

◆ generateIsNodeBeingRemovedOrReplacedCheck()

void VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generateIsNodeBeingRemovedOrReplacedCheck ( Module *  module,
Function *  function,
string  nodeIdentifier,
Value *  compositionStateValue,
BasicBlock *  initialBlock,
BasicBlock *&  trueBlock,
BasicBlock *&  falseBlock,
VuoCompilerConstantsCache constantsCache,
Value *&  replacementJsonValue 

Generates code that checks if vuoIsNodeBeingRemovedOrReplaced() returns true for nodeIdentifier.

This function initializes trueBlock and falseBlock and sets them up to be the blocks executed depending on the return value.

Definition at line 3207 of file

◆ generateIsPausedComparison()

ICmpInst * VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generateIsPausedComparison ( Module *  module,
BasicBlock *  block,
Value *  compositionStateValue 

Generates code that gets the return value of vuoIsPaused() as a comparison value.

Definition at line 2934 of file

◆ generateJsonObjectPut()

void VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generateJsonObjectPut ( Module *  module,
BasicBlock *  block,
Value *  jsonObjectValue 

Generates a call to json_object_put().

Definition at line 2866 of file

◆ generateLeaveDispatchGroup()

void VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generateLeaveDispatchGroup ( Module *  module,
BasicBlock *  block,
Value *  dispatchGroupValue 

Generates code that decrements the block count of a dispatch_group_t.

Definition at line 201 of file

◆ generateLockNode() [1/2]

void VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generateLockNode ( Module *  module,
BasicBlock *&  block,
Value *  compositionStateValue,
size_t  nodeIndex,
Value *  eventIdValue 

Generates a call to vuoLockNode().

Definition at line 1857 of file

◆ generateLockNode() [2/2]

void VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generateLockNode ( Module *  module,
BasicBlock *&  block,
Value *  compositionStateValue,
Value *  nodeIndexValue,
Value *  eventIdValue 

Generates a call to vuoLockNode().

Definition at line 1867 of file

◆ generateLockNodes()

void VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generateLockNodes ( Module *  module,
BasicBlock *&  block,
Value *  compositionStateValue,
const vector< size_t > &  nodeIndices,
Value *  eventIdValue,
VuoCompilerConstantsCache constantsCache 

Generates a call to vuoLockNodes().

Definition at line 1821 of file

◆ generateMemoryAllocation() [1/4]

Value * VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generateMemoryAllocation ( Module *  module,
BasicBlock *  block,
size_t  bytes 

Generates code that dynamically allocates a specified amount of memory.

moduleThe module in which to generate code.
blockThe block in which to generate code.
bytesThe number of bytes to allocate.
A value pointing to the address of the memory.

Definition at line 2430 of file

◆ generateMemoryAllocation() [2/4]

Value * VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generateMemoryAllocation ( Module *  module,
BasicBlock *  block,
Type *  elementType,
int  elementCount 

Generates code that dynamically allocates memory for an array.

moduleThe module in which to generate code.
blockThe block in which to generate code.
elementTypeThe type of each array element.
elementCountThe number of array elements.
A value pointing to the address of the memory.

Definition at line 2387 of file

◆ generateMemoryAllocation() [3/4]

Value * VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generateMemoryAllocation ( Module *  module,
BasicBlock *  block,
Type *  elementType,
Value *  elementCountValue 

Generates code that dynamically allocates memory for an array.

moduleThe module in which to generate code.
blockThe block in which to generate code.
elementTypeThe type of each array element.
elementCountValueThe number of array elements. Assumed to have type integer.
A value pointing to the address of the memory.

Definition at line 2402 of file

◆ generateMemoryAllocation() [4/4]

Value * VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generateMemoryAllocation ( Module *  module,
BasicBlock *  block,
VuoCompilerType type 

Generates code that dynamically allocates memory for an instance of type.

moduleThe module in which to generate code.
blockThe block in which to generate code.
typeThe type of data to allocate space for.
A value pointing to the address of the memory.

Definition at line 2445 of file

◆ generateMemoryCopy() [1/2]

void VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generateMemoryCopy ( Module *  module,
BasicBlock *  block,
Value *  sourceAddress,
Value *  destAddress,
size_t  bytes 

Generates code that copies memory.

Beware: this function's arguments are ordered {source, dest}, which is different from the libc's memcpy(void *restrict dst, const void *restrict src, size_t n);.

moduleThe module in which to generate code.
blockThe block in which to generate code.
sourceAddressThe address to copy from.
destAddressThe address to copy to.
bytesThe number of bytes to copy.

Definition at line 2463 of file

◆ generateMemoryCopy() [2/2]

void VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generateMemoryCopy ( Module *  module,
BasicBlock *  block,
Value *  sourceAddress,
Value *  destAddress,
VuoCompilerType type 

Generates code that copies memory.

Beware: this function's arguments are ordered {source, dest}, which is different from the libc's memcpy(void *restrict dst, const void *restrict src, size_t n);.

moduleThe module in which to generate code.
blockThe block in which to generate code.
sourceAddressThe address to copy from.
destAddressThe address to copy to.
typeThe type of data to copy.

Definition at line 2493 of file

◆ generateModuleMetadata()

void VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generateModuleMetadata ( Module *  module,
string  metadata,
string  moduleKey 

Generates code equivalent to the VuoModuleMetadata macro.

Definition at line 2574 of file

◆ generateNoEventIdConstant()

ConstantInt * VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generateNoEventIdConstant ( Module *  module)

Generates a dummy event ID to represent that no event is claiming a node.

Definition at line 3304 of file

◆ generateNullCheck()

void VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generateNullCheck ( Module *  module,
Function *  function,
Value *  valueToCheck,
BasicBlock *  initialBlock,
BasicBlock *&  nullBlock,
BasicBlock *&  notNullBlock 

Generates code that checks if valueToCheck (assumed to have a pointer type) is null.

This function initializes nullBlock and notNullBlock and sets them up to be the blocks executed depending on the result.

Definition at line 2876 of file

◆ generatePointerToConstantArrayOfStrings()

Constant * VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generatePointerToConstantArrayOfStrings ( Module *  module,
vector< string >  stringValues,
string  globalVariableName = "" 

Generates code that creates a global array-of-strings variable.

moduleThe module in which to generate code.
stringValuesThe strings to be placed in the array.
globalVariableNameThe name to give to the global variable.
The address of the array.

Definition at line 2083 of file

◆ generatePointerToConstantArrayOfUnsignedLongs()

Constant * VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generatePointerToConstantArrayOfUnsignedLongs ( Module *  module,
const vector< unsigned long > &  values,
string  globalVariableName = "" 

Generates a global array-of-unsigned-longs variable.

moduleThe module in which to generate code.
valuesThe values to be placed in the array.
globalVariableNameThe name to give to the global variable.
The address of the array.

Definition at line 2114 of file

◆ generatePointerToConstantString()

Constant * VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generatePointerToConstantString ( Module *  module,
string  stringValue,
string  globalVariableName = "" 

Generates code that creates a global string variable.

moduleThe module in which to generate code.
stringValueThe string initializer for the global variable.
globalVariableNameThe name to give to the global variable.
The address of the string.

Definition at line 2058 of file

◆ generatePointerToValue()

Value * VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generatePointerToValue ( BasicBlock *  block,
Value *  value 

Generates code that creates a pointer to value (on the stack), and returns the pointer.

Definition at line 2043 of file

◆ generatePrint() [1/2]

void VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generatePrint ( Module *  module,
BasicBlock *  block,
string  formatString,
const vector< Value * > &  values 

Generates code that prints to stderr either a string literal or a formatted string with a value.

(Useful for debugging.)

Definition at line 3780 of file

◆ generatePrint() [2/2]

void VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generatePrint ( Module *  module,
BasicBlock *  block,
string  formatString,
Value *  value = NULL 

Generates code that prints to stderr either a string literal or a formatted string with a value.

(Useful for debugging.)

Definition at line 3769 of file

◆ generateRegisterCall()

void VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generateRegisterCall ( Module *  module,
BasicBlock *  block,
Value *  argument,
Function *  freeFunction 

Generates code to register argument.

Definition at line 2769 of file

◆ generateReleaseCall()

void VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generateReleaseCall ( Module *  module,
BasicBlock *  block,
Value *  argument 

Generates any code needed to release argument.

Definition at line 2813 of file

◆ generateRemoveCompositionStateFromThreadLocalStorage()

void VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generateRemoveCompositionStateFromThreadLocalStorage ( Module *  module,
BasicBlock *  block 

◆ generateResetNodeContextEvents()

void VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generateResetNodeContextEvents ( Module *  module,
BasicBlock *  block,
Value *  nodeContextValue 

Generates code that sets the event field to false for all PortContexts in a NodeContext.

moduleThe module in which to generate code.
blockThe block in which to generate code.
nodeContextValueA value of type NodeContext *.

Definition at line 1256 of file

◆ generateRetainCall()

void VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generateRetainCall ( Module *  module,
BasicBlock *  block,
Value *  argument 

Generates any code needed to retain argument.

Definition at line 2805 of file

◆ generateRetainForDispatchObject()

void VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generateRetainForDispatchObject ( Module *  module,
BasicBlock *  block,
Value *  dispatchObjectVariable 

Generates code that retains a dispatch_object_t (dispatch_queue_t, dispatch_group_t, dispatch_semaphore_t, etc.).

moduleThe module in which to generate code.
blockThe block in which to generate code.
dispatchObjectVariableA pointer to the dispatch_object_t (e.g. a GlobalVariable or AllocaInst).

Definition at line 447 of file

◆ generateRetainOrReleaseCall()

void VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generateRetainOrReleaseCall ( Module *  module,
BasicBlock *  block,
Value *  argument,
bool  isRetain 

Generates any code needed to retain or release argument.

If argument has a primitive, non-pointer type, no code is generated.

If argument has a pointer type, VuoRetain or VuoRelease is called on argument.

If argument has a struct type, this function is called recursively on each member.

Definition at line 2827 of file

◆ generateRetainPortContextData()

void VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generateRetainPortContextData ( Module *  module,
BasicBlock *  block,
Value *  portContextValue 

Generates code that calls vuoRetainPortContextData().

moduleThe module in which to generate code.
blockThe block in which to generate code.
portContextValueA value of type PortContext *.

Definition at line 835 of file

◆ generateReturnThreadsForChainWorker()

void VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generateReturnThreadsForChainWorker ( Module *  module,
BasicBlock *  block,
Value *  eventIdValue,
Value *  compositionStateValue,
Value *  chainIndexValue 

Generates a call to vuoReturnThreadsForChainWorker.

Definition at line 1792 of file

◆ generateReturnThreadsForTriggerWorker()

void VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generateReturnThreadsForTriggerWorker ( Module *  module,
BasicBlock *  block,
Value *  eventIdValue,
Value *  compositionStateValue 

Generates a call to vuoReturnThreadsForTriggerWorker.

Definition at line 1766 of file

◆ generateRuntimeStateValue()

Value * VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generateRuntimeStateValue ( Module *  module,
BasicBlock *  block 

Generates code that gets the value of the vuoRuntimeState global variable.

Definition at line 3589 of file

◆ generateScheduleChainWorker()

void VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generateScheduleChainWorker ( Module *  module,
BasicBlock *  block,
Value *  queueValue,
Value *  contextValue,
Value *  workerFunctionValue,
int  minThreadsNeeded,
int  maxThreadsNeeded,
Value *  eventIdValue,
Value *  compositionStateValue,
size_t  chainIndex,
vector< size_t >  upstreamChainIndices 

Generates a call to vuoScheduleChainWorker.

Definition at line 1632 of file

◆ generateScheduleTriggerWorker()

void VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generateScheduleTriggerWorker ( Module *  module,
BasicBlock *  block,
Value *  queueValue,
Value *  contextValue,
Value *  workerFunctionValue,
int  minThreadsNeeded,
int  maxThreadsNeeded,
Value *  eventIdValue,
Value *  compositionStateValue,
int  chainCount 

Generates a call to vuoScheduleTriggerWorker.

Definition at line 1582 of file

◆ generateSendEventDropped()

void VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generateSendEventDropped ( Module *  module,
BasicBlock *  block,
Value *  compositionStateValue,
Value *  portIdentifierValue 

Generates a call to vuoSendEventDropped().

Definition at line 3148 of file

◆ generateSendEventFinished()

void VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generateSendEventFinished ( Module *  module,
BasicBlock *  block,
Value *  compositionStateValue,
Value *  eventIdValue 

Generates a call to vuoSendEventFinished().

Definition at line 3122 of file

◆ generateSendInputPortsUpdated() [1/2]

void VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generateSendInputPortsUpdated ( Module *  module,
BasicBlock *  block,
Value *  compositionStateValue,
Value *  portIdentifierValue,
bool  receivedEvent,
bool  receivedData,
Value *  portDataSummaryValue 

Generates a call to vuoSendInputPortsUpdated().

Definition at line 3006 of file

◆ generateSendInputPortsUpdated() [2/2]

void VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generateSendInputPortsUpdated ( Module *  module,
BasicBlock *  block,
Value *  compositionStateValue,
Value *  portIdentifierValue,
Value *  receivedEventValue,
Value *  receivedDataValue,
Value *  portDataSummaryValue 

Generates a call to vuoSendInputPortsUpdated().

Definition at line 3020 of file

◆ generateSendNodeExecutionFinished()

void VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generateSendNodeExecutionFinished ( Module *  module,
BasicBlock *  block,
Value *  compositionStateValue,
Value *  nodeIdentifierValue 

Generates a call to vuoSendNodeExecutionFinished().

Definition at line 2980 of file

◆ generateSendNodeExecutionStarted()

void VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generateSendNodeExecutionStarted ( Module *  module,
BasicBlock *  block,
Value *  compositionStateValue,
Value *  nodeIdentifierValue 

Generates a call to vuoSendNodeExecutionStarted().

Definition at line 2954 of file

◆ generateSendOutputPortsUpdated()

void VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generateSendOutputPortsUpdated ( Module *  module,
BasicBlock *  block,
Value *  compositionStateValue,
Value *  portIdentifierValue,
Value *  sentEventValue,
Value *  sentDataValue,
Value *  portDataSummaryValue 

Generates a call to vuoSendOutputPortsUpdated().

Definition at line 3055 of file

◆ generateSendPublishedOutputPortsUpdated()

void VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generateSendPublishedOutputPortsUpdated ( Module *  module,
BasicBlock *  block,
Value *  compositionStateValue,
Value *  portIdentifierValue,
Value *  sentDataValue,
Value *  portDataSummaryValue 

Generates a call to vuoSendPublishedOutputPortsUpdated().

Definition at line 3090 of file

◆ generateSerialization()

Value * VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generateSerialization ( Module *  module,
BasicBlock *  block,
Value *  valueToSerialize,
VuoCompilerConstantsCache constantsCache 

Generates code that creates a string representation of the given value.

Definition at line 2890 of file

◆ generateSetArrayElement()

void VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generateSetArrayElement ( Module *  module,
BasicBlock *  block,
Value *  arrayValue,
size_t  elementIndex,
Value *  value 

Generates code that sets the array element at the given index.

Definition at line 1967 of file

◆ generateSetNodeContextClaimingEventId()

void VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generateSetNodeContextClaimingEventId ( Module *  module,
BasicBlock *  block,
Value *  nodeContextValue,
Value *  claimingEventIdValue 

Generates code that sets the claimingEventId field of a NodeContext.

moduleThe module in which to generate code.
blockThe block in which to generate code.
nodeContextValueA value of type NodeContext *.
claimingEventIdValueThe value to set the field to.

Definition at line 977 of file

◆ generateSetNodeContextInstanceData()

void VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generateSetNodeContextInstanceData ( Module *  module,
BasicBlock *  block,
Value *  nodeContextValue,
Value *  instanceDataValue 

Generates code that sets the instanceData field of a NodeContext (to a heap-allocated copy of instanceDataValue) and frees the old value.

moduleThe module in which to generate code.
blockThe block in which to generate code.
nodeContextValueA value of type NodeContext *.
instanceDataValueThe value to set the field to.

Definition at line 941 of file

◆ generateSetNodeContextOutputEvent()

void VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generateSetNodeContextOutputEvent ( Module *  module,
BasicBlock *  block,
Value *  nodeContextValue,
size_t  index,
Value *  eventValue 

Generates code that sets an element of the outputEvents field of a NodeContext.

moduleThe module in which to generate code.
blockThe block in which to generate code.
nodeContextValueA value of type NodeContext *.
indexThe index of the event in the node context's array of output events.
eventValueThe value to set the field to.

Definition at line 1009 of file

◆ generateSetNodeContextPortContexts()

void VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generateSetNodeContextPortContexts ( Module *  module,
BasicBlock *  block,
Value *  nodeContextValue,
vector< Value * >  portContextValues 

Generates code that sets the portContexts and portContextCount fields of a NodeContext.

moduleThe module in which to generate code.
blockThe block in which to generate code.
nodeContextValueA value of type NodeContext *.
portContextValuesThe values to be placed in an array and stored in the field.

Definition at line 901 of file

◆ generateSetOutputEventsAfterNodeExecution()

void VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generateSetOutputEventsAfterNodeExecution ( Module *  module,
BasicBlock *  block,
Value *  nodeContextValue 

Generates a call to vuoSetOutputEventsAfterNodeExecution.

Definition at line 1229 of file

◆ generateSetPortContextData()

void VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generateSetPortContextData ( Module *  module,
BasicBlock *  block,
Value *  portContextValue,
Value *  dataValue,
VuoCompilerType dataType 

Generates code that sets the data field of a PortContext to a heap-allocated copy of dataValue.

moduleThe module in which to generate code.
blockThe block in which to generate code.
portContextValueA value of type PortContext *.
dataValueThe value to set the field to.
dataTypeThe type of the port data.

Definition at line 611 of file

◆ generateSetPortContextEvent()

void VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generateSetPortContextEvent ( Module *  module,
BasicBlock *  block,
Value *  portContextValue,
Value *  eventValue 

Generates code that sets the event field of a PortContext.

moduleThe module in which to generate code.
blockThe block in which to generate code.
portContextValueA value of type PortContext *.
eventValueThe value to set the field to.

Definition at line 579 of file

◆ generateSetPortContextEventBlocking()

void VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generateSetPortContextEventBlocking ( Module *  module,
BasicBlock *  block,
Value *  portContextValue,
VuoPortClass::EventBlocking  eventBlocking 

Generates code that sets the eventBlocking field of a PortContext.

moduleThe module in which to generate code.
blockThe block in which to generate code.
portContextValueA value of type PortContext *.
eventBlockingThe value to set the field to.

Definition at line 659 of file

◆ generateSetPortContextTriggerFunction()

void VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generateSetPortContextTriggerFunction ( Module *  module,
BasicBlock *  block,
Value *  portContextValue,
Value *  triggerFunctionValue 

Generates code that sets the triggerFunction field of a PortContext.

moduleThe module in which to generate code.
blockThe block in which to generate code.
portContextValueA value of type PortContext *.
triggerFunctionValueThe value to set the field to.

Definition at line 625 of file

◆ generateSetStructPointerElement()

void VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generateSetStructPointerElement ( Module *  module,
BasicBlock *  block,
Value *  structPointer,
size_t  elementIndex,
Value *  value 

Generates code that sets the struct element at the given index.

Definition at line 2011 of file

◆ generateShouldSendDataTelemetryComparison()

ICmpInst * VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generateShouldSendDataTelemetryComparison ( Module *  module,
BasicBlock *  block,
string  portIdentifier,
Value *  compositionStateValue,
VuoCompilerConstantsCache constantsCache 

Generates code that gets the return value of the vuoShouldSendPortDataTelemetry() function as a comparison value.

Definition at line 3174 of file

◆ generateSignalForSemaphore() [1/2]

void VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generateSignalForSemaphore ( Module *  module,
BasicBlock *  block,
AllocaInst *  semaphoreVariable 

Generates code that signals a dispatch_semaphore_t.

Definition at line 123 of file

◆ generateSignalForSemaphore() [2/2]

void VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generateSignalForSemaphore ( Module *  module,
BasicBlock *  block,
Value *  semaphoreValue 

Generates code that signals a dispatch_semaphore_t.

Definition at line 132 of file

◆ generateSpunOffExecutingEvent()

void VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generateSpunOffExecutingEvent ( Module *  module,
BasicBlock *  block,
Value *  nodeContextValue,
Value *  eventIdValue 

Generates a call to vuoSpunOffExecutingEvent.

moduleThe module in which to generate code.
blockThe block in which to generate code.
nodeContextValueThe composition's node context, a value of type NodeContext *.
eventIdValueA value of type unsigned long.

Definition at line 1315 of file

◆ generateStartedExecutingEvent()

void VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generateStartedExecutingEvent ( Module *  module,
BasicBlock *  block,
Value *  nodeContextValue,
Value *  eventIdValue 

Generates a call to vuoStartedExecutingEvent.

moduleThe module in which to generate code.
blockThe block in which to generate code.
nodeContextValueThe composition's node context, a value of type NodeContext *.
eventIdValueA value of type unsigned long.

Definition at line 1284 of file

◆ generateStringConcatenation()

Value * VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generateStringConcatenation ( Module *  module,
BasicBlock *  block,
vector< Value * >  stringsToConcatenate,
VuoCompilerConstantsCache constantsCache 

Generates code that allocates a buffer to hold the composite string, then concatenates each member of stringsToConcatenate into the composite string.

moduleThe module in which to generate code.
blockThe block in which to generate code.
stringsToConcatenateThe strings to concatenate. Each element should be a value of type pointer-to-char.
constantsCacheThe cache of LLVM constants used to generate string values.
A value containing the address of the composite string.

Definition at line 2298 of file

◆ generateStringMatchingCode()

void VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generateStringMatchingCode ( Module *  module,
Function *  function,
BasicBlock *  initialBlock,
BasicBlock *  finalBlock,
Value *  inputStringValue,
map< string, pair< BasicBlock *, BasicBlock * > >  blocksForString,
VuoCompilerConstantsCache constantsCache 

Generates a series of if-else statements for testing if an input string is equal to any of a set of constant strings, and executing the corresponding block of code if it is.

Assumes that none of the blocks passed to this function contain branch instructions. (This function appends branch instructions to all but the final block.)


if (! strcmp(inputString, string0)) // blockForString[string0] else if (! strcmp(inputString, string1)) // blockForString[string1] ...

moduleThe module in which to generate code.
functionThe function in which to generate code.
initialBlockThe block to which the first if-statement will be appended.
finalBlockThe block following the if-else statements.
inputStringValueThe string to compare in each if-statement.
blocksForStringFor each key string, the first block and last block to execute if the input string matches that string. The caller is responsible for branching (directly or indirectly) from the first to the last block.
constantsCacheThe cache of LLVM constants used to generate string values.

Definition at line 2161 of file

◆ generateSynchronousSubmissionToDispatchQueue()

void VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generateSynchronousSubmissionToDispatchQueue ( Module *  module,
BasicBlock *  block,
Value *  dispatchQueueValue,
Function *  workerFunction,
Value *  contextValue 

Generates code that submits a function for synchronous execution on a dispatch queue.

Definition at line 351 of file

◆ generateTypeCast()

Value * VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generateTypeCast ( Module *  module,
BasicBlock *  block,
Value *  valueToCast,
Type *  typeToCastTo 

Generates code to cast the value to the desired type (if it doesn't already have that type).

A value of type typeToCastTo (which may be valueToCast).

Definition at line 2503 of file

◆ generateUnlockNode() [1/2]

void VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generateUnlockNode ( Module *  module,
BasicBlock *  block,
Value *  compositionStateValue,
size_t  nodeIndex 

Generates a call to vuoUnlockNode().

Definition at line 1930 of file

◆ generateUnlockNode() [2/2]

void VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generateUnlockNode ( Module *  module,
BasicBlock *  block,
Value *  compositionStateValue,
Value *  nodeIndexValue 

Generates a call to vuoUnlockNode().

Definition at line 1940 of file

◆ generateUnlockNodes()

void VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generateUnlockNodes ( Module *  module,
BasicBlock *  block,
Value *  compositionStateValue,
const vector< size_t > &  nodeIndices,
VuoCompilerConstantsCache constantsCache 

Generates a call to vuoUnlockNodes().

Definition at line 1896 of file

◆ generateUnserialization()

void VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generateUnserialization ( Module *  module,
BasicBlock *  block,
Value *  stringToUnserialize,
Value *  destinationVariable,
VuoCompilerConstantsCache constantsCache 

Generates code that creates a value of the given type from the given string representation, and stores it in the destination variable.

Definition at line 2911 of file

◆ generateVuoLog() [1/2]

void VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generateVuoLog ( Module *  module,
BasicBlock *  block,
string  formatString,
const vector< Value * > &  values 

Generates code that calls VuoLog() with either a string literal or a formatted string with a value.

(Useful for debugging when stderr isn't available, such as in FFGL or FxPlug plugins.)

Definition at line 3808 of file

◆ generateVuoLog() [2/2]

void VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generateVuoLog ( Module *  module,
BasicBlock *  block,
string  formatString,
Value *  value = NULL 

Generates code that calls VuoLog() with either a string literal or a formatted string with a value.

(Useful for debugging when stderr isn't available, such as in FFGL or FxPlug plugins.)

Definition at line 3797 of file

◆ generateWaitForDispatchGroup()

void VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generateWaitForDispatchGroup ( Module *  module,
BasicBlock *  block,
Value *  dispatchGroupValue,
dispatch_time_t  timeout = DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER 

Generates code that waits on a dispatch_group_t.

Definition at line 222 of file

◆ generateWaitForSemaphore() [1/4]

Value * VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generateWaitForSemaphore ( Module *  module,
BasicBlock *  block,
AllocaInst *  semaphoreVariable 

Generates code that waits for and claims a dispatch_semaphore_t, with a timeout of DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER.

moduleThe module in which to generate code.
blockThe block in which to generate code.
semaphoreVariableThe semaphore.
The return value of dispatch_semaphore_wait().

Definition at line 60 of file

◆ generateWaitForSemaphore() [2/4]

Value * VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generateWaitForSemaphore ( Module *  module,
BasicBlock *  block,
AllocaInst *  semaphoreVariable,
Value *  timeoutValue 

Generates code that waits for and possibly claims a dispatch_semaphore_t.

moduleThe module in which to generate code.
blockThe block in which to generate code.
semaphoreVariableThe semaphore.
timeoutValueA value of type dispatch_time_t to pass to dispatch_semaphore_wait().
The return value of dispatch_semaphore_wait().

Definition at line 75 of file

◆ generateWaitForSemaphore() [3/4]

Value * VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generateWaitForSemaphore ( Module *  module,
BasicBlock *  block,
Value *  semaphoreValue 

Generates code that waits for and claims a dispatch_semaphore_t, with a timeout of DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER.

Definition at line 84 of file

◆ generateWaitForSemaphore() [4/4]

Value * VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::generateWaitForSemaphore ( Module *  module,
BasicBlock *  block,
Value *  semaphoreValue,
Value *  timeoutValue 

Generates code that waits for and possibly claims a dispatch_semaphore_t.

Definition at line 94 of file

◆ getAnnotateFunction()

Function * VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::getAnnotateFunction ( Module *  module)

Returns a Function reference, generating code for the declaration if needed.

Definition at line 4222 of file

◆ getArgumentAtIndex()

Value * VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::getArgumentAtIndex ( Function *  function,
size_t  index 

Returns the argument at index (numbered from 0) in the function's argument list.

Definition at line 5294 of file

◆ getCleanupFunction()

Function * VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::getCleanupFunction ( Module *  module)

Returns a Function reference, generating code for the declaration if needed.

Definition at line 4519 of file

◆ getCompositionAddNodeMetadataFunction()

Function * VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::getCompositionAddNodeMetadataFunction ( Module *  module)

Returns a Function reference, generating code for the declaration if needed.

Definition at line 4428 of file

◆ getCompositionCreateContextForNodeFunction()

Function * VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::getCompositionCreateContextForNodeFunction ( Module *  module)

Returns a Function reference, generating code for the declaration if needed.

Definition at line 4447 of file

◆ getCompositionFireTriggerPortEventFunction()

Function * VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::getCompositionFireTriggerPortEventFunction ( Module *  module)

Returns a Function reference, generating code for the declaration if needed.

Definition at line 5065 of file

◆ getCompositionGetPortValueFunction()

Function * VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::getCompositionGetPortValueFunction ( Module *  module)

Returns a Function reference, generating code for the declaration if needed.

Definition at line 5013 of file

◆ getCompositionInstanceDataType()

PointerType * VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::getCompositionInstanceDataType ( Module *  module)

Returns a Type reference, generating code for the declaration if needed.

Definition at line 4006 of file

◆ getCompositionPerformDataOnlyTransmissionsFunction()

Function * VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::getCompositionPerformDataOnlyTransmissionsFunction ( Module *  module)

Returns a Function reference, generating code for the declaration if needed.

Definition at line 4467 of file

◆ getCompositionReleasePortDataFunction()

Function * VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::getCompositionReleasePortDataFunction ( Module *  module)

Returns a Function reference, generating code for the declaration if needed.

Definition at line 4486 of file

◆ getCompositionSetPortValueFunction()

Function * VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::getCompositionSetPortValueFunction ( Module *  module)

Returns a Function reference, generating code for the declaration if needed.

Definition at line 5037 of file

◆ getCompositionSetPublishedInputPortValueFunction()

Function * VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::getCompositionSetPublishedInputPortValueFunction ( Module *  module)

Returns a Function reference, generating code for the declaration if needed.

Definition at line 5139 of file

◆ getCompositionStateType()

StructType * VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::getCompositionStateType ( Module *  module)

Returns a Type reference, generating code for the declaration if needed.

Definition at line 3936 of file

◆ getDispatchGroupType()

PointerType * VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::getDispatchGroupType ( Module *  module)

Returns a Type reference, generating code for the declaration if needed.

Definition at line 3838 of file

◆ getDispatchObjectType()

StructType * VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::getDispatchObjectType ( Module *  module)

Returns a Type reference, generating code for the declaration if needed.

Definition at line 3869 of file

◆ getDispatchSemaphoreType()

PointerType * VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::getDispatchSemaphoreType ( Module *  module)

Returns a Type reference, generating code for the declaration if needed.

Definition at line 3828 of file

◆ getFprintfFunction()

Function * VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::getFprintfFunction ( Module *  module)

Returns a Function reference, generating code for the declaration if needed.

Definition at line 4117 of file

◆ getFreeFunction()

Function * VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::getFreeFunction ( Module *  module)

Returns a Function reference, generating code for the declaration if needed.

Definition at line 4206 of file

◆ getFunctionType()

FunctionType * VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::getFunctionType ( Module *  module,
VuoType paramType 

Returns a function type that accepts a vuoType (or its lowered form) as its parameter and has a void return type.

Definition at line 5281 of file

◆ getGetPublishedInputPortValueFunction()

Function * VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::getGetPublishedInputPortValueFunction ( Module *  module)

Returns a Function reference, generating code for the declaration if needed.

Definition at line 5103 of file

◆ getGetPublishedOutputPortValueFunction()

Function * VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::getGetPublishedOutputPortValueFunction ( Module *  module)

Returns a Function reference, generating code for the declaration if needed.

Definition at line 5121 of file

◆ getInstanceFiniFunction()

Function * VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::getInstanceFiniFunction ( Module *  module)

Returns a Function reference, generating code for the declaration if needed.

Definition at line 4543 of file

◆ getInstanceInitFunction()

Function * VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::getInstanceInitFunction ( Module *  module)

Returns a Function reference, generating code for the declaration if needed.

Definition at line 4531 of file

◆ getInstanceTriggerStartFunction()

Function * VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::getInstanceTriggerStartFunction ( Module *  module)

Returns a Function reference, generating code for the declaration if needed.

Definition at line 4555 of file

◆ getInstanceTriggerStopFunction()

Function * VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::getInstanceTriggerStopFunction ( Module *  module)

Returns a Function reference, generating code for the declaration if needed.

Definition at line 4567 of file

◆ getJsonObjectPutFunction()

Function * VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::getJsonObjectPutFunction ( Module *  module)

Returns a Function reference, generating code for the declaration if needed.

Definition at line 4241 of file

◆ getJsonObjectToJsonStringExtFunction()

Function * VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::getJsonObjectToJsonStringExtFunction ( Module *  module)

Returns a Function reference, generating code for the declaration if needed.

Definition at line 4257 of file

◆ getJsonObjectType()

StructType * VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::getJsonObjectType ( Module *  module)

Returns a Type reference, generating code for the declaration if needed.

Definition at line 3965 of file

◆ getJsonTokenerParseFunction()

Function * VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::getJsonTokenerParseFunction ( Module *  module)

Returns a Function reference, generating code for the declaration if needed.

Definition at line 4275 of file

◆ getMallocFunction()

Function * VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::getMallocFunction ( Module *  module)

Returns a Function reference, generating code for the declaration if needed.

Definition at line 4172 of file

◆ getMemcpyFunction()

Function * VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::getMemcpyFunction ( Module *  module)

Returns a Function reference, generating code for the declaration if needed.

Definition at line 4188 of file

◆ getNodeContextType()

StructType * VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::getNodeContextType ( Module *  module)

Returns a Type reference, generating code for the declaration if needed.

Definition at line 3884 of file

◆ getNodeEventFunction()

Function * VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::getNodeEventFunction ( Module *  module,
string  moduleKey,
bool  isSubcomposition,
bool  isStateful,
Type *  instanceDataType,
const vector< VuoPort * > &  modelInputPorts,
const vector< VuoPort * > &  modelOutputPorts,
const map< VuoPort *, json_object * > &  detailsForPorts,
const map< VuoPort *, string > &  displayNamesForPorts,
const map< VuoPort *, string > &  defaultValuesForInputPorts,
const map< VuoPort *, VuoPortClass::EventBlocking > &  eventBlockingForInputPorts,
map< VuoPort *, size_t > &  indexOfParameter,
map< VuoPort *, size_t > &  indexOfEventParameter,
VuoCompilerConstantsCache constantsCache 

Returns a Function reference, generating code for the declaration if needed.

Definition at line 4637 of file

◆ getNodeInstanceFiniFunction()

Function * VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::getNodeInstanceFiniFunction ( Module *  module,
string  moduleKey,
Type *  instanceDataType,
VuoCompilerConstantsCache constantsCache 

Returns a Function reference, generating code for the declaration if needed.

Definition at line 4591 of file

◆ getNodeInstanceInitFunction()

Function * VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::getNodeInstanceInitFunction ( Module *  module,
string  moduleKey,
bool  isSubcomposition,
Type *  instanceDataType,
const vector< VuoPort * > &  modelInputPorts,
map< VuoPort *, size_t > &  indexOfParameter,
VuoCompilerConstantsCache constantsCache 

Returns a Function reference, generating code for the declaration if needed.

Definition at line 4579 of file

◆ getNodeInstanceTriggerStartFunction()

Function * VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::getNodeInstanceTriggerStartFunction ( Module *  module,
string  moduleKey,
Type *  instanceDataType,
const vector< VuoPort * > &  modelInputPorts,
map< VuoPort *, size_t > &  indexOfParameter,
VuoCompilerConstantsCache constantsCache 

Returns a Function reference, generating code for the declaration if needed.

Definition at line 4602 of file

◆ getNodeInstanceTriggerStopFunction()

Function * VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::getNodeInstanceTriggerStopFunction ( Module *  module,
string  moduleKey,
Type *  instanceDataType,
VuoCompilerConstantsCache constantsCache 

Returns a Function reference, generating code for the declaration if needed.

Definition at line 4614 of file

◆ getNodeInstanceTriggerUpdateFunction()

Function * VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::getNodeInstanceTriggerUpdateFunction ( Module *  module,
string  moduleKey,
Type *  instanceDataType,
const vector< VuoPort * > &  modelInputPorts,
map< VuoPort *, size_t > &  indexOfParameter,
VuoCompilerConstantsCache constantsCache 

Returns a Function reference, generating code for the declaration if needed.

Definition at line 4625 of file

◆ getPortContextType()

StructType * VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::getPortContextType ( Module *  module)

Returns a Type reference, generating code for the declaration if needed.

Definition at line 3910 of file

◆ getPutsFunction()

Function * VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::getPutsFunction ( Module *  module)

Returns a Function reference, generating code for the declaration if needed.

Definition at line 4156 of file

◆ getSetInputPortValueFunction()

Function * VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::getSetInputPortValueFunction ( Module *  module)

Returns a Function reference, generating code for the declaration if needed.

Definition at line 5086 of file

◆ getSetPublishedInputPortValueFunction()

Function * VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::getSetPublishedInputPortValueFunction ( Module *  module)

Returns a Function reference, generating code for the declaration if needed.

Definition at line 5163 of file

◆ getSetupFunction()

Function * VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::getSetupFunction ( Module *  module)

Returns a Function reference, generating code for the declaration if needed.

Definition at line 4507 of file

◆ getSnprintfFunction()

Function * VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::getSnprintfFunction ( Module *  module)

Returns a Function reference, generating code for the declaration if needed.

Definition at line 4082 of file

◆ getSscanfFunction()

Function * VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::getSscanfFunction ( Module *  module)

Returns a Function reference, generating code for the declaration if needed.

Definition at line 4100 of file

◆ getStrcatFunction()

Function * VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::getStrcatFunction ( Module *  module)

Returns a Function reference, generating code for the declaration if needed.

Definition at line 4017 of file

◆ getStrcmpFunction()

Function * VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::getStrcmpFunction ( Module *  module)

Returns a Function reference, generating code for the declaration if needed.

Definition at line 4034 of file

◆ getStrdupFunction()

Function * VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::getStrdupFunction ( Module *  module)

Returns a Function reference, generating code for the declaration if needed.

Definition at line 4050 of file

◆ getStrlenFunction()

Function * VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::getStrlenFunction ( Module *  module)

Returns a Function reference, generating code for the declaration if needed.

Definition at line 4066 of file

◆ getTriggerWorkersScheduledValue()

Value * VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::getTriggerWorkersScheduledValue ( Module *  module,
BasicBlock *  block,
Value *  compositionStateValue 

Generates a call to vuoGetTriggerWorkersScheduled().

Definition at line 3508 of file

◆ getVuoImageGetColorDepthFunction()

Function * VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::getVuoImageGetColorDepthFunction ( Module *  module)

Returns a Function reference, generating code for the declaration if needed.

Definition at line 4389 of file

◆ getVuoImageRendererRenderFunction()

Function * VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::getVuoImageRendererRenderFunction ( Module *  module)

Returns a Function reference, generating code for the declaration if needed.

Definition at line 4406 of file

◆ getVuoLogFunction()

Function * VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::getVuoLogFunction ( Module *  module)

Returns a Function reference, generating code for the declaration if needed.

Definition at line 4134 of file

◆ getVuoSamplerRectCoordinatesFromNormalizedCoordinatesFunction()

Function * VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::getVuoSamplerRectCoordinatesFromNormalizedCoordinatesFunction ( Module *  module)

Returns a Function reference, generating code for the declaration if needed.

Definition at line 4370 of file

◆ getVuoShaderAddSourceFunction()

Function * VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::getVuoShaderAddSourceFunction ( Module *  module)

Returns a Function reference, generating code for the declaration if needed.

Definition at line 4309 of file

◆ getVuoShaderMakeFunction()

Function * VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::getVuoShaderMakeFunction ( Module *  module)

Returns a Function reference, generating code for the declaration if needed.

Definition at line 4292 of file

◆ getVuoShaderSetTransparentFunction()

Function * VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::getVuoShaderSetTransparentFunction ( Module *  module)

Returns a Function reference, generating code for the declaration if needed.

Definition at line 4331 of file

◆ getVuoShaderSetUniformFunction()

Function * VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::getVuoShaderSetUniformFunction ( Module *  module,
VuoCompilerType type 

Returns a Function reference, generating code for the declaration if needed.

Definition at line 4349 of file

◆ isFunctionReturningStructViaParameter()

bool VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::isFunctionReturningStructViaParameter ( Function *  function)

Returns true if the function's first parameter has LLVM's sret attribute, or in other words, LLVM has transformed struct MyType foo(...) to void foo(struct MyType *, ...).

Definition at line 5218 of file

◆ isPointerToStruct()

bool VuoCompilerCodeGenUtilities::isPointerToStruct ( Type *  type,
StructType **  structType = nullptr 

Returns true and outputs the struct type if type is a pointer to a struct.

Definition at line 5184 of file

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