Vuo 2.4.4
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VuoEditorWindow Class Reference


Represents a window for editing a Vuo Composition.

One instance per composition.

Definition at line 46 of file VuoEditorWindow.hh.

Public Slots

void updateLatestDragTime ()
 Call this to indicate that a drag is in progress or has just completed.
void updateUI ()
 Updates the UI elements (e.g., enables/disables buttons) based on the application's state.
void itemsMoved (set< VuoRendererNode * > nodes, set< VuoRendererComment * > comments, qreal dx, qreal dy, bool movedByDragging)
 Moves input nodes and comments dx points horizontally and dy points vertically, meanwhile pushing the action onto the undo stack.
void commentResized (VuoRendererComment *comment, qreal dx, qreal dy)
 Resizes the input comment by dx points horizontally and dy points vertically, meanwhile pushing the action onto the undo stack.
void connectionCompleted (VuoRendererCable *cableInProgress, VuoRendererPort *targetPort, pair< VuoRendererCable *, VuoRendererCable * > cableArgs, VuoRendererNode *typecastNodeToDelete, pair< string, string > typeArgs, pair< VuoRendererPort *, VuoRendererPort * > portArgs)
 Completes the connection for the input cableInProgress to port targetPort.
void setTriggerThrottling (VuoPort *triggerPort, enum VuoPortClass::EventThrottling eventThrottling)
 Updates the trigger port's event-throttling behavior.
void adjustInputPortCountForNode (VuoRendererNode *node, int inputPortCountDelta, bool adjustmentRequestedByDragging)
 Adjusts the input port count for the provided node by inputPortCountDelta , provided the node is of a class (e.g., "Make List") eligible for such an operation.
void swapNodes (VuoRendererNode *node, string newNodeClass)
 Replaces the provided composition node with another node of the specified class, preserving whatever connections possible.
VuoRendererNodespecializePortNetwork (VuoRendererPort *port, string specializedTypeName)
 Specializes the provided port by replacing all networked ports of its generic type with ports of type specializedTypeName, meanwhile pushing the action onto the undo stack.
VuoRendererNodespecializePortNetwork (VuoRendererPort *port, string specializedTypeName, bool encapsulateInMacro)
 Specializes the provided port by replacing all networked ports of its generic type with ports of type specializedTypeName, meanwhile pushing the action onto the undo stack.
VuoRendererNodeunspecializePortNetwork (VuoRendererPort *port)
 Reverts the provided port and all ports within its connected network to their original generic origins, meanwhile pushing the action onto the Undo stack.
VuoRendererNodeunspecializePortNetwork (VuoRendererPort *port, bool encapsulateInMacro)
 Reverts the provided port and all ports within its connected network to their original generic origins, meanwhile pushing the action onto the Undo stack.
VuoRendererNoderespecializePortNetwork (VuoRendererPort *port, string specializedTypeName)
 Re-specializes the provided port by replacing all networked ports of its re-specialized type with ports of type specializedTypeName.
VuoRendererNoderespecializePortNetwork (VuoRendererPort *port, string specializedTypeName, bool encapsulateInMacro)
 Re-specializes the provided port by replacing all networked ports of its re-specialized type with ports of type specializedTypeName.
void tintSelectedItems (VuoNode::TintColor tintColor)
 Sets the tint color of the selected nodes and comments to tintColor, meanwhile pushing the action onto the undo stack.
void internalExternalPortPairPublished (VuoPort *internalPort, VuoPublishedPort *externalPort, bool forceEventOnlyPublication, VuoPort *portToSpecialize=NULL, string specializedTypeName="", string typecastToInsert="", bool useUndoStackMacro=true)
 Publishes the provided internalPort in association with the provided externalPort, meanwhile pushing the action onto the undo stack.
void internalPortPublishedViaDropBox (VuoPort *port, bool forceEventOnlyPublication, bool useUndoStackMacro)
 Publishes the provided port, meanwhile pushing the action onto the undo stack.
void internalPortPublished (VuoPort *port, bool forceEventOnlyPublication, string name="", bool merge=false, VuoPort *portToSpecialize=NULL, string specializedTypeName="", string typecastToInsert="", bool useUndoStackMacro=true)
 Publishes the provided port, meanwhile pushing the action onto the undo stack.
void externalPortUnpublished (VuoRendererPublishedPort *port)
 Unpublishes the provided externally visible published port, meanwhile pushing the action onto the undo stack.
void internalPortUnpublished (VuoPort *port)
 Unpublishes the provided internally visible published port, meanwhile pushing the action onto the undo stack.
void makeProtocolPortChanges (map< VuoPublishedPort *, string > publishedPortsToRename, set< VuoPublishedPort * > publishedPortsToRemove, vector< VuoPublishedPort * > publishedPortsToAdd, bool beginUndoStackMacro, bool endUndoStackMacro)
 Renames, removes, and adds the provided sets of published ports, in that order, pushing each operation onto the Undo stack.
void componentsRemoved (QList< QGraphicsItem * > components, string commandDescription)
 Removes the input components from the scene, meanwhile pushing the action onto the undo stack.
void componentsAdded (QList< QGraphicsItem * > components, VuoEditorComposition *target)
 Adds the input components to the scene, meanwhile pushing the action onto the undo stack.
void cutSelectedCompositionComponents ()
 Copies currenly selected comments, nodes, and any cables connecting those nodes internally; deletes all currently selected comments, nodes, and cables.
void copySelectedCompositionComponents ()
 Copies the currently selected content.
void disambiguatePasteRequest ()
 Attempts to determine whether or not the clipboard contains .vuo composition source text.
void duplicateSelectedCompositionComponentsByDrag ()
 Duplicates the currently selected comments, nodes, and any cables connecting those nodes internally.
void cleanUpCancelledDuplication ()
 Cleans up the 'Undo' stack after a cancelled duplication.
void conformToGlobalNodeLibraryVisibility (VuoNodeLibrary::nodeLibraryState visibility, VuoNodeLibrary *floater, bool previousFloaterDestroyed)
 Update the display mode of the node class library to conform with global settings.
void displayAppropriateDocumentation ()
 Displays the composition metadata in the node library documentation panel, if appropriate.
QAction * getRaiseDocumentAction () const
 Returns the action associated with raising the current editor window to the foreground.
QAction * getShowEventsAction () const
 Returns the Show Events action.
QAction * getZoomOutAction () const
 Returns a zoom action.
QAction * getZoom11Action () const
 Returns a zoom action.
QAction * getZoomToFitAction () const
 Returns a zoom action.
QAction * getZoomInAction () const
 Returns a zoom action.
void on_zoomToFit_triggered ()
 Unconditionally zooms to fit the composition.
void setAsActiveWindow ()
 Raises the current editor window to the foreground and activates it.
void on_runComposition_triggered ()
 Implements the Run action to run the composition.
void on_stopComposition_triggered ()
 Implements the Stop action to stop the composition.
void on_restartComposition_triggered ()
 Implements the Restart action to restart the running composition.
void on_refireEvent_triggered ()
 Re-fires the most recently manually fired trigger port.
void on_showNodeLibrary_triggered ()
 Shows the Node Class Library browser for this editor window and focuses its text filter.
void on_selectNone_triggered ()
 De-selects all composition components and resets the documentation panel content.
void on_find_triggered ()
 Finds and selects nodes that contain the user-entered search term within their display names or node class names.
void on_findNext_triggered ()
 Advances to the next search result.
void on_findPrevious_triggered ()
 Returns to the previous search result.
void coalesceSnapshots (string oldCompositionSnapshot, string newCompositionSnapshot, VuoCompilerCompositionDiff *diffInfo=nullptr)
 Coalesces the provided composition modifications with previously recorded modifications.
void coalesceInternalPortConstantsToSync (string portID)
 Adds the provided port to the previously recorded list of internal ports to be synced in the running composition.
void coalescePublishedPortConstantsToSync (string portID)
 Adds the provided port to the previously recorded list of published ports to be synced in the running composition.
void coalesceNodesToUnlink (string nodeID)
 Adds the provided node to the previously recorded list of nodes to unlink.
void coalesceNodesToRelink (string nodeID)
 Adds the provided node to the previously recorded list of nodes to relink.
void beginUndoStackMacro (QString commandName)
 Initiates an Undo stack macro with the provided commandName.
void endUndoStackMacro ()
 Concludes the Undo stack macro currently being composed.
static string deriveBaseNodeClassNameFromDisplayName (string displayName)
 Derives a base node class name from the provided node display name, for use in installing user-named subcomposition nodes.


void windowActivated ()
 Emitted when the window has been activated.
void windowDeactivated ()
 Emitted when the window has been de-activated.

Public Member Functions

 VuoEditorWindow (QString documentIdentifier="", QString compositionPath="", const string &compositionAsString="", VuoNodeLibrary::nodeLibraryDisplayMode nodeLibraryDisplayMode=VuoNodeLibrary::displayByClass, VuoNodeLibrary::nodeLibraryState nodeLibraryState=VuoNodeLibrary::nodeLibraryHidden, VuoNodeLibrary *floater=NULL, VuoProtocol *activeProtocol=NULL, string nodeClassToHighlight="")
 Creates a new window for editing a Vuo Composition.
bool isScrollInProgress ()
 Returns true if a scroll gesture is currently being performed.
bool isItemDragInProgress ()
 Returns true if items are currently being dragged around the canvas.
double getLatestDragTime ()
 Returns the timestamp of the most recent drag event.
void highlightNodeClass (string nodeClass)
 Calls attention to nodes of class nodeClass within the composition by selecting them and centering the view on them.
VuoNodeLibrarygetOwnedNodeLibrary ()
 Returns a pointer to the node class library owned by this editor window.
VuoNodeLibrarygetCurrentNodeLibrary ()
 Returns a pointer to the node class library currently in use by this editor window.
void assignSurrogateNodeLibrary (VuoNodeLibrary *library)
 Assigns a surrogate node class library to be used instead of the library owned by this window, e.g., when in global floating-node-library mode and the library owned by this window is hidden.
void releaseSurrogateNodeLibrary (bool previousFloaterDestroyed)
 Releases any surrogate node class library currently assigned to this window.
QMenu * getFileMenu ()
 Returns the "File" menu associated with this editor window.
VuoRecentFileMenugetRecentFileMenu ()
 Returns the "File > Open Recent" menu associated with this editor window.
void setIncludeInRecentFileMenu (bool include)
 Sets the boolean indicating whether this file should be added to the "File > Open Recent" list when saved.
VuoEditorCompositiongetComposition ()
 Returns the composition associated with this editor window.
QPointF getCursorScenePos ()
 Returns the current position of the cursor in scene coordinates.
VuoCompositionMetadataPanelgetMetadataPanel ()
 Returns the metadata panel for this composition.
QPointF getFittedScenePos (QPointF origPos, int leftMargin=50, int topMargin=50, int rightMargin=175, int bottomMargin=75)
 Clamps the provided scene coordinates to the viewport bounds and avoids returning coordinates that exactly match the position of any existing node, for use, e.g., in positioning new nodes near the cursor but within the viewport.
void showPublishedPortSidebars ()
 Shows the Published Ports side panels for this editor window if they are not already visible.
void resetCompositionWithSnapshot (string snapshot)
 Clears the composition of its current components and re-populates it from the provided snapshot.
void zoomOutToFit ()
 Zooms to fit if the composition is too large to be displayed in full within the current viewport.
- Public Member Functions inherited from VuoMainWindow
QString getWindowTitleWithoutPlaceholder ()
 Returns the window title, minus the [*] window-modified placeholder.

Static Public Member Functions

static VuoEditorWindowexistingWindowWithNewFile ()
 Returns an existing window displaying an unsaved composition that was contentless when initialized and unmodified currently, if one exists.
static bool containsLikelyVuoComposition (QString text)
 Performs a quick check to determine whether the clipboard contains the text of a likely .vuo composition.
static VuoEditorWindowgetMostRecentActiveEditorWindow ()
 Returns the most recent active editor window.
static QString getNodeClassNameForDisplayNameAndCategory (QString compositionName, QString category, QString defaultCompositionName, QString defaultCategory)
 Returns the node class name derived from the provided composition name and category (subcomposition prefix), or defaults if either derivation is empty.

Static Public Attributes

static QString untitledComposition
 The display name to use for an untitled composition.
static VuoEditorWindowmostRecentActiveEditorWindow = NULL
 The most recent active VuoEditorWindow.

Protected Member Functions

bool event (QEvent *event) VuoWarnUnusedResult
 Handles events for the editor window.
bool eventFilter (QObject *object, QEvent *event) VuoWarnUnusedResult
 Filters events on watched objects.
void keyPressEvent (QKeyEvent *event)
 Handle keypress events.
void keyReleaseEvent (QKeyEvent *event)
 Handle key release events.
void mouseMoveEvent (QMouseEvent *event)
 Handle mouse move events.
void closeEvent (QCloseEvent *event)
 Implement the Close action to close the composition.
void moveEvent (QMoveEvent *event)
 Receive widget move events passed in the event parameter.
void resizeEvent (QResizeEvent *event)
 Receive widget resize events passed in the event parameter.


class TestVuoEditor
class TestEditorCommands

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ VuoEditorWindow()

VuoEditorWindow::VuoEditorWindow ( QString  documentIdentifier = "",
QString  compositionPath = "",
const string &  compositionAsString = "",
VuoNodeLibrary::nodeLibraryDisplayMode  nodeLibraryDisplayMode = VuoNodeLibrary::displayByClass,
VuoNodeLibrary::nodeLibraryState  nodeLibraryState = VuoNodeLibrary::nodeLibraryHidden,
VuoNodeLibrary floater = NULL,
VuoProtocol activeProtocol = NULL,
string  nodeClassToHighlight = "" 

Creates a new window for editing a Vuo Composition.

If compositionAsString is not empty, that composition is loaded into the window.

The title of the composition is based on documentIdentifier, which can be either the path of the composition or something like "Untitled Composition".

The compiler is configured with compositionPath, which can be the full path of the composition, the path of the directory containing the composition, or empty if no path is known yet.

Definition at line 112 of file

◆ ~VuoEditorWindow()

VuoEditorWindow::~VuoEditorWindow ( )

Definition at line 674 of file

Member Function Documentation

◆ adjustInputPortCountForNode

void VuoEditorWindow::adjustInputPortCountForNode ( VuoRendererNode node,
int  inputPortCountDelta,
bool  adjustmentRequestedByDragging 

Adjusts the input port count for the provided node by inputPortCountDelta , provided the node is of a class (e.g., "Make List") eligible for such an operation.

Definition at line 2124 of file

◆ assignSurrogateNodeLibrary()

void VuoEditorWindow::assignSurrogateNodeLibrary ( VuoNodeLibrary library)

Assigns a surrogate node class library to be used instead of the library owned by this window, e.g., when in global floating-node-library mode and the library owned by this window is hidden.

Definition at line 6263 of file

◆ beginUndoStackMacro

void VuoEditorWindow::beginUndoStackMacro ( QString  commandName)

Initiates an Undo stack macro with the provided commandName.

Definition at line 6688 of file

◆ cleanUpCancelledDuplication

void VuoEditorWindow::cleanUpCancelledDuplication ( )

Cleans up the 'Undo' stack after a cancelled duplication.

Definition at line 1467 of file

◆ closeEvent()

void VuoEditorWindow::closeEvent ( QCloseEvent *  event)

Implement the Close action to close the composition.

Definition at line 4940 of file

◆ coalesceInternalPortConstantsToSync

void VuoEditorWindow::coalesceInternalPortConstantsToSync ( string  portID)

Adds the provided port to the previously recorded list of internal ports to be synced in the running composition.

Definition at line 6567 of file

◆ coalesceNodesToRelink

void VuoEditorWindow::coalesceNodesToRelink ( string  nodeID)

Adds the provided node to the previously recorded list of nodes to relink.

Definition at line 6591 of file

◆ coalesceNodesToUnlink

void VuoEditorWindow::coalesceNodesToUnlink ( string  nodeID)

Adds the provided node to the previously recorded list of nodes to unlink.

Definition at line 6583 of file

◆ coalescePublishedPortConstantsToSync

void VuoEditorWindow::coalescePublishedPortConstantsToSync ( string  portID)

Adds the provided port to the previously recorded list of published ports to be synced in the running composition.

Definition at line 6575 of file

◆ coalesceSnapshots

void VuoEditorWindow::coalesceSnapshots ( string  oldCompositionSnapshot,
string  newCompositionSnapshot,
VuoCompilerCompositionDiff diffInfo = nullptr 

Coalesces the provided composition modifications with previously recorded modifications.

Definition at line 6551 of file

◆ commentResized

void VuoEditorWindow::commentResized ( VuoRendererComment comment,
qreal  dx,
qreal  dy 

Resizes the input comment by dx points horizontally and dy points vertically, meanwhile pushing the action onto the undo stack.

Definition at line 1097 of file

◆ componentsAdded

void VuoEditorWindow::componentsAdded ( QList< QGraphicsItem * >  components,
VuoEditorComposition target 

Adds the input components to the scene, meanwhile pushing the action onto the undo stack.

Definition at line 1109 of file

◆ componentsRemoved

void VuoEditorWindow::componentsRemoved ( QList< QGraphicsItem * >  components,
string  commandDescription 

Removes the input components from the scene, meanwhile pushing the action onto the undo stack.

Definition at line 2105 of file

◆ conformToGlobalNodeLibraryVisibility

void VuoEditorWindow::conformToGlobalNodeLibraryVisibility ( VuoNodeLibrary::nodeLibraryState  visibility,
VuoNodeLibrary floater,
bool  previousFloaterDestroyed 

Update the display mode of the node class library to conform with global settings.

Definition at line 4857 of file

◆ connectionCompleted

void VuoEditorWindow::connectionCompleted ( VuoRendererCable cableInProgress,
VuoRendererPort targetPort,
pair< VuoRendererCable *, VuoRendererCable * >  cableArgs,
VuoRendererNode typecastNodeToDelete,
pair< string, string >  typeArgs,
pair< VuoRendererPort *, VuoRendererPort * >  portArgs 

Completes the connection for the input cableInProgress to port targetPort.

This operation may also involve:

  • Specializing or re-specializing the portToSpecialize (if non-NULL) by assigning it a type of specializedTypeName;
  • Displacing the dataCableToDisplace (if non-NULL);
  • Replacing the cableToReplace (if non-NULL);
  • Deleting the typecastNodeToDelete (if non-NULL);
  • Unpublishing the portToUnpublish (if non-NULL); and
  • Bridging the connection with a typecast of class name typecastToInsert (if non-empty).

The cableArgs pair is expected to contain (dataCableToDisplace, cableToReplace). The typeArgs pair is expected to contain (typecastToInsert, specializedTypeName). The portArgs pair is expected to contain (portToUnpublish, portToSpecialize).

Pushes the sequence of operations onto the Undo stack, without coalescing them into a macro. To do so, call beginUndoStackMacro() and endUndoStackMacro() before and after calling this function.

Definition at line 1864 of file

◆ containsLikelyVuoComposition()

bool VuoEditorWindow::containsLikelyVuoComposition ( QString  text)

Performs a quick check to determine whether the clipboard contains the text of a likely .vuo composition.

Definition at line 5202 of file

◆ copySelectedCompositionComponents

void VuoEditorWindow::copySelectedCompositionComponents ( )

Copies the currently selected content.

If the node library documentation pane currently has selected text (only possible if it is the active widget), copies that text. Otherwise, copies the currently selected comments, nodes, and any cables connecting those nodes internally.

Definition at line 1313 of file

◆ cutSelectedCompositionComponents

void VuoEditorWindow::cutSelectedCompositionComponents ( )

Copies currenly selected comments, nodes, and any cables connecting those nodes internally; deletes all currently selected comments, nodes, and cables.

Definition at line 1839 of file

◆ deriveBaseNodeClassNameFromDisplayName

string VuoEditorWindow::deriveBaseNodeClassNameFromDisplayName ( string  displayName)

Derives a base node class name from the provided node display name, for use in installing user-named subcomposition nodes.

Similar to VuoStringUtilities::transcodeToIdentifier, but we can't use that as-is since it permits non-RDNS-compatible characters (e.g., underscores), removes dots, and doesn't apply camelCase.

Definition at line 4055 of file

◆ disambiguatePasteRequest

void VuoEditorWindow::disambiguatePasteRequest ( )

Attempts to determine whether or not the clipboard contains .vuo composition source text.

If so, pastes it onto the canvas; if not, activates the node library text filter and pastes the clipboard contents there.

Definition at line 1335 of file

◆ displayAppropriateDocumentation

void VuoEditorWindow::displayAppropriateDocumentation ( )

Displays the composition metadata in the node library documentation panel, if appropriate.

Otherwise, displays the documentation for the node class currently selected within the node library.

Definition at line 4916 of file

◆ duplicateSelectedCompositionComponentsByDrag

void VuoEditorWindow::duplicateSelectedCompositionComponentsByDrag ( )

Duplicates the currently selected comments, nodes, and any cables connecting those nodes internally.

Should be called when the duplication is to be performed as part of a mouse drag, and the operations should be aggregated on the Undo stack.

Definition at line 1400 of file

◆ endUndoStackMacro

void VuoEditorWindow::endUndoStackMacro ( )

Concludes the Undo stack macro currently being composed.

Definition at line 6696 of file

◆ event()

bool VuoEditorWindow::event ( QEvent *  event)

Handles events for the editor window.

Definition at line 2888 of file

◆ eventFilter()

bool VuoEditorWindow::eventFilter ( QObject *  object,
QEvent *  event 

Filters events on watched objects.

Definition at line 3008 of file

◆ existingWindowWithNewFile()

VuoEditorWindow * VuoEditorWindow::existingWindowWithNewFile ( )

Returns an existing window displaying an unsaved composition that was contentless when initialized and unmodified currently, if one exists.

Otherwise returns NULL.

Compositions that contain only the default "Fire on Start" node are considered contentless; compositions initialized from a protocol or window template are not.

Definition at line 1049 of file

◆ externalPortUnpublished

void VuoEditorWindow::externalPortUnpublished ( VuoRendererPublishedPort port)

Unpublishes the provided externally visible published port, meanwhile pushing the action onto the undo stack.

Definition at line 2753 of file

◆ getComposition()

VuoEditorComposition * VuoEditorWindow::getComposition ( )

Returns the composition associated with this editor window.

Definition at line 6298 of file

◆ getCurrentNodeLibrary()

VuoNodeLibrary * VuoEditorWindow::getCurrentNodeLibrary ( )

Returns a pointer to the node class library currently in use by this editor window.

This may be the library docked into the window or the single floating library.

Definition at line 6253 of file

◆ getCursorScenePos()

QPointF VuoEditorWindow::getCursorScenePos ( )

Returns the current position of the cursor in scene coordinates.

Definition at line 6626 of file

◆ getFileMenu()

QMenu * VuoEditorWindow::getFileMenu ( )

Returns the "File" menu associated with this editor window.

Definition at line 6282 of file

◆ getFittedScenePos()

QPointF VuoEditorWindow::getFittedScenePos ( QPointF  origPos,
int  leftMargin = 50,
int  topMargin = 50,
int  rightMargin = 175,
int  bottomMargin = 75 

Clamps the provided scene coordinates to the viewport bounds and avoids returning coordinates that exactly match the position of any existing node, for use, e.g., in positioning new nodes near the cursor but within the viewport.

Enforces the provided margins around the edges of the viewport. Current defaults are approximations in an effort to make nodes fully visible within the viewport.

Definition at line 6648 of file

◆ getLatestDragTime()

double VuoEditorWindow::getLatestDragTime ( )

Returns the timestamp of the most recent drag event.

Definition at line 3336 of file

◆ getMetadataPanel()

VuoCompositionMetadataPanel * VuoEditorWindow::getMetadataPanel ( )

Returns the metadata panel for this composition.

Definition at line 6634 of file

◆ getMostRecentActiveEditorWindow()

VuoEditorWindow * VuoEditorWindow::getMostRecentActiveEditorWindow ( )

Returns the most recent active editor window.

Definition at line 6236 of file

◆ getNodeClassNameForDisplayNameAndCategory()

QString VuoEditorWindow::getNodeClassNameForDisplayNameAndCategory ( QString  compositionName,
QString  category,
QString  defaultCompositionName,
QString  defaultCategory 

Returns the node class name derived from the provided composition name and category (subcomposition prefix), or defaults if either derivation is empty.

Definition at line 4031 of file

◆ getOwnedNodeLibrary()

VuoNodeLibrary * VuoEditorWindow::getOwnedNodeLibrary ( )

Returns a pointer to the node class library owned by this editor window.

Definition at line 6244 of file

◆ getRaiseDocumentAction

QAction * VuoEditorWindow::getRaiseDocumentAction ( ) const

Returns the action associated with raising the current editor window to the foreground.

Definition at line 6174 of file

◆ getRecentFileMenu()

VuoRecentFileMenu * VuoEditorWindow::getRecentFileMenu ( )

Returns the "File > Open Recent" menu associated with this editor window.

Definition at line 6290 of file

◆ getShowEventsAction

QAction * VuoEditorWindow::getShowEventsAction ( ) const

Returns the Show Events action.

Definition at line 6182 of file

◆ getZoom11Action

QAction * VuoEditorWindow::getZoom11Action ( ) const

Returns a zoom action.

Definition at line 6198 of file

◆ getZoomInAction

QAction * VuoEditorWindow::getZoomInAction ( ) const

Returns a zoom action.

Definition at line 6214 of file

◆ getZoomOutAction

QAction * VuoEditorWindow::getZoomOutAction ( ) const

Returns a zoom action.

Definition at line 6190 of file

◆ getZoomToFitAction

QAction * VuoEditorWindow::getZoomToFitAction ( ) const

Returns a zoom action.

Definition at line 6206 of file

◆ highlightNodeClass()

void VuoEditorWindow::highlightNodeClass ( string  nodeClass)

Calls attention to nodes of class nodeClass within the composition by selecting them and centering the view on them.

Definition at line 1422 of file

◆ internalExternalPortPairPublished

void VuoEditorWindow::internalExternalPortPairPublished ( VuoPort internalPort,
VuoPublishedPort externalPort,
bool  forceEventOnlyPublication,
VuoPort portToSpecialize = NULL,
string  specializedTypeName = "",
string  typecastToInsert = "",
bool  useUndoStackMacro = true 

Publishes the provided internalPort in association with the provided externalPort, meanwhile pushing the action onto the undo stack.

Definition at line 2552 of file

◆ internalPortPublished

void VuoEditorWindow::internalPortPublished ( VuoPort port,
bool  forceEventOnlyPublication,
string  name = "",
bool  merge = false,
VuoPort portToSpecialize = NULL,
string  specializedTypeName = "",
string  typecastToInsert = "",
bool  useUndoStackMacro = true 

Publishes the provided port, meanwhile pushing the action onto the undo stack.

Definition at line 2568 of file

◆ internalPortPublishedViaDropBox

void VuoEditorWindow::internalPortPublishedViaDropBox ( VuoPort port,
bool  forceEventOnlyPublication,
bool  useUndoStackMacro 

Publishes the provided port, meanwhile pushing the action onto the undo stack.

Definition at line 2560 of file

◆ internalPortUnpublished

void VuoEditorWindow::internalPortUnpublished ( VuoPort port)

Unpublishes the provided internally visible published port, meanwhile pushing the action onto the undo stack.

Definition at line 2785 of file

◆ isItemDragInProgress()

bool VuoEditorWindow::isItemDragInProgress ( )

Returns true if items are currently being dragged around the canvas.

Definition at line 3320 of file

◆ isScrollInProgress()

bool VuoEditorWindow::isScrollInProgress ( )

Returns true if a scroll gesture is currently being performed.

Definition at line 3312 of file

◆ itemsMoved

void VuoEditorWindow::itemsMoved ( set< VuoRendererNode * >  nodes,
set< VuoRendererComment * >  comments,
qreal  dx,
qreal  dy,
bool  movedByDragging 

Moves input nodes and comments dx points horizontally and dy points vertically, meanwhile pushing the action onto the undo stack.

Definition at line 1064 of file

◆ keyPressEvent()

void VuoEditorWindow::keyPressEvent ( QKeyEvent *  event)

Handle keypress events.

Definition at line 3399 of file

◆ keyReleaseEvent()

void VuoEditorWindow::keyReleaseEvent ( QKeyEvent *  event)

Handle key release events.

Definition at line 3477 of file

◆ makeProtocolPortChanges

void VuoEditorWindow::makeProtocolPortChanges ( map< VuoPublishedPort *, string >  publishedPortsToRename,
set< VuoPublishedPort * >  publishedPortsToRemove,
vector< VuoPublishedPort * >  publishedPortsToAdd,
bool  beginUndoStackMacro,
bool  endUndoStackMacro 

Renames, removes, and adds the provided sets of published ports, in that order, pushing each operation onto the Undo stack.

Definition at line 2808 of file

◆ mouseMoveEvent()

void VuoEditorWindow::mouseMoveEvent ( QMouseEvent *  event)

Handle mouse move events.

Definition at line 3497 of file

◆ moveEvent()

void VuoEditorWindow::moveEvent ( QMoveEvent *  event)

Receive widget move events passed in the event parameter.

When the widget receives this event, it is already at the new position.

Definition at line 6375 of file

◆ on_find_triggered

void VuoEditorWindow::on_find_triggered ( )

Finds and selects nodes that contain the user-entered search term within their display names or node class names.

Definition at line 4137 of file

◆ on_findNext_triggered

void VuoEditorWindow::on_findNext_triggered ( )

Advances to the next search result.

Definition at line 4148 of file

◆ on_findPrevious_triggered

void VuoEditorWindow::on_findPrevious_triggered ( )

Returns to the previous search result.

Definition at line 4157 of file

◆ on_refireEvent_triggered

void VuoEditorWindow::on_refireEvent_triggered ( )

Re-fires the most recently manually fired trigger port.

Definition at line 4582 of file

◆ on_restartComposition_triggered

void VuoEditorWindow::on_restartComposition_triggered ( )

Implements the Restart action to restart the running composition.

Definition at line 4573 of file

◆ on_runComposition_triggered

void VuoEditorWindow::on_runComposition_triggered ( )

Implements the Run action to run the composition.

Definition at line 4545 of file

◆ on_selectNone_triggered

void VuoEditorWindow::on_selectNone_triggered ( )

De-selects all composition components and resets the documentation panel content.

Definition at line 3576 of file

◆ on_showNodeLibrary_triggered

void VuoEditorWindow::on_showNodeLibrary_triggered ( void  )

Shows the Node Class Library browser for this editor window and focuses its text filter.

Definition at line 4649 of file

◆ on_stopComposition_triggered

void VuoEditorWindow::on_stopComposition_triggered ( )

Implements the Stop action to stop the composition.

Definition at line 4560 of file

◆ on_zoomToFit_triggered

void VuoEditorWindow::on_zoomToFit_triggered ( )

Unconditionally zooms to fit the composition.

Definition at line 3637 of file

◆ releaseSurrogateNodeLibrary()

void VuoEditorWindow::releaseSurrogateNodeLibrary ( bool  previousFloaterDestroyed)

Releases any surrogate node class library currently assigned to this window.

Definition at line 6273 of file

◆ resetCompositionWithSnapshot()

void VuoEditorWindow::resetCompositionWithSnapshot ( string  snapshot)

Clears the composition of its current components and re-populates it from the provided snapshot.

Definition at line 1479 of file

◆ resizeEvent()

void VuoEditorWindow::resizeEvent ( QResizeEvent *  event)

Receive widget resize events passed in the event parameter.

When the widget receives this event, it already has its new geometry.

Definition at line 6393 of file

◆ respecializePortNetwork [1/2]

VuoRendererNode * VuoEditorWindow::respecializePortNetwork ( VuoRendererPort port,
string  specializedTypeName 

Re-specializes the provided port by replacing all networked ports of its re-specialized type with ports of type specializedTypeName.

Coalesces all port re-specializations into a single Undo stack macro.

Returns a pointer to the new parent node of the given port after re-specialization.

Definition at line 2389 of file

◆ respecializePortNetwork [2/2]

VuoRendererNode * VuoEditorWindow::respecializePortNetwork ( VuoRendererPort port,
string  specializedTypeName,
bool  encapsulateInMacro 

Re-specializes the provided port by replacing all networked ports of its re-specialized type with ports of type specializedTypeName.

If encapsulateInMacro is true, coalesces all port re-specializations into a single Undo stack macro.

Returns a pointer to the new parent node of the given port after re-specialization.

Definition at line 2403 of file

◆ setAsActiveWindow

void VuoEditorWindow::setAsActiveWindow ( )

Raises the current editor window to the foreground and activates it.

Definition at line 6222 of file

◆ setIncludeInRecentFileMenu()

void VuoEditorWindow::setIncludeInRecentFileMenu ( bool  include)

Sets the boolean indicating whether this file should be added to the "File > Open Recent" list when saved.

Definition at line 5687 of file

◆ setTriggerThrottling

void VuoEditorWindow::setTriggerThrottling ( VuoPort triggerPort,
enum VuoPortClass::EventThrottling  eventThrottling 

Updates the trigger port's event-throttling behavior.

Definition at line 2114 of file

◆ showPublishedPortSidebars()

void VuoEditorWindow::showPublishedPortSidebars ( void  )

Shows the Published Ports side panels for this editor window if they are not already visible.

Returns a boolean indicating whether they did in fact need to be shown (were previously hidden).

Definition at line 4670 of file

◆ specializePortNetwork [1/2]

VuoRendererNode * VuoEditorWindow::specializePortNetwork ( VuoRendererPort port,
string  specializedTypeName 

Specializes the provided port by replacing all networked ports of its generic type with ports of type specializedTypeName, meanwhile pushing the action onto the undo stack.

Coalesces all port specializations into a single Undo stack macro.

Returns a pointer to the new parent node of the given port after specialization.

Definition at line 2187 of file

◆ specializePortNetwork [2/2]

VuoRendererNode * VuoEditorWindow::specializePortNetwork ( VuoRendererPort port,
string  specializedTypeName,
bool  encapsulateInMacro 

Specializes the provided port by replacing all networked ports of its generic type with ports of type specializedTypeName, meanwhile pushing the action onto the undo stack.

If encapsulateInMacro is true, coalesces all port specializations into a single Undo stack macro.

Returns a pointer to the new parent node of the given port after specialization.

Definition at line 2200 of file

◆ swapNodes

void VuoEditorWindow::swapNodes ( VuoRendererNode node,
string  newNodeClass 

Replaces the provided composition node with another node of the specified class, preserving whatever connections possible.

Definition at line 2169 of file

◆ tintSelectedItems

void VuoEditorWindow::tintSelectedItems ( VuoNode::TintColor  tintColor)

Sets the tint color of the selected nodes and comments to tintColor, meanwhile pushing the action onto the undo stack.

Definition at line 2450 of file

◆ unspecializePortNetwork [1/2]

VuoRendererNode * VuoEditorWindow::unspecializePortNetwork ( VuoRendererPort port)

Reverts the provided port and all ports within its connected network to their original generic origins, meanwhile pushing the action onto the Undo stack.

Coalesces all port specializations into a single Undo stack macro.

Returns a pointer to the new parent node of the given port after unspecialization.

Definition at line 2309 of file

◆ unspecializePortNetwork [2/2]

VuoRendererNode * VuoEditorWindow::unspecializePortNetwork ( VuoRendererPort port,
bool  encapsulateInMacro 

Reverts the provided port and all ports within its connected network to their original generic origins, meanwhile pushing the action onto the Undo stack.

If encapsulateInMacro is true, coalesces all port specializations into a single Undo stack macro.

Returns a pointer to the new parent node of the given port after unspecialization.

Definition at line 2322 of file

◆ updateLatestDragTime

void VuoEditorWindow::updateLatestDragTime ( )

Call this to indicate that a drag is in progress or has just completed.

Definition at line 3328 of file

◆ updateUI

void VuoEditorWindow::updateUI ( )

Updates the UI elements (e.g., enables/disables buttons) based on the application's state.

Definition at line 835 of file

◆ windowActivated

void VuoEditorWindow::windowActivated ( )

Emitted when the window has been activated.

◆ windowDeactivated

void VuoEditorWindow::windowDeactivated ( )

Emitted when the window has been de-activated.

◆ zoomOutToFit()

void VuoEditorWindow::zoomOutToFit ( )

Zooms to fit if the composition is too large to be displayed in full within the current viewport.

Definition at line 3654 of file

Friends And Related Symbol Documentation

◆ TestEditorCommands

friend class TestEditorCommands

Definition at line 232 of file VuoEditorWindow.hh.

◆ TestVuoEditor

friend class TestVuoEditor

Definition at line 231 of file VuoEditorWindow.hh.

Member Data Documentation

◆ mostRecentActiveEditorWindow

VuoEditorWindow * VuoEditorWindow::mostRecentActiveEditorWindow = NULL

The most recent active VuoEditorWindow.

Definition at line 84 of file VuoEditorWindow.hh.

◆ untitledComposition

QString VuoEditorWindow::untitledComposition

The display name to use for an untitled composition.

Definition at line 83 of file VuoEditorWindow.hh.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: